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Feature: Skills
In order to use the skills
As an administrator
I need to be able to create skills
Scenario: Create a skill skill1
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/skill_create.php"
When I fill in the following:
| name | skill1 |
| short_code | s1 |
| description | description |
| criteria | criteria |
And I press "submit"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "The skill has been created: skill1"
Scenario: Create a second level skill
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/skill_create.php"
When I fill in the following:
| name | skill11 |
| short_code | s11 |
| description | description 11 |
| criteria | criteria 11 |
Then I select "skill1" from "parent_id"
And I press "submit"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "The skill has been created: skill11"
Scenario: Create a skill skilldis
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/skill_create.php"
When I fill in the following:
| name | skilldis |
| short_code | sdis |
| description | description |
| criteria | criteria |
And I press "submit"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "The skill has been created: skilldis"
# This following scenario needs to be adapted because
# the first skill in the list is disable and not the one named skilldis
# So Intead of having then I follow "Disable" I put the exact page "/main/skills/skill_list.php?id=4&action=disable"
# where I should get because there is nothing unique to identify this link other than the URL
# The problem is that it will only work if the there was no skills created before lauching the behat tests
# The disable function works, it's the behat test that do no activate the function on the correct line
Scenario: Disable a skill skilldis
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/skill_list.php"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "skilldis"
Then I am on "/main/skills/skill_list.php?id=4&action=disable"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "Skill \"skilldis\" disabled"
# This following scenario needs to be adapted because
# the first skill in the list is tried to be enable and not the one named skilldis
# So Intead of having then I follow "Enable" I put the exact page "/main/skills/skill_list.php?id=4&action=enable"
# where I should get because there is nothing unique to identify this link other than the URL
# The problem is that it will only work if the there was no skills created before lauching the behat tests
# The enable function works, it's the behat test that do no activate the function on the correct line
Scenario: Enable a skill skilldis
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/skill_list.php"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "skilldis"
Then I am on "/main/skills/skill_list.php?id=4&action=enable"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "Skill \"skilldis\" enabled"
# This scenario works but it needs to be adapted
# because it does not update skill1 but the first in the list
Scenario: Update a skill skill1
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/skill_list.php"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "skill1"
Then I follow "Edit"
When I fill in the following:
| name | skill1 Edited |
| description | description Edited |
And I press "submit"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "The skill has been updated"
Scenario: Assign skill11 to user 1
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/assign.php?user=1"
When I select "skill11" from "skill"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I fill in the following:
| argumentation | argumentation |
And I press "submit"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "To assign a new skill to this user, click here"
Then I should see "The skill skill11 has been assigned to user John Doe"
Scenario: Reassign skill11 to user 1
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "main/skills/assign.php?user=1"
When I select "skill11" from "skill"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I fill in the following:
| argumentation | argumentation |
And I press "submit"
And wait for the page to be loaded
Then I should see "The user John Doe has already achieved the skill skill11"
# The following scenario need to be completed once the funcionality is ready
Scenario: View assigned skill skill11 to user 1
Given I am a platform administrator
And I am on "/badge/3/user/1"
Then I should see "Skill acquired"
And I should see "John Doe"
# The following scenario need to be completed once the funcionality is ready
# Scenario: Set a badge to a skill
# Given I am a platform administrator
# And I am on "main/skills/skill_list.php"
# Then I should see "skill11"
# Then I follow "Create badge"
# Then I follow "Browse"
# Then I select my badge image
# Then I follow "Save badge"
# Then I should see "Update successful"