Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

47 lines
3.7 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langMdCallingTool = "Belgeler";
$langMdTitle = "Kurs Ba&#351;l&#305;&#287;&#305;";
$langMdDescription = "Bu bilgiyi kaydetmek için Kaydet dü&#287;mesine bas&#305;n.";
$langMdCoverage = "e.g. Bachelor of ...";
$langMdCopyright = "e.g. provided the source is acknowledged";
$langTool = "Belge Metadata";
$langNoScript = "Script sizin taray&#305;c&#305;n&#305;zda çal&#305;&#351;t&#305;r&#305;lamad&#305;&#287;&#305; için lütfen bu yaz&#305;n&#305;n alt&#305;ndaki parçay&#305; yoksay&#305;n.";
$langPressAgain = "Kaydet dü&#287;mesine tekrar bas&#305;n...";
$langLanguageTip = "bu kursun haz&#305;rland&#305;&#287;&#305; lisan";
$langIdentifier = "Belirleyici";
$langIdentifierTip = "unique identification for this learning object, composed of letters, digits, _-.()\'!*";
$langTitleTip = "ba&#351;l&#305;k veya isim ve lisan&#305;";
$langDescriptionTip = "aç&#305;klama veya tavsiye ve bu kursu aç&#305;klamada kullan&#305;lan lisan";
$langKeyword = "Anahtar Kelimeler";
$langKeywordTip = "virgül ile ay&#305;r&#305;n ( harfler, say&#305;lar, -,)";
$langCoverage = "Coverage";
$langCoverageTip = "for example bachelor of xxx: yyy";
$langKwNote = "E&#287;er aç&#305;klama lisan&#305;n&#305; de&#287;i&#351;tirirseniz, ayn&#305; zamanda anahtar kelimeleri eklemeyin";
$langClickKw = "Seçmek veya seçimi iptal için bir anahtar kelimeye t&#305;klay&#305;n";
$langKwHelp = "<br/> Açmak için \'+\' , kapamak için \'-\' , hepsini açmak için \'++\' , hepsini kapatmak için \'--\' dü&#287;mesine t&#305;klay&#305;n.<br/> <br/> Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the \'+\' button.<br/> Alt-click \'+\' searches the original keywords in the tree.<br/> <br/> Alt-click keyword selects a keyword without broader terms or deselects a keyword with broader terms.<br/> <br/> If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.<br/> <br/> ";
$langRights = "Kullan&#305;m Haklar&#305;";
$langRightsTip = "describe in words";
$langVersion = "Version";
$langVersionTip = "number or description";
$langStatusTip = "listeden seç";
$langCreatedSize = "Olu&#351;turuldu, boyutu";
$langCreatedSizeTip = "YYYY-MM-DD when created, size in octets (bytes)";
$langAuthorTip = "in VCARD format";
$langFormat = "Format";
$langFormatTip = "listeden seç";
$langLocation = "URL/URI";
$langLocationTip = "açmak için t&#305;klay&#305;n";
$langStore = "Kaydet";
$langDeleteAll = "Bütün Metadata y&#305; sil";
$langConfirmDelete = "Do you *really* want to delete all metadata?";
$langCourseKwds = "Bu belge ders anahtar kelimeleri içeriyor";
$langSearch = "Ara&#351;t&#305;r";
$langSearchCrit = "Her sat&#305;ra bir kelime!";
$langStatuses = ":draft:draft,, final:final,, revised:revised,, unavailable:unavailable";
$langCosts = ":no:free, no cost,, yes:not free, cost";
$langCopyrights = ":yes:copyright,, no:no copyright";
$langFormats = ":text/plain;iso-8859-9:text/plain;iso-8859-9,, text/plain;utf-8:text/plain;utf-8,, text/html;iso-8859-9:text/html;iso-8859-9,, text/html;utf-8:text/html;utf-8,, inode/directory:Folder,, application/msword:MsWord,, application/octet-stream:Octet stream,, application/pdf:PDF,, application/postscript:PostScript,, application/rtf:RTF,, application/,, application/,, application/xml;iso-8859-9:XML;iso-8859-9,, application/xml;utf-8:XML;utf-8,, application/zip:ZIP";
$langLngResTypes = ":exercise:exercise,, simulation:simulation,, questionnaire:questionnaire,, diagram:diagram,, figure:figure,, graph:graf,, index:index,, slide:slide,, table:table,, narrative text:narrative text,, exam:exam,, experiment:experiment,, problem statement:problem statement,, self assessment:self assessment,, lecture:lecture";