You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
359 lines
12 KiB
359 lines
12 KiB
<?php /* <!-- Dokeos metadata/importlinks.php -->
<!-- 2006/12/15 -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 - see metadata/md_funcs.php -->
* Dokeos Metadata: create table entries for a category of Link-type items
* @package dokeos.metadata
// PRELIMS -------------------------------------------------------------------->
$getpostvars = array('lcn', 'slo'); require('md_funcs.php');
define('EID_TYPE', 'Link');
define('OF_EID_TYPE', "eid LIKE '" . EID_TYPE . ".%'");
require('md_' . strtolower(EID_TYPE) . '.php');
// name of the language file that needs to be included
$language_file = 'md_' . strtolower(EID_TYPE);
$nameTools = get_lang('Tool');
($nameTools && get_lang('Sorry')) or give_up(
'Language file ' . $language_file . " doesn't define 'Tool' and 'Sorry'");
$_course = api_get_course_info(); isset($_course) or give_up(get_lang('Sorry'));
$is_allowed_to_edit = isset($_user['user_id']) && $is_courseMember && api_is_allowed_to_edit();
if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) give_up(get_lang('Denied'));
$mdStore = new mdstore($is_allowed_to_edit); // create table if needed
require(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'xmd.lib.php');
require(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'xht.lib.php');
$mdObj = new mdobject($_course, 0);
$mdCat = $mdObj->mdo_dcmap_v['Coverage'];
$mdUrl = 'metadata/lom/technical/location[1]';
$mdObj->mdo_add_breadcrump_nav(); // see 'md_' . EID_TYPE . '.php'
$htmldecode = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS));
function check_andor_get($row, $get = '', $check = '', $tobe = '')
global $mdCat, $htmldecode;
if (!$check && !$get) return FALSE;
$regs = array(); // for use with ereg()
if ($get == $mdCat && !$check) // cheat to be quicker
if (ereg('<coverage>[^<]*<string language="..">([^<]+)<\/string>',
$row['mdxmltext'], $regs)) return strtr($regs[1], $htmldecode);
if ($check == $mdCat && !$get) // cheat to be quicker
if (ereg('<coverage>[^<]*<string language="..">([^<]+)<\/string>',
$row['mdxmltext'], $regs))
return (strtr($regs[1], $htmldecode) == $tobe);
$xmlDoc = new xmddoc(explode("\n", $row['mdxmltext']));
if ($xmlDoc->error) return FALSE;
if (!$check) return $xmlDoc->xmd_value($get);
if ($xmlDoc->xmd_value($check) == $tobe)
return $get ? $xmlDoc->xmd_value($get) : TRUE;
return FALSE;
function get_cat($catname)
global $_course; $cateq = "category_title='". addslashes($catname) . "'";
$linkcat_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK_CATEGORY);
$result = Database::query("SELECT id FROM $linkcat_table WHERE " . $cateq);
if (Database::num_rows($result) >= 1 && ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)))
return $row['id']; // several categories with same name: take first
return FALSE;
// SET CURRENT LINKS CATEGORY - HEADER ---------------------------------------->
unset($lci); // category-id
if (isset($lcn)) // category_title
$lcn = substr(ereg_replace("[^\x20-\x7E\xA1-\xFF]", "", $lcn), 0, 255);
$uceids = array(); $mceids = array();
$result = $mdStore->mds_get_many('eid,mdxmltext', OF_EID_TYPE);
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result))
if (check_andor_get($row, '', $mdCat, $lcn)) $uceids[] = $row['eid'];
if (($lci = get_cat($lcn)) !== FALSE)
$link_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK);
$result = Database::query("SELECT id FROM $link_table WHERE category_id=" . $lci);
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result))
$lceids[$id = (int) $row['id']] = ($eid = EID_TYPE . '.' . $id);
if (in_array($eid, $uceids)) $mceids[] = $eid;
$hdrInfo = ' ' . get_lang('WorkOn') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) .
', LC-id= ' . htmlspecialchars($lci, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
elseif ($lcn)
$hdrInfo = ' (' . htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) .
': ' . get_lang('NotInDB') . ')';
$uceids = array_diff($uceids, $mceids); // old entries with no link
if (count($lceids) && count($uceids))
$mdStore->mds_delete_many($uceids); $ufos = Database::affected_rows();
$interbreadcrumb[]= array(
'url' => api_get_self() . '?lcn=' . urlencode($lcn),
'name'=> get_lang('Continue') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="md_styles.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="md_script.js"></script>
// OPERATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------->
if ($ufos) echo '<h3>', $ufos, ' ', get_lang('RemainingFor'), ' ',
htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), '</h3>', "\n";
if (isset($slo)) echo '<h3>', $slo, '</h3>', "\n"; // selected links op
if (isset($slo))
if ($slo == get_lang('Create') && count($lceids))
foreach ($lceids as $id => $eid)
$mdObj = new mdobject($_course, $id); $xht = $mdObj->mdo_define_htt();
$mdStore->mds_put($eid, $mdt = $mdObj->mdo_generate_default_xml_metadata(),
'mdxmltext', '?');
$xht->xht_xmldoc = new xmddoc(explode("\n", $mdt));
$mdStore->mds_put($eid, $xht->xht_fill_template('INDEXABLETEXT'),
echo '<span class="lbs" onClick="', "javascript: makeWindow('index.php?eid=",
urlencode($eid), "', '', '')\">", htmlspecialchars($eid, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), '</span> ';
echo '<br>';
elseif ($slo == get_lang('Remove') && count($lceids))
$mdStore->mds_delete_many($mceids); $aff = Database::affected_rows();
echo $aff, ' MDEs/ ', count($lceids), ' ', get_lang('MdCallingTool'),
'<br><br><b>', get_lang('AllRemovedFor'),
' ', htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), '</b><br />';
elseif ($slo == get_lang('Remove') && count($mceids)) // obsolete category
echo get_lang('AllRemovedFor'), ' ', htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), '<br />';
elseif ($slo == get_lang('Index') && file_exists($phpDigIncCn) && count($mceids))
$result = $mdStore->mds_get_many('eid,mdxmltext,indexabletext',
OF_EID_TYPE . " AND eid IN ('" .
implode("','", array_map('addslashes', $mceids)) . "')");
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) // load indexabletexts in memory
$idt[check_andor_get($row, $mdUrl)] = $row['indexabletext'];
require($phpDigIncCn); // switch to PhpDig DB
foreach ($idt as $url => $text)
$pu = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($pu['scheme'])) $pu['scheme'] = "http";
if (isset($pu['host']))
$url = $pu['scheme'] . "://" . $pu['host'] . "/"; $file = '';
if (($path = $pu['path']))
if (substr($path, -1) == '/') $path = substr($path, 1);
$pi = pathinfo($path); $path = $pi['dirname'];
if ($path{0} == '\\') $path = substr($path, 1);
if ($path{0} == '/') $path = substr($path, 1) . '/';
$file = $pi['basename'];
$file .= ($pu['query'] ? '?'.$pu['query'] : '') .
($pu['fragment'] ? '#'.$pu['fragment'] : '');
if ($site_id = remove_engine_entries($url, $path, $file))
echo '<table>', "\n";
index_words($site_id, $path, $file,
get_first_words($text, $url . $path, $file),
echo '</table>', "\n";
echo '<table>', "\n";
echo '<tr><td>', htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
'</td><td>', htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
'</td><td>', htmlspecialchars($file, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>', "\n";
elseif (isset($pu['scheme']) && $pu['scheme'] == 'mailto' && isset($pu['path']))
if ($site_id = remove_engine_entries($url = 'mailto:' . $pu['path'], ''))
echo '<table>', "\n";
index_words($site_id, '', '',
get_first_words($text, $url, ''),
echo '</table>', "\n";
echo '<table>', "\n";
echo '<tr><td>', htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
'</td><td>', htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
'</td><td>', htmlspecialchars($file, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>', "\n";
//mysql_select_db($_configuration['main_database'], $db);
Database::select_db($_configuration['main_database'], $db);
elseif ($slo == get_lang('Index'))
echo 'Problem! PhpDig connect.php has gone ...';
// STATISTICS ----------------------------------------------------------------->
echo '<h3>', get_lang('Statistics'), '</h3>', "\n";
$result = $mdStore->mds_get_many('eid,mdxmltext', OF_EID_TYPE);
echo get_lang('TotalMDEs'), Database::num_rows($result), "\n";
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result))
$cat = check_andor_get($row, $mdCat);
$perCat[$cat] = ($pc = $perCat[$cat]) ? $pc + 1 : 1;
if (count($perCat))
echo '<table>', "\n";
foreach ($perCat as $cat => $number)
echo '<tr><td>', $cat == $lcn ? '' : '(', htmlspecialchars($cat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
$cat == $lcn ? '' : ')', ':</td><td align="right">',
$number, '</td></tr>', "\n";
echo '</table>', "\n";
if (isset($lci))
echo '<br><br>', htmlspecialchars($lcn, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), ' ', get_lang('MdCallingTool'),
': ', count($lceids), '<br />', "\n";
// SELECT & FOOTER ------------------------------------------------------------>
echo '<h3>', $nameTools, $hdrInfo, '</h3>', "\n";
echo '<form action="' .api_get_self(). '?lcn=' . urlencode($lcn) .
'" method="post">', "\n";
if (count($lceids)) echo
'<input type="submit" name="slo" value="', get_lang('Create'), '">', "\n";
if ($perCat[$lcn]) echo
'<input type="submit" name="slo" value="', get_lang('Remove'), '">', "\n";
if ($perCat[$lcn] && file_exists($phpDigIncCn)) echo
'<input type="submit" name="slo" value="', get_lang('Index'), '">', "\n";
echo '</form>', "\n";
if (count($perCat)) foreach ($perCat as $cat => $number)
$perCat[$cat] = '(' . htmlspecialchars($cat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ')';
$linkcat_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK_CATEGORY);
$result = Database::query("SELECT category_title FROM $linkcat_table");
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result))
$cat = $row['category_title']; $hcat = htmlspecialchars($cat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
if ($perCat[$cat] == $hcat) $dups[] = $cat;
else $perCat[$cat] = $hcat;
if (count($dups))
$warning = get_lang('WarningDups');;
foreach ($dups as $cat) unset($perCat[$cat]);
echo '<h3>', get_lang('OrElse'), $warning, '</h3>', "\n", // select new target
'<table><tr><td align="right" class="alternativeBgDark">', "\n",
'<form action="'.api_get_self().'" method="post">', "\n",
get_lang('SLC'), ' :', "\n", '<select name="lcn">', "\n",
'<option value=""></option>', "\n";
foreach ($perCat as $cat => $text) echo '<option value="' .
htmlspecialchars($cat, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . '"' .
($cat == $lcn ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $text . '</option>', "\n";
echo '</select><input type="submit" value="', ' '.get_lang('Ok').' ', '">', "\n",
'</form>', "\n", '</td></tr></table>', "\n";