You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1340 lines
47 KiB
1340 lines
47 KiB
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
use ChamiloSession as Session;
* Class MultipleAnswerTrueFalseDegreeCertainty
* This class allows to instantiate an object of type MULTIPLE_ANSWER
* (MULTIPLE CHOICE, MULTIPLE ANSWER), extending the class question.
class MultipleAnswerTrueFalseDegreeCertainty extends Question
const LEVEL_WHITE = 3;
const LEVEL_DARKRED = 5;
public $typePicture = 'mccert.png';
public $explanationLangVar = 'Multiple answer true/false/degree of certainty';
public $optionsTitle;
public $options;
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->isContent = $this->getIsContent();
$this->optionsTitle = [1 => 'Answers', 2 => 'DegreeOfCertaintyThatMyAnswerIsCorrect'];
$this->options = [
1 => 'True',
2 => 'False',
3 => '50%',
4 => '60%',
5 => '70%',
6 => '80%',
7 => '90%',
8 => '100%',
* Redefines Question::createAnswersForm: creates the HTML form to answer the question.
* @uses \globals $text and $class, defined in the calling script
* @param FormValidator $form
* @throws Exception
public function createAnswersForm($form)
global $text;
$nbAnswers = isset($_POST['nb_answers']) ? (int) $_POST['nb_answers'] : 4;
// The previous default value was 2. See task #1759.
$nbAnswers += (isset($_POST['lessAnswers']) ? -1 : (isset($_POST['moreAnswers']) ? 1 : 0));
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
$objEx = Session::read('objExercise');
$renderer = &$form->defaultRenderer();
$defaults = [];
$html = '<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<th width="10px">'.get_lang('Number').'</th>
<th width="10px">'.get_lang('True').'</th>
<th width="10px">'.get_lang('False').'</th>
<th width="50%">'.get_lang('Answer').'</th>';
// show column comment when feedback is enable
if (EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM != $objEx->getFeedbackType()) {
$html .= '<th width="50%">'.get_lang('Comment').'</th>';
$html .= '</tr>';
$correct = 0;
$answer = null;
if (!empty($this->id)) {
$answer = new Answer($this->id);
if ($answer->nbrAnswers > 0 && !$form->isSubmitted()) {
$nbAnswers = $answer->nbrAnswers;
$form->addElement('hidden', 'nb_answers');
$boxesNames = [];
if ($nbAnswers < 1) {
$nbAnswers = 1;
echo Display::return_message(get_lang('You have to create at least one answer'));
// Can be more options
$optionData = Question::readQuestionOption($this->id, $courseId);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbAnswers; $i++) {
'<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
'<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
'<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
'<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
$answerNumber = $form->addElement('text', 'counter['.$i.']', null, 'value="'.$i.'"');
$defaults['answer['.$i.']'] = '';
$defaults['comment['.$i.']'] = '';
$defaults['correct['.$i.']'] = '';
if (is_object($answer)) {
$defaults['answer['.$i.']'] = isset($answer->answer[$i]) ? $answer->answer[$i] : '';
if (isset($_POST['answer']) && isset($_POST['answer'][$i])) {
$defaults['answer['.$i.']'] = Security::remove_XSS($_POST['answer'][$i]);
$defaults['comment['.$i.']'] = isset($answer->comment[$i]) ? $answer->comment[$i] : '';
if (isset($_POST['comment']) && isset($_POST['comment'][$i])) {
$defaults['comment['.$i.']'] = Security::remove_XSS($_POST['comment'][$i]);
$defaults['weighting['.$i.']'] = isset($answer->weighting[$i]) ? float_format($answer->weighting[$i], 1) : '';
$correct = isset($answer->correct[$i]) ? $answer->correct[$i] : '';
$defaults['correct['.$i.']'] = $correct;
if (isset($_POST['correct']) && isset($_POST['correct'][$i])) {
$defaults['correct['.$i.']'] = Security::remove_XSS($_POST['correct'][$i]);
$j = 1;
if (!empty($optionData)) {
foreach ($optionData as $id => $data) {
$rdoCorrect = $form->addElement('radio', 'correct['.$i.']', null, null, $id);
if (isset($_POST['correct']) && isset($_POST['correct'][$i]) && $id == $_POST['correct'][$i]) {
if (3 == $j) {
} else {
$form->addElement('radio', 'correct['.$i.']', null, null, 1);
$form->addElement('radio', 'correct['.$i.']', null, null, 2);
$boxesNames[] = 'correct['.$i.']';
$txtAnswer = $form->addElement(
['style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'],
['ToolbarSet' => 'TestProposedAnswer', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '100']
$form->addRule('answer['.$i.']', get_lang('Required field'), 'required');
if (isset($_POST['answer']) && isset($_POST['answer'][$i])) {
// show comment when feedback is enable
if ($objEx->getFeedbackType() != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
$txtComment = $form->addElement(
['style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'],
['ToolbarSet' => 'TestProposedAnswer', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '100']
if (isset($_POST['comment']) && isset($_POST['comment'][$i])) {
$form->addElement('html', '</tr>');
$form->addElement('html', '</table>');
$form->addElement('html', '<br />');
// 3 scores
$txtOption1 = $form->addElement('text', 'option[1]', get_lang('Correct'), ['value' => '1']);
$txtOption2 = $form->addElement('text', 'option[2]', get_lang('Wrong'), ['value' => '-0.5']);
$form->addElement('hidden', 'option[3]', 0);
$form->addRule('option[1]', get_lang('Required field'), 'required');
$form->addRule('option[2]', get_lang('Required field'), 'required');
$form->addElement('html', '</tr><table>');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'options_count', 3);
$form->addElement('html', '</table><br /><br />');
//Extra values True, false, Dont known
if (!empty($this->extra)) {
$scores = explode(':', $this->extra);
if (!empty($scores)) {
if (true === $objEx->edit_exercise_in_lp ||
(empty($this->exerciseList) && empty($objEx->id))
) {
$form->addElement('submit', 'lessAnswers', get_lang('Remove answer option'), 'class="btn btn-danger minus"');
$form->addElement('submit', 'moreAnswers', get_lang('Add answer option'), 'class="btn btn-primary plus"');
$form->addElement('submit', 'submitQuestion', $text, 'class = "btn btn-primary"');
$renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'lessAnswers');
$renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'submitQuestion');
$renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'moreAnswers');
$form->addElement('html', '</div></div>');
if (!empty($this->id) && !$form->isSubmitted()) {
$form->setConstants(['nb_answers' => $nbAnswers]);
* abstract function which creates the form to create / edit the answers of the question.
* @param FormValidator $form
* @param Exercise $exercise
public function processAnswersCreation($form, $exercise)
$questionWeighting = 0;
$objAnswer = new Answer($this->id);
$nbAnswers = $form->getSubmitValue('nb_answers');
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
$correct = [];
$options = Question::readQuestionOption($this->id, $courseId);
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $optionData) {
$id = $optionData['id'];
Question::updateQuestionOption($id, $optionData, $courseId);
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$lastId = Question::saveQuestionOption($this->id, $this->options[$i], $courseId, $i);
$correct[$i] = $lastId;
/* Getting quiz_question_options (true, false, doubt) because
it's possible that there are more options in the future */
$newOptions = Question::readQuestionOption($this->id, $courseId);
$sortedByPosition = [];
foreach ($newOptions as $item) {
$sortedByPosition[$item['position']] = $item;
/* Saving quiz_question.extra values that has the correct scores of
the true, false, doubt options registered in this format
XX:YY:ZZZ where XX is a float score value. */
$extraValues = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$score = trim($form->getSubmitValue('option['.$i.']'));
$extraValues[] = $score;
$this->setExtra(implode(':', $extraValues));
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbAnswers; $i++) {
$answer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('answer['.$i.']'));
$comment = trim($form->getSubmitValue('comment['.$i.']'));
$goodAnswer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('correct['.$i.']'));
if (empty($options)) {
// If this is the first time that the question is created then change
// the default values from the form 1 and 2 by the correct "option id" registered
$goodAnswer = $sortedByPosition[$goodAnswer]['id'];
$questionWeighting += $extraValues[0]; //By default 0 has the correct answers
$objAnswer->createAnswer($answer, $goodAnswer, $comment, '', $i);
// saves the answers into the data base
// sets the total weighting of the question
public function return_header(Exercise $exercise, $counter = null, $score = [])
$header = parent::return_header($exercise, $counter, $score);
$header .= '<table class="'.$this->question_table_class.'"><tr>';
$header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Your choice').'</th>';
if ($exercise->showExpectedChoiceColumn()) {
$header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Expected choice').'</th>';
$header .= '<th>'
.'</th><th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">'
.get_lang('Your degree of certainty')
if (false === $exercise->hideComment) {
if ($exercise->getFeedbackType() != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
$header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Comment').'</th>';
$header .= '</tr>';
return $header;
* Get color code, status, label and description for the current answer.
* @param string $studentAnswer
* @param string $expectedAnswer
* @param int $studentDegreeChoicePosition
* @return array An array with indexes 'color', 'background-color', 'status', 'label' and 'description'
public function getResponseDegreeInfo($studentAnswer, $expectedAnswer, $studentDegreeChoicePosition)
$result = [];
if (3 == $studentDegreeChoicePosition) {
$result = [
'color' => '#000000',
'background-color' => '#F6BA2A',
'status' => self::LEVEL_WHITE,
'label' => get_lang('Declared ignorance'),
'description' => get_lang('Declared ignoranceDescription'),
} else {
$checkResult = $studentAnswer == $expectedAnswer ? true : false;
if ($checkResult) {
if ($studentDegreeChoicePosition >= 6) {
$result = [
'color' => '#FFFFFF',
'background-color' => '#1E9C55',
'status' => self::LEVEL_DARKGREEN,
'label' => get_lang('Very sure'),
'description' => get_lang('Very sureDescription'),
} elseif ($studentDegreeChoicePosition >= 4 && $studentDegreeChoicePosition <= 5) {
$result = [
'color' => '#000000',
'background-color' => '#B1E183',
'status' => self::LEVEL_LIGHTGREEN,
'label' => get_lang('Pretty sure'),
'description' => get_lang('Pretty sureDescription'),
} else {
if ($studentDegreeChoicePosition >= 6) {
$result = [
'color' => '#FFFFFF',
'background-color' => '#ED4040',
'status' => self::LEVEL_DARKRED,
'label' => get_lang('Very unsure'),
'description' => get_lang('Very unsureDescription'),
} elseif ($studentDegreeChoicePosition >= 4 && $studentDegreeChoicePosition <= 5) {
$result = [
'color' => '#000000',
'background-color' => '#F79B88',
'status' => self::LEVEL_LIGHTRED,
'label' => get_lang('Unsure'),
'description' => get_lang('UnsureDescription'),
return $result;
* Method to show the code color and his meaning for the test result.
public static function showColorCodes()
<table class="fc-border-separate" cellspacing="0" style="width:600px;
margin: auto; border: 3px solid #A39E9E;" >
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="width:15%; height:30px; background-color: #088A08; border-right: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">
<b><?php echo get_lang('Very sure'); ?> :</b>
<?php echo get_lang('Very sureDescription'); ?>
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="width:15%; height:30px; background-color: #A9F5A9; border-right: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">
<b><?php echo get_lang('Pretty sure'); ?> :</b>
<?php echo get_lang('Pretty sureDescription'); ?>
<tr style="border: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="width:15%; height:30px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-right: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">
<b><?php echo get_lang('Declared ignorance'); ?> :</b>
<?php echo get_lang('Declared ignoranceDescription'); ?>
<tr style="border: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="width:15%; height:30px; background-color: #F6CECE; border-right: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">
<b><?php echo get_lang('Unsure'); ?> :</b>
<?php echo get_lang('UnsureDescription'); ?>
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="width:15%; height:30px; background-color: #FE2E2E; border-right: 1px solid #A39E9E;">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">
<b><?php echo get_lang('Very unsure'); ?> :</b>
<?php echo get_lang('Very unsureDescription'); ?>
* Display basic bar charts of results by category of questions.
* @param array $scoreListAll
* @param string $title The block title
* @param int $sizeRatio
* @return string The HTML/CSS code for the charts block
public static function displayDegreeChartByCategory($scoreListAll, $title, $sizeRatio = 1)
$maxHeight = 0;
$groupCategoriesByBracket = false;
if ($groupCategoriesByBracket) {
$scoreList = [];
$categoryPrefixList = [];
// categoryPrefix['Math'] = firstCategoryId for this prefix
// rebuild $scoreList factorizing data with category prefix
foreach ($scoreListAll as $categoryId => $scoreListForCategory) {
$objCategory = new Testcategory();
$objCategoryNum = $objCategory->getCategory($categoryId);
preg_match("/^\[([^]]+)\]/", $objCategoryNum->name, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1) {
// check if we have already see this prefix
if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $categoryPrefixList)) {
// add the result color for this entry
$scoreList[$categoryPrefixList[$matches[1]]][self::LEVEL_DARKGREEN] +=
$scoreList[$categoryPrefixList[$matches[1]]][self::LEVEL_LIGHTGREEN] +=
$scoreList[$categoryPrefixList[$matches[1]]][self::LEVEL_WHITE] +=
$scoreList[$categoryPrefixList[$matches[1]]][self::LEVEL_LIGHTRED] +=
$scoreList[$categoryPrefixList[$matches[1]]][self::LEVEL_DARKRED] +=
} else {
$categoryPrefixList[$matches[1]] = $categoryId;
$scoreList[$categoryId] = $scoreListAll[$categoryId];
} else {
// doesn't match the prefix '[math] Math category'
$scoreList[$categoryId] = $scoreListAll[$categoryId];
} else {
$scoreList = $scoreListAll;
// get the max height of item to have each table the same height if displayed side by side
$testCategory = new TestCategory();
foreach ($scoreList as $categoryId => $scoreListForCategory) {
$category = $testCategory->getCategory($categoryId);
if ($category) {
$categoryQuestionName = $category->name;
list($noValue, $height) = self::displayDegreeChartChildren(
if ($height > $maxHeight) {
$maxHeight = $height;
if (count($scoreList) > 1) {
$boxWidth = $sizeRatio * 300 * 2 + 54;
} else {
$boxWidth = $sizeRatio * 300 + 54;
$html = '<div class="row-chart">';
$html .= '<h4 class="chart-title">'.$title.'</h4>';
$legendTitle = [
'Very unsure',
'Declared ignorance',
'Pretty sure',
'Very sure',
$html .= '<ul class="chart-legend">';
foreach ($legendTitle as $i => $item) {
$html .= '<li><i class="fa fa-square square_color'.$i.'" aria-hidden="true"></i> '.get_lang($item).'</li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
// get the html of items
$i = 0;
$testCategory = new Testcategory();
foreach ($scoreList as $categoryId => $scoreListForCategory) {
$category = $testCategory->getCategory($categoryId);
$categoryQuestionName = '';
if ($category) {
$categoryQuestionName = $category->name;
if ('' === $categoryQuestionName) {
$categoryName = get_lang('Without category');
} else {
$categoryName = $categoryQuestionName;
$html .= '<div class="col-md-4">';
$html .= self::displayDegreeChartChildren(
$html .= '</div>';
if (2 == $i) {
$html .= '<div style="clear:both; height: 10px;"> </div>';
$i = 0;
} else {
$html .= '</div>';
return $html.'<div style="clear:both; height: 10px;" > </div>';
* Return HTML code for the $scoreList of MultipleAnswerTrueFalseDegreeCertainty questions.
* @param $scoreList
* @param $widthTable
* @param string $title
* @param int $sizeRatio
* @param int $minHeight
* @param bool $displayExplanationText
* @param bool $returnHeight
* @param bool $groupCategoriesByBracket
* @param int $numberOfQuestions
* @return array|string
public static function displayDegreeChart(
$title = '',
$sizeRatio = 1,
$minHeight = 0,
$displayExplanationText = true,
$returnHeight = false,
$groupCategoriesByBracket = false,
$numberOfQuestions = 0
) {
$topAndBottomMargin = 10;
$colorList = [
// get total attempt number
$highterColorHeight = 0;
foreach ($scoreList as $color => $number) {
if ($number > $highterColorHeight) {
$highterColorHeight = $number;
$totalAttemptNumber = $numberOfQuestions;
$verticalLineHeight = $highterColorHeight * $sizeRatio * 2 + 122 + $topAndBottomMargin * 2;
if ($verticalLineHeight < $minHeight) {
$minHeightCorrection = $minHeight - $verticalLineHeight;
$verticalLineHeight += $minHeightCorrection;
// draw chart
$html = '';
if ($groupCategoriesByBracket) {
$title = api_preg_replace('/[^]]*$/', '', $title);
$title = ucfirst(api_preg_replace("/[\[\]]/", '', $title));
$titleDisplay = strpos($title, 'ensemble') > 0 ?
$title."<br/>($totalAttemptNumber questions)" :
$textSize = strpos($title, 'ensemble') > 0 ||
strpos($title, 'votre dernier résultat à ce test') > 0 ? 100 : 80;
$html .= '<div class="row-chart">';
$html .= '<h4 class="chart-title">'.$titleDisplay.'</h4>';
$nbResponsesInc = 0;
if (isset($scoreList[4])) {
$nbResponsesInc += (int) $scoreList[4];
if (isset($scoreList[5])) {
$nbResponsesInc += (int) $scoreList[5];
$nbResponsesIng = isset($scoreList[3]) ? $scoreList[3] : 0;
$nbResponsesCor = 0;
if (isset($scoreList[1])) {
$nbResponsesCor += (int) $scoreList[1];
if (isset($scoreList[2])) {
$nbResponsesCor += (int) $scoreList[2];
$IncorrectAnswers = sprintf(get_lang('Incorrect answers: %s'), $nbResponsesInc);
$IgnoranceAnswers = sprintf(get_lang('Ignorance: %s'), $nbResponsesIng);
$CorrectAnswers = sprintf(get_lang('Correct answers: %s'), $nbResponsesCor);
$html .= '<div class="chart-grid">';
$explainHistoList = null;
if ($displayExplanationText) {
// Display of histogram text
$explainHistoList = [
'Very unsure',
'Declared ignorance',
'Pretty sure',
'Very sure',
foreach ($colorList as $i => $color) {
if (array_key_exists($color, $scoreList)) {
$scoreOnBottom = $scoreList[$color]; // height of the colored area on the bottom
} else {
$scoreOnBottom = 0;
$sizeBar = ($scoreOnBottom * $sizeRatio * 2).'px;';
if (0 == $i) {
$html .= '<div class="item">';
$html .= '<div class="panel-certaint" style="min-height:'.$verticalLineHeight.'px; position: relative;">';
$html .= '<div class="answers-title">'.$IncorrectAnswers.'</div>';
$html .= '<ul class="certaint-list-two">';
} elseif (3 == $i) {
$html .= '<div class="item">';
$html .= '<div class="panel-certaint" style="height:'.$verticalLineHeight.'px; position: relative;">';
$html .= '<div class="answers-title">'.$CorrectAnswers.'</div>';
$html .= '<ul class="certaint-list-two">';
} elseif (2 == $i) {
$html .= '<div class="item">';
$html .= '<div class="panel-certaint" style="height:'.$verticalLineHeight.'px; position: relative;">';
$html .= '<div class="answers-title">'.$IgnoranceAnswers.'</div>';
$html .= '<ul class="certaint-list">';
$html .= '<li>';
$html .= '<div class="certaint-score">';
$html .= $scoreOnBottom;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="levelbar_'.$color.'" style="height:'.$sizeBar.'"> </div>';
$html .= '<div class="certaint-text">'.get_lang($explainHistoList[$i]).'</div>';
$html .= '</li>';
if (1 == $i || 2 == $i || 4 == $i) {
$html .= '</ul>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
if ($returnHeight) {
return [$html, $verticalLineHeight];
} else {
return $html;
* Return HTML code for the $scoreList of MultipleAnswerTrueFalseDegreeCertainty questions.
* @param $scoreList
* @param $widthTable
* @param string $title
* @param int $sizeRatio
* @param int $minHeight
* @param bool $displayExplanationText
* @param bool $returnHeight
* @param bool $groupCategoriesByBracket
* @param int $numberOfQuestions
* @return array|string
public static function displayDegreeChartChildren(
$title = '',
$sizeRatio = 1,
$minHeight = 0,
$displayExplanationText = true,
$returnHeight = false,
$groupCategoriesByBracket = false,
$numberOfQuestions = 0
) {
$topAndBottomMargin = 10;
$colorList = [
// get total attempt number
$highterColorHeight = 0;
foreach ($scoreList as $color => $number) {
if ($number > $highterColorHeight) {
$highterColorHeight = $number;
$totalAttemptNumber = $numberOfQuestions;
$verticalLineHeight = $highterColorHeight * $sizeRatio * 2 + 122 + $topAndBottomMargin * 2;
if ($verticalLineHeight < $minHeight) {
$minHeightCorrection = $minHeight - $verticalLineHeight;
$verticalLineHeight += $minHeightCorrection;
// draw chart
$html = '';
if ($groupCategoriesByBracket) {
$title = api_preg_replace('/[^]]*$/', '', $title);
$title = ucfirst(api_preg_replace("/[\[\]]/", '', $title));
$textSize = 80;
$classGlobalChart = '';
if ($displayExplanationText) {
// global chart
$classGlobalChart = 'globalChart';
$html .= '<table class="certaintyTable" style="height :'.$verticalLineHeight.'px; margin-bottom: 10px;" >';
$html .= '<tr><th colspan="5" class="'.$classGlobalChart.'">'
$nbResponsesInc = 0;
if (isset($scoreList[4])) {
$nbResponsesInc += (int) $scoreList[4];
if (isset($scoreList[5])) {
$nbResponsesInc += (int) $scoreList[5];
$nbResponsesIng = isset($scoreList[3]) ? $scoreList[3] : 0;
$nbResponsesCor = 0;
if (isset($scoreList[1])) {
$nbResponsesCor += (int) $scoreList[1];
if (isset($scoreList[2])) {
$nbResponsesCor += (int) $scoreList[2];
$colWidth = $widthTable / 5;
$html .= '<tr>
<td class="firstLine borderRight '.$classGlobalChart.'"
style="width:'.($colWidth * 2).'px; line-height: 15px; font-size:'.$textSize.'%;">'.
sprintf(get_lang('Incorrect answers: %s'), $nbResponsesInc).'
<td class="firstLine borderRight '.$classGlobalChart.'"
style="width:'.$colWidth.'px; line-height: 15px; font-size :'.$textSize.'%;">'.
sprintf(get_lang('Ignorance: %s'), $nbResponsesIng).'
<td class="firstLine '.$classGlobalChart.'"
style="width:'.($colWidth * 2).'px; line-height: 15px; font-size:'.$textSize.'%;">'.
sprintf(get_lang('Correct answers: %s'), $nbResponsesCor).'
$html .= '<tr>';
foreach ($colorList as $i => $color) {
if (array_key_exists($color, $scoreList)) {
$scoreOnBottom = $scoreList[$color]; // height of the colored area on the bottom
} else {
$scoreOnBottom = 0;
$sizeOnBottom = $scoreOnBottom * $sizeRatio * 2;
if (1 == $i || 2 == $i) {
$html .= '<td width="'
.'px" style="border-right: 1px dotted #7FC5FF; vertical-align: bottom;font-size: '
} else {
$html .= '<td width="'
.'px" style="vertical-align: bottom;font-size: '
$html .= '<div class="certaint-score">'
.'</div><div class="levelbar_'
.'" style="height: '
.'px;"> </div>'
$html .= '</td>';
$html .= '</tr>';
if ($displayExplanationText) {
// Display of histogram text
$explainHistoList = [
'Very unsure',
'Declared ignorance',
'Pretty sure',
'Very sure',
$html .= '<tr>';
$i = 0;
foreach ($explainHistoList as $explain) {
if (1 == $i || 2 == $i) {
$class = 'borderRight';
} else {
$class = '';
$html .= '<td class="firstLine '
.' '
.'" style="width="'
.'px; font-size:'
$html .= get_lang($explain);
$html .= '</td>';
$html .= '</tr>';
$html .= '</table></center>';
if ($returnHeight) {
return [$html, $verticalLineHeight];
} else {
return $html;
* return previous attempt id for this test for student, 0 if no previous attempt.
* @param $exeId
* @return int
public static function getPreviousAttemptId($exeId)
$tblTrackEExercise = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES);
$exeId = (int) $exeId;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tblTrackEExercise
WHERE exe_id = ".$exeId;
$res = Database::query($sql);
if (empty(Database::num_rows($res))) {
// if we cannot find the exe_id
return 0;
$data = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
$courseCode = $data['c_id'];
$exerciseId = $data['exe_exo_id'];
$userId = $data['exe_user_id'];
$attemptDate = $data['exe_date'];
if ('0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $attemptDate) {
// incomplete attempt, close it before continue
return 0;
// look for previous attempt
$exerciseId = (int) $exerciseId;
$userId = (int) $userId;
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM $tblTrackEExercise
WHERE c_id = '$courseCode'
AND exe_exo_id = $exerciseId
AND exe_user_id = $userId
AND status = ''
AND exe_date > '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
AND exe_date < '$attemptDate'
ORDER BY exe_date DESC";
$res = Database::query($sql);
if (0 == Database::num_rows($res)) {
// no previous attempt
return 0;
$data = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
return $data['exe_id'];
* return an array of number of answer color for exe attempt
* e.g.
* @param $exeId
* @return array
public static function getColorNumberListForAttempt($exeId)
$result = [
self::LEVEL_WHITE => 0,
self::LEVEL_LIGHTRED => 0,
self::LEVEL_DARKRED => 0,
$attemptInfoList = self::getExerciseAttemptInfo($exeId);
foreach ($attemptInfoList as $attemptInfo) {
$oQuestion = new self();
$answerColor = self::getAnswerColor($exeId, $attemptInfo['question_id'], $attemptInfo['position']);
if ($answerColor) {
return $result;
* return an array of number of color for question type = MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE_DEGREE_CERTAINTY
* for each question category.
* e.g.
* [
* (categoryId=)5 => [LEVEL_DARKGREEN => 3, LEVEL_WHITE => 5, LEVEL_LIGHTRED => 12]
* (categoryId=)2 => [LEVEL_DARKGREEN => 8, LEVEL_LIGHTRED => 2, LEVEL_DARKTRED => 8]
* (categoryId=)0 => [LEVEL_DARKGREEN => 1,
* ]
* @param int $exeId
* @return array
public static function getColorNumberListForAttemptByCategory($exeId)
$result = [];
$attemptInfoList = self::getExerciseAttemptInfo($exeId);
foreach ($attemptInfoList as $attemptInfo) {
$oQuestion = new self();
$questionCategory = Testcategory::getCategoryForQuestion($attemptInfo['question_id']);
if (!array_key_exists($questionCategory, $result)) {
$result[$questionCategory] = [];
$answerColor = self::getAnswerColor($exeId, $attemptInfo['question_id'], $attemptInfo['position']);
if ($answerColor && isset($result[$questionCategory])) {
if (!isset($result[$questionCategory][$answerColor])) {
$result[$questionCategory][$answerColor] = 0;
return $result;
* Return true if answer of $exeId, $questionId, $position is correct, otherwise return false.
* @param $exeId
* @param $questionId
* @param $position
* @return int
public static function getAnswerColor($exeId, $questionId, $position)
$attemptInfoList = self::getExerciseAttemptInfo($exeId, $questionId, $position);
if (1 != count($attemptInfoList)) {
// havent got the answer
return 0;
$answerCodes = $attemptInfoList[0]['answer'];
// student answer
$splitAnswer = preg_split('/:/', $answerCodes);
// get correct answer option id
$correctAnswerOptionId = self::getCorrectAnswerOptionId($splitAnswer[0]);
if (0 == $correctAnswerOptionId) {
// error returning the correct answer option id
return 0;
// get student answer option id
$studentAnswerOptionId = isset($splitAnswer[1]) ? $splitAnswer[1] : null;
// we got the correct answer option id, let's compare ti with the student answer
$percentage = null;
if (isset($splitAnswer[2])) {
$percentage = self::getPercentagePosition($splitAnswer[2]);
if ($studentAnswerOptionId == $correctAnswerOptionId) {
// yeah, student got correct answer
switch ($percentage) {
case 3:
return self::LEVEL_WHITE;
case 4:
case 5:
return self::LEVEL_LIGHTGREEN;
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
return self::LEVEL_DARKGREEN;
return 0;
} else {
// bummer, wrong answer dude
switch ($percentage) {
case 3:
return self::LEVEL_WHITE;
case 4:
case 5:
return self::LEVEL_LIGHTRED;
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
return self::LEVEL_DARKRED;
return 0;
* Return the position of certitude %age choose by student.
* @param $optionId
* @return int
public static function getPercentagePosition($optionId)
$tblAnswerOption = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION_OPTION);
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
$optionId = (int) $optionId;
$sql = "SELECT position
FROM $tblAnswerOption
WHERE c_id = $courseId AND id = $optionId";
$res = Database::query($sql);
if (0 == Database::num_rows($res)) {
return 0;
$data = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
return $data['position'];
* return the correct id from c_quiz_question_option for question idAuto.
* @param $idAuto
* @return int
public static function getCorrectAnswerOptionId($idAuto)
$tblAnswer = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
$idAuto = (int) $idAuto;
$sql = "SELECT correct FROM $tblAnswer
WHERE c_id = $courseId AND iid = $idAuto";
$res = Database::query($sql);
$data = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
return $data['correct'];
} else {
return 0;
* return an array of exe info from track_e_attempt.
* @param int $exeId
* @param int $questionId
* @param int $position
* @return array
public static function getExerciseAttemptInfo($exeId, $questionId = -1, $position = -1)
$result = [];
$and = '';
$questionId = (int) $questionId;
$position = (int) $position;
$exeId = (int) $exeId;
if ($questionId >= 0) {
$and .= " AND question_id = $questionId";
if ($position >= 0) {
$and .= " AND position = $position";
$tblExeAttempt = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
$cId = api_get_course_int_id();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tblExeAttempt
WHERE c_id = $cId AND exe_id = $exeId $and";
$res = Database::query($sql);
while ($data = Database::fetch_assoc($res)) {
$result[] = $data;
return $result;
* @param int $exeId
* @return int
public static function getNumberOfQuestionsForExeId($exeId)
$tableTrackEExercise = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCISES);
$exeId = (int) $exeId;
$sql = "SELECT exe_exo_id
FROM $tableTrackEExercise
WHERE exe_id=".$exeId;
$res = Database::query($sql);
$data = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
if ($data) {
$exerciseId = $data['exe_exo_id'];
$objectExercise = new Exercise();
return $objectExercise->getQuestionCount();
return 0;
* Display student chart results for these question types.
* @param int $exeId
* @param Exercise $objExercice
* @return string
public static function displayStudentsChartResults($exeId, $objExercice)
$numberOfQuestions = self::getNumberOfQuestionsForExeId($exeId);
$globalScoreList = self::getColorNumberListForAttempt($exeId);
$html = self::displayDegreeChart(
get_lang('Your overall results for the test'),
$html .= '<br/>';
$previousAttemptId = self::getPreviousAttemptId($exeId);
if ($previousAttemptId > 0) {
$previousAttemptScoreList = self::getColorNumberListForAttempt(
$html .= self::displayDegreeChart(
get_lang('In comparison, your latest results for this test'),
$html .= '<br/>';
$list = self::getColorNumberListForAttemptByCategory($exeId);
$html .= self::displayDegreeChartByCategory(
get_lang('Your results by discipline'),
$html .= '<br/>';
return $html;
* send mail to student with degre certainty result test.
* @param int $userId
* @param Exercise $objExercise
* @param int $exeId
public static function sendQuestionCertaintyNotification($userId, $objExercise, $exeId)
$userInfo = api_get_user_info($userId);
$recipientName = api_get_person_name($userInfo['firstname'],
$subject = '['.get_lang('Please do not reply').'] '
.html_entity_decode(get_lang('Results for the accomplished test').' "'.$objExercise->title.'"');
// message sended to the student
$message = get_lang('Dear').' '.$recipientName.',<br /><br />';
$exerciseLink = "<a href='".api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'/exercise/result.php?show_headers=1&'
$exerciseTitle = $objExercise->title;
$message .= sprintf(
get_lang('Please follow the instructions below to check your results for test %s.<br /><br />'),
// show histogram
$message .= self::displayStudentsChartResults($exeId, $objExercise);
$message .= get_lang('Kind regards,');
$message = api_preg_replace("/\\\n/", '', $message);
MessageManager::send_message_simple($userId, $subject, $message);