Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility

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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langOnlineConference = "Conference";
$langWash = "Wash";
$langReset = "Reset";
$langSave = "Send message";
$langRefresh = "Refresh";
$langIsNowInYourDocDir = "is now in your Documents tool. <br><B>This file is visible</B>";
$langCopyFailed = "Print failed";
$langTypeMessage = "Please type your message!";
$langConfirmReset = "Do you really want to delete all messages?";
$langHasResetChat = "has reset the Chat";
$langNoOnlineConference = "There is no conference for the moment ...";
$langMediaFile = "Live audio or video streaming";
$langContentFile = "Presentation";
$langListOfParticipants = "List of participants";
$langYourPicture = "Your picture";
$langOnlineDescription = "Conference description";
$langOnlyCheckForImportantQuestion = "Please check this box only to ask an important question !";
$langQuestion = "question";
$langClearList = "Clear the chat";
$langWhiteBoard = "White board";
$langTextEditorDefault = "<h2>Word processor</h2>Cut and paste here from Ms-Word® then edit. Participants will see your modifications live.";
$langStreaming = "Streaming";
$langStreamURL = "Stream URL";
$langStreamType = "Stream type";
$langLinkName = "Link name";
$langLinkURL = "Link URL";
$langWelcomeToOnlineConf = "Welcome to the <b>Online Conference</b>";
$langNoLinkAvailable = "No Link available";
$langChat_reset_by = "reset chat";
$OrFile = "Or file";
$langCallSent = "Chat call has been sent. Waiting for the approval of your partner.";
$langChatDenied = "Your call has been denied by your partner.";
$Send = "Send message";
$Connected = "Chat partners";
$Think = "Think";
$BigGrin = "Big grin";
$Amazing = "Amazing";
$Confused = "Confused";
$Cool = "Cool";
$Surprised = "Surprised";
$Hand = "Hello";
$Wink = "Wink";
$Neutral = "Neutral";
$Angry = "Angry";
$Avid = "Avid";
$Redface = "To blush";
$Sad = "Sad";
$Silence = "Silence";
$Silenced = "Silenced";
$Smile = "Smile";
$Exclamation = "Exclamation";
$Arrow = "Arrow";
$Question = "Question";
$Idea = "Idea";
$AskPermissionSpeak = "Ask permission to speak";
$GiveTheFloorTo = "Give the floor to";
$Pause = "Pause";
$Stop = "Stop";