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95 lines
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95 lines
5.6 KiB
language: php
#- 5.4 // Removed because of Chash dependencies on PHP 5.5
- 5.5
- 5.6
- 7.0
#- sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
#- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5 -y
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -qq mysql-server
- sudo apt-get install -qq apache2 libapache2-mod-fastcgi
# enable php-fpm
- sudo cp ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.conf.default ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.conf
- if [[ ${TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION:0:3} == "7.0" ]]; then sudo cp ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf ; fi
- sudo a2enmod rewrite actions fastcgi alias
- echo "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini
- echo "memory_limit = 2G" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini
- echo "phar.readonly = 0" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini
- echo 'date.timezone = "Europe/Paris"' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini
- ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/sbin/php-fpm
# configure apache virtual hosts
- sudo cp -f tests/travis-apache /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
- sudo sed -e "s?%TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR%?$(pwd)?g" --in-place /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
- sudo service apache2 restart
# Install additional PHP packages (check
# for pre-installed packages)
#- sudo apt-get install -qq php5-imagick
# Following,
# php is compiled with --enable-fpm, so no install of FPM is needed.
# However, not installing it generates errors with service php5-fpm restart
# further down (need to use php-fpm without 5)
#- sudo apt-get install -qq php5-cli php5-fpm
#- which composer
#- php -d memory_limit=2G /usr/bin/composer update
#- php -d memory_limit=2G /home/travis/.phpenv/shims/composer update
# You can either use the composer install method and face the Github limit
#- composer install -n
- composer self-update
- composer update
# ...OR you can try the option --prefer-dist, that will reuse composer packages cache
#- composer update --prefer-dist
# ...OR you can try the --prefer-source option to download from source whenever it's possible (but it's much slower)
#- composer update --prefer-source
# ...OR use the proxy repository to download the necessary dependencies, but this repo is not always updated
#- git clone -b 1.10.x --depth=1
#- sudo mv chamilo-vendors/vendor .
#- sudo mv chamilo-vendors/web .
#- sudo mv chamilo-vendors/composer.lock .
#- sudo rm -rf chamilo-vendors
# Continue...
- phpenv config-add tests/travis-php-config.ini
# enable php-fpm
# configure apache virtual hosts
- php -v
# install Chash, a database, and then install Chamilo
- git clone
- cd chash
#- composer install
- composer update
- php -d phar.readonly=0 createPhar.php
- chmod +x chash.phar
- sudo mv chash.phar /usr/local/bin/chash
#- cd ..
#- git clone -b nophpversioncheck --single-branch
#- cp chamilo-cli-install/chamilo-cli-installer.php main/install/
#- mysql -u root -e 'create database chamilo'
#- sudo chmod -R 0777 app/config app main/default_course_document/images main/lang
#- cd main/install/
#- sudo php5 chamilo-cli-installer.php -l admin -p admin -U travis -u 'http://localhost/' -X travis -L english -z '' -f 'John' -g 'Doe' -b '555-5555' -c 'Test campus' -y 'Chamilo' -x ''
#- cd ../..
# install Chamilo with Chash - see reference
# - cd /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms
# There's an issue with Chash, starting in version 1.10, whereby PHP CLI on Travis-ci is PHP5.3, whatever the version you ask for.
# This effectively breaks the installer and renders these tests useless. We are looking for a solution (for example using containers)
- sudo php -d date.timezone="Europe/Paris" chash.php chash:chamilo_install 1.11.x /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms --download-package --no-interaction --only-download-package
- cd /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms
- composer update
- sudo php -d date.timezone="Europe/Paris" /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms/chash/chash.php chash:chamilo_install 1.11.x /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms --no-interaction --sitename="Chamilo" --site_url="http://localhost/" --institution="Chamilo" --institution_url="" --encrypt_method="sha1" --firstname="John" --lastname="Doe" --language="english" --driver="pdo_mysql" --host="localhost" --port="3306" --dbname="chamilo" --dbuser="root" --permissions_for_new_directories="0777" --permissions_for_new_files="0666" --linux-user="www-data" --linux-group="www-data" --username="admin" --password="admin" --email="" --phone="555-5555"
- sudo chmod -R 777 app/cache app/logs app/courses app/upload
- sudo php -d date.timezone="Europe/Paris" /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms/chash/chash.php chash:chamilo_status
# - phpunit -c tests/phpunit
# pwd shows /home/travis/build/chamilo/chamilo-lms
- cd tests/behat && ../../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat -v
# configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc)
# IRC notifications - disabled for creating a lot of noise on the channel
irc: ""