You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1085 lines
62 KiB
1085 lines
62 KiB
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Framework\Container;
use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CLp;
use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CLpItem;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
class ScormExport
* // TODO: The output encoding should be equal to the system encoding.
* Exports the learning path as a SCORM package. This is the main function that
* gathers the content, transforms it, writes the imsmanifest.xml file, zips the
* whole thing and returns the zip.
* This method needs to be called in PHP5, as it will fail with non-adequate
* XML package (like the ones for PHP4), and it is *not* a static method, so
* you need to call it on a learnpath object.
* @TODO The method might be redefined later on in the scorm class itself to avoid
* creating a SCORM structure if there is one already. However, if the initial SCORM
* path has been modified, it should use the generic method here below.
* @return string Returns the zip package string, or null if error
public static function export(learnpath $lp)
// @todo fix export
$_course = api_get_course_info();
$course_id = $_course['real_id'];
// Create the zip handler (this will remain available throughout the method).
$archivePath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH);
$sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);
$temp_dir_short = uniqid('scorm_export', true);
$temp_zip_dir = $archivePath.'/'.$temp_dir_short;
$temp_zip_file = $temp_zip_dir.'/'.md5(time()).'.zip';
$zip_folder = new PclZip($temp_zip_file);
$current_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path();
$root_path = $main_path = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
$files_cleanup = [];
// Place to temporarily stash the zip file.
// create the temp dir if it doesn't exist
// or do a cleanup before creating the zip file.
if (!is_dir($temp_zip_dir)) {
mkdir($temp_zip_dir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
} else {
// Cleanup: Check the temp dir for old files and delete them.
$handle = opendir($temp_zip_dir);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ('.' != $file && '..' != $file) {
$zip_files = $zip_files_abs = $zip_files_dist = [];
if (is_dir($current_course_path.'/scorm/'.$lp->path) &&
) {
// Remove the possible . at the end of the path.
$dest_path_to_lp = '.' == substr($lp->path, -1) ? substr($lp->path, 0, -1) : $lp->path;
$dest_path_to_scorm_folder = str_replace('//', '/', $temp_zip_dir.'/scorm/'.$dest_path_to_lp);
// Build a dummy imsmanifest structure.
// Do not add to the zip yet (we still need it).
// This structure is developed following regulations for SCORM 1.2 packaging in the SCORM 1.2 Content
// Aggregation Model official document, section "2.3 Content Packaging".
// We are going to build a UTF-8 encoded manifest.
// Later we will recode it to the desired (and supported) encoding.
$xmldoc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$root = $xmldoc->createElement('manifest');
$root->setAttribute('identifier', 'SingleCourseManifest');
$root->setAttribute('version', '1.1');
$root->setAttribute('xmlns', '');
$root->setAttribute('xmlns:adlcp', '');
$root->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', '');
' imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd'
// Build mandatory sub-root container elements.
$metadata = $xmldoc->createElement('metadata');
$md_schema = $xmldoc->createElement('schema', 'ADL SCORM');
$md_schemaversion = $xmldoc->createElement('schemaversion', '1.2');
$organizations = $xmldoc->createElement('organizations');
$resources = $xmldoc->createElement('resources');
// Build the only organization we will use in building our learnpaths.
$organizations->setAttribute('default', 'chamilo_scorm_export');
$organization = $xmldoc->createElement('organization');
$organization->setAttribute('identifier', 'chamilo_scorm_export');
// To set the title of the SCORM entity (=organization), we take the name given
// in Chamilo and convert it to HTML entities using the Chamilo charset (not the
// learning path charset) as it is the encoding that defines how it is stored
// in the database. Then we convert it to HTML entities again as the "&" character
// alone is not authorized in XML (must be &).
// The title is then decoded twice when extracting (see scorm::parse_manifest).
$org_title = $xmldoc->createElement('title', api_utf8_encode($lp->get_name()));
$folder_name = 'document';
// Removes the learning_path/scorm_folder path when exporting see #4841
$path_to_remove = '';
$path_to_replace = '';
$result = $lp->generate_lp_folder($_course);
if (isset($result['dir']) && strpos($result['dir'], 'learning_path')) {
$path_to_remove = 'document'.$result['dir'];
$path_to_replace = $folder_name.'/';
// Fixes chamilo scorm exports
if ('chamilo_scorm_export' === $lp->ref) {
$path_to_remove = 'scorm/'.$lp->path.'/document/';
// For each element, add it to the imsmanifest structure, then add it to the zip.
$link_updates = [];
$links_to_create = [];
foreach ($lp->ordered_items as $index => $itemId) {
/** @var learnpathItem $item */
$item = $lp->items[$itemId];
// Get included documents from this item.
if ('sco' === $item->type) {
$inc_docs = $item->get_resources_from_source(
} else {
$inc_docs = $item->get_resources_from_source();
// Give a child element <item> to the <organization> element.
$my_item_id = $item->get_id();
$my_item = $xmldoc->createElement('item');
$my_item->setAttribute('identifier', 'ITEM_'.$my_item_id);
$my_item->setAttribute('identifierref', 'RESOURCE_'.$my_item_id);
$my_item->setAttribute('isvisible', 'true');
// Give a child element <title> to the <item> element.
$my_title = $xmldoc->createElement(
// Give a child element <adlcp:prerequisites> to the <item> element.
$my_prereqs = $xmldoc->createElement(
$my_prereqs->setAttribute('type', 'aicc_script');
// Give a child element <adlcp:maxtimeallowed> to the <item> element - not yet supported.
// Give a child element <adlcp:timelimitaction> to the <item> element - not yet supported.
// Give a child element <adlcp:datafromlms> to the <item> element - not yet supported.
// Give a child element <adlcp:masteryscore> to the <item> element.
$my_masteryscore = $xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:masteryscore', $item->get_mastery_score());
// Attach this item to the organization element or hits parent if there is one.
if (!empty($item->parent) && 0 != $item->parent) {
$children = $organization->childNodes;
$possible_parent = $lp->get_scorm_xml_node($children, 'ITEM_'.$item->parent);
if (is_object($possible_parent)) {
} else {
if ($lp->debug > 0) {
error_log('Parent ITEM_'.$item->parent.' of item ITEM_'.$my_item_id.' not found');
} else {
if ($lp->debug > 0) {
error_log('No parent');
// Get the path of the file(s) from the course directory root.
$my_file_path = $item->get_file_path('scorm/'.$lp->path.'/');
$my_xml_file_path = $my_file_path;
if (!empty($path_to_remove)) {
// From docs
$my_xml_file_path = str_replace($path_to_remove, $path_to_replace, $my_file_path);
// From quiz
if ('chamilo_scorm_export' === $lp->ref) {
$path_to_remove = 'scorm/'.$lp->path.'/';
$my_xml_file_path = str_replace($path_to_remove, '', $my_file_path);
$my_sub_dir = dirname($my_file_path);
$my_sub_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $my_sub_dir);
$my_xml_sub_dir = $my_sub_dir;
// Give a <resource> child to the <resources> element
$my_resource = $xmldoc->createElement('resource');
$my_resource->setAttribute('identifier', 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id());
$my_resource->setAttribute('type', 'webcontent');
$my_resource->setAttribute('href', $my_xml_file_path);
// adlcp:scormtype can be either 'sco' or 'asset'.
if ('sco' === $item->type) {
$my_resource->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'sco');
} else {
$my_resource->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'asset');
// xml:base is the base directory to find the files declared in this resource.
$my_resource->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
// Give a <file> child to the <resource> element.
$my_file = $xmldoc->createElement('file');
$my_file->setAttribute('href', $my_xml_file_path);
// Dependency to other files - not yet supported.
$i = 1;
if ($inc_docs) {
foreach ($inc_docs as $doc_info) {
if (count($doc_info) < 1 || empty($doc_info[0])) {
$my_dep = $xmldoc->createElement('resource');
$res_id = 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id().'_'.$i;
$my_dep->setAttribute('identifier', $res_id);
$my_dep->setAttribute('type', 'webcontent');
$my_dep->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'asset');
$my_dep_file = $xmldoc->createElement('file');
// Check type of URL.
if ('remote' == $doc_info[1]) {
// Remote file. Save url as is.
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif ('local' === $doc_info[1]) {
switch ($doc_info[2]) {
case 'url':
// Local URL - save path as url for now, don't zip file.
$abs_path = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).
str_replace(api_get_path(WEB_PATH), '', $doc_info[0]);
$current_dir = dirname($abs_path);
$current_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $current_dir);
$file_path = realpath($abs_path);
$file_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $file_path);
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
if (false !== strstr($file_path, $main_path)) {
// The calculated real path is really inside Chamilo's root path.
// Reduce file path to what's under the DocumentRoot.
$replace = $file_path;
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($root_path) - 1);
$destinationFile = $file_path;
if (false !== strstr($file_path, 'upload/users')) {
$pos = strpos($file_path, 'my_files/');
if (false !== $pos) {
$onlyDirectory = str_replace(
substr($file_path, $pos, strlen($file_path))
$replace = $onlyDirectory;
$destinationFile = $replace;
$zip_files_abs[] = $file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $destinationFile,
'replace' => $replace,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif (empty($file_path)) {
$file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$abs_path;
$file_path = str_replace('//', '/', $file_path);
if (file_exists($file_path)) {
// We get the relative path.
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($current_dir));
$zip_files[] = $my_sub_dir.'/'.$file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $file_path,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
case 'abs':
// Absolute path from DocumentRoot. Save file and leave path as is in the zip.
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
// The next lines fix a bug when using the "subdir" mode of Chamilo, whereas
// an image path would be constructed as /var/www/subdir/subdir/img/
$abs_img_path_without_subdir = $doc_info[0];
$relp = api_get_path(REL_PATH); // The url-append config param.
$pos = strpos($abs_img_path_without_subdir, $relp);
if (0 === $pos) {
$abs_img_path_without_subdir = trim('/'.substr($abs_img_path_without_subdir, strlen($relp)));
$file_path = realpath(api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).$abs_img_path_without_subdir);
$file_path = str_replace(['\\', '//'], '/', $file_path);
// Prepare the current directory path (until just under 'document') with a trailing slash.
$cur_path = '/' == substr($current_course_path, -1) ? $current_course_path : $current_course_path.'/';
// Check if the current document is in that path.
if (false !== strstr($file_path, $cur_path)) {
$destinationFile = substr($file_path, strlen($cur_path));
$filePathNoCoursePart = substr($file_path, strlen($cur_path));
$fileToTest = $cur_path.$my_file_path;
if (!empty($path_to_remove)) {
$fileToTest = str_replace(
$relative_path = api_get_relative_path($fileToTest, $file_path);
// Put the current document in the zip (this array is the array
// that will manage documents already in the course folder - relative).
$zip_files[] = $filePathNoCoursePart;
// Update the links to the current document in the
// containing document (make them relative).
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $destinationFile,
'replace' => $relative_path,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif (false !== strstr($file_path, $main_path)) {
// The calculated real path is really inside Chamilo's root path.
// Reduce file path to what's under the DocumentRoot.
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($root_path));
$zip_files_abs[] = $file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = ['orig' => $doc_info[0], 'dest' => $file_path];
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif (empty($file_path)) {
// Probably this is an image inside "/main" directory
$file_path = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).$abs_img_path_without_subdir;
$abs_path = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).str_replace(api_get_path(WEB_PATH), '', $doc_info[0]);
if (file_exists($file_path)) {
if (false !== strstr($file_path, 'main/default_course_document')) {
// We get the relative path.
$pos = strpos($file_path, 'main/default_course_document/');
if (false !== $pos) {
$onlyDirectory = str_replace(
substr($file_path, $pos, strlen($file_path))
$destinationFile = 'default_course_document/'.$onlyDirectory;
$fileAbs = substr($file_path, strlen(api_get_path(SYS_PATH)));
$zip_files_abs[] = $fileAbs;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $destinationFile,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
case 'rel':
// Path relative to the current document.
// Save xml:base as current document's directory and save file in zip as subdir.file_path
if ('..' === substr($doc_info[0], 0, 2)) {
// Relative path going up.
$current_dir = dirname($current_course_path.'/'.$item->get_file_path()).'/';
$current_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $current_dir);
$file_path = realpath($current_dir.$doc_info[0]);
$file_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $file_path);
if (false !== strstr($file_path, $main_path)) {
// The calculated real path is really inside Chamilo's root path.
// Reduce file path to what's under the DocumentRoot.
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($root_path));
$zip_files_abs[] = $file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = ['orig' => $doc_info[0], 'dest' => $file_path];
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} else {
$zip_files[] = $my_sub_dir.'/'.$doc_info[0];
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', $my_xml_sub_dir);
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
$dependency = $xmldoc->createElement('dependency');
$dependency->setAttribute('identifierref', $res_id);
$zip_files[] = $my_file_path;
} else {
// If the item is a quiz or a link or whatever non-exportable, we include a step indicating it.
switch ($item->type) {
$my_item = $xmldoc->createElement('item');
$my_item->setAttribute('identifier', 'ITEM_'.$item->get_id());
$my_item->setAttribute('identifierref', 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id());
$my_item->setAttribute('isvisible', 'true');
// Give a child element <title> to the <item> element.
$my_title = $xmldoc->createElement(
// Give a child element <adlcp:prerequisites> to the <item> element.
$my_prereqs = $xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:prerequisites', $item->get_prereq_string());
$my_prereqs->setAttribute('type', 'aicc_script');
// Give a child element <adlcp:maxtimeallowed> to the <item> element - not yet supported.
//$xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:maxtimeallowed', '');
// Give a child element <adlcp:timelimitaction> to the <item> element - not yet supported.
//$xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:timelimitaction', '');
// Give a child element <adlcp:datafromlms> to the <item> element - not yet supported.
//$xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:datafromlms', '');
// Give a child element <adlcp:masteryscore> to the <item> element.
$my_masteryscore = $xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:masteryscore', $item->get_mastery_score());
// Attach this item to the organization element or its parent if there is one.
if (!empty($item->parent) && 0 != $item->parent) {
$children = $organization->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) {
$item_temp = $children->item($i);
if ('item' == $item_temp->nodeName) {
if ($item_temp->getAttribute('identifier') == 'ITEM_'.$item->parent) {
} else {
$my_file_path = 'link_'.$item->get_id().'.html';
$sql = 'SELECT url, title FROM '.Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK).'
WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND id = '.$item->path;
$rs = Database::query($sql);
if ($link = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
$url = $link['url'];
$title = stripslashes($link['title']);
$links_to_create[$my_file_path] = ['title' => $title, 'url' => $url];
$my_xml_file_path = $my_file_path;
$my_sub_dir = dirname($my_file_path);
$my_sub_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $my_sub_dir);
$my_xml_sub_dir = $my_sub_dir;
// Give a <resource> child to the <resources> element.
$my_resource = $xmldoc->createElement('resource');
$my_resource->setAttribute('identifier', 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id());
$my_resource->setAttribute('type', 'webcontent');
$my_resource->setAttribute('href', $my_xml_file_path);
// adlcp:scormtype can be either 'sco' or 'asset'.
$my_resource->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'asset');
// xml:base is the base directory to find the files declared in this resource.
$my_resource->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
// give a <file> child to the <resource> element.
$my_file = $xmldoc->createElement('file');
$my_file->setAttribute('href', $my_xml_file_path);
$exe_id = $item->path;
// Should be using ref when everything will be cleaned up in this regard.
$exe = new Exercise();
$my_item = $xmldoc->createElement('item');
$my_item->setAttribute('identifier', 'ITEM_'.$item->get_id());
$my_item->setAttribute('identifierref', 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id());
$my_item->setAttribute('isvisible', 'true');
// Give a child element <title> to the <item> element.
$my_title = $xmldoc->createElement(
$my_max_score = $xmldoc->createElement('max_score', $item->get_max());
// Give a child element <adlcp:prerequisites> to the <item> element.
$my_prereqs = $xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:prerequisites', $item->get_prereq_string());
$my_prereqs->setAttribute('type', 'aicc_script');
// Give a child element <adlcp:masteryscore> to the <item> element.
$my_masteryscore = $xmldoc->createElement('adlcp:masteryscore', $item->get_mastery_score());
// Attach this item to the organization element or hits parent if there is one.
if (!empty($item->parent) && 0 != $item->parent) {
$children = $organization->childNodes;
$possible_parent = $lp->get_scorm_xml_node($children, 'ITEM_'.$item->parent);
if ($possible_parent) {
if ($possible_parent->getAttribute('identifier') === 'ITEM_'.$item->parent) {
} else {
// Get the path of the file(s) from the course directory root
//$my_file_path = $item->get_file_path('scorm/'.$lp->path.'/');
$my_file_path = 'quiz_'.$item->get_id().'.html';
// Write the contents of the exported exercise into a (big) html file
// to later pack it into the exported SCORM. The file will be removed afterwards.
$scormExercise = new ScormExercise($exe, true);
$contents = $scormExercise->export();
$tmp_file_path = $archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/'.$my_file_path;
$res = file_put_contents($tmp_file_path, $contents);
if (false === $res) {
error_log('Could not write into file '.$tmp_file_path.' '.__FILE__.' '.__LINE__, 0);
$files_cleanup[] = $tmp_file_path;
$my_xml_file_path = $my_file_path;
$my_sub_dir = dirname($my_file_path);
$my_sub_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $my_sub_dir);
$my_xml_sub_dir = $my_sub_dir;
// Give a <resource> child to the <resources> element.
$my_resource = $xmldoc->createElement('resource');
$my_resource->setAttribute('identifier', 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id());
$my_resource->setAttribute('type', 'webcontent');
$my_resource->setAttribute('href', $my_xml_file_path);
// adlcp:scormtype can be either 'sco' or 'asset'.
$my_resource->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'sco');
// xml:base is the base directory to find the files declared in this resource.
$my_resource->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
// Give a <file> child to the <resource> element.
$my_file = $xmldoc->createElement('file');
$my_file->setAttribute('href', $my_xml_file_path);
// Get included docs.
$inc_docs = $item->get_resources_from_source(null, $tmp_file_path);
// Dependency to other files - not yet supported.
$i = 1;
foreach ($inc_docs as $doc_info) {
if (count($doc_info) < 1 || empty($doc_info[0])) {
$my_dep = $xmldoc->createElement('resource');
$res_id = 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id().'_'.$i;
$my_dep->setAttribute('identifier', $res_id);
$my_dep->setAttribute('type', 'webcontent');
$my_dep->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'asset');
$my_dep_file = $xmldoc->createElement('file');
// Check type of URL.
if ('remote' == $doc_info[1]) {
// Remote file. Save url as is.
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif ('local' == $doc_info[1]) {
switch ($doc_info[2]) {
case 'url': // Local URL - save path as url for now, don't zip file.
// Save file but as local file (retrieve from URL).
$abs_path = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).
str_replace(api_get_path(WEB_PATH), '', $doc_info[0]);
$current_dir = dirname($abs_path);
$current_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $current_dir);
$file_path = realpath($abs_path);
$file_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $file_path);
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
if (false !== strstr($file_path, $main_path)) {
// The calculated real path is really inside the chamilo root path.
// Reduce file path to what's under the DocumentRoot.
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($root_path));
$zip_files_abs[] = $file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => 'document/'.$file_path,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif (empty($file_path)) {
$file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$abs_path;
$file_path = str_replace('//', '/', $file_path);
if (file_exists($file_path)) {
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($current_dir));
// We get the relative path.
$zip_files[] = $my_sub_dir.'/'.$file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => 'document/'.$file_path,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
case 'abs':
// Absolute path from DocumentRoot. Save file and leave path as is in the zip.
$current_dir = dirname($current_course_path.'/'.$item->get_file_path()).'/';
$current_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $current_dir);
$file_path = realpath($doc_info[0]);
$file_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $file_path);
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
if (false !== strstr($file_path, $main_path)) {
// The calculated real path is really inside the chamilo root path.
// Reduce file path to what's under the DocumentRoot.
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($root_path));
$zip_files_abs[] = $file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $file_path,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} elseif (empty($file_path)) {
$docSysPartPath = str_replace(
$docSysPartPathNoCourseCode = str_replace(
$docSysPath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$docSysPartPath;
if (file_exists($docSysPath)) {
$file_path = $docSysPartPathNoCourseCode;
$zip_files[] = $my_sub_dir.'/'.$file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $file_path,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
case 'rel':
// Path relative to the current document. Save xml:base as current document's
// directory and save file in zip as subdir.file_path
if ('..' === substr($doc_info[0], 0, 2)) {
// Relative path going up.
$current_dir = dirname($current_course_path.'/'.$item->get_file_path()).'/';
$current_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $current_dir);
$file_path = realpath($current_dir.$doc_info[0]);
$file_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $file_path);
if (false !== strstr($file_path, $main_path)) {
// The calculated real path is really inside Chamilo's root path.
// Reduce file path to what's under the DocumentRoot.
$file_path = substr($file_path, strlen($root_path));
$file_path_dest = $file_path;
// File path is courses/CHAMILO/document/....
$info_file_path = explode('/', $file_path);
if ('courses' == $info_file_path[0]) {
// Add character "/" in file path.
$file_path_dest = 'document/'.$file_path;
$zip_files_abs[] = $file_path;
$link_updates[$my_file_path][] = [
'orig' => $doc_info[0],
'dest' => $file_path_dest,
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$file_path);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
} else {
$zip_files[] = $my_sub_dir.'/'.$doc_info[0];
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]);
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', $my_xml_sub_dir);
$my_dep_file->setAttribute('href', $doc_info[0]); // ../../courses/
$my_dep->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
$dependency = $xmldoc->createElement('dependency');
$dependency->setAttribute('identifierref', $res_id);
$zip_files[] = $my_file_path;
// Get the path of the file(s) from the course directory root
$my_file_path = 'non_exportable.html';
//$my_xml_file_path = api_htmlentities(api_utf8_encode($my_file_path), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$my_xml_file_path = $my_file_path;
$my_sub_dir = dirname($my_file_path);
$my_sub_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $my_sub_dir);
//$my_xml_sub_dir = api_htmlentities(api_utf8_encode($my_sub_dir), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$my_xml_sub_dir = $my_sub_dir;
// Give a <resource> child to the <resources> element.
$my_resource = $xmldoc->createElement('resource');
$my_resource->setAttribute('identifier', 'RESOURCE_'.$item->get_id());
$my_resource->setAttribute('type', 'webcontent');
$my_resource->setAttribute('href', $folder_name.'/'.$my_xml_file_path);
// adlcp:scormtype can be either 'sco' or 'asset'.
$my_resource->setAttribute('adlcp:scormtype', 'asset');
// xml:base is the base directory to find the files declared in this resource.
$my_resource->setAttribute('xml:base', '');
// Give a <file> child to the <resource> element.
$my_file = $xmldoc->createElement('file');
$my_file->setAttribute('href', 'document/'.$my_xml_file_path);
$copyAll = ('true' === api_get_setting('lp.add_all_files_in_lp_export'));
// then add the file to the zip, then destroy the file (this is done automatically).
// - once done, don't forget to close FS#138
foreach ($zip_files as $file_path) {
if (empty($file_path)) {
$filePath = $sys_course_path.$_course['path'].'/'.$file_path;
$dest_file = $archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/'.$file_path;
if (!empty($path_to_remove) && !empty($path_to_replace)) {
$dest_file = str_replace($path_to_remove, $path_to_replace, $dest_file);
@copy($filePath, $dest_file);
// Check if the file needs a link update.
if (in_array($file_path, array_keys($link_updates))) {
$string = file_get_contents($dest_file);
foreach ($link_updates[$file_path] as $old_new) {
// This is an ugly hack that allows .flv files to be found by the flv player that
// will be added in document/main/inc/lib/flv_player/flv_player.swf and that needs
// to find the flv to play in document/main/, so we replace main/ in the flv path by
// ../../.. to return from inc/lib/flv_player to the document/main path.
if ('flv' === substr($old_new['dest'], -3) &&
'main/' === substr($old_new['dest'], 0, 5)
) {
$old_new['dest'] = str_replace('main/', '../../../', $old_new['dest']);
} elseif ('flv' === substr($old_new['dest'], -3) &&
'video/' === substr($old_new['dest'], 0, 6)
) {
$old_new['dest'] = str_replace('video/', '../../../../video/', $old_new['dest']);
// Fix to avoid problems with default_course_document
if (false === strpos('main/default_course_document', $old_new['dest'])) {
$newDestination = $old_new['dest'];
if (isset($old_new['replace']) && !empty($old_new['replace'])) {
$newDestination = $old_new['replace'];
} else {
$newDestination = str_replace('document/', '', $old_new['dest']);
$string = str_replace($old_new['orig'], $newDestination, $string);
// Add files inside the HTMLs
$new_path = str_replace(api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH), '', $old_new['orig']);
$destinationFile = $archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/'.$old_new['dest'];
if (file_exists($sys_course_path.$new_path) && is_file($sys_course_path.$new_path)) {
file_put_contents($dest_file, $string);
if (file_exists($filePath) && $copyAll) {
$extension = $lp->get_extension($filePath);
if (in_array($extension, ['html', 'html'])) {
$containerOrigin = dirname($filePath);
$containerDestination = dirname($dest_file);
$finder = new Finder();
if (is_dir($containerOrigin) &&
) {
$fs = new Filesystem();
foreach ($zip_files_abs as $file_path) {
if (empty($file_path)) {
if (!is_file($main_path.$file_path) || !is_readable($main_path.$file_path)) {
$dest_file = $archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/document/'.$file_path;
if (false !== strstr($file_path, 'upload/users')) {
$pos = strpos($file_path, 'my_files/');
if (false !== $pos) {
$onlyDirectory = str_replace(
substr($file_path, $pos, strlen($file_path))
$dest_file = $archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/document/'.$onlyDirectory;
if (false !== strstr($file_path, 'default_course_document/')) {
$replace = str_replace('/main', '', $file_path);
$dest_file = $archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/document/'.$replace;
if (empty($dest_file)) {
copy($main_path.$file_path, $dest_file);
// Check if the file needs a link update.
if (in_array($file_path, array_keys($link_updates))) {
$string = file_get_contents($dest_file);
foreach ($link_updates[$file_path] as $old_new) {
// This is an ugly hack that allows .flv files to be found by the flv player that
// will be added in document/main/inc/lib/flv_player/flv_player.swf and that needs
// to find the flv to play in document/main/, so we replace main/ in the flv path by
// ../../.. to return from inc/lib/flv_player to the document/main path.
if ('flv' == substr($old_new['dest'], -3) &&
'main/' == substr($old_new['dest'], 0, 5)
) {
$old_new['dest'] = str_replace('main/', '../../../', $old_new['dest']);
$string = str_replace($old_new['orig'], $old_new['dest'], $string);
file_put_contents($dest_file, $string);
if (is_array($links_to_create)) {
foreach ($links_to_create as $file => $link) {
$content = '<!DOCTYPE html><head>
<meta charset="'.api_get_language_isocode().'" />
<body dir="'.api_get_text_direction().'">
<div style="text-align:center">
<a href="'.$link['url'].'">'.$link['title'].'</a></div>
file_put_contents($archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/'.$file, $content);
// Add non exportable message explanation.
$lang_not_exportable = get_lang('This learning object or activity is not SCORM compliant. That\'s why it is not exportable.');
$file_content = '<!DOCTYPE html><head>
<meta charset="'.api_get_language_isocode().'" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.api_get_system_encoding().'" />
<body dir="'.api_get_text_direction().'">';
$file_content .=
.error-message {
font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
left: 50%;
margin: 10px auto;
min-height: 30px;
padding: 5px;
right: 50%;
width: 500px;
background-color: #FFD1D1;
border-color: #FF0000;
color: #000;
<div class="error-message">
if (!is_dir($archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/document')) {
@mkdir($archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/document', api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
file_put_contents($archivePath.$temp_dir_short.'/document/non_exportable.html', $file_content);
// Add the extra files that go along with a SCORM package.
$main_code_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'lp/packaging/';
$fs = new Filesystem();
$fs->mirror($main_code_path, $archivePath.$temp_dir_short);
// Finalize the imsmanifest structure, add to the zip, then return the zip.
$manifest = @$xmldoc->saveXML();
$manifest = api_utf8_decode_xml($manifest); // The manifest gets the system encoding now.
file_put_contents($archivePath.'/'.$temp_dir_short.'/imsmanifest.xml', $manifest);
// Clean possible temporary files.
foreach ($files_cleanup as $file) {
$res = unlink($file);
if (false === $res) {
'Could not delete temp file '.$file.' '.__FILE__.' '.__LINE__,
$name = api_replace_dangerous_char($lp->get_name()).'.zip';
DocumentManager::file_send_for_download($temp_zip_file, true, $name);
public static function exportToPdf($lp_id, $courseInfo)
// @todo fix exportToPdf
$lp_id = (int) $lp_id;
/** @var CLp $lp */
$lp = Container::getLpRepository()->find($lp_id);
$lpItemRepo = Container::getLpItemRepository();
$files_to_export = [];
$sessionId = api_get_session_id();
$courseCode = $courseInfo['code'];
$scorm_path = null;
if (!empty($courseInfo)) {
//$scorm_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/scorm/'.$this->path;
$list = learnpath::get_flat_ordered_items_list($lp);
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $item_id) {
/** @var CLpItem $item */
$item = $lpItemRepo->find($item_id);
$type = $item->getItemType();
switch ($type) {
case 'document':
// Getting documents from a LP with chamilo documents
$file_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($item->getPath(), $courseCode);
// Try loading document from the base course.
if (empty($file_data) && !empty($sessionId)) {
$file_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id(
$file_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseCode['path'].'/document'.$file_data['path'];
if (file_exists($file_path)) {
$files_to_export[] = [
'title' => $item->get_title(),
'path' => $file_path,
case 'asset': //commes from a scorm package generated by chamilo
case 'sco':
$file_path = $scorm_path.'/'.$item->getPath();
if (file_exists($file_path)) {
$files_to_export[] = [
'title' => $item->get_title(),
'path' => $file_path,
case 'dir':
$files_to_export[] = [
'title' => $item->get_title(),
'path' => null,
$pdf = new PDF();
$result = $pdf->html_to_pdf(
return $result;
return false;