Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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* Class UserDataGenerator
* Class to select, sort and transform object data into array data,
* used for a student's general view
* @author Bert Steppé
* @package chamilo.gradebook
class UserDataGenerator
// Sorting types constants
const UDG_SORT_TYPE = 1;
const UDG_SORT_NAME = 2;
const UDG_SORT_COURSE = 4;
const UDG_SORT_AVERAGE = 16;
const UDG_SORT_SCORE = 32;
const UDG_SORT_MASK = 64;
const UDG_SORT_ASC = 128;
const UDG_SORT_DESC = 256;
private $items;
private $userid;
private $coursecodecache;
private $categorycache;
private $scorecache;
private $avgcache;
* UserDataGenerator constructor.
* @param int $userid
* @param array $evals
* @param array $links
public function __construct($userid, $evals = array(), $links = array())
$this->userid = $userid;
$evals_filtered = array();
$result = array();
foreach ($evals as $eval) {
$toadd = true;
$coursecode = $eval->get_course_code();
if (isset($coursecode)) {
$result = Result::load(null, $userid, $eval->get_id());
if (count($result) == 0) {
$toadd = false;
if ($toadd) {
$evals_filtered_copy = $evals;
if (count($result) == 0) {
$evals_filtered = $evals;
} else {
$evals_filtered = $evals_filtered_copy;
$this->items = array_merge($evals_filtered, $links);
$this->coursecodecache = array();
$this->categorycache = array();
$this->scorecache = null;
$this->avgcache = null;
* Get total number of items (rows)
public function get_total_items_count()
return count($this->items);
* Get actual array data
* @return array 2-dimensional array - each array contains the elements:
* 0: eval/link object
* 1: item name
* 2: course name
* 3: category name
* 4: average score
* 5: student's score
* 6: student's score as custom display (only if custom scoring enabled)
public function get_data($sorting = 0, $start = 0, $count = null, $ignore_score_color = false)
// do some checks on count, redefine if invalid value
if (!isset($count)) {
$count = count($this->items) - $start;
if ($count < 0) {
$count = 0;
$allitems = $this->items;
// sort users array
if ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_TYPE) {
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_type'));
} elseif ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_NAME) {
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_name'));
} elseif ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_COURSE) {
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_course'));
} elseif ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_CATEGORY) {
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_category'));
} elseif ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_AVERAGE) {
// if user sorts on average scores, first calculate them and cache them
foreach ($allitems as $item) {
$this->avgcache[$item->get_item_type().$item->get_id()] = $item->calc_score();
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_average'));
} elseif ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_SCORE) {
// if user sorts on student's scores, first calculate them and cache them
foreach ($allitems as $item) {
= $item->calc_score($this->userid);
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_score'));
} elseif ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_MASK) {
// if user sorts on student's masks, first calculate scores and cache them
foreach ($allitems as $item) {
= $item->calc_score($this->userid);
usort($allitems, array('UserDataGenerator', 'sort_by_mask'));
if ($sorting & self::UDG_SORT_DESC) {
$allitems = array_reverse($allitems);
// select the items we have to display
$visibleitems = array_slice($allitems, $start, $count);
// fill score cache if not done yet
if (!isset($this->scorecache)) {
foreach ($visibleitems as $item) {
= $item->calc_score($this->userid);
// generate the data to display
$scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay::instance();
$data = array();
foreach ($visibleitems as $item) {
$row = array();
$row[] = $item;
$row[] = $item->get_name();
$row[] = $this->build_course_name($item);
$row[] = $this->build_category_name($item);
$row[] = $this->build_average_column($item, $ignore_score_color);
$row[] = $this->build_result_column($item, $ignore_score_color);
if ($scoredisplay->is_custom()) {
$row[] = $this->build_mask_column($item, $ignore_score_color);
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_type($item1, $item2)
if ($item1->get_item_type() == $item2->get_item_type()) {
return $this->sort_by_name($item1, $item2);
} else {
return ($item1->get_item_type() < $item2->get_item_type() ? -1 : 1);
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_course($item1, $item2)
$name1 = api_strtolower($this->get_course_name_from_code_cached($item1->get_course_code()));
$name2 = api_strtolower($this->get_course_name_from_code_cached($item2->get_course_code()));
return api_strnatcmp($name1, $name2);
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_category($item1, $item2)
$cat1 = $this->get_category_cached($item1->get_category_id());
$cat2 = $this->get_category_cached($item2->get_category_id());
$name1 = api_strtolower($this->get_category_name_to_display($cat1));
$name2 = api_strtolower($this->get_category_name_to_display($cat2));
return api_strnatcmp($name1, $name2);
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_name($item1, $item2)
return api_strnatcmp($item1->get_name(), $item2->get_name());
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_average($item1, $item2)
$score1 = $this->avgcache[$item1->get_item_type().$item1->get_id()];
$score2 = $this->avgcache[$item2->get_item_type().$item2->get_id()];
return $this->compare_scores($score1, $score2);
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_score($item1, $item2)
$score1 = $this->scorecache[$item1->get_item_type().$item1->get_id()];
$score2 = $this->scorecache[$item2->get_item_type().$item2->get_id()];
return $this->compare_scores($score1, $score2);
* @param $item1
* @param $item2
* @return int
function sort_by_mask($item1, $item2)
$score1 = $this->scorecache[$item1->get_item_type().$item1->get_id()];
$score2 = $this->scorecache[$item2->get_item_type().$item2->get_id()];
return ScoreDisplay::compare_scores_by_custom_display($score1, $score2);
* @param $score1
* @param $score2
* @return int
function compare_scores($score1, $score2)
if (!isset($score1)) {
return (isset($score2) ? 1 : 0);
} elseif (!isset($score2)) {
return -1;
} elseif (($score1[0] / $score1[1]) == ($score2[0] / $score2[1])) {
return 0;
} else {
return (($score1[0] / $score1[1]) < ($score2[0] / $score2[1]) ? -1 : 1);
* @param $item
* @return mixed
private function build_course_name($item)
return $this->get_course_name_from_code_cached($item->get_course_code());
* @param $item
* @return string
private function build_category_name($item)
$cat = $this->get_category_cached($item->get_category_id());
return $this->get_category_name_to_display($cat);
* @param $item
* @param $ignore_score_color
* @return string
private function build_average_column($item, $ignore_score_color)
if (isset($this->avgcache)) {
$avgscore = $this->avgcache[$item->get_item_type().$item->get_id()];
} else {
$avgscore = $item->calc_score();
$scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay::instance();
$displaytype = SCORE_AVERAGE;
/*if ($ignore_score_color)
$displaytype |= SCORE_IGNORE_SPLIT;
return $scoredisplay->display_score($avgscore, $displaytype);
* @param $item
* @param $ignore_score_color
* @return string
private function build_result_column($item, $ignore_score_color)
$studscore = $this->scorecache[$item->get_item_type().$item->get_id()];
$scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay::instance();
$displaytype = SCORE_DIV_PERCENT;
if ($ignore_score_color) {
$displaytype |= SCORE_IGNORE_SPLIT;
return $scoredisplay->display_score($studscore, $displaytype, SCORE_ONLY_DEFAULT);
* @param $item
* @param $ignore_score_color
* @return string
private function build_mask_column($item, $ignore_score_color)
$studscore = $this->scorecache[$item->get_item_type().$item->get_id()];
$scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay::instance();
$displaytype = SCORE_DIV_PERCENT;
if ($ignore_score_color) {
$displaytype |= SCORE_IGNORE_SPLIT;
return $scoredisplay->display_score($studscore, $displaytype, SCORE_ONLY_CUSTOM);
* @param $coursecode
* @return mixed
private function get_course_name_from_code_cached($coursecode)
if (isset($this->coursecodecache) && isset($this->coursecodecache[$coursecode])) {
return $this->coursecodecache[$coursecode];
} else {
$name = CourseManager::getCourseNameFromCode($coursecode);
$this->coursecodecache[$coursecode] = $name;
return $name;
* @param $category_id
* @return null
private function get_category_cached($category_id)
if (isset($this->categorycache) && isset ($this->categorycache[$category_id])) {
return $this->categorycache[$category_id];
} else {
$cat = Category::load($category_id);
if (isset($cat)) {
$this->categorycache[$category_id] = $cat[0];
return $cat[0];
} else {
return null;
* @param $cat
* @return string
private function get_category_name_to_display($cat)
if (isset($cat)) {
if ($cat->get_parent_id() == '0' || $cat->get_parent_id() == null) {
return '';
} else {
return $cat->get_name();
} else {
return '';