Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

549 lines
30 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langAdminBy = "Administration by";
$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
$State = "State of system";
$Statistiques = "Statistics";
$langUsed = "used";
$langPresent = "Ok";
$langMissing = "missing";
$langExist = "existing";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display Teacher in course title";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display Teacher in course list comment";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Course Code in course list comment";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Display Course Code in Course Title";
$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no virtual courses on the platform.";
$ConfigureHomePage = "Configure Homepage";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Active modules upon course creation";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new course is created?";
$langCourseBackup = "Make a back-up of this course";
$langCourseTitular = "Teacher";
$langCourseTitle = "Course title";
$langCourseFaculty = "Course category";
$langCourseDepartment = "Course department";
$langCourseDepartmentURL = "Department URL";
$langCourseLanguage = "Course language";
$langCourseAccess = "Course access";
$langCourseSubscription = "Course subscription";
$langPublicAccess = "Public access";
$langPrivateAccess = "Private access";
$langCode = "Code";
$langLanguage = "Language";
$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "Database management is only available for the server administrator";
$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Show users subscribed to this course";
$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Show classes subscribed to this course";
$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Show groups of this course";
$langLoginName = "Login";
$langPhone = "Phone";
$langPhoneNumber = "Phone number";
$langActions = "Actions";
$langAddToCourse = "Add to a course";
$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Remove from the platform";
$langDeleteCourse = "Delete selected course(s)";
$langDeleteFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from course(s)";
$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Delete selected classes";
$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Delete selected groups";
$langAdministrator = "Administrator";
$langAddPicture = "Add a picture";
$langChangePicture = "Change the picture";
$langDeletePicture = "Delete the picture";
$langAddUsers = "Add users";
$langAddGroups = "Add groups";
$langAddClasses = "Add classes";
$langExportUsers = "Export the user list";
$langKeyword = "Keyword";
$langGroupName = "Group\'s name";
$langGroupTutor = "Group\'s tutor";
$langGroupForum = "Group\'s forum";
$langGroupDescription = "Group description";
$langNumberOfParticipants = "Number of participants";
$langNumberOfUsers = "Number of users";
$langMaximum = "maximum";
$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of participants";
$langParticipants = "participants";
$langFirstLetterClass = "First letter (class name)";
$langFirstLetterUser = "First letter (last name)";
$langFirstLetterCourse = "First letter (code)";
$langModifyUserInfo = "Modify user information";
$langModifyClassInfo = "Modify class information";
$langModifyGroupInfo = "Modify group information";
$langModifyCourseInfo = "Modify course information";
$langPleaseEnterClassName = "Please enter the class name !";
$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user\'s last name !";
$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user\'s first name !";
$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !";
$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the course code !";
$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the teacher\'s name and firstname !";
$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the course title !";
$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import a list of users from an XML/CSV file";
$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export the user list into an XML/CSV file";
$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the course";
$langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a course";
$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to a course";
$langAddUsersToAClass = "Add users to a class";
$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Add users to a group";
$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one class and one course !";
$AtLeastOneUser = "You must select at least one user !";
$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one user and one course !";
$langClassList = "Class list";
$langUserList = "User list";
$langCourseList = "Course list";
$langAddToThatCourse = "Add to this (these) course(s)";
$langAddToClass = "Add to the class";
$langRemoveFromClass = "Remove from the class";
$langAddToGroup = "Add to the group";
$langRemoveFromGroup = "Remove from the group";
$langUsersOutsideClass = "Users outside the class";
$langUsersInsideClass = "Users inside the class";
$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Users outside the group";
$langUsersInsideGroup = "Users inside the group";
$langImportFileLocation = "Location of the CSV / XML file";
$langFileType = "File type";
$langOutputFileType = "Output file type";
$langMustUseSeparator = "must use the \';\' character as a separator";
$langCSVMustLookLike = "The CSV file must look like this";
$langXMLMustLookLike = "The XML file must look like this";
$langMandatoryFields = "Fields in <strong>bold</strong> are mandatory.";
$langNotXML = "The specified file is not XML format !";
$langNotCSV = "The specified file is not CSV format !";
$langNoNeededData = "The specified file doesn\'t contain all needed data !";
$langMaxImportUsers = "You can\'t import more than 500 users at once !";
$langAdminDatabases = "Databases (phpMyAdmin)";
$langAdminUsers = "Users";
$langAdminClasses = "Classes of users";
$langAdminGroups = "Groups of users";
$langAdminCourses = "Courses";
$langAdminCategories = "Categories of courses";
$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Subscribe a user / group to a course";
$langAddACategory = "Add a category";
$langInto = "into";
$langNoCategories = "There are no categories here";
$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow to add courses in this category ?";
$langGoToForum = "Go to the forum";
$langCategoryCode = "Category code";
$langCategoryName = "Category name";
$langCourses = "courses";
$langCategories = "categories";
$langEditNode = "Edit this category";
$langOpenNode = "Open this category";
$langDeleteNode = "Delete this category";
$langAddChildNode = "Add a sub-category";
$langViewChildren = "View children";
$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Tree rebuilded in";
$langTreeRecountedIn = "Tree recounted in";
$langRebuildTree = "Rebuild the tree";
$langRefreshNbChildren = "Refresh number of children";
$langShowTree = "Show tree";
$langBack = "Back to previous page";
$langLogDeleteCat = "Category deleted";
$langRecountChildren = "Recount children";
$langUpInSameLevel = "Up in same level";
$langSeconds = "seconds";
$langIn = "In";
$langMailTo = "Mail to : ";
$lang_no_access_here = "No access here ";
$lang_php_info = "information about the system";
$langAddAdminInApache = "Add an administrator";
$langAddFaculties = "Add categories";
$langSearchACourse = "Search for a course";
$langSearchAUser = "Search for a user";
$langTechnicalTools = "Technical";
$langConfig = "System config";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Login list (extended)";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Maximum users showing in scroll list";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Page after login";
$PageAfterLoginComment = "The page who is seen by connecting user";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Dokeos Web Links";
$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in Community Development";
$GlobalRole = "Global Role";
$AddRight = "add";
$langNomOutilTodo = "Manage Todo list";
$langNomPageAdmin = "Administration";
$langSysInfo = "Info about the System";
$langDiffTranslation = "Compare translations";
$langStatOf = "Statistics of ";
$langSpeeSubscribe = "Quick subscribe as Course Checker";
$langLogIdentLogout = "Login list";
$langServerStatus = "Status of MySQL server<EFBFBD>: ";
$langDataBase = "Database ";
$langRun = "works";
$langClient = "MySql Client ";
$langServer = "MySql Server ";
$langtitulary = "Owner";
$langUpgradeBase = "Upgrade database";
$langManage = "Manage Portal";
$langErrorsFound = "errors found";
$langMaintenance = "Maintenance";
$langUpgrade = "Upgrade Dokeos";
$langWebsite = "Dokeos website";
$langDocumentation = "Documentation";
$langContribute = "Contribute";
$langInfoServer = "Server Information";
$langOtherCategory = "Other category";
$langSendMailToUsers = "Send a mail to users";
$langExampleXMLFile = "Example of XML file";
$langExampleCSVFile = "Example of CSV file";
$langCourseSystemCode = "System code";
$langCourseVisualCode = "Visual code";
$langSystemCode = "System Code";
$langVisualCode = "visual code";
$langAddCourse = "Create a course";
$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual courses";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual course will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing \'real\' course.";
$langRealCourseCode = "Real course code";
$langCourseCodeAlreadyExists = "Sorry, but that course code already exists. Please choose another one.";
$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The course was successfully created.";
$langStatistics = "Statistics";
$langYourDokeosUses = "Your Dokeos installation uses presently";
$langOnTheHardDisk = "on the hard disk";
$langIsVirtualCourse = "Is virtual course";
$langSystemAnnouncements = "System Announcements";
$langAddAnnouncement = "Add new announcement";
$langAnnouncementAdded = "Announcement has been added";
$langAnnouncementUpdated = "Announcement has been updated";
$langAnnouncementDeleted = "Announcement has been deleted";
$langContent = "Content";
$langStartDate = "Start date";
$langEndDate = "End date";
$langStudent = "Student";
$langGuest = "Guest";
$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Login as";
$langLoginAsThisUser = "Login";
$DontResetPassword = "Don\'t reset password";
$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development";
$langCourseAdmin = "course manager";
$langOtherCourses = "other courses";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Platform Language";
$ServerStatusComment = "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings";
$ServerStatusTitle = "Server Type";
$PlatformLanguages = "Dokeos Platform Languages";
$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "This tool manages the language selection menu on the login page. As a platform administrator you can decide which languages should be available for your users.";
$OriginalName = "Original name";
$EnglishName = "English name";
$DokeosFolder = "Dokeos folder";
$Properties = "Properties";
$DokeosConfigSettings = "Dokeos configuration settings";
$SettingsStored = "The settings have been stored";
$InstitutionTitle = "Institution Title";
$InstitutionComment = "The name of the institution (appears in the header on the right)";
$InstitutionUrlTitle = "Institution URL";
$InstitutionUrlComment = "The URL of the institutions (the link that appears in the header on the right)";
$SiteNameTitle = "Dokeos Campus Title";
$SiteNameComment = "The Name of your Dokeos Campus (appears in the header)";
$emailAdministratorTitle = "Platform Administrator: E-mail";
$emailAdministratorComment = "The e-mail address of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
$administratorSurnameTitle = "Platform Administrator: Family Name";
$administratorSurnameComment = "The Family Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
$administratorNameTitle = "Platform Administrator: First Name";
$administratorNameComment = "The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platform Administrator Information in footer";
$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?";
$HomepageViewTitle = "Homepage View";
$HomepageViewComment = "How do you want the homepage of a course to look like? ";
$HomepageViewDefault = "Two column layout. Inactive tools are hidden";
$HomepageViewFixed = "Three column layout. Inactive tools are greyed out (Icons stay on their place)";
$Yes = "Yes";
$No = "No";
$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Tool Shortcuts";
$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?";
$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Student View";
$ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Student View?<br>This feature allows the teacher to see what a student gets to see.";
$AllowGroupCategories = "Group categories";
$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow course admins to create categories in the group module?";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <a href=\"languages.php\">Dokeos Platform Languages</a>";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Platform Language";
$ProductionServer = "Production Server";
$TestServer = "Test Server";
$ShowOnlineTitle = "Who\'s Online";
$AsPlatformLanguage = "as platformlanguage";
$ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online? ";
$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?";
$AllowNameChangeComment = "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name? ";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Default Document Quotum";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the default quotum for the documents tool? You can override the quota for specific courses through: platform administration > Courses > modify";
$ProfileChangesTitle = "Profile";
$ProfileChangesComment = "Which parts of the profile can be changed?";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registration: required fields";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Which fields are required (besides name, first name, login and password)";
$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Default group quotum";
$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "What is the default quotum for a groups documents tool? ";
$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Lost Password";
$AllowLostPasswordComment = "Is the user allowed to request their lost password?";
$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registration";
$AllowRegistrationComment = "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as teacher";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a teacher (that can create courses)?";
$PlatformLanguage = "Platform Language";
$CourseQuota = "Course Quotum";
$EditNotice = "Edit notice";
$General = "general";
$LostPassword = "Lost Password";
$Registration = "registration";
$Password = "password";
$InsertLink = "insert link";
$EditNews = "Edit News";
$EditCategories = "edit categories";
$EditHomePage = "Edit Homepage";
$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a course admin define user headings to retrieve additional user information?";
$Platform = "Platform";
$Course = "Course";
$Languages = "Languages";
$Tools = "Tools";
$Privacy = "Privacy";
$NoticeTitle = "Title of Notice";
$NoticeText = "Text of Notice";
$LinkName = "Text of Link";
$LinkURL = "URL of Link";
$OpenInNewWindow = "Open in new window";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to courses or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)";
$Plugins = "Plugins";
$Search = "search";
$AdvancedSearch = "advanced search";
$Info = "information";
$UserAdded = "The user is added";
$NoSearchResults = "No search results";
$UserDeleted = "The user is deleted";
$NoClassesForThisCourse = "There are no classes subscribed to this course";
$CourseUsage = "Course usage";
$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a course";
$NoClassesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a class";
$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn\'t subscribed in a course";
$All = "all";
$langOpenToTheWorld = "Open - access allowed for the whole world";
$OpenToThePlatform = " Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform";
$langPrivate = " Private access (site accessible only to people on the user list)";
$langCourseVisibilityClosed = " Completely closed; the course is only accessible to the course admin.";
$langSubscription = "Subscription";
$langUnsubscription = "Unsubscribe";
$langConfTip = " By default your course is public. But you can define the level of confidentiality above.";
$Tool = "tool";
$NumberOfItems = "number of items";
$Agenda = "Agenda";
$DocumentsAndFolders = "Documents and folders";
$Learnpath = "Learnpath";
$Exercises = "Exercises";
$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Personal Agenda";
$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Can the user add personal agenda items on the My Agenda page?";
$CurrentValue = "current value";
$CourseDescription = "Course Description";
$OnlineConference = "Online Conference";
$Chat = "Chat";
$Quiz = "Exercises";
$Dropbox = "Dropbox";
$Announcements = "Announcements";
$Links = "Links";
$LearningPath = "Learning path";
$Documents = "Documents";
$Forums = "Forums";
$UserPicture = "Picture";
$name = "Name";
$officialcode = "Official Code";
$Login = "Login";
$UserPassword = "Password";
$SubscriptionAllowed = "Subscription allowed";
$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Unsubscription allowed";
$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Allowed";
$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Denied";
$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Add some dummy (example) content to this course";
$DummyCourseCreator = "Create dummy course content";
$DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes.";
$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <a href=\"\"></a>";
$CreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual courses";
$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Linked to real course code";
$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Attempted creation of virtual course...";
$WantedCourseCode = "Wanted course code";
$ResetPassword = "Reset password";
$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Check to send new password";
$AutoGeneratePassword = "Automattically generate a new password";
$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Use a title for the document name";
$UseDocumentTitleComment = "This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext";
$StudentPublications = "Student publications";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Deleted files cannot be restored";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored";
$ClassName = "Class name";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Dropbox: Maximum filesize of a dropbox document";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "How big (in bytes) can a dropbox document be?";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Dropbox: Can documents be overwritten";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Can the original document be overwritten when a students or teacher uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox?";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow teachers and student to upload documents to their own dropbox without sending them to anyone (=sending the documents to themselves)";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Dropbox: Student <-> Student";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Allow students to send documents to other students (peer 2 peer, P2P exchange). Students might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, solutions, ...). If you disable this then the student can only send documents to the teachers";
$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Dropbox: Allow mailing";
$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "With the mailing functionality you can send each student a personal document";
$UserListHasBeenExported = "The user list has been exported.";
$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Click here to download the file.";
$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Platform Administrator: Telephone";
$administratorTelephoneComment = "The telephone number of the platform administrator";
$SendMailToNewUser = "Send mail to new user";
$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Extended profile";
$ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to \'True\', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: \'My competences\', \'My diplomas\', \'What I am able to teach\' and \'My personal open area\' ";
$Classes = "Classes";
$UserUnsubscribed = "User is now unsubscribed";
$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "User can not be unsubscribed from course. This user is a course administrator.";
$InvalidStartDate = "Invalid start date was given.";
$InvalidEndDate = "Invalid end date was given.";
$DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/y h:m)";
$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Homepage-files are not writable!";
$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Please give a notice text";
$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Please give a notice title";
$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Plese give a link name";
$InsertThisLink = "Insert this link";
$FirstPlace = "First place";
$After = "after";
$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Dropbox: allow group";
$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Users can send files to groups ";
$ClassDeleted = "The class is deleted";
$ClassesDeleted = "The classes are deleted";
$NoUsersInClass = "No users in this class";
$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected courses";
$InvalidTitle = "Please enter a title";
$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "This category is already used";
$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Please enter a code and a name for the category";
$DokeosHomepage = "Dokeos Homepage";
$DokeosForum = "Dokeos Forum ";
$RegisterYourPortal = "Register your portal ";
$DokeosExtensions = "Dokeos Extensions";
$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Tool Menu";
$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Should a tool navigation menu be used?";
$LoginAs = "Login as";
$ImportClassListCSV = "Import class list via CSV";
$ShowOnlineWorld = "Display number of users online on the login page (visible for the world)";
$ShowOnlineUsers = "Display number of users online all pages (visible for the persons who are logged in)";
$ShowOnlineCourse = "Display number of users online in this course";
$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Display course navigation menu";
$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that makes it easy to go to different areas of the course.";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?";
$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus on location";
$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected courses";
$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected courses";
$RoleId = "Role ID";
$RoleName = "Role name";
$RoleType = "Type";
$RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
$MakeAvailable = "Make available";
$MakeUnavailable = "Make unavailable";
$CampusHomepage = "Campus Homepage";
$Stylesheets = "Style sheets";
$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Default Dokeos style";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Should the navigation menu show the different tool icons?";
$Plugin = "Plugin";
$MainMenu = "Main menu";
$MainMenuLogged = "Main menu after login";
$Banner = "Banner";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Dokeos Web";
$ImageResizeTitle = "Resize uploaded user images";
$ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the <a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">GD library</a>. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored.";
$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maximum user image width";
$MaxImageWidthComment = "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maximum user image height";
$MaxImageHeightComment = "Maximum height in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
$YourVersionIs = "Your version is";
$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Please visit Dokeos";
$VersionUpToDate = "Your version is up-to-date";
$ConnectSocketError = "Socket Connection Error";
$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Socket connections are disabled";
$ShowEmailAddresses = "Show email addresses";
$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Show email addresses to users";
$langphone = "Phone";
$langConfigureExtensions = "Configure the extensions";
$langConfigureExtensions = "Configure the services";
$langActiveExtensions = "Activate this service";
$langVisioconf = "Visio-conference";
$langVisioconfDescription = "Dokeos Live Conferencing<EFBFBD> is a standard tool of visioconference which offers : displaying of diapos, whiteboard to draw and write, audio/video duplex, chat. It requires just the Flash<EFBFBD> player and permits to use three modes : one2one, one2many et many2many. ";
$langPpt2lp = "PowerPoint2LearningPath";
$langPpt2lpDescription = "PowerPoint2LearningPath allosw you to transform a Powerpoint presentation to a Learning path in a few clicks.";
$langBandWidthStatistics = "Bandwidth statistics";
$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG allow you to consult advanced statistics about the state of the server on the last 24 hours.";
$ServerStatistics = "Server statistics";
$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats allows you to consult the statistics of your platform : visitors, page views, referers...";
$SearchEngine = "Full Text Search engine";
$langSearchEngineDescription = "Full Text Search Engine allow you to search a word through the whole platform. The daily indexation of the contents assure you from the quality of the results.";
$langListSession = "Sessions list";
$AddSession = "Add a session";
$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions in XML/CSV format";
$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Export sessions in XML/CSV format";
$SessionName = "Session name";
$langNbCourses = "courses number";
$DateStart = "Start date";
$DateEnd = "End date";
$CoachName = "Coach name";
$NoTimeLimits = "No time limits";
$SessionList = "Sessions list";
$SessionNameIsRequired = "A name is required for the session";
$NextStep = "Next step";
$keyword = "Keyword";
$Confirm = "Confirm";
$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Unsubscribe users from course";
$MissingClassName = "Missing class name";
$ClassNameExists = "Class name exists";
$ImportCSVFileLocation = "CSV file import location";
$ClassesCreated = "Classes created";
$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errors when importing file";
$ServiceActivated = "Service activated";
$ActiveExtension = "Active services";
$InvalidExtension = "Invalid extension";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your campus on The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of campusses, total number of dokeos courses, total number of dokeos students, ...) (see <a href=\"see\">see</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"\"></a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
$AfterApproval = "After approval";
$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable student view";
$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the student view, which allows a teacher or admin to see a course as a student would see it";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on WhoIsOnline";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on course creation";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course";
$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity";
$AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation";
$UseSessionModeTitle = "Use session mode";
$UseSessionModeComment = "Sessions give a different way of dealing with courses, where course have a creator, a coach and students. Each coach gives a course for a set period of time, called a *session*, to a set of students";
$HomepageViewActivity = "Activity view";
$HomepageView2column = "Two column view";
$HomepageView3column = "Three columns view";
$AllowUserHeadings = "Allow user headings";
$IconsOnly = "Icons only";
$TextOnly = "Text only";
$IconsText = "Icons and text";
$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Enable tool introduction";
$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Enable introductions on each tool\'s homepage";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Course homepage\'s breadcrumb";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses\' homepages";
$title = "Title";
$comment = "Comment";
$Version = "Version";
$LoginPageMainArea = "Login page main area";
$LoginPageMenu = "Login page menu";
$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Campus homepage main area";
$CampusHomepageMenu = "Campus homepage menu";
$MyCoursesMainArea = "Courses main area";
$MyCoursesMenu = "Courses menu";
$Header = "Header";
$Footer = "Footer";
$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Public pages compliance to WAI";
$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Dokeos will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal\'s public pages might appear differently.";
$VersionCheck = "Version check";
$Active = "Active";
$Inactive = "Inactive";
$SessionOverview = "Session overview";
$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Subscribe user if he has\'nt allready subscribed";
$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Unsubscribe user if subscription is not in file";
$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Delete selected sessions";
$CourseListInSession = "Course list in this session";
$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected courses from this session
$NbUsers = "Users";
$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Subscribe users to this session";
$UserListInPlatform = "User list in the platform";
$UserListInSession = "User list subscribed in this session";
$CourseListInPlatform = "Course list in the platform";
$Host = "Host";
$UserOnHost = "Username";
$FtpPassword = "FTP password";
$PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files";