You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
138 lines
15 KiB
138 lines
15 KiB
-- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
-- version 1.8.5 to version 1.8.6
-- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
-- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
-- order to connect to and update the right databases.
-- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
-- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
-- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
-- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
-- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
-- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
-- This first part is for the main database
-- xxMAINxx
ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD INDEX unique_setting (variable,subkey,category);
ALTER TABLE settings_options ADD INDEX unique_setting_option (variable,value);
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('registration', 'phone', 'textfield', 'User', 'false', 'RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment', NULL, 'Phone');
ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE session_value session_value MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('add_users_by_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','AddUsersByCoachTitle','AddUsersByCoachComment',NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('add_users_by_coach', 'true', 'Yes');
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('add_users_by_coach', 'false', 'No');
ALTER TABLE session ADD nb_days_access_before_beginning TINYINT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER date_end , ADD nb_days_access_after_end TINYINT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER nb_days_access_before_beginning ;
ALTER TABLE course_rel_user ADD INDEX (user_id);
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools', 'wiki', 'checkbox', 'Tools', 'true', 'CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle', 'CourseCreateActiveToolsComment', NULL, 'Wiki', 1, 0);
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','ExtendRightsForCoachTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachComment',NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach', 'true', 'Yes');
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach', 'false', 'No');
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_surveys',NULL,'radio','Security','false','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment',NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_surveys', 'true', 'Yes');
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_surveys', 'false', 'No');
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('show_session_coach',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowSessionCoachTitle','ShowSessionCoachComment',NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_session_coach', 'true', 'Yes');
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_session_coach', 'false', 'No');
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','gradebook','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Gradebook',1,0);
INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('wiki','wiki/index.php','wiki.gif',2,3,'basic');
INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('gradebook','gradebook/index.php','gradebook.gif',2,2,'basic');
ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD session_id int DEFAULT NULL;
CREATE TABLE gradebook_result_log (id int NOT NULL auto_increment,id_result int NOT NULL,user_id int NOT NULL,evaluation_id int NOT NULL,date_log datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',score float unsigned default NULL,PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TABLE gradebook_linkeval_log (id int NOT NULL auto_increment,id_linkeval_log int NOT NULL,name text,description text,date_log int,weight smallint default NULL,visible tinyint default NULL,type varchar(20) NOT NULL,user_id_log int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));
INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('glossary','glossary/index.php','glossary.gif',2,1,'basic');
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','glossary','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Glossary',1,0);
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_users_to_create_courses',NULL,'radio','Course','true','AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle','AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment',NULL,NULL,1,0);
INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_users_to_create_courses','true','Yes'),('allow_users_to_create_courses','false','No');
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','survey','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Survey',1,0),
ALTER TABLE user_field_values CHANGE user_id user_id int unsigned not null;
UPDATE TABLE settings_options SET display_text = 'YesWillDeletePermanently' WHERE variable = 'permanently_remove_deleted_files' and value = 'true';
UPDATE TABLE settings_options SET display_text = 'NoWillDeletePermanently' WHERE variable = 'permanently_remove_deleted_files' and value = 'false';
-- xxSTATSxx
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD status varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD data_tracking text NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD steps_counter SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD start_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
CREATE TABLE track_e_attempt_recording (exe_id int unsigned NOT NULL, question_id int unsigned NOT NULL, marks int NOT NULL, insert_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', author int unsigned NOT NULL, teacher_comment text NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt_recording ADD INDEX (exe_id);
ALTER TABLE track_e_hotspot CHANGE hotspot_coordinate hotspot_coordinate text NOT NULL;
-- xxUSERxx
-- xxCOURSExx
ALTER TABLE course_setting ADD INDEX unique_setting (variable,subkey,category);
ALTER TABLE lp ADD theme varchar(255) not null default '';
ALTER TABLE survey ADD mail_subject VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER reminder_mail ;
ALTER TABLE quiz_rel_question ADD question_order mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
ALTER TABLE quiz ADD max_attempt int NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey ADD one_question_per_page bool NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey ADD shuffle bool NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey ADD survey_version varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE survey ADD parent_id int NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey ADD survey_type int NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey_question ADD survey_group_pri int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey_question ADD survey_group_sec1 int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey_question ADD survey_group_sec2 int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
CREATE TABLE survey_group ( id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(20) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) NOT NULL, survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
ALTER TABLE survey_question_option ADD value int NOT NULL default 0;
UPDATE tool SET category = 'interaction' WHERE name = 'forum';
ALTER TABLE survey ADD show_form_profile int NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE survey ADD form_fields TEXT NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE quiz_answer CHANGE hotspot_type hotspot_type ENUM( 'square', 'circle', 'poly', 'delineation' ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE quiz ADD start_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
ALTER TABLE quiz ADD end_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
ALTER TABLE quiz ADD max_attempt int NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE forum_forum ADD forum_image varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE lp ADD preview_image varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE lp ADD author varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD search_did INT NULL;
CREATE TABLE wiki (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, page_id int NOT NULL default 0, reflink varchar(250) NOT NULL default 'index', title text NOT NULL, content mediumtext NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, group_id int default NULL, dtime datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', addlock int NOT NULL default 1, editlock int NOT NULL default 0, visibility int NOT NULL default 1, addlock_disc int NOT NULL default 1, visibility_disc int NOT NULL default 1, ratinglock_disc int NOT NULL default 1, assignment int NOT NULL default 0, comment text NOT NULL, progress text NOT NULL, score int default 0, version int default NULL, is_editing int NOT NULL default 0, hits int default 0, linksto text NOT NULL, tag text NOT NULL, user_ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('wiki','wiki/index.php','wiki.gif',0,'1','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','interaction');
ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN wiki_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN wiki_state enum('0','1','2') NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE announcement ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
ALTER TABLE forum_category ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0 ;
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
ALTER TABLE calendar_event ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0 ;
ALTER TABLE calendar_event ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
ALTER TABLE group_info ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
ALTER TABLE survey ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
CREATE TABLE wiki_discuss (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, publication_id int NOT NULL default 0, userc_id int NOT NULL default 0, comment text NOT NULL, p_score varchar(255) default NULL, dtime datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (id) );
CREATE TABLE wiki_mailcue (id int NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, group_id int DEFAULT NULL, KEY (id) );
ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD audio VARCHAR(250);
CREATE TABLE wiki_conf (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, page_id int NOT NULL default 0, feedback1 text NOT NULL, feedback2 text NOT NULL, feedback3 text NOT NULL, max_size int default NULL, max_text int default NULL, max_version int default NULL, startdate_assig datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', enddate_assig datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', delayedsubmit int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
CREATE TABLE student_publication_assignment (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, expires_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', ends_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', add_to_calendar tinyint NOT NULL, enable_qualification tinyint NOT NULL, publication_id int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD has_properties INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualification INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD date_of_qualification datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD parent_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualificator_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify int default NULL,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
ALTER TABLE forum_thread_qualify ADD INDEX (user_id, thread_id);
ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD session_id int unsigned default NULL;
ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_title_qualify varchar(255) default '';
ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_qualify_max int unsigned default 0;
CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify int default NULL,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
ALTER TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log ADD INDEX (user_id, thread_id);
INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('gradebook','gradebook/index.php','gradebook.gif',1,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_close_date datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD view_properties tinyint NULL;
UPDATE forum_notification SET forum_id=NULL WHERE forum_id='';
ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE forum_id forum_id INT NULL;
UPDATE forum_notification SET thread_id=NULL WHERE thread_id='';
ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE thread_id thread_id INT NULL;
UPDATE forum_notification SET post_id=NULL WHERE post_id='';
ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE post_id post_id INT NULL;
ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_weight smallint default 0;
ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE post_id post_id INT NULL;
ALTER TABLE quiz_answer CHANGE hotspot_coordinates hotspot_coordinates text;
ALTER TABLE group_info ADD forum_state TINYINT NULL AFTER announcements_state;
CREATE TABLE calendar_event_attachment ( id int NOT NULL auto_increment, path varchar(255) NOT NULL, comment text, size int NOT NULL default 0, agenda_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
ALTER TABLE glossary ADD display_order int;
CREATE TABLE calendar_event_attachment ( id int NOT NULL auto_increment, path varchar(255) NOT NULL, comment text, size int NOT NULL default 0, agenda_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_open_chat_window',0,'chat');>>>>>>> .r17111