Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_already_enrolled = "已经注册";
$lang_my_personnal_course_list = "我的课程列表";
$lang_course_enrollment = "用户的课程";
$lang_course_not_available = "课程不可用或不存在";
$lang_enroll = "注册";
$lang_enroll_to_a_new_course = "登记到新课程";
$lang_my_present_course_list = "我的当前课程列表";
$lang_no_course_to_enroll_in_this_category = "该分类没有课程";
$lang_or_search_from_the_course_code = "或通过代码搜索";
$lang_search = "搜索";
$lang_select_course_among_categories = "在分类中选择课程";
$lang_select_course_in = "选择课程";
$lang_select_course_in_search_results = "在搜索结果中选择课程";
$lang_unsubscribe = "取消注册";
$lang_back_to_my_home_page = "返回我的主页";
$lang_back_to_my_personnal_course_list = "返回我的个人课程列表";
$langTitular = "领导";
$langBackToListOfThisUser = "返回到课程列表";
$langAdministrationTools = "管理工具";
$lang_back_to_parent_category = "返回上级分类";
$lang_back_to_course_selection = "返回课程选择";
$lang_up = "返回上级分类";
$langCatList = "分类";
$langCourseList = "课程列表";
$Subscribe = "注册";
$AlreadySubscribed = "已注册";
$CourseCategoryStored = "课程分类已经创建";
$langWithoutTimeLimits = "没有时间限制";
$lang_back_to_main_category_list = "返回主分类列表";
$langAdded = "添加";
$langDeleted = "删除";
$langKeeped = "保持";
$langHideAndSubscribeClosed = "隐藏/关闭";
$langHideAndSubscribeOpen = "隐藏/打开";
$langShowAndSubscribeOpen = "显示/打开";
$langShowAndSubscribeClosed = "显示/关闭";
$langAdminThisUser = "返回用户";
$langManage = "管理入口";
$langEnrollToCourseSuccessful = "您已经注册了该课程";
$langSubCat = "子分类";
$langUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "不允许取消注册";
$langCourseAdminUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "您是课程管理员";
$CourseManagement = "课程管理";
$SortMyCourses = "课程排序";
$SubscribeToCourse = "注册到课程";
$UnsubscribeFromCourse = "注销课程";
$CreateCourseCategory = "创建课程分类";
$CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted = "确认想要删除这个课程分类吗? 这个课程分类中的课程将要被移到课程分类以外";
$CourseCategories = "课程分类";
$CoursesInCategory = "此分类中的课程";
$SearchCourse = "搜索课程";
$UpOneCategory = "上级分类";
$SearchResultsFor = "搜索结果:";
$ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse = "你确认要注销这门课程吗?";
$NoCourseCategory = "没有课程分类";
$EditCourseCategorySucces = "课程已添加到分类";
$SubscribingNotAllowed = "不允许注册";
$CourseSortingDone = "课程排序完成";
$ExistingCourseCategories = "已有课程分类";
$YouAreNowUnsubscribed = "正从当前课程注销";
$ViewOpenCourses = "浏览公开课程";
$ErrorContactPlatformAdmin = "未知错误,请联系平台管理员";
$CourseRegistrationCodeIncorrect = "非法课程代码";
$CourseRequiresPassword = "课程密码不能为空";
$SubmitRegistrationCode = "提交注册";
$CourseCategoryDeleted = "课程目录已经删除";
$CategorySortingDone = "分类过滤完成";
$CourseCategoryEditStored = "分类更新完成";