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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Forum = "论坛";
$AddForumCategory = "增加新的论坛分类";
$AddForum = "添加新论坛";
$Topics = "主题";
$Posts = "回复";
$LastPosts = "最新回复";
$Message = "信息";
$NoForumInThisCategory = "此分类无论坛";
$InForumCategory = "建立在分类";
$AllowAnonymousPosts = "允许匿名贴?";
$StudentsCanEdit = "学员能修改本身的帖子吗?";
$ApprovalDirect = "批准 / 直接帖子";
$AllowNewThreads = "允许学员发表新文章";
$DefaultViewType = "默认查看类型";
$GroupSettings = "小组设定";
$NotAGroupForum = "不是一个小组论坛";
$PublicPrivateGroupForum = "公开或私人小组论坛?";
$Public = "开放给所有课程学员";
$Private = "只限小组成员";
$NewPostStored = "您的贴已被储存";
$ReturnTo = "你现在可以返回";
$Or = "";
$ReplyToThread = "回复本帖子";
$ReplyToMessage = "回复本主题";
$QuoteMessage = "引用本文章";
$NewTopic = "新主题";
$Replies = "回复";
$Views = "查看";
$LastPost = "最后发表";
$Quoting = "引用";
$NotifyByEmail = "当有人回复时请电邮通知我";
$StickyPost = "这是一个置顶文章(出现在论坛顶端并有一个置顶图标)";
$ReplyShort = "回复主题";
$DeletePost = "你肯定你要删除此帖子? 删除此帖子的同时所有回复也会被删除。 请用树状模式查看那些帖子也会被删除";
$Locked = "禁止∶学员不能发布新帖子,但仍然能阅读他们已发布的文章";
$Unlocked = "解禁∶学员可以发布新帖子";
$Flat = "平面";
$Threaded = "树状";
$Nested = "复合";
$FlatView = "平板模式";
$ThreadedView = "树状模式";
$NestedView = "复合模式";
$Structure = "结构";
$ForumCategoryAdded = "论坛组别已被添加";
$ForumCategoryEdited = "论坛组别已被修改";
$ForumAdded = "论坛已被添加";
$ForumEdited = "论坛已被修改";
$NewThreadStored = "新文章已被添加";
$Approval = "批准";
$Direct = "直接";
$ForGroup = "小组";
$ThreadLocked = "主题已被锁";
$NotAllowedHere = "你不被允许到这里。";
$ReplyAdded = "回复已被添加";
$EditPost = "编辑一篇文章";
$EditPostStored = "帖子已被修改";
$NewForumPost = "论坛新帖子";
$YouWantedToStayInformed = "你说明你想收到帖子回复的电邮通知";
$MessageHasToBeApproved = "信息必须验证后才能被看到.";