Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
2.2 KiB

for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Camera = "";
$Microphone = "";
$Name = "";
$DeleteStream = "";
$Progress = "";
$Play = "";
$Stop = "";
$Record = "";
$NoFileAvailable = "";
$RecordingOnlyForTeachers = "";
$UsersNow = "";
$StartConference = "";
$MyName = "";
$OrganisationSVideoconference = "";
$ImportPresentation = "";
$RefreshList = "";
$GoToTop = "";
$NewPoll = "";
$CreateNewPoll = "";
$Question = "";
$PollType = "";
$Create = "";
$InfoConnectedUsersGetNotifiedOfThisPoll = "";
$YesNo = "";
$Numeric1To10 = "";
$Poll = "";
$YouHaveToBecomeModeratorOfThisRoomToStartPolls = "";
$YourVoteHasBeenSent = "";
$YouAlreadyVotedForThisPoll = "";
$VoteButton = "";
$YourAnswer = "";
$Yes = "";
$No = "";
$WantsToKnow = "";
$PollResults = "";
$Votes = "";
$Result = "";
$ThereIsNoPoll = "";
$MeetingMode = "";
$ConferenceMaxSeats = "";
$Mode = "";
$RemainingSeats = "";
$AlreadyIn = "";
$CheckIn = "";
$TheModeratorHasLeft = "";
$SystemMessage = "";
$ChooseDevices = "";
$ChooseCam = "";
$ChooseMic = "";
$OK = "";
$YouHaveToReconnectSoThatTheChangesTakeEffect = "";
$ChangeSettings = "";
$Course = "";
$CourseLanguage = "";
$ConfirmClearWhiteboard = "";
$ShouldWitheboardBeClearedBeforeNewImage = "";
$DontAskMeAgain = "";
$EditSettings = "";
$ShowConfirmationBeforeClearingWhiteboard = "";
$UserInfo = "";
$ClearDrawArea = "";
$Undo = "";
$Redo = "";
$SelectAnObject = "";
$Text = "";
$Paint = "";
$DrawLine = "";
$DrawUnderline = "";
$Rectangle = "";
$Elipse = "";
$Arrow = "";
$DeleteChosenItem = "";
$ApplyForModeration = "";
$Apply = "";
$BecomeModerator = "";
$Close = "";
$Italic = "";
$Bold = "";
$Waiting = "";
$AUserWantsToApplyForModeration = "";
$Accept = "";
$Reject = "";
$SendingRequestToFollowingUsers = "";
$Accepted = "";
$Rejected = "";
$ChangeModerator = "";
$YouAreNotModeratingThisCourse = "";
$Moderator = "";
$ThisRoomIsFullPleaseTryAgain = "";
$Loading = "";
$PleaseWaitWhileLoadingImage = "";
$SynchronisingConferenceMembers = "";
$Trainer = "";
$Learner = "";
$Chat = "";
$Slides = "";
$WaitingForParticipants = "";
$Send = "";
$Browse = "";
$Cancel = "";
$ChooseFile = "";
$ConvertingDocument = "";
$Disconnected = "";
$FineStroke = "";
$MediumStroke = "";
$ThickStroke = "";