Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4832 lines
220 KiB

ver 0.1 - RegEx errors in Opera need to be fixed (apparently OK in 9.5)
This version of ASCIIMathML has been modified with TeX conversion for
IMG fallback June 11, 2008 (c) David Lippman
This this version, if browser supports MathML, it is used. Otherwise, image-
based math rendering is used (set AMTcgiloc for renderer). Also provides
IMG fallback for editor-produced graphs (does not attempt img fallback for
other graphs)
This file contains JavaScript functions to convert ASCII math notation
and LaTeX to Presentation MathML. Simple graphics commands are also
translated to SVG images. The conversion is done while the (X)HTML
page loads, and should work with Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape 7+ and Internet
Explorer 6/7 + MathPlayer ( +
Adobe SVGview 3.03 (
Just add the next line to your (X)HTML page with this file in the same folder:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>
(using the graphics in IE also requires the file "d.svg" in the same folder).
This is a convenient and inexpensive solution for authoring MathML and SVG.
Version 2.1 Oct 8, 2008, (c) Peter Jipsen
This version extends ASCIIMathML.js with LaTeXMathML.js and ASCIIsvg.js.
Latest version at
If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to
The LaTeXMathML modifications were made by Douglas Woodall, June 2006.
(for details see header on the LaTeXMathML part in middle of file)
Extensive clean-up and improvements by Paulo Soares, Oct 2007.
Some modifications from AM.js, version 2.X.X.4 November 2009
by Mauno Korpelainen ( have been transfered here.
This script has been "assembled" for Chamilo LMS
by Ivan Tcholakov, July 2010, using some information from
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
(at for more details.
// Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 02-JUL-2010.
//var AMTcgiloc = ""; //path to CGI script that
// //can render a TeX string
// You should pick up and install on your server software for TeX rendering as:
// mimeTeX -
// mathTeX -
// or you may try to use some public services as:
// MathTran -
// Google Chart Tools -
// You have to set here the path to the script for TeX rendering
// and query parameters, if any.
// Examples:
// var AMTcgiloc = "/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?";
// var AMTcgiloc = "";
// Some examples for testing purposes:
//var AMTcgiloc = "";
//var AMTcgiloc = "";
//var AMTcgiloc = "\\gammacorrection{1.4}";
//var AMTcgiloc = "\\gammacorrection{1.4}";
//var AMTcgiloc = ";tex=\\displaystyle ";
//var AMTcgiloc = ";tex=\\displaystyle ";
//var AMTcgiloc = ",s,FFFFFF00&chco=000000&chl=";
var AMTcgiloc = ",s,FFFFFF00&chco=000000&chl=";
var AScgiloc = ''; //path to CGI script
//for editor graphs IMG fallback
var mathcolor = "blue"; // change it to "" (to inherit) or another color
// Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 01-JUL-2010.
//var mathfontsize = "1em"; // change to e.g. 1.2em for larger math
var mathfontsize = "1.5em";
// Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 05-JUL-2010.
//var mathfontfamily = "serif"; // change to "" to inherit (works in IE)
// // or another family (e.g. "arial")
var mathfontfamily = 'STIXGeneral,Arial Unicode MS,"Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande",Garuda,sans-serif';
var automathrecognize = false; // writing "amath" on page makes this true
var checkForMathML = true; // check if browser can display MathML
var notifyIfNoMathML = false; // display note at top if no MathML capability
var alertIfNoMathML = false; // show alert box if no MathML capability
var translateOnLoad = true; // set to false to do call translators from js
var translateLaTeX = false; // false to preserve $..$, $$..$$
var translateLaTeXformatting = true; // false to preserve \emph,\begin{},\end{}
var translateASCIIMath = true; // false to preserve `..`
var translateASCIIsvg = true; // false to preserve agraph.., \begin{graph}..
var avoidinnerHTML = false; // set true if assigning to innerHTML gives error
var displaystyle = true; // puts limits above and below large operators
var showasciiformulaonhover = true; // helps students learn ASCIIMath
var decimalsign = "."; // change to "," if you like, beware of `(1,2)`!
var AMdelimiter1 = "`", AMescape1 = "\\\\`"; // can use other characters
var AMdocumentId = "wikitext" // PmWiki element containing math (default=body)
var checkforprocessasciimathinmoodle = false; // true for systems like Moodle
var dsvglocation = ""; // path to d.svg (blank if same as ASCIIMathML.js loc)
var isIE = document.createElementNS==null;
var noMathML = false, translated = false;
if (isIE) { // avoid adding MathPlayer info explicitly to each webpage
document.write("<object id=\"mathplayer\"\
document.write("<?import namespace=\"m\" implementation=\"#mathplayer\"?>");
// Add a stylesheet, replacing any previous custom stylesheet (adapted from TW)
function setStylesheet(s) {
var id = "AMMLcustomStyleSheet";
var n = document.getElementById(id);
if(document.createStyleSheet) {
// Test for IE's non-standard createStyleSheet method
// This failed without the &nbsp;
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd","&nbsp;<style id='" + id + "'>" + s + "</style>");
} else {
if(n) {
} else {
n = document.createElement("style");
n.type = "text/css"; = id;
setStylesheet("#AMMLcloseDiv \{font-size:0.8em; padding-top:1em; color:#014\}\n#AMMLwarningBox \{position:absolute; width:100%; top:0; left:0; z-index:200; text-align:center; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; padding:0.5em 0 0.5em 0; color:#ffc; background:#c30\}");
function init(){
var msg, warnings = new Array();
if (document.getElementById==null){
alert("This webpage requires a recent browser such as Mozilla Firefox/Netscape 7+ or Internet Explorer 6+ with MathPlayer and Adobe SVGviewer");
return null;
if (checkForMathML && (msg = checkMathML())) warnings.push(msg);
if (checkIfSVGavailable && (msg = checkSVG())) warnings.push(msg);
if (warnings.length>0) displayWarnings(warnings);
return true;
function checkMathML(){
if (navigator.product && navigator.product=='Gecko') {
var rv = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/rv:\s*([\d\.]+)/);
if (rv!=null) {
rv = rv[1].split('.');
if (rv.length<3) { rv[2] = 0;}
if (rv.length<2) { rv[1] = 0;}
if (rv!=null && 10000*rv[0]+100*rv[1]+1*rv[2]>=10100) {
noMathML = null;
} else {
noMathML = true;
else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft")
try {
var ActiveX = new ActiveXObject("MathPlayer.Factory.1");
noMathML = null;
} catch (e) {
noMathML = true;
else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,5)=="Opera")
if (navigator.appVersion.slice(0,3)>="9.5") noMathML = null;
else noMathML = true;
//noMathML = true; //uncomment to check
if (noMathML && notifyIfNoMathML) {
var msg = "To view the ASCIIMathML notation use Internet Explorer + MathPlayer or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later.";
if (alertIfNoMathML)
else return msg;
function hideWarning(){
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
body.onclick = null;
function displayWarnings(warnings) {
var i, frag, nd = createElementXHTML("div");
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
body.onclick=hideWarning; = 'AMMLwarningBox';
for (i=0; i<warnings.length; i++) {
frag = createElementXHTML("div");
frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(warnings[i])); = "1.0em";
nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode("For instructions see the "));
var an = createElementXHTML("a");
nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" homepage"));
an = createElementXHTML("div"); = 'AMMLcloseDiv';
an.appendChild(document.createTextNode('(click anywhere to close this warning)'));
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
function translate(spanclassAM) {
if (!translated) { // run this only once
translated = true;
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var processN = document.getElementById(AMdocumentId);
if (translateLaTeX) LMprocessNode((processN!=null?processN:body));
if (translateASCIIMath) AMprocessNode((processN!=null?processN:body), false, spanclassAM);
function createElementXHTML(t) {
if (isIE) return document.createElement(t);
else return document.createElementNS("",t);
function createMmlNode(t,frag) {
if (isIE) var node = document.createElement("m:"+t);
else var node = document.createElementNS("",t);
if (frag) node.appendChild(frag);
return node;
// character lists for Mozilla/Netscape fonts
var AMcal = [
'\uD835\uDC9C', '\u212C', '\uD835\uDC9E', //abc
'\uD835\uDC9F', '\u2130', '\u2131', //def
'\uD835\uDCA2', '\u210B', '\u2110', //ghi
'\uD835\uDCA5', '\uD835\uDCA6', '\u2112', //jkl
'\u2133', '\uD835\uDCA9', '\uD835\uDCAA', //mno
'\uD835\uDCAB', '\uD835\uDCAC', '\u211B', //pqr
'\uD835\uDCAE', '\uD835\uDCAF', '\uD835\uDCB0', //stu
'\uD835\uDCB1', '\uD835\uDCB2', '\uD835\uDCB3', //vwx
'\uD835\uDCB4', '\uD835\uDCB5' ]; //yz
var AMfrk = [
'\uD835\uDD04', '\uD835\uDD05', '\u212D', //abc
'\uD835\uDD07', '\uD835\uDD08', '\uD835\uDD09', //def
'\uD835\uDD0A', '\u210C', '\u2111', //ghi
'\uD835\uDD0D', '\uD835\uDD0E', '\uD835\uDD0F', //jkl
'\uD835\uDD10', '\uD835\uDD11', '\uD835\uDD12', //mno
'\uD835\uDD13', '\uD835\uDD14', '\u211C', //pqr
'\uD835\uDD16', '\uD835\uDD17', '\uD835\uDD18', //stu
'\uD835\uDD19', '\uD835\uDD1A', '\uD835\uDD1B', //vwx
'\uD835\uDD1C', '\u2128' ]; //yz
var AMbbb = [
'\uD835\uDD38', '\uD835\uDD39', '\u2102', //abc
'\uD835\uDD3B', '\uD835\uDD3C', '\uD835\uDD3D', //def
'\uD835\uDD3E', '\u210D', '\uD835\uDD40', //ghi
'\uD835\uDD41', '\uD835\uDD42', '\uD835\uDD43', //jkl
'\uD835\uDD44', '\u2115', '\uD835\uDD46', //mno
'\u2119', '\u211A', '\u211D', //pqr
'\uD835\uDD4A', '\uD835\uDD4B', '\uD835\uDD4C', //stu
'\uD835\uDD4D', '\uD835\uDD4E', '\uD835\uDD4F', //vwx
'\uD835\uDD50', '\u2124', ];
var CONST = 0, UNARY = 1, BINARY = 2, INFIX = 3, LEFTBRACKET = 4,
LEFTRIGHT = 9, TEXT = 10, BIG = 11, LONG = 12, STRETCHY = 13,
MATRIX = 14; // token types
var AMquote = {input:"\"", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT};
var AMsymbols = [
//some greek symbols
{input:"alpha", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"beta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"chi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"delta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Delta", tag:"mo", output:"\u0394", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"epsi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B5", tex:"epsilon", ttype:CONST},
{input:"varepsilon", tag:"mi", output:"\u025B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"eta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gamma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Gamma", tag:"mo", output:"\u0393", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"iota", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"kappa", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lambda", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Lambda", tag:"mo", output:"\u039B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"mu", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"nu", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"omega", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Omega", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"phi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"varphi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03D5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Phi", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"pi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Pi", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"psi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Psi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03A8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rho", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"sigma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Sigma", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"tau", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"theta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vartheta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03D1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Theta", tag:"mo", output:"\u0398", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"upsilon", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"xi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Xi", tag:"mo", output:"\u039E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"zeta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
//binary operation symbols
//{input:"-", tag:"mo", output:"\u0096", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"*", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C5", tex:"cdot", ttype:CONST},
{input:"**", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C6", tex:"star", ttype:CONST},
{input:"//", tag:"mo", output:"/", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\\\", tag:"mo", output:"\\", tex:"backslash", ttype:CONST},
{input:"setminus", tag:"mo", output:"\\", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"xx", tag:"mo", output:"\u00D7", tex:"times", ttype:CONST},
{input:"-:", tag:"mo", output:"\u00F7", tex:"divide", ttype:CONST},
{input:"@", tag:"mo", output:"\u26AC", tex:"circ", ttype:CONST},
{input:"o+", tag:"mo", output:"\u2295", tex:"oplus", ttype:CONST},
{input:"ox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2297", tex:"otimes", ttype:CONST},
{input:"o.", tag:"mo", output:"\u2299", tex:"odot", ttype:CONST},
{input:"sum", tag:"mo", output:"\u2211", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"prod", tag:"mo", output:"\u220F", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"^^", tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", tex:"wedge", ttype:CONST},
{input:"^^^", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C0", tex:"bigwedge", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"vv", tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", tex:"vee", ttype:CONST},
{input:"vvv", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C1", tex:"bigvee", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"nn", tag:"mo", output:"\u2229", tex:"cap", ttype:CONST},
{input:"nnn", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C2", tex:"bigcap", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"uu", tag:"mo", output:"\u222A", tex:"cup", ttype:CONST},
{input:"uuu", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C3", tex:"bigcup", ttype:UNDEROVER},
//binary relation symbols
{input:"!=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", tex:"ne", ttype:CONST},
{input:":=", tag:"mo", output:":=", tex:"text{:=}", ttype:CONST},
{input:"lt", tag:"mo", output:"<", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"<=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:"le", ttype:CONST},
{input:"lt=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:"leq", ttype:CONST},
{input:">=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:"ge", ttype:CONST},
{input:"geq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"-<", tag:"mo", output:"\u227A", tex:"prec", ttype:CONST},
{input:"-lt", tag:"mo", output:"\u227A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:">-", tag:"mo", output:"\u227B", tex:"succ", ttype:CONST},
{input:"-<=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AAF", tex:"preceq", ttype:CONST},
{input:">-=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB0", tex:"succeq", ttype:CONST},
{input:"in", tag:"mo", output:"\u2208", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"!in", tag:"mo", output:"\u2209", tex:"notin", ttype:CONST},
{input:"sub", tag:"mo", output:"\u2282", tex:"subset", ttype:CONST},
{input:"sup", tag:"mo", output:"\u2283", tex:"supset", ttype:CONST},
{input:"sube", tag:"mo", output:"\u2286", tex:"subseteq", ttype:CONST},
{input:"supe", tag:"mo", output:"\u2287", tex:"supseteq", ttype:CONST},
{input:"-=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2261", tex:"equiv", ttype:CONST},
{input:"~=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2245", tex:"cong", ttype:CONST},
{input:"~~", tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", tex:"approx", ttype:CONST},
{input:"prop", tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", tex:"propto", ttype:CONST},
//logical symbols
{input:"and", tag:"mtext", output:"and", tex:null, ttype:SPACE},
{input:"or", tag:"mtext", output:"or", tex:null, ttype:SPACE},
{input:"not", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AC", tex:"neg", ttype:CONST},
{input:"=>", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:"Rightarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:"if", tag:"mo", output:"if", tex:null, ttype:SPACE},
{input:"<=>", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", tex:"Leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:"AA", tag:"mo", output:"\u2200", tex:"forall", ttype:CONST},
{input:"EE", tag:"mo", output:"\u2203", tex:"exists", ttype:CONST},
{input:"_|_", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", tex:"bot", ttype:CONST},
{input:"TT", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A4", tex:"top", ttype:CONST},
{input:"|--", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A2", tex:"vdash", ttype:CONST},
{input:"|==", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A8", tex:"models", ttype:CONST},
//grouping brackets
{input:"(", tag:"mo", output:"(", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:")", tag:"mo", output:")", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
{input:"[", tag:"mo", output:"[", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:"]", tag:"mo", output:"]", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
{input:"{", tag:"mo", output:"{", tex:"lbrace", ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:"}", tag:"mo", output:"}", tex:"rbrace", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
{input:"|", tag:"mo", output:"|", tex:null, ttype:LEFTRIGHT},
//{input:"||", tag:"mo", output:"||", tex:null, ttype:LEFTRIGHT},
{input:"(:", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", tex:"langle", ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:":)", tag:"mo", output:"\u232A", tex:"rangle", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
{input:"<<", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", tex:"langle", ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:">>", tag:"mo", output:"\u232A", tex:"rangle", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
{input:"{:", tag:"mo", output:"{:", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET, invisible:true},
{input:":}", tag:"mo", output:":}", tex:null, ttype:RIGHTBRACKET, invisible:true},
//miscellaneous symbols
{input:"int", tag:"mo", output:"\u222B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"dx", tag:"mi", output:"{:d x:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"dy", tag:"mi", output:"{:d y:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"dz", tag:"mi", output:"{:d z:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"dt", tag:"mi", output:"{:d t:}", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"oint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"del", tag:"mo", output:"\u2202", tex:"partial", ttype:CONST},
{input:"grad", tag:"mo", output:"\u2207", tex:"nabla", ttype:CONST},
{input:"+-", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B1", tex:"pm", ttype:CONST},
{input:"O/", tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", tex:"emptyset", ttype:CONST},
{input:"oo", tag:"mo", output:"\u221E", tex:"infty", ttype:CONST},
{input:"aleph", tag:"mo", output:"\u2135", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"...", tag:"mo", output:"...", tex:"ldots", ttype:CONST},
{input:":.", tag:"mo", output:"\u2234", tex:"therefore", ttype:CONST},
{input:"/_", tag:"mo", output:"\u2220", tex:"angle", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ ", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST, val:true},
{input:"quad", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0\u00A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"qquad", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"cdots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vdots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ddots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22F1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"diamond", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"square", tag:"mo", output:"\u25A1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"|__", tag:"mo", output:"\u230A", tex:"lfloor", ttype:CONST},
{input:"__|", tag:"mo", output:"\u230B", tex:"rfloor", ttype:CONST},
{input:"|~", tag:"mo", output:"\u2308", tex:"lceil", ttype:CONST},
{input:"~|", tag:"mo", output:"\u2309", tex:"rceil", ttype:CONST},
{input:"CC", tag:"mo", output:"\u2102", tex:"mathbb{C}", ttype:CONST, notexcopy:true},
{input:"NN", tag:"mo", output:"\u2115", tex:"mathbb{N}", ttype:CONST, notexcopy:true},
{input:"QQ", tag:"mo", output:"\u211A", tex:"mathbb{Q}", ttype:CONST, notexcopy:true},
{input:"RR", tag:"mo", output:"\u211D", tex:"mathbb{R}", ttype:CONST, notexcopy:true},
{input:"ZZ", tag:"mo", output:"\u2124", tex:"mathbb{Z}", ttype:CONST, notexcopy:true},
//{input:"f", tag:"mi", output:"f", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true, val:true},
//{input:"g", tag:"mi", output:"g", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true, val:true},
//standard functions
{input:"lim", tag:"mo", output:"lim", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"Lim", tag:"mo", output:"Lim", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"sin", tag:"mo", output:"sin", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"cos", tag:"mo", output:"cos", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"tan", tag:"mo", output:"tan", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"sinh", tag:"mo", output:"sinh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"cosh", tag:"mo", output:"cosh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"tanh", tag:"mo", output:"tanh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"cot", tag:"mo", output:"cot", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"sec", tag:"mo", output:"sec", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"csc", tag:"mo", output:"csc", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"log", tag:"mo", output:"log", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"ln", tag:"mo", output:"ln", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
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{input:"dim", tag:"mo", output:"dim", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"mod", tag:"mo", output:"mod", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gcd", tag:"mo", output:"gcd", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"lcm", tag:"mo", output:"lcm", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"lub", tag:"mo", output:"lub", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"min", tag:"mo", output:"min", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"max", tag:"mo", output:"max", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
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{input:"rarr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:"rightarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:"->", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:"to", ttype:CONST},
{input:">->", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A3", tex:"rightarrowtail", ttype:CONST},
{input:"->>", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A0", tex:"twoheadrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:">->>", tag:"mo", output:"\u2916", tex:"twoheadrightarrowtail", ttype:CONST},
{input:"|->", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", tex:"mapsto", ttype:CONST},
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{input:"harr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", tex:"leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:"rArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:"Rightarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:"lArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", tex:"Leftarrow", ttype:CONST},
{input:"hArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", tex:"Leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
//commands with argument
{input:"sqrt", tag:"msqrt", output:"sqrt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
{input:"root", tag:"mroot", output:"root", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
{input:"frac", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
{input:"/", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
{input:"stackrel", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
{input:"_", tag:"msub", output:"_", tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
{input:"^", tag:"msup", output:"^", tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
{input:"hat", tag:"mover", output:"\u005E", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"bar", tag:"mover", output:"\u00AF", tex:"overline", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"vec", tag:"mover", output:"\u2192", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"dot", tag:"mover", output:".", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"ddot", tag:"mover", output:"..", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"ul", tag:"munder", output:"\u0332", tex:"underline", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"text", tag:"mtext", output:"text", tex:null, ttype:TEXT},
{input:"mbox", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT},
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{input:"mathbb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"double-struck", output:"mathbb", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMbbb},
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{input:"mathcal", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"script", output:"mathcal", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMcal},
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{input:"mathtt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"fontfamily", atval:"monospace", output:"mathtt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
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{input:"mathfrak", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"fraktur", output:"mathfrak", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, codes:AMfrk},
// Symbols added by Mauno Korpelainen, November 2009.
{input:"density",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", atval:"mathsize", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
{input:"varkappa", tag:"mi", output:"\u03F0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"digamma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03DC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"'", tag:"mo", output:"\u02B9", tex:"hspace{0}{'}", ttype:CONST},
{input:"''", tag:"mo", output:"\u02BA", tex:"hspace{0}{''}", ttype:CONST},
{input:"'''", tag:"mo", output:"\u2034", tex:"hspace{0}{'''}", ttype:CONST},
{input:"''''", tag:"mo", output:"\u2057", tex:"hspace{0}{''''}", ttype:CONST},
{input:"#", tag:"mo", output:"#", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"%", tag:"mo", output:"\u0025", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"&", tag:"mo", output:"\u0026", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"^", tag:"msup", output:"^", tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
{input:"~=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2245", tex:"cong", ttype:CONST},
{input:"aa", tag:"mo", output:"\u00E5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"abs", tag:"mo", output:"abs", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"acute", tag:"mover", output:"\u00B4", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"AE", tag:"mo", output:"\u00C6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ae", tag:"mo", output:"\u00E6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"amalg", tag:"mo", output:"\u2210", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"angle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2222", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"approx", tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"approxeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u224A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"arccos", tag:"mo", output:"arccos", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"arcsin", tag:"mo", output:"arcsin", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"arctan", tag:"mo", output:"arctan", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"arg", tag:"mi", output:"arg", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"ast", tag:"mo", output:"\u002A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"asymp", tag:"mo", output:"\u224D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"atop", tag:"mfrac", output:"", tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
{input:"backprime", tag:"mo", output:"\u2035", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"backsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u223D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"backsimeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"backslash", tag:"mo", output:"\u2216", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"barwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22BC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Bbb{A}", tag:"mo", output:"\uD835\uDD38", tex:"Bbb{A}", ttype:CONST},
{input:"because", tag:"mo", output:"\u2235", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"beth", tag:"mo", output:"\u2136", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"between", tag:"mo", output:"\u226C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bigcap", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C2", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigcirc", tag:"mo", output:"\u25CB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bigcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C3", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigodot", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A00", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigoplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A01", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigotimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A02", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigsqcap", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A05", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigsqcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A06", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigstar", tag:"mo", output:"\u2605", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bigtriangledown",tag:"mo",output:"\u25BD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bigtriangleup",tag:"mo",output:"\u25B3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"biguplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A04", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C0", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C0", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"bigvee", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C1", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"blacktriangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"blacktriangledown", tag:"mo", output:"\u25BE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"blacktriangleleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u25C0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"blacktriangleright", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bowtie", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Box", tag:"mo", output:"\u25A1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"boxdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"boxminus", tag:"mo", output:"\u229F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"boxplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u229E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"boxtimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"breve", tag:"mover", output:"\u02D8", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"bullet", tag:"mo", output:"\u2022", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Bumpeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u224E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"bumpeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u224F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"cap", tag:"mo", output:"\u2229", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Cap", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"cdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"cdotp", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"check", tag:"mover", output:"\u02C7", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"checkmark", tag:"mo", output:"\u2713", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"circ", tag:"mo", output:"\u2218", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"circeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2257", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"coth", tag:"mo", output:"coth", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"cup", tag:"mo", output:"\u222A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Cup", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"curlyeqprec", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"curlyeqsucc", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"curlywedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"curlyvee", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"curvearrowleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"curvearrowright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"dag", tag:"mo", output:"\u2020", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"dagger", tag:"mo", output:"\u2020", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"daleth", tag:"mo", output:"\u2138", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"dashv", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ddag", tag:"mo", output:"\u2021", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ddagger", tag:"mo", output:"\u2021", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ddots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22F1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"deg", tag:"mi", output:"deg", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"Diamond", tag:"mo", output:"\u2662", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"diamondsuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2662", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"displaystyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"displaystyle",atval:"true", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
{input:"div", tag:"mo", output:"\u00F7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"divide", tag:"mo", output:"-:", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"divideontimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"doteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2250", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Doteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2251", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"dotplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2214", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"dots", tag:"mo", output:"\u2026", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"doublebarwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A5E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"downarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2193", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Downarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"downdownarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"downharpoonleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"downharpoonright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ell", tag:"mo", output:"\u2113", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"emptyset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"eqcirc", tag:"mo", output:"\u2256", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"eqsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2242", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"eqslantgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A96", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"eqslantless", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A95", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"equiv", tag:"mo", output:"\u2261", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"exists", tag:"mo", output:"\u2203", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"fallingdotseq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2252", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Finv", tag:"mo", output:"\u2132", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"flat", tag:"mo", output:"\u266D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"forall", tag:"mo", output:"\u2200", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
{input:"frac12", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac13", tag:"mo", output:"\u2153", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac14", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac15", tag:"mo", output:"\u2155", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac16", tag:"mo", output:"\u2159", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac18", tag:"mo", output:"\u215B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac23", tag:"mo", output:"\u2154", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac25", tag:"mo", output:"\u2156", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac34", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac35", tag:"mo", output:"\u2157", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac38", tag:"mo", output:"\u215C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac45", tag:"mo", output:"\u2158", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac56", tag:"mo", output:"\u215A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac58", tag:"mo", output:"\u215D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frac78", tag:"mo", output:"\u215E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"frown", tag:"mo", output:"\u2322", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Game", tag:"mo", output:"\u2141", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ge", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"geqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2267", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"geqslant", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gets", tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gg", tag:"mo", output:"\u226B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ggg", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gimel", tag:"mo", output:"\u2137", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gnapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A8A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A88", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2269", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gnsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u22E7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"grave", tag:"mover", output:"\u0060", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"gt", tag:"mo", output:"\u003E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gt=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", tex:"geq", ttype:CONST},
{input:"gtrapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A86", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gtrdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gtreqless", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gtreqqless", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A8C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gtrless", tag:"mo", output:"\u2277", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"gtrsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2273", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"hbar", tag:"mo", output:"\u210F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Heart", tag:"mo", output:"\u2661", tex:"heartsuit", ttype:CONST},
{input:"heartsuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2661", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"hom", tag:"mi", output:"hom", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"hookleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"hookrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"hslash", tag:"mo", output:"\u210F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"iff", tag:"mo", output:"~\\Longleftrightarrow~", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"iff", tag:"mo", output:"<=>", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"iiiint", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A0C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"iiint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"iint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Im", tag:"mo", output:"\u2111", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"imath", tag:"mo", output:"\uD835\uDEA4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"implies", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:null, ttype:LONG},
{input:"inf", tag:"mo", output:"inf", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"infty", tag:"mo", output:"\u221E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"intercal", tag:"mo", output:"\u22BA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"jmath", tag:"mo", output:"\uD835\uDEA5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Join", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ker", tag:"mi", output:"ker", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
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//{input:"l", tag:"mo", output:"\u0142", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"langle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"lbrace", tag:"mo", output:"{", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"lbrack", tag:"mo", output:"[", tex:"[", ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:"lceil", tag:"mo", output:"\u2308", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"lceiling", tag:"mo", output:"|~", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"ldots", tag:"mo", output:"\u2026", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"le", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"left", tag:"mo", output:"\left", tex:null, ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
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{input:"Leftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftarrowtail", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftharpoondown", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftharpoonup", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftleftarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Leftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftrightarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftrightharpoons", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftrightsquigarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leftthreetimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2266", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"leqslant", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lessapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A85", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lessdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lesseqgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lesseqqgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A8B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lessgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2276", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lesssim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2272", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"lfloor", tag:"mo", output:"\u230A", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
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{input:"liminf", tag:"mo", output:"liminf", tex:null, ttype:UNDEROVER},
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{input:"lll", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"Longleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", tex:null, ttype:LONG},
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{input:"not<", tag:"mo", output:"\u226E", tex:"not<", ttype:CONST},
{input:"not=", tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", tex:"not=", ttype:CONST},
{input:"not>", tag:"mo", output:"\u226F", tex:"not>", ttype:CONST},
{input:"notexist", tag:"mo", output:"\u2204", tex:"not\\exists", ttype:CONST},
{input:"notgeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2271", tex:"not\\geq", ttype:CONST},
{input:"notin", tag:"mo", output:"\u2209", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"notleq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2270", tex:"not\\leq", ttype:CONST},
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{input:"nsupseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2289", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"nvDash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"nVdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"nVDash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"oe", tag:"mo", output:"\u0153", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"pm", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"propto", tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"rbrack",tag:"mo",output:"]", tex:"]", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
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{input:"rceiling", tag:"mo", output:"~|", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"Re", tag:"mo", output:"\u211C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rfloor",tag:"mo",output:"\u230B", rtag:"mi",atval:"1", tex:"rfloor", ttype:STRETCHY},
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{input:"rightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Rightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rightarrowtail", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"rightharpoonup", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rightleftarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rightleftharpoons", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rightrightarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rightsquigarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21DD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rightthreetimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"risingdotseq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2253", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rmoustache", tag:"mo", output:"\u23B1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Rrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21DB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Rsh", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"rtimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"scriptstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"scriptlevel",atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
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{input:"sharp", tag:"mo", output:"\u266F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"sim", tag:"mo", output:"\u223C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"simeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2243", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"sinh", tag:"mo", output:"sinh", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"slash", tag:"mo", output:"\u2215", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"smallint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"smallsetminus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2216", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"smile", tag:"mo", output:"\u2323", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"spadesuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2660", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"sphericalangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2222", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
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{input:"sqcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u2294", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"sqsubset", tag:"mo", output:"\u228F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},//MimeTex bug
{input:"sqsubseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2291", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"sqsupset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2290", tex:null, ttype:CONST},//MimeTex bug
{input:"sqsupseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2292", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ss", tag:"mo", output:"\u00DF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"stackrel", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
{input:"star", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"subset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2282", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Subset", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"subseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2286", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"subseteqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AC5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"subsetneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u228A", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"subsetneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2ACB", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succ", tag:"mo", output:"\u227B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succcurlyeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u227D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u227D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succnapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2ABA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succnsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u22E9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"succsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u227F", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"supset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2283", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Supset", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"supseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2287", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"supseteqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AC6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"supsetneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u228B", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"supsetneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2ACC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"surd", tag:"mo", output:"sqrt", tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"swarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2199", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textasciicircum", tag:"mo", output:"\u005E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textasciitilde", tag:"mo", output:"\u007E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
{input:"textcopyright", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textdegree", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textdollar", tag:"mo", output:"\u0024", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textit", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"italic", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
{input:"textonehalf", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BD", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textonequarter", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BC", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textordfeminine", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textordmasculine", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textregistered", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"textrm", tag:"mstyle", output:"\\mathrm", tex:null, ttype: DEFINITION},
{input:"textstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"displaystyle",atval:"false", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
{input:"textthreequarters", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"texttrademark", tag:"mo", output:"\u2122", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"texttt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
{input:"therefore", tag:"mo", output:"\u2234", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"thickapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"thicksim", tag:"mo", output:"\u223C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"tilde", tag:"mover", output:"~", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"times", tag:"mo", output:"\u00D7", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"to", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"top", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"triangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"triangledown", tag:"mo", output:"\u25BF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"triangleleft",tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"trianglelefteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"triangleq", tag:"mo", output:"\u225C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"triangleright",tag:"mo",output:"\u22B3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"trianglerighteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"twoheadleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u219E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"twoheadrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A0", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"ulcorner", tag:"mo", output:"\u231C", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"underbrace", tag:"munder", output:"\u23B5", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"underleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u20EE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"underline", tag:"munder", output:"\u00AF", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"underrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u20EF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"unlhd", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B4", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"unrhd", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"uparrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2191", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Uparrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"updownarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2195", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Updownarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"upharpoonleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BF", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"upharpoonright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BE", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"uplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u228E", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Upsilon", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"upuparrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"urcorner", tag:"mo", output:"\u231D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"varnothing", tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"varpi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03D6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"varpropto", tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"varrho", tag:"mi", output:"\u03F1", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"varsigma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vartriangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vartriangleleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vartriangleright", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B3", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A2", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vDash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A8", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Vdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A9", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"wedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vee", tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"veebar", tag:"mo", output:"\u22BB", text:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"vert", tag:"mo", output:"\u007C", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"Vert", tag:"mo", output:"\u2016", atval:"1", tex:null, ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"widehat", tag:"mover", output:"\u0302", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"widetilde", tag:"mover", output:"\u02DC", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"wp", tag:"mo", output:"\u2118", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"wr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2240", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"Vvdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AA", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"yen", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A5", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
{input:"zeta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B6", tex:null, ttype:CONST}
function compareNames(s1,s2) {
if (s1.input > s2.input) return 1
else return -1;
var AMnames = []; //list of input symbols
function initSymbols() {
var texsymbols = [], i;
for (i=0; i<AMsymbols.length; i++)
if (AMsymbols[i].tex && !(typeof AMsymbols[i].notexcopy == "boolean" && AMsymbols[i].notexcopy))
texsymbols[texsymbols.length] = {input:AMsymbols[i].tex,
tag:AMsymbols[i].tag, output:AMsymbols[i].output, ttype:AMsymbols[i].ttype};
AMsymbols = AMsymbols.concat(texsymbols);
function refreshSymbols(){
var i;
for (i=0; i<AMsymbols.length; i++) AMnames[i] = AMsymbols[i].input;
for (i=0; i<LMsymbols.length; i++) LMnames[i] = LMsymbols[i].input;
function define(oldstr,newstr) {
LMsymbols = LMsymbols.concat([{input:oldstr, tag:"mo", output:newstr,
AMsymbols = AMsymbols.concat([{input:oldstr, tag:"mo", output:newstr,
tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}]);
refreshSymbols(); // this may be a problem if many symbols are defined!
function AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,n) {
//remove n characters and any following blanks
var st;
if (str.charAt(n)=="\\" && str.charAt(n+1)!="\\" && str.charAt(n+1)!=" ")
st = str.slice(n+1);
else st = str.slice(n);
for (var i=0; i<st.length && st.charCodeAt(i)<=32; i=i+1);
return st.slice(i);
function position(arr, str, n) {
// return position >=n where str appears or would be inserted
// assumes arr is sorted
if (n==0) {
var h,m;
n = -1;
h = arr.length;
while (n+1<h) {
m = (n+h) >> 1;
if (arr[m]<str) n = m; else h = m;
return h;
} else
for (var i=n; i<arr.length && arr[i]<str; i++);
return i; // i=arr.length || arr[i]>=str
function AMgetSymbol(str) {
//return maximal initial substring of str that appears in names
//return null if there is none
var k = 0; //new pos
var j = 0; //old pos
var mk; //match pos
var st;
var tagst;
var match = "";
var more = true;
for (var i=1; i<=str.length && more; i++) {
st = str.slice(0,i); //initial substring of length i
j = k;
k = position(AMnames, st, j);
if (k<AMnames.length && str.slice(0,AMnames[k].length)==AMnames[k]){
match = AMnames[k];
mk = k;
i = match.length;
more = k<AMnames.length && str.slice(0,AMnames[k].length)>=AMnames[k];
if (match!=""){
return AMsymbols[mk];
// if str[0] is a digit or - return maxsubstring of digits.digits
k = 1;
st = str.slice(0,1);
var integ = true;
while ("0"<=st && st<="9" && k<=str.length) {
st = str.slice(k,k+1);
if (st == decimalsign) {
st = str.slice(k,k+1);
if ("0"<=st && st<="9") {
integ = false;
while ("0"<=st && st<="9" && k<=str.length) {
st = str.slice(k,k+1);
if ((integ && k>1) || k>2) {
st = str.slice(0,k-1);
tagst = "mn";
} else {
k = 2;
st = str.slice(0,1); //take 1 character
tagst = (("A">st || st>"Z") && ("a">st || st>"z")?"mo":"mi");
if (st=="-" && AMpreviousSymbol==INFIX) {
AMcurrentSymbol = INFIX; //trick "/" into recognizing "-" on second parse
return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:UNARY, func:true, val:true};
return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:CONST, val:true};
function AMremoveBrackets(node) {
var st;
if (node.nodeName=="mrow") {
st = node.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (st=="(" || st=="[" || st=="{") node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
if (node.nodeName=="mrow") {
st = node.lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (st==")" || st=="]" || st=="}") node.removeChild(node.lastChild);
//TeX conversion version
function AMTremoveBrackets(node) {
var st;
if (node.charAt(0)=='{' && node.charAt(node.length-1)=='}') {
st = node.charAt(1);
if (st=="(" || st=="[") node = '{'+node.substr(2);
st = node.substr(1,6);
if (st=="\\left(" || st=="\\left[" || st=="\\left{") node = '{'+node.substr(7);
st = node.substr(1,12);
if (st=="\\left\\lbrace" || st=="\\left\\langle") node = '{'+node.substr(13);
st = node.charAt(node.length-2);
if (st==")" || st=="]") node = node.substr(0,node.length-8)+'}';
st = node.substr(node.length-8,7)
if (st=="\\rbrace" || st=="\\rangle") node = node.substr(0,node.length-14) + '}';
return node;
/*Parsing ASCII math expressions with the following grammar
v ::= [A-Za-z] | greek letters | numbers | other constant symbols
u ::= sqrt | text | bb | other unary symbols for font commands
b ::= frac | root | stackrel binary symbols
l ::= ( | [ | { | (: | {: left brackets
r ::= ) | ] | } | :) | :} right brackets
S ::= v | lEr | uS | bSS Simple expression
I ::= S_S | S^S | S_S^S | S Intermediate expression
E ::= IE | I/I Expression
Each terminal symbol is translated into a corresponding mathml node.*/
var AMnestingDepth,AMpreviousSymbol,AMcurrentSymbol;
function AMTgetTeXsymbol(symb) {
if (typeof symb.val == "boolean" && symb.val) {
pre = '';
} else {
pre = '\\';
if (symb.tex==null) {
return (pre+symb.input);
} else {
return (pre+symb.tex);
function AMTgetTeXbracket(symb) {
if (symb.tex==null) {
return (symb.input);
} else {
return ('\\'+symb.tex);
function AMTparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
var symbol, node, result, i, st,// rightvert = false,
newFrag = '';
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); //either a token or a bracket or empty
if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET && AMnestingDepth > 0) {
return [null,str];
if (symbol.ttype == DEFINITION) {
str = symbol.output+AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
switch (symbol.ttype) {
case CONST:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
var texsymbol = AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol);
if (texsymbol.charAt(0)=="\\" || symbol.tag=="mo") return [texsymbol,str];
else return ['{'+texsymbol+'}',str];
case LEFTBRACKET: //read (expr+)
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMTparseExpr(str,true);
if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible)
node = '{\\left.'+result[0]+'}';
else {
node = '{\\left'+AMTgetTeXbracket(symbol) + result[0]+'}';
return [node,result[1]];
case TEXT:
if (symbol!=AMquote) str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
if (str.charAt(0)=="{") i=str.indexOf("}");
else if (str.charAt(0)=="(") i=str.indexOf(")");
else if (str.charAt(0)=="[") i=str.indexOf("]");
else if (symbol==AMquote) i=str.slice(1).indexOf("\"")+1;
else i = 0;
if (i==-1) i = str.length;
st = str.slice(1,i);
if (st.charAt(0) == " ") {
newFrag = '\\ ';
newFrag += '\\text{'+st+'}';
if (st.charAt(st.length-1) == " ") {
newFrag += '\\ ';
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,i+1);
return [newFrag,str];
case UNARY:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0]==null) return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'}',str];
if (typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) { // functions hack
st = str.charAt(0);
if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st=="/" || st=="|" || st==",") {
return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'}',str];
} else {
node = '{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'{'+result[0]+'}}';
return [node,result[1]];
result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
if (symbol.input == "sqrt") { // sqrt
return ['\\sqrt{'+result[0]+'}',result[1]];
} else if (typeof symbol.acc == "boolean" && symbol.acc) { // accent
return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'{'+result[0]+'}}',result[1]];
} else { // font change command
return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'{'+result[0]+'}}',result[1]];
case BINARY:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0]==null) return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'}',str];
result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
var result2 = AMTparseSexpr(result[1]);
if (result2[0]==null) return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'}',str];
result2[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result2[0]);
if (symbol.input=="density") {
newFrag = '{\\density{'+result[0]+'}{'+result2[0]+'}}';
newFrag = newFrag.replace(/{{{/g,"{");
newFrag = newFrag.replace(/}}}/g,"}");
if (symbol.input=="root") {
newFrag = '{\\sqrt['+result[0]+']{'+result2[0]+'}}';
if (symbol.input=="stackrel") {
newFrag = '{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'{'+result[0]+'}{'+result2[0]+'}}';
if (symbol.input=="frac") {
newFrag = '{\\frac{'+result[0]+'}{'+result2[0]+'}}';
return [newFrag,result2[1]];
case INFIX:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return [symbol.output,str];
case SPACE:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return ['{\\quad\\text{'+symbol.input+'}\\quad}',str];
// if (rightvert) return [null,str]; else rightvert = true;
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMTparseExpr(str,false);
var st = "";
st = result[0].charAt(result[0].length -1);
if (st == "|") { // its an absolute value subterm
node = '{\\left|'+result[0]+'}';
return [node,result[1]];
} else { // the "|" is a \mid
node = '{\\mid}';
return [node,str];
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return ['{'+AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol)+'}',str];
function AMTparseIexpr(str) {
var symbol, sym1, sym2, node, result, underover;
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
sym1 = AMgetSymbol(str);
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input != "/") {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
// if (symbol.input == "/") result = AMTparseIexpr(str); else
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = '{}';
else result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
str = result[1];
// if (symbol.input == "/") AMTremoveBrackets(node);
if (symbol.input == "_") {
sym2 = AMgetSymbol(str);
underover = (sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER);
if (sym2.input == "^") {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,sym2.input.length);
var res2 = AMTparseSexpr(str);
res2[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(res2[0]);
str = res2[1];
node = '{' + node;
node += '_{'+result[0]+'}';
node += '^{'+res2[0]+'}';
node += '}';
} else {
node += '_{'+result[0]+'}';
} else { //must be ^
node = '{'+node+'}^{'+result[0]+'}';
return [node,str];
function AMTparseExpr(str,rightbracket) {
var symbol, node, result, i, nodeList = [],
newFrag = '';
var addedright = false;
do {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
result = AMTparseIexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input == "/") {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMTparseIexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = '{}';
else result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
str = result[1];
node = AMTremoveBrackets(node);
node = '\\frac' + '{'+ node + '}';
node += '{'+result[0]+'}';
newFrag += node;
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
} else if (node!=undefined) newFrag += node;
} while ((symbol.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET &&
(symbol.ttype != LEFTRIGHT || rightbracket)
|| AMnestingDepth == 0) && symbol!=null && symbol.output!="");
if (symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET || symbol.ttype == LEFTRIGHT) {
// if (AMnestingDepth > 0) AMnestingDepth--;
var len = newFrag.length;
if (len>2 && newFrag.charAt(0)=='{' && newFrag.indexOf(',')>0) { //could be matrix (total rewrite from .js)
var right = newFrag.charAt(len - 2);
if (right==')' || right==']') {
var left = newFrag.charAt(6);
if ((left=='(' && right==')' && symbol.output != '}') || (left=='[' && right==']')) {
var mxout = '\\matrix{';
//var mxout = '\\begin{array}{cc}';
var pos = new Array(); //position of commas
var matrix = true;
var mxnestingd = 0;
for (i=1; i<len-1; i++) {
if (newFrag.charAt(i)==left) mxnestingd++;
if (newFrag.charAt(i)==right) {
if (mxnestingd==0 && newFrag.charAt(i+2)==',' && newFrag.charAt(i+3)=='{') pos.push(i+2);
var lastmxsubcnt = -1;
if (mxnestingd==0 && pos.length>0) {
for (i=0;i<pos.length-1;i++) {
if (i>0) mxout += '\\\\';
if (i==0) {
var subarr = newFrag.substr(pos[i]+7,pos[i+1]-pos[i]-15).split(',');
} else {
var subarr = newFrag.substr(pos[i]+8,pos[i+1]-pos[i]-16).split(',');
if (lastmxsubcnt>0 && subarr.length!=lastmxsubcnt) {
matrix = false;
} else if (lastmxsubcnt==-1) {
mxout += subarr.join('&');
mxout += '}';
//mxout += '\\end{array}';
if (matrix) { newFrag = mxout;}
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
if (typeof symbol.invisible != "boolean" || !symbol.invisible) {
node = '\\right'+AMTgetTeXbracket(symbol); //AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
newFrag += node;
addedright = true;
} else {
newFrag += '\\right.';
addedright = true;
if(AMnestingDepth>0 && !addedright) {
newFrag += '\\right.'; //adjust for non-matching left brackets
//todo: adjust for non-matching right brackets
return [newFrag,str];
function AMTparseAMtoTeX(str) {
//DLMOD to remove &nbsp;, which editor adds on multiple spaces
AMnestingDepth = 0;
str = str.replace(/&nbsp;/g,"");
str = str.replace(/&gt;/g,">");
str = str.replace(/&lt;/g,"<");
str = str.replace(/ /g," ");
return AMTparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false)[0];
function AMTparseMath(str,istex) {
if (istex) {
var texstring = str;
} else {
var texstring = AMTparseAMtoTeX(str);
if (mathcolor!="") {
texstring = "\\"+mathcolor + texstring;
if (displaystyle) {
texstring = "\\displaystyle" + texstring;
} else {
texstring = "\\textstyle" + texstring;
if (AMTcgiloc.match(/google/)) {
var tclr = mathcolor;
if (tclr!="") {
if(IsColorName.test(tclr.toLowerCase())) {
} else {
tclr = "000000";
var bclr = "FFFFFF00";
if (texstring.match(/colorbox/)) {
bclr = texstring.match(/\{\s*([#\w]+)\s*\}/); //get's color from beginning of str
texstring = texstring.replace(/\{\s*[#\w]+\s*\}/,"");
texstring = texstring.replace(/\\colorbox/g,"");
if(bclr!=null) {
if(IsColorName.test(bclr[1].toLowerCase())) {
} else {
bclr=bclr[1]; // no checking for valid color!!
if (texstring.match(/textcolor/)) {
tclr = texstring.match(/\{\s*([#\w]+)\s*\}/); //get's color from beginning of str
texstring = texstring.replace(/\{\s*[#\w]+\s*\}/,"");
texstring = texstring.replace(/\\textcolor/g,"");
if(tclr!=null) {
if(IsColorName.test(tclr[1].toLowerCase())) {
} else {
tclr=tclr[1]; // no checking for valid color!!
var node = createElementXHTML("img");
if (typeof encodeURIComponent == "function") {
texstring = encodeURIComponent(texstring);
} else {
texstring = escape(texstring);
if (AMTcgiloc.match(/google/)) {
texstring = texstring + "&chf=bg,s," + bclr + "&chco=" + tclr;
node.src = AMTcgiloc + texstring; = "middle";
if (showasciiformulaonhover) //fixed by djhsu so newline
node.setAttribute("title",str.replace(/\s+/g," "));//does not show in Gecko
return node;
function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
var symbol, node, result, i, st,// rightvert = false,
newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); //either a token or a bracket or empty
if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET && AMnestingDepth > 0) {
return [null,str];
if (symbol.ttype == DEFINITION) {
str = symbol.output+AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
switch (symbol.ttype) { case UNDEROVER:
case CONST:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, //its a constant
case LEFTBRACKET: //read (expr+)
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMparseExpr(str,true);
if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible)
node = createMmlNode("mrow",result[0]);
else {
node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
return [node,result[1]];
case TEXT:
if (symbol!=AMquote) str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
if (str.charAt(0)=="{") i=str.indexOf("}");
else if (str.charAt(0)=="(") i=str.indexOf(")");
else if (str.charAt(0)=="[") i=str.indexOf("]");
else if (symbol==AMquote) i=str.slice(1).indexOf("\"")+1;
else i = 0;
if (i==-1) i = str.length;
st = str.slice(1,i);
if (st.charAt(0) == " ") {
node = createMmlNode("mspace");
if (st.charAt(st.length-1) == " ") {
node = createMmlNode("mspace");
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,i+1);
return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str];
case UNARY:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
if (typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) { // functions hack
st = str.charAt(0);
if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st=="/" || st=="|" || st==",") {
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
} else {
node = createMmlNode("mrow",
return [node,result[1]];
if (symbol.input == "sqrt") { // sqrt
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]),result[1]];
} else if (typeof symbol.acc == "boolean" && symbol.acc) { // accent
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
return [node,result[1]];
} else { // font change command
if (!isIE && typeof != "undefined") {
for (i=0; i<result[0].childNodes.length; i++)
if (result[0].childNodes[i].nodeName=="mi" || result[0].nodeName=="mi") {
st = (result[0].nodeName=="mi"?result[0].firstChild.nodeValue:
var newst = [];
for (var j=0; j<st.length; j++)
if (st.charCodeAt(j)>64 && st.charCodeAt(j)<91) newst = newst +[st.charCodeAt(j)-65];
else newst = newst + st.charAt(j);
if (result[0].nodeName=="mi")
else result[0].replaceChild(createMmlNode("mo").
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
return [node,result[1]];
case BINARY:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
var result2 = AMparseSexpr(result[1]);
if (result2[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
if (symbol.input=="density") {
var tclrf = str.match(/\{\s*([#\w]+)\s*\}/); //get's size from beginning of str
str = str.replace(/\{\s*[#\w]+\s*\}/,"");
if(tclrf!=null) {
if(tclrf[1]>1000) {
} else {
node = createMmlNode("mstyle");
return [node,result2[1],symbol.tag];
if (symbol.input=="root" || symbol.input=="stackrel")
if (symbol.input=="frac") newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]);
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,newFrag),result2[1]];
case INFIX:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return [createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str];
case SPACE:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
node = createMmlNode("mspace");
node = createMmlNode("mspace");
return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str];
// if (rightvert) return [null,str]; else rightvert = true;
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMparseExpr(str,false);
var st = "";
if (result[0].lastChild!=null)
st = result[0].lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (st == "|") { // its an absolute value subterm
node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
return [node,result[1]];
} else { // the "|" is a \mid so use unicode 2223 (divides) for spacing
node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u2223"));
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
return [node,str];
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, //its a constant
function AMparseIexpr(str) {
var symbol, sym1, sym2, node, result, underover;
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
sym1 = AMgetSymbol(str);
result = AMparseSexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input != "/") {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
// if (symbol.input == "/") result = AMparseIexpr(str); else ...
result = AMparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
else AMremoveBrackets(result[0]);
str = result[1];
// if (symbol.input == "/") AMremoveBrackets(node);
if (symbol.input == "_") {
sym2 = AMgetSymbol(str);
underover = (sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER);
if (sym2.input == "^") {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,sym2.input.length);
var res2 = AMparseSexpr(str);
str = res2[1];
node = createMmlNode((underover?"munderover":"msubsup"),node);
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); // so sum does not stretch
} else {
node = createMmlNode((underover?"munder":"msub"),node);
} else {
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
return [node,str];
function AMparseExpr(str,rightbracket) {
var symbol, node, result, i, nodeList = [],
newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
do {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
result = AMparseIexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input == "/") {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = AMparseIexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
else AMremoveBrackets(result[0]);
str = result[1];
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
else if (node!=undefined) newFrag.appendChild(node);
} while ((symbol.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET &&
(symbol.ttype != LEFTRIGHT || rightbracket)
|| AMnestingDepth == 0) && symbol!=null && symbol.output!="");
if (symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET || symbol.ttype == LEFTRIGHT) {
// if (AMnestingDepth > 0) AMnestingDepth--;
var len = newFrag.childNodes.length;
if (len>0 && newFrag.childNodes[len-1].nodeName == "mrow" && len>1 &&
newFrag.childNodes[len-2].nodeName == "mo" &&
newFrag.childNodes[len-2].firstChild.nodeValue == ",") { //matrix
var right = newFrag.childNodes[len-1].lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (right==")" || right=="]") {
var left = newFrag.childNodes[len-1].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (left=="(" && right==")" && symbol.output != "}" ||
left=="[" && right=="]") {
var pos = []; // positions of commas
var matrix = true;
var m = newFrag.childNodes.length;
for (i=0; matrix && i<m; i=i+2) {
pos[i] = [];
node = newFrag.childNodes[i];
if (matrix) matrix = node.nodeName=="mrow" &&
(i==m-1 || node.nextSibling.nodeName=="mo" &&
node.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue==left &&
if (matrix)
for (var j=0; j<node.childNodes.length; j++)
if (node.childNodes[j].firstChild.nodeValue==",")
if (matrix && i>1) matrix = pos[i].length == pos[i-2].length;
if (matrix) {
var row, frag, n, k, table = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (i=0; i<m; i=i+2) {
row = document.createDocumentFragment();
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
node = newFrag.firstChild; // <mrow>(-,-,...,-,-)</mrow>
n = node.childNodes.length;
k = 0;
node.removeChild(node.firstChild); //remove (
for (j=1; j<n-1; j++) {
if (typeof pos[i][k] != "undefined" && j==pos[i][k]){
node.removeChild(node.firstChild); //remove ,
} else frag.appendChild(node.firstChild);
if (newFrag.childNodes.length>2) {
newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mrow>)</mrow>
newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mo>,</mo>
node = createMmlNode("mtable",table);
if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible) node.setAttribute("columnalign","left");
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
if (typeof symbol.invisible != "boolean" || !symbol.invisible) {
node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
return [newFrag,str];
function parseMath(str,latex) {
var frag, node;
AMnestingDepth = 0;
frag = latex ? LMparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false,false)[0] : AMparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false)[0];
node = createMmlNode("mstyle",frag);
if (displaystyle) node.setAttribute("displaystyle","true");
node = createMmlNode("math",node);
if (showasciiformulaonhover) //fixed by djhsu so newline
node.setAttribute("title",str.replace(/\s+/g," "));//does not show in Gecko
return node;
function strarr2docFrag(arr, linebreaks, latex) {
var newFrag=document.createDocumentFragment();
var expr = false;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (expr && noMathML) newFrag.appendChild(AMTparseMath(arr[i],latex));
else if (expr && !noMathML) newFrag.appendChild(parseMath(arr[i],latex));
else {
var arri = (linebreaks ? arr[i].split("\n\n") : [arr[i]]);
for (var j=1; j<arri.length; j++) {
expr = !expr;
return newFrag;
function AMautomathrec(str) {
//formula is a space (or start of str) followed by a maximal sequence of *two* or more tokens, possibly separated by runs of digits and/or space.
//tokens are single letters (except a, A, I) and ASCIIMathML tokens
var texcommand = "\\\\[a-zA-Z]+|\\\\\\s|";
var ambigAMtoken = "\\b(?:oo|lim|ln|int|oint|del|grad|aleph|prod|prop|sinh|cosh|tanh|cos|sec|pi|tt|fr|sf|sube|supe|sub|sup|det|mod|gcd|lcm|min|max|vec|ddot|ul|chi|eta|nu|mu)(?![a-z])|";
var englishAMtoken = "\\b(?:sum|ox|log|sin|tan|dim|hat|bar|dot)(?![a-z])|";
var secondenglishAMtoken = "|\\bI\\b|\\bin\\b|\\btext\\b"; // took if and or not out
var simpleAMtoken = "NN|ZZ|QQ|RR|CC|TT|AA|EE|sqrt|dx|dy|dz|dt|xx|vv|uu|nn|bb|cc|csc|cot|alpha|beta|delta|Delta|epsilon|gamma|Gamma|kappa|lambda|Lambda|omega|phi|Phi|Pi|psi|Psi|rho|sigma|Sigma|tau|theta|Theta|xi|Xi|zeta"; // uuu nnn?
var letter = "[a-zA-HJ-Z](?=(?:[^a-zA-Z]|$|"+ambigAMtoken+englishAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+"))|";
var token = letter+texcommand+"\\d+|[-()[\\]{}+=*&^_%\\\@/<>,\\|!:;'~]|\\.(?!(?:\x20|$))|"+ambigAMtoken+englishAMtoken+simpleAMtoken;
var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)((("+token+")\\s?)(("+token+secondenglishAMtoken+")\\s?)+)([,.?]?(?=\\s|$))","g");
str = str.replace(re," `$2`$7");
var arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1);
var re1 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([b-zB-HJ-Z+*<>]|"+texcommand+ambigAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+")(\\s|\\n|$)","g");
var re2 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([a-z]|"+texcommand+ambigAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+")([,.])","g"); // removed |\d+ for now
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) //single nonenglish tokens
if (i%2==0) {
arr[i] = arr[i].replace(re1," `$2`$3");
arr[i] = arr[i].replace(re2," `$2`$3");
arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/([{}[\]])/,"`$1`");
str = arr.join(AMdelimiter1);
str = str.replace(/((^|\s)\([a-zA-Z]{2,}.*?)\)`/g,"$1`)"); //fix parentheses
str = str.replace(/`(\((a\s|in\s))(.*?[a-zA-Z]{2,}\))/g,"$1`$3"); //fix parentheses
str = str.replace(/\sin`/g,"` in");
str = str.replace(/`(\(\w\)[,.]?(\s|\n|$))/g,"$1`");
str = str.replace(/`([0-9.]+|e.g|i.e)`(\.?)/gi,"$1$2");
str = str.replace(/`([0-9.]+:)`/g,"$1");
return str;
function processNodeR(n, linebreaks,latex) {
var mtch, str, arr, frg, i;
if (n.childNodes.length == 0) {
if ((n.nodeType!=8 || linebreaks) &&
n.parentNode.nodeName!="form" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="FORM" &&
n.parentNode.nodeName!="textarea" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="TEXTAREA" /*&&
n.parentNode.nodeName!="pre" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="PRE"*/) {
str = n.nodeValue;
if (!(str == null)) {
str = str.replace(/\r\n\r\n/g,"\n\n");
str = str.replace(/\x20+/g," ");
str = str.replace(/\s*\r\n/g," ");
if(latex) {
mtch = (str.indexOf("\$")==-1 ? false : true);
str = str.replace(/([^\\])\$/g,"$1 \$");
str = str.replace(/^\$/," \$"); // in case \$ at start of string
arr = str.split(" \$");
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
} else {
mtch = false;
str = str.replace(new RegExp(AMescape1, "g"),
function(){mtch = true; return "AMescape1"});
str = str.replace(/\\?end{?a?math}?/i,
function(){automathrecognize = false; mtch = true; return ""});
str = str.replace(/amath\b|\\begin{a?math}/i,
function(){automathrecognize = true; mtch = true; return ""});
arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1);
if (automathrecognize)
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if (i%2==0) arr[i] = AMautomathrec(arr[i]);
str = arr.join(AMdelimiter1);
arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1);
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) // this is a problem ************
if (arr.length>1 || mtch) {
//if (!noMathML) {
frg = strarr2docFrag(arr,n.nodeType==8,latex);
var len = frg.childNodes.length;
return len-1;
//} else return 0;
} else return 0;
} else if (n.nodeName!="math") {
for (i=0; i<n.childNodes.length; i++)
i += processNodeR(n.childNodes[i], linebreaks,latex);
return 0;
function AMprocessNode(n, linebreaks, spanclassAM) {
var frag,st;
if (spanclassAM!=null) {
frag = document.getElementsByTagName("span")
for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++)
if (frag[i].className == "AM")
} else {
try {
st = n.innerHTML; // look for AMdelimiter on page
} catch(err) {}
// Corrected by Ivan Tcholakov, 01-JUL-2010.
//if (st==null || /amath\b|\\begin{a?math}/i.test(st) ||
if (st!=null || /amath\b|\\begin{a?math}/i.test(st) ||
st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1+" ")!=-1 || st.slice(-1)==AMdelimiter1 ||
st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1+"<")!=-1 || st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1+"\n")!=-1) {
/* if (isIE) { //needed to match size and font of formula to surrounding text
frag = document.getElementsByTagName('math');
for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++) frag[i].update() //What is this?
Version 1.1, July 20, 2007 (c) modifications by Peter Jipsen
(changes: renamed global variables from AM... to LM... so that
LaTeXMathML and ASCIIMathML can be used simultaneously)
Previous header notice:
This file (Version 1.0), is due to Douglas Woodall, June 2006.
It contains JavaScript functions to convert (most simple) LaTeX
math notation to Presentation MathML. It was obtained by
downloading the file ASCIIMathML.js from
and modifying it so that it carries out ONLY those conversions
that would be carried out in LaTeX. A description of the original
file, with examples, can be found at
ASCIIMathML: Math on the web for everyone
Here is the header notice from the original file:
This file contains JavaScript functions to convert ASCII math notation
to Presentation MathML. The conversion is done while the (X)HTML page
loads, and should work with Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape 7+ and Internet
Explorer 6+MathPlayer (
Just add the next line to your (X)HTML page with this file in the same folder:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>
This is a convenient and inexpensive solution for authoring MathML.
Version 1.4.7 Dec 15, 2005, (c) Peter Jipsen
Latest version at
For changes see
If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License (at
for more details.
LaTeXMathML.js (ctd)
Content between $...$ and $$...$$ is converted by this part of the file
// all further global variables start with "LM"
// Commented out by DRW to prevent 1/2 turning into a 2-line fraction
// LMdiv = {input:"/", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", ttype:INFIX},
// Commented out by DRW so that " prints literally in equations
// LMquote = {input:"\"", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", ttype:TEXT};
var LMcal = AMcal;
var LMfrk = AMfrk;
var LMbbb = AMbbb;
var LMsymbols = [
//Greek letters
{input:"\\alpha", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\beta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gamma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\delta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\epsilon", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varepsilon", tag:"mi", output:"\u025B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\zeta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\eta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\theta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vartheta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03D1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\iota", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\kappa", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lambda", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\mu", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nu", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\xi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03BE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\pi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varpi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03D6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rho", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varrho", tag:"mi", output:"\u03F1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varsigma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sigma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\tau", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\upsilon", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\phi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varphi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03D5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\chi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\psi", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\omega", tag:"mi", output:"\u03C9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Gamma", tag:"mo", output:"\u0393", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Delta", tag:"mo", output:"\u0394", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Theta", tag:"mo", output:"\u0398", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Lambda", tag:"mo", output:"\u039B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Xi", tag:"mo", output:"\u039E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Pi", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Sigma", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Upsilon", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Phi", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Psi", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Omega", tag:"mo", output:"\u03A9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac12", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac14", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac34", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac13", tag:"mo", output:"\u2153", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac23", tag:"mo", output:"\u2154", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac15", tag:"mo", output:"\u2155", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac25", tag:"mo", output:"\u2156", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac35", tag:"mo", output:"\u2157", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac45", tag:"mo", output:"\u2158", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac16", tag:"mo", output:"\u2159", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac56", tag:"mo", output:"\u215A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac18", tag:"mo", output:"\u215B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac38", tag:"mo", output:"\u215C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac58", tag:"mo", output:"\u215D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frac78", tag:"mo", output:"\u215E", ttype:CONST},
//binary operation symbols
{input:"\\pm", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\mp", tag:"mo", output:"\u2213", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\triangleleft",tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\triangleright",tag:"mo",output:"\u22B3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\cdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\star", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ast", tag:"mo", output:"\u002A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\times", tag:"mo", output:"\u00D7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\div", tag:"mo", output:"\u00F7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circ", tag:"mo", output:"\u2218", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\bullet", tag:"mo", output:"\u2219", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bullet", tag:"mo", output:"\u2022", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\oplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2295", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ominus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2296", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\otimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u2297", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bigcirc", tag:"mo", output:"\u25CB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\oslash", tag:"mo", output:"\u2298", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\odot", tag:"mo", output:"\u2299", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\land", tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\wedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lor", tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vee", tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\cap", tag:"mo", output:"\u2229", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\cup", tag:"mo", output:"\u222A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sqcap", tag:"mo", output:"\u2293", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sqcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u2294", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\uplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u228E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\amalg", tag:"mo", output:"\u2210", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bigtriangleup",tag:"mo",output:"\u25B3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bigtriangledown",tag:"mo",output:"\u25BD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\dag", tag:"mo", output:"\u2020", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\dagger", tag:"mo", output:"\u2020", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ddag", tag:"mo", output:"\u2021", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ddagger", tag:"mo", output:"\u2021", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lhd", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rhd", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\unlhd", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\unrhd", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", ttype:CONST},
//BIG Operators
{input:"\\sum", tag:"mo", output:"\u2211", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\prod", tag:"mo", output:"\u220F", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigcap", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C2", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C3", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C0", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigvee", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C1", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigsqcap", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A05", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigsqcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A06", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\coprod", tag:"mo", output:"\u2210", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigoplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A01", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigotimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A02", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigodot", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A00", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\biguplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A04", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\int", tag:"mo", output:"\u222B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\oint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222E", ttype:CONST},
//binary relation symbols
{input:":=", tag:"mo", output:":=", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lt", tag:"mo", output:"<", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gt", tag:"mo", output:">", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ne", tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\neq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\le", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leqslant", tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ge", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\geq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\geqslant", tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\equiv", tag:"mo", output:"\u2261", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ll", tag:"mo", output:"\u226A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gg", tag:"mo", output:"\u226B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\doteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2250", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\prec", tag:"mo", output:"\u227A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succ", tag:"mo", output:"\u227B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\preceq", tag:"mo", output:"\u227C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u227D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\subset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2282", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\supset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2283", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\subseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2286", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\supseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2287", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sqsubset", tag:"mo", output:"\u228F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sqsupset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2290", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sqsubseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2291", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sqsupseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2292", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sim", tag:"mo", output:"\u223C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\simeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2243", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\approx", tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\cong", tag:"mo", output:"\u2245", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Join", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bowtie", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\in", tag:"mo", output:"\u2208", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ni", tag:"mo", output:"\u220B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\owns", tag:"mo", output:"\u220B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\propto", tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\dashv", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\models", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\perp", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\smile", tag:"mo", output:"\u2323", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\frown", tag:"mo", output:"\u2322", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\asymp", tag:"mo", output:"\u224D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\notin", tag:"mo", output:"\u2209", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\begin{eqnarray}", output:"X", ttype:MATRIX, invisible:true},
{input:"\\begin{array}", output:"X", ttype:MATRIX, invisible:true},
{input:"\\\\", output:"}&{", ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"\\end{eqnarray}", output:"}}", ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"\\end{array}", output:"}}", ttype:DEFINITION},
//grouping and literal brackets -- ieval is for IE
{input:"\\big", tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"1.2", ieval:"2.2", ttype:BIG},
{input:"\\Big", tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"1.6", ieval:"2.6", ttype:BIG},
{input:"\\bigg", tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"2.2", ieval:"3.2", ttype:BIG},
{input:"\\Bigg", tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"2.9", ieval:"3.9", ttype:BIG},
{input:"\\left", tag:"mo", output:"X", ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
{input:"\\right", tag:"mo", output:"X", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
{input:"{", output:"{", ttype:LEFTBRACKET, invisible:true},
{input:"}", output:"}", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET, invisible:true},
{input:"(", tag:"mo", output:"(", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"[", tag:"mo", output:"[", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\lbrack", tag:"mo", output:"[", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\{", tag:"mo", output:"{", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\lbrace", tag:"mo", output:"{", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\langle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\lfloor", tag:"mo", output:"\u230A", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\lceil", tag:"mo", output:"\u2308", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
// rtag:"mi" causes space to be inserted before a following sin, cos, etc.
// (see function LMparseExpr() )
{input:")", tag:"mo",output:")", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"]", tag:"mo",output:"]", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\rbrack",tag:"mo",output:"]", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\}", tag:"mo",output:"}", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\rbrace",tag:"mo",output:"}", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\rangle",tag:"mo",output:"\u232A", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\rfloor",tag:"mo",output:"\u230B", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\rceil", tag:"mo",output:"\u2309", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
// "|", "\\|", "\\vert" and "\\Vert" modified later: lspace = rspace = 0em
{input:"|", tag:"mo", output:"\u2223", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\|", tag:"mo", output:"\u2225", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\vert", tag:"mo", output:"\u2223", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\Vert", tag:"mo", output:"\u2225", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\mid", tag:"mo", output:"\u2223", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\parallel", tag:"mo", output:"\u2225", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"/", tag:"mo", output:"/", atval:"1.01", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\backslash", tag:"mo", output:"\u2216", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\setminus", tag:"mo", output:"\\", ttype:CONST},
//miscellaneous symbols
{input:"\\!", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"-0.167em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"\\,", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.167em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"\\>", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.222em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"\\:", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.222em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"\\;", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.278em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"~", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.333em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"\\quad", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"1em", ttype:SPACE},
{input:"\\qquad", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"2em", ttype:SPACE},
//{input:"{}", tag:"mo", output:"\u200B", ttype:CONST}, // zero-width
{input:"\\prime", tag:"mo", output:"\u2032", ttype:CONST},
{input:"'", tag:"mo", output:"\u02B9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"''", tag:"mo", output:"\u02BA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"'''", tag:"mo", output:"\u2034", ttype:CONST},
{input:"''''", tag:"mo", output:"\u2057", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ldots", tag:"mo", output:"\u2026", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\cdots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vdots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ddots", tag:"mo", output:"\u22F1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\forall", tag:"mo", output:"\u2200", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\exists", tag:"mo", output:"\u2203", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Re", tag:"mo", output:"\u211C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Im", tag:"mo", output:"\u2111", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\aleph", tag:"mo", output:"\u2135", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\hbar", tag:"mo", output:"\u210F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ell", tag:"mo", output:"\u2113", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\wp", tag:"mo", output:"\u2118", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\emptyset", tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\infty", tag:"mo", output:"\u221E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\surd", tag:"mo", output:"\\sqrt{}", ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"\\partial", tag:"mo", output:"\u2202", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nabla", tag:"mo", output:"\u2207", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\triangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\therefore", tag:"mo", output:"\u2234", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\angle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2220", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\\\ ", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\diamond", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C4", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\Diamond", tag:"mo", output:"\u25CA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Diamond", tag:"mo", output:"\u25C7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\neg", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lnot", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\top", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\square", tag:"mo", output:"\u25AB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Box", tag:"mo", output:"\u25A1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\wr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2240", ttype:CONST},
//standard functions
//Note UNDEROVER *must* have tag:"mo" to work properly
{input:"\\arccos", tag:"mi", output:"arccos", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\arcsin", tag:"mi", output:"arcsin", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\arctan", tag:"mi", output:"arctan", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\arg", tag:"mi", output:"arg", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\cos", tag:"mi", output:"cos", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\cosh", tag:"mi", output:"cosh", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\cot", tag:"mi", output:"cot", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\coth", tag:"mi", output:"coth", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\csc", tag:"mi", output:"csc", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\deg", tag:"mi", output:"deg", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\det", tag:"mi", output:"det", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\dim", tag:"mi", output:"dim", ttype:UNARY, func:true}, //CONST?
{input:"\\exp", tag:"mi", output:"exp", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\gcd", tag:"mi", output:"gcd", ttype:UNARY, func:true}, //CONST?
{input:"\\hom", tag:"mi", output:"hom", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\inf", tag:"mo", output:"inf", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\ker", tag:"mi", output:"ker", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\lg", tag:"mi", output:"lg", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\lim", tag:"mo", output:"lim", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\liminf", tag:"mo", output:"liminf", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\limsup", tag:"mo", output:"limsup", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\ln", tag:"mi", output:"ln", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\log", tag:"mi", output:"log", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\max", tag:"mo", output:"max", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\min", tag:"mo", output:"min", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\Pr", tag:"mi", output:"Pr", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\sec", tag:"mi", output:"sec", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\sin", tag:"mi", output:"sin", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\sinh", tag:"mi", output:"sinh", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\sup", tag:"mo", output:"sup", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\tan", tag:"mi", output:"tan", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\tanh", tag:"mi", output:"tanh", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
{input:"\\gets", tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\to", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\uparrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2191", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\downarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2193", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\updownarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2195", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Leftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Rightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Leftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\iff", tag:"mo", output:"~\\Longleftrightarrow~", ttype:DEFINITION},
{input:"\\Uparrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Downarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Updownarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\mapsto", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\longleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\longrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\longleftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\Longleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\Longrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\implies", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\Longleftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", ttype:LONG},
{input:"\\longmapsto", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", ttype:CONST},
// disaster if LONG
//commands with argument
{input:"\\sqrt", tag:"msqrt", output:"sqrt", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\root", tag:"mroot", output:"root", ttype:BINARY},
{input:"\\frac", tag:"mfrac", output:"/", ttype:BINARY},
{input:"\\stackrel", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", ttype:BINARY},
{input:"\\atop", tag:"mfrac", output:"", ttype:INFIX},
{input:"\\choose", tag:"mfrac", output:"", ttype:INFIX},
{input:"_", tag:"msub", output:"_", ttype:INFIX},
{input:"^", tag:"msup", output:"^", ttype:INFIX},
{input:"\\mathrm", tag:"mtext", output:"text", ttype:TEXT},
{input:"\\mbox", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", ttype:TEXT},
//diacritical marks
{input:"\\acute", tag:"mover", output:"\u00B4", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"\\acute", tag:"mover", output:"\u0317", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"\\acute", tag:"mover", output:"\u0301", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"\\grave", tag:"mover", output:"\u0300", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"\\grave", tag:"mover", output:"\u0316", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\grave", tag:"mover", output:"\u0060", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\breve", tag:"mover", output:"\u02D8", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\check", tag:"mover", output:"\u02C7", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\dot", tag:"mover", output:".", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\ddot", tag:"mover", output:"..", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"\\ddot", tag:"mover", output:"\u00A8", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\mathring", tag:"mover", output:"\u00B0", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\vec", tag:"mover", output:"\u20D7", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\overrightarrow",tag:"mover",output:"\u20D7", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\overleftarrow",tag:"mover", output:"\u20D6", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\hat", tag:"mover", output:"\u005E", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\widehat", tag:"mover", output:"\u0302", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\tilde", tag:"mover", output:"~", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"\\tilde", tag:"mover", output:"\u0303", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\widetilde", tag:"mover", output:"\u02DC", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\bar", tag:"mover", output:"\u203E", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\overbrace", tag:"mover", output:"\u23B4", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\overline", tag:"mover", output:"\u00AF", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\underbrace", tag:"munder", output:"\u23B5", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
{input:"\\underline", tag:"munder", output:"\u00AF", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//{input:"underline", tag:"munder", output:"\u0332", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
//typestyles and fonts
{input:"\\displaystyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"displaystyle",atval:"true", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\textstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"displaystyle",atval:"false", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\scriptstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"scriptlevel",atval:"1", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\scriptscriptstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"scriptlevel",atval:"2", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\textrm", tag:"mstyle", output:"\\mathrm", ttype: DEFINITION},
{input:"\\mathbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\textbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\mathit", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"italic", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\textit", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"italic", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\mathtt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\texttt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\mathsf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"sans-serif", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\mathbb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"double-struck", ttype:UNARY, codes:LMbbb},
{input:"\\mathcal",tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"script", ttype:UNARY, codes:LMcal},
{input:"\\mathfrak",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", atval:"fraktur",ttype:UNARY, codes:LMfrk},
// Symbols added by Mauno Korpelainen, November 2009.
{input:"\\density",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", atval:"mathsize", ttype:BINARY},
{input:"\\#", tag:"mo", output:"\u0023", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\%", tag:"mo", output:"\u0025", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\&", tag:"mo", output:"\u0026", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\AA", tag:"mo", output:"\u00C5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\aa", tag:"mo", output:"\u00E5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\AE", tag:"mo", output:"\u00C6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ae", tag:"mo", output:"\u00E6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\approxeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u224A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\backprime", tag:"mo", output:"\u2035", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\backsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u223D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\backsimeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\barwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22BC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Bbb{A}", tag:"mo", output:"\uD835\uDD38", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\because", tag:"mo", output:"\u2235", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\beth", tag:"mo", output:"\u2136", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\between", tag:"mo", output:"\u226C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bigcup", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C3", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigodot", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A00", ttype:UNDEROVER},
{input:"\\bigstar", tag:"mo", output:"\u2605", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\blacktriangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\blacktriangledown", tag:"mo", output:"\u25BE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\blacktriangleleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u25C0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\blacktriangleright", tag:"mo", output:"\u25B6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\boxdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\boxminus", tag:"mo", output:"\u229F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\boxplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u229E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\boxtimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Bumpeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u224E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\bumpeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u224F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Cap", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\cdotp", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\checkmark", tag:"mo", output:"\u2713", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2257", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circledast", tag:"mo", output:"\u229B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circledcirc", tag:"mo", output:"\u229A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circleddash", tag:"mo", output:"\u229D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circledR", tag:"mo", output:"\u24C7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\circledS", tag:"mo", output:"\u24C8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\clubsuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2663", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\colon", tag:"mo", output:"\u003A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\complement", tag:"mo", output:"\u2201", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Cup", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\curlyeqprec", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\curlyeqsucc", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\curlywedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\curlyvee", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\curvearrowleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\curvearrowright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\daleth", tag:"mo", output:"\u2138", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\diamondsuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2662", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\divideontimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Doteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2251", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\dotplus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2214", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\dots", tag:"mo", output:"\u2026", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\doublebarwedge", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A5E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\downdownarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\downharpoonleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\downharpoonright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\eqcirc", tag:"mo", output:"\u2256", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\eqsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2242", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\eqslantgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A96", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\eqslantless", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A95", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\eta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\fallingdotseq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2252", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Finv", tag:"mo", output:"\u2132", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\flat", tag:"mo", output:"\u266D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Game", tag:"mo", output:"\u2141", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\geqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2267", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ggg", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gimel", tag:"mo", output:"\u2137", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gnapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A8A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A88", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2269", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gnsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u22E7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gtrapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A86", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gtrdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gtreqless", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gtreqqless", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A8C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gtrless", tag:"mo", output:"\u2277", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\gtrsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2273", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\heartsuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2661", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\hookleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\hookrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\hslash", tag:"mo", output:"\u210F", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\i", tag:"mo", output:"\u0131", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\iiiint", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A0C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\iiint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\iint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\intercal", tag:"mo", output:"\u22BA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\itx", tag:"mo", output:"\uD835\uDC65", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varkappa", tag:"mi", output:"\u03F0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\digamma", tag:"mi", output:"\u03DC", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\L", tag:"mo", output:"\u0141", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\l", tag:"mo", output:"\u0142", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftarrowtail", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftharpoondown", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftharpoonup", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftleftarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftrightarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftrightharpoons", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftrightsquigarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leftthreetimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\leqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2266", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lessapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A85", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lessdot", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lesseqgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u22DA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lesseqqgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A8B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lessgtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2276", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lesssim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2272", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\llcorner", tag:"mo", output:"\u231E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Lleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21DA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lll", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lmoustache", tag:"mo", output:"\u23B0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lnapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A89", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2A87", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2268", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lnsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u22E6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\looparrowleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\looparrowright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lozenge", tag:"mo", output:"\u25CA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\lrcorner", tag:"mo", output:"\u231F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Lsh", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ltimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\maltese", tag:"mo", output:"\u2720", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\measuredangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2221", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\mho", tag:"mo", output:"\u2127", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\multimap", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\natural", tag:"mo", output:"\u266E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ncong", tag:"mo", output:"\u2247", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nearrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2197", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nexists", tag:"mo", output:"\u2204", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ngeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2271", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ngtr", tag:"mo", output:"\u226F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u219A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nLeftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nleftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21AE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nLeftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nleq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2270", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nless", tag:"mo", output:"\u226E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nmid", tag:"mo", output:"\u2224", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\not\\leq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2270", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nparallel", tag:"mo", output:"\u2226", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nprec", tag:"mo", output:"\u2280", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u219B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nRightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u2241", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nsubseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2288", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nsucc", tag:"mo", output:"\u2281", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nsupseteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2289", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ntriangleleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ntrianglelefteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ntriangleright", tag:"mo", output:"\u22EB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ntrianglerighteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22ED", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nwarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2196", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nvdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nvDash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nVdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\nVDash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AF", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\O", tag:"mo", output:"\u00D8", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\o", tag:"mo", output:"\u00F8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\OE", tag:"mo", output:"\u0152", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\oe", tag:"mo", output:"\u0153", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\overbracket", tag:"mover", output:"\u23B4", ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, //old overbrace = overbracket
{input:"\\overleftrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u20E1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\pitchfork", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\precapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\preccurlyeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u227C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\precnapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\precneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\precnsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u22E8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\precsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u227E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightarrowtail", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightharpoondown", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightharpoonup", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightleftarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightleftharpoons", tag:"mo", output:"\u21CC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightrightarrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightsquigarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21DD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rightthreetimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\risingdotseq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2253", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rmoustache", tag:"mo", output:"\u23B1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Rrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21DB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Rsh", tag:"mo", output:"\u21B1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\rtimes", tag:"mo", output:"\u22CA", ttype:CONST},
//{input:"\\S", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A7", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\searrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2198", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sharp", tag:"mo", output:"\u266F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\slash", tag:"mo", output:"\u2215", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\smallint", tag:"mo", output:"\u222B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\smallsetminus", tag:"mo", output:"\u2216", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\spadesuit", tag:"mo", output:"\u2660", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\sphericalangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2222", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ss", tag:"mo", output:"\u00DF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Subset", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\subseteqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AC5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\subsetneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u228A", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\subsetneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2ACB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succcurlyeq", tag:"mo", output:"\u227D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succnapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2ABA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AB6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succnsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u22E9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\succsim", tag:"mo", output:"\u227F", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Supset", tag:"mo", output:"\u22D1", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\supseteqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2AC6", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\supsetneq", tag:"mo", output:"\u228B", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\supsetneqq", tag:"mo", output:"\u2ACC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\swarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u2199", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textasciicircum", tag:"mo", output:"\u005E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textasciitilde", tag:"mo", output:"\u007E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textcolor",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", atval:"mathcolor", ttype:BINARY},
{input:"\\textcopyright", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textdegree", tag:"mo", output:"\u00B0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textdollar", tag:"mo", output:"\u0024", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textonehalf", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BD", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textonequarter", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BC", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textordfeminine", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textordmasculine", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textregistered", tag:"mo", output:"\u00AE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\textthreequarters", tag:"mo", output:"\u00BE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\texttrademark", tag:"mo", output:"\u2122", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\theta", tag:"mi", output:"\u03B8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\thickapprox", tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\thicksim", tag:"mo", output:"\u223C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\triangledown", tag:"mo", output:"\u25BF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\trianglelefteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B4", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\triangleq", tag:"mo", output:"\u225C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\trianglerighteq", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\twoheadleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u219E", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\twoheadrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u21A0", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\ulcorner", tag:"mo", output:"\u231C", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\underbracket",tag:"munder", output:"\u23B5", ttype:UNARY, acc:true}, //old underbrace = underbracket
{input:"\\underleftarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u20EE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\underrightarrow", tag:"mo", output:"\u20EF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\upharpoonleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BF", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\upharpoonright", tag:"mo", output:"\u21BE", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\upuparrows", tag:"mo", output:"\u21C8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\urcorner", tag:"mo", output:"\u231D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varnothing", tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\varpropto", tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vartriangle", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vartriangleleft", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vartriangleright", tag:"mo", output:"\u22B3", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\vDash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A8", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Vdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22A9", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\veebar", tag:"mo", output:"\u22BB", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\Vert", tag:"mo", output:"\u2016", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
{input:"\\Vvdash", tag:"mo", output:"\u22AA", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\yen", tag:"mo", output:"\u00A5", ttype:CONST},
{input:"\\usepackage[usenames]{color}",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", output:"X", atval:"false", ttype:UNARY},
{input:"\\colorbox",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", atval:"background", ttype:BINARY}
var LMnames = []; //list of input symbols
var LMmathml = "";
var LMpreviousSymbol,LMcurrentSymbol;
var LaTeXColor = [];
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var IsColorName = /^(?:greenyellow|yellow|goldenrod|dandelion|apricot|peach|melon|yelloworange|orange|burntorange|bittersweet|redorange|mahogany|maroon|brickred|red|orangered|rubinered|wildstrawberry|salmon|carnationpink|magenta|violetred|rhodamine|mulberry|redviolet|fuchsia|lavender|thistle|orchid|darkorchid|purple|plum|violet|royalpurple|blueviolet|periwinkle|cadetblue|cornflowerblue|midnightblue|navyblue|royalblue|blue|cerulean|cyan|processblue|skyblue|turquoise|tealblue|aquamarine|bluegreen|emerald|junglegreen|seagreen|green|forestgreen|pinegreen|limegreen|yellowgreen|springgreen|olivegreen|rawsienna|sepia|brown|tan|gray|grey|black|white)$/;
function LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,n) {
//remove n characters and any following blanks
var st;
st = str.slice(n);
for (var i=0; i<st.length && st.charCodeAt(i)<=32; i=i+1);
return st.slice(i);
function LMgetSymbol(str) {
//return maximal initial substring of str that appears in names
//return null if there is none
var k = 0; //new pos
var j = 0; //old pos
var mk; //match pos
var st;
var tagst;
var match = "";
var more = true;
for (var i=1; i<=str.length && more; i++) {
st = str.slice(0,i); //initial substring of length i
j = k;
k = position(LMnames, st, j);
if (k<LMnames.length && str.slice(0,LMnames[k].length)==LMnames[k]){
match = LMnames[k];
mk = k;
i = match.length;
more = k<LMnames.length && str.slice(0,LMnames[k].length)>=LMnames[k];
if (match!=""){
return LMsymbols[mk];
k = 1;
st = str.slice(0,1); //take 1 character
if ("0"<=st && st<="9") tagst = "mn";
else tagst = (("A">st || st>"Z") && ("a">st || st>"z")?"mo":"mi");
// Commented out by DRW (not fully understood, but probably to do with
// use of "/" as an INFIX version of "\\frac", which we don't want):
//if (st=="-" && LMpreviousSymbol==INFIX) {
// LMcurrentSymbol = INFIX; //trick "/" into recognizing "-" on second parse
// return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:UNARY, func:true};
return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:CONST};
/*Parsing ASCII math expressions with the following grammar
v ::= [A-Za-z] | greek letters | numbers | other constant symbols
u ::= sqrt | text | bb | other unary symbols for font commands
b ::= frac | root | stackrel binary symbols
l ::= { | \left left brackets
r ::= } | \right right brackets
S ::= v | lEr | uS | bSS Simple expression
I ::= S_S | S^S | S_S^S | S Intermediate expression
E ::= IE | I/I Expression
Each terminal symbol is translated into a corresponding mathml node.*/
var LMpreviousSymbol,LMcurrentSymbol;
function LMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr,(node)tag]
var symbol, node, result, result2, i, st,// rightvert = false,
newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str); //either a token or a bracket or empty
if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET)
return [null,str,null];
if (symbol.ttype == DEFINITION) {
str = symbol.output+LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET)
return [null,str,null];
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
switch (symbol.ttype) {
case SPACE:
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag);
return [node,str,symbol.tag];
if (isIE) {
if (symbol.input.substr(0,4) == "\\big") { // botch for missing symbols
str = "\\"+symbol.input.substr(4)+str; // make \bigcup = \cup etc.
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
symbol.ttype = UNDEROVER;
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
case CONST:
var output = symbol.output;
if (isIE) {
if (symbol.input == "'")
output = "\u2032";
else if (symbol.input == "''")
output = "\u2033";
else if (symbol.input == "'''")
output = "\u2033\u2032";
else if (symbol.input == "''''")
output = "\u2033\u2033";
else if (symbol.input == "\\square")
output = "\u25A1"; // same as \Box
else if (symbol.input.substr(0,5) == "\\frac") {
// botch for missing fractions
var denom = symbol.input.substr(6,1);
if (denom == "5" || denom == "6") {
str = symbol.input.replace(/\\frac/,"\\frac ")+str;
return [node,str,symbol.tag];
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(output));
return [node,str,symbol.tag];
case LONG: // added by DRW
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
node = createMmlNode("mover",node);
return [node,str,symbol.tag];
case STRETCHY: // added by DRW
if (isIE && symbol.input == "\\backslash")
symbol.output = "\\"; // doesn't expand, but then nor does "\u2216"
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
if (symbol.input == "|" || symbol.input == "\\vert" ||
symbol.input == "\\|" || symbol.input == "\\Vert") {
node.setAttribute("maxsize",symbol.atval); // don't allow to stretch here
if (symbol.rtag != null)
return [node,str,symbol.rtag];
return [node,str,symbol.tag];
case BIG: // added by DRW
var atval = symbol.atval;
if (isIE)
atval = symbol.ieval;
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol == null)
return [null,str,null];
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
if (isIE) { // to get brackets to expand
var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
} else { // ignored in IE
return [node,str,symbol.tag];
case LEFTBRACKET: //read (expr+)
if (symbol.input == "\\left") { // left what?
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol != null) {
if (symbol.input == ".")
symbol.invisible = true;
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = LMparseExpr(str,true,false);
if (symbol==null ||
(typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible))
node = createMmlNode("mrow",result[0]);
else {
node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
return [node,result[1],result[2]];
case MATRIX: //read (expr+)
if (symbol.input == "\\begin{array}") {
var mask = "";
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
if (symbol == null)
mask = "l";
else {
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
if (symbol.input != "{")
mask = "l";
else do {
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol != null) {
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
if (symbol.input != "}")
mask = mask+symbol.input;
} while (symbol != null && symbol.input != "" && symbol.input != "}");
result = LMparseExpr("{"+str,true,true);
// if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
// document.createTextNode(symbol.input)),str];
node = createMmlNode("mtable",result[0]);
mask = mask.replace(/l/g,"left ");
mask = mask.replace(/r/g,"right ");
mask = mask.replace(/c/g,"center ");
if (isIE)
return [node,result[1],null];
// trying to get a *little* bit of space around the array
// (IE already includes it)
var lspace = createMmlNode("mspace");
var rspace = createMmlNode("mspace");
var node1 = createMmlNode("mrow",lspace);
return [node1,result[1],null];
} else { // eqnarray
result = LMparseExpr("{"+str,true,true);
node = createMmlNode("mtable",result[0]);
if (isIE)
node.setAttribute("columnspacing","0.25em"); // best in practice?
node.setAttribute("columnspacing","0.167em"); // correct (but ignored?)
node.setAttribute("columnalign","right center left");
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
return [node,result[1],null];
case TEXT:
if (str.charAt(0)=="{") i=str.indexOf("}");
else i = 0;
if (i==-1)
i = str.length;
st = str.slice(1,i);
if (st.charAt(0) == " ") {
node = createMmlNode("mspace");
node.setAttribute("width","0.33em"); // was 1ex
if (st.charAt(st.length-1) == " ") {
node = createMmlNode("mspace");
node.setAttribute("width","0.33em"); // was 1ex
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,i+1);
return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str,null];
case UNARY:
result = LMparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
if (typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) { // functions hack
st = str.charAt(0);
// if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st=="/" || st=="|" || st==",") {
if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st==",") {
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
} else {
node = createMmlNode("mrow",
if (isIE) {
var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
if (symbol.input == "\\sqrt") { // sqrt
if (isIE) { // set minsize, for \surd
var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
space.setAttribute("width","0em"); // probably no effect
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0])
// node.setAttribute("minsize","1"); // ignored
// node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); // hopefully unnecessary
return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
} else
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]),result[1],symbol.tag];
} else if (typeof symbol.acc == "boolean" && symbol.acc) { // accent
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
var output = symbol.output;
if (isIE) {
if (symbol.input == "\\hat")
output = "\u0302";
else if (symbol.input == "\\widehat")
output = "\u005E";
else if (symbol.input == "\\bar")
output = "\u00AF";
else if (symbol.input == "\\grave")
output = "\u0300";
else if (symbol.input == "\\tilde")
output = "\u0303";
var node1 = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(output));
if (symbol.input == "\\vec" || symbol.input == "\\check")
// don't allow to stretch
// why doesn't "1" work? \vec nearly disappears in firefox
if (isIE && symbol.input == "\\bar")
if (symbol.input == "\\underbrace" || symbol.input == "\\underline")
if (symbol.input == "\\overbrace" || symbol.input == "\\underbrace")
node.ttype = UNDEROVER;
return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
} else { // font change or displaystyle command
if (!isIE && typeof != "undefined") {
for (i=0; i<result[0].childNodes.length; i++)
if (result[0].childNodes[i].nodeName=="mi" || result[0].nodeName=="mi") {
st = (result[0].nodeName=="mi"?result[0].firstChild.nodeValue:
var newst = [];
for (var j=0; j<st.length; j++)
if (st.charCodeAt(j)>64 && st.charCodeAt(j)<91) newst = newst +[st.charCodeAt(j)-65];
else newst = newst + st.charAt(j);
if (result[0].nodeName=="mi")
else result[0].replaceChild(createMmlNode("mo").
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
if (symbol.input == "\\scriptstyle" ||
symbol.input == "\\scriptscriptstyle")
return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
case BINARY:
result = LMparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
result2 = LMparseSexpr(result[1]);
if (result2[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
if (symbol.input=="\\textcolor" || symbol.input=="\\colorbox") {
var tclr = str.match(/\{\s*([#\w]+)\s*\}/); //get's color from beginning of str
str = str.replace(/\{\s*[#\w]+\s*\}/,"");
if(tclr!=null) {
if(IsColorName.test(tclr[1].toLowerCase())) {
} else {
tclr=tclr[1]; // no checking for valid color!!
node = createMmlNode("mstyle");
return [node,result2[1],symbol.tag];
if (symbol.input=="\\density") {
var tclrf = str.match(/\{\s*([#\w]+)\s*\}/); //get's size from beginning of str
str = str.replace(/\{\s*[#\w]+\s*\}/,"");
if(tclrf!=null) {
if(tclrf[1]>1000) {
} else {
node = createMmlNode("mstyle");
return [node,result2[1],symbol.tag];
if (symbol.input=="\\root" || symbol.input=="\\stackrel")
if (symbol.input=="\\frac") newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]);
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,newFrag),result2[1],symbol.tag];
case INFIX:
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
return [createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),
return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag, //its a constant
function LMparseIexpr(str) {
var symbol, sym1, sym2, node, result, tag, underover;
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
sym1 = LMgetSymbol(str);
result = LMparseSexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
tag = result[2];
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX) {
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
result = LMparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
str = result[1];
tag = result[2];
if (symbol.input == "_" || symbol.input == "^") {
sym2 = LMgetSymbol(str);
tag = null; // no space between x^2 and a following sin, cos, etc.
// This is for \underbrace and \overbrace
underover = ((sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER) || (node.ttype == UNDEROVER));
// underover = (sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER);
if (symbol.input == "_" && sym2.input == "^") {
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,sym2.input.length);
var res2 = LMparseSexpr(str);
str = res2[1];
tag = res2[2]; // leave space between x_1^2 and a following sin etc.
node = createMmlNode((underover?"munderover":"msubsup"),node);
} else if (symbol.input == "_") {
node = createMmlNode((underover?"munder":"msub"),node);
} else {
node = createMmlNode((underover?"mover":"msup"),node);
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); // so sum does not stretch
} else {
node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
if (symbol.input == "\\atop" || symbol.input == "\\choose")
if (symbol.input == "\\choose")
node = createMmlNode("mfenced",node);
return [node,str,tag];
function LMparseExpr(str,rightbracket,matrix) {
var symbol, node, result, i, tag,
newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
do {
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
result = LMparseIexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
tag = result[2];
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (node!=undefined) {
if ((tag == "mn" || tag == "mi") && symbol!=null &&
typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) {
// Add space before \sin in 2\sin x or x\sin x
var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
} while ((symbol.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET)
&& symbol!=null && symbol.output!="");
tag = null;
if (symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET) {
if (symbol.input == "\\right") { // right what?
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol != null && symbol.input == ".")
symbol.invisible = true;
if (symbol != null)
tag = symbol.rtag;
if (symbol!=null)
str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); // ready to return
var len = newFrag.childNodes.length;
if (matrix &&
len>0 && newFrag.childNodes[len-1].nodeName == "mrow" && len>1 &&
newFrag.childNodes[len-2].nodeName == "mo" &&
newFrag.childNodes[len-2].firstChild.nodeValue == "&") { //matrix
var pos = []; // positions of ampersands
var m = newFrag.childNodes.length;
for (i=0; matrix && i<m; i=i+2) {
pos[i] = [];
node = newFrag.childNodes[i];
for (var j=0; j<node.childNodes.length; j++)
if (node.childNodes[j].firstChild.nodeValue=="&")
var row, frag, n, k, table = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (i=0; i<m; i=i+2) {
row = document.createDocumentFragment();
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
node = newFrag.firstChild; // <mrow> -&-&...&-&- </mrow>
n = node.childNodes.length;
k = 0;
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
if (typeof pos[i][k] != "undefined" && j==pos[i][k]){
node.removeChild(node.firstChild); //remove &
} else frag.appendChild(node.firstChild);
if (newFrag.childNodes.length>2) {
newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mrow> </mrow>
newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mo>&</mo>
return [table,str];
if (typeof symbol.invisible != "boolean" || !symbol.invisible) {
node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
return [newFrag,str,tag];
var tcnt = 0, dcnt = 0; //theorem and definition counters
function simpleLaTeXformatting(st) {
st = st.replace(/\$\$((.|\n)*?)\$\$/g,"<p align=\"center\">$\\displaystyle{$1}$</p>");
st = st.replace(/\\begin{(theorem|lemma|proposition|corollary)}((.|\n)*?)\\end{\1}/g,function(r,s,t){tcnt++; return "<b>"+s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+s.slice(1)+" "+tcnt+".</b> <i>"+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")+"</i>"});
st = st.replace(/\\begin{(definition|example|remark|problem|exercise|conjecture|solution)}((.|\n)*?)\\end{\1}/g,function(r,s,t){dcnt++; return "<b>"+s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+s.slice(1)+" "+dcnt+".</b> "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")});
st = st.replace(/\\begin{proof}((.|\n)*?)\\end{proof}/g,function(s,t){return "<i>Proof:</i> "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")+" &#x25A1;"});
st = st.replace(/\\emph{(.*?)}/g,"<em>$1</em>");
st = st.replace(/\\textbf{(.*?)}/g,"<b>$1</b>");
st = st.replace(/\\cite{(.*?)}/g,"[$1]");
st = st.replace(/\\chapter{(.*?)}/g,"<h2>$1</h2>");
st = st.replace(/\\section{(.*?)}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"<h3>$1</h3>");
st = st.replace(/\\subsection{((.|\n)*?)}/g,"<h4>$1</h4>");
st = st.replace(/\\begin{itemize}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"<ul>");
st = st.replace(/\\item\s((.|\n)*?)(?=(\\item|\\end))/g,"<li>$1</li>");
st = st.replace(/\\end{itemize}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"</ul>");
st = st.replace(/\\begin{enumerate}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"<ol>");
st = st.replace(/\\end{enumerate}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"</ol>");
st = st.replace(/\\item\[(.*?)]{(.*?)}/g,"<dt>$1</dt><dd>$2</dd>");
st = st.replace(/\\begin{description}/g,"<dl>");
st = st.replace(/\\end{description}/g,"</dl>");
st = st.replace(/\\newline\b/g,"<br/>");
st = st.replace(/\\newpage\b/g,"<br style=\"page-break-after:always;\">");
st = st.replace(/\\par\b/g,"<p>&nbsp;</p>");
st = st.replace(/\\bigskip/g,"<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.5in\">&nbsp;</p>");
st = st.replace(/\\medskip/g,"<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.3in\">&nbsp;</p>");
st = st.replace(/\\smallskip/g,"<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.15in\">&nbsp;</p>");
st = st.replace(/\\begin{center}((.|\n)*?)\\end{center}/g,"<center>$1</center>");
return st
function ASCIIandgraphformatting(st) {
st = st.replace(/<sup>(.*?)<\/sup>(\s|(\S))/gi,"^{$1} $3");
//st = st.replace(/<\/?font.*?>/gi,""); // do this only in amath...endamath
st = st.replace(/(Proof:)/g,"<i>$1</i>");
st = st.replace(/QED/g,"&nbsp; &nbsp; &#x25A1;");
st = st.replace(/(\\?end{?a?math}?)/ig,"<span></span>$1");
st = st.replace(/(\bamath\b|\\begin{a?math})/ig,"<span></span>$1");
st = st.replace(/([>\n])(Theorem|Lemma|Proposition|Corollary|Definition|Example|Remark|Problem|Exercise|Conjecture|Solution)(:|\W\W?(\w|\s|-|\.)*?\W?:)/g,"$1<b>$2$3</b>");
st = st.replace(/<embed\s+class\s?=\s?"?ASCIIsvg"?/gi,"<embed class=\"ASCIIsvg\" src=\""+dsvglocation+"d.svg\" wmode=\"transparent\"");
st = st.replace(/(?:\\begin{a?graph}|\bagraph|\(:graph\s)((.|\n)*?)(?:\\end{a?graph}|enda?graph|:\))/g,function(s,t){return "<table><tr><td><div class=\"ASCIIsvg\"><embed class=\"ASCIIsvg\" src=\""+dsvglocation+"d.svg\" wmode=\"transparent\" script=\'"+t.replace(/<\/?(br|p|pre)\s?\/?>/gi,"\n")+"\'/></div></td></tr></table>"});
st = st.replace(/insertASCIIMathCalculator/g,"<div class=\"ASCIIMathCalculator\"></div>");
return st
function LMprocessNode(n) {
var frag,st;
try {
st = n.innerHTML;
} catch(err) {};
var am = /amath\b|graph/i.test(st);
if ((st==null || st.indexOf("\$ ")!=-1 || st.indexOf("\$<")!=-1 ||
st.indexOf("\\begin")!=-1 || am || st.slice(-1)=="$" ||
st.indexOf("\$\n")!=-1)&& !/edit-content|HTMLArea|wikiedit|wpTextbox1/.test(st)){
if (!avoidinnerHTML && translateLaTeXformatting)
st = simpleLaTeXformatting(st);
if (st!=null && am && !avoidinnerHTML) {
st = ASCIIandgraphformatting(st);
st = st.replace(/%7E/g,"~"); // else PmWiki has url issues
if (!avoidinnerHTML) n.innerHTML = st;
/* if (isIE) { //needed to match size and font of formula to surrounding text
frag = document.getElementsByTagName('math');
for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++) frag[i].update() //is this really needed?
/* ASCIIsvg.js
JavaScript routines to dynamically generate Scalable Vector Graphics
using a mathematical xy-coordinate system (y increases upwards) and
very intuitive JavaScript commands (no programming experience required).
ASCIIsvg.js is good for learning math and illustrating online math texts.
Works with Internet Explorer+Adobe SVGviewer and SVG enabled Mozilla/Firefox.
Ver 1.2.9 July 31, 2007 (c) Peter Jipsen
Latest version at
If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License (at
for more details.*/
// you can change these
// Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 01-JUL-2010.
//var checkIfSVGavailable = true;
var checkIfSVGavailable = false;
//Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 01-JUL-2010.
//var notifyIfNoSVG = true;
var notifyIfNoSVG = false;
var alertIfNoSVG = false;
var noSVG = false;
// global defaults used if not specified by graph (you can change these)
var defaultwidth = 300; defaultheight = 200; // in pixels
var defaultxmin = -5.5; defaultxmax = 5.5; // in usercoords
var defaultborder = 0; border = defaultborder; // in pixel
var defaultstrokewidth = "1"; // default line width in pixel
var defaultstroke = "blue"; // default line color
var defaultstrokeopacity = 1; // transparent = 0, solid =1
var defaultstrokedasharray = null; // "10,10" gives 10px long dashes
var defaultfill = "none"; // default fill color
var defaultfillopacity = 1; // transparent = 0, solid =1
var defaultfontstyle = "normal"; // default text shape normal|italic|inherit
var defaultfontfamily = "times"; // default font times|ariel|helvetica|...
var defaultfontsize = "16"; // default size (scaled automatically)
var defaultfontweight = "normal";// normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|...|900
var defaultfontstroke = "none"; // default font outline color
var defaultfontfill = "none"; // default font color
var defaultmarker = "none"; // "dot" | "arrow" | "+" | "-" | "|"
var defaultendpoints = ""; // "c-d" where c is <|o|* and d is >|o|*
// global values used for all pictures (you can change these)
var showcoordinates = true;
var markerstrokewidth = "1";
var markerstroke = "black";
var markerfill = "yellow";
var markersize = 4;
var arrowfill = stroke;
var dotradius = 4;
var ticklength = 4;
var axesstroke = "black";
var gridstroke = "grey";
var backgroundstyle = "fill-opacity:1; fill:white";
var singlelettersitalic = true;
// internal variables (probably no need to change these)
var picturepos = null; // position of picture relative to top of HTML page
var xunitlength; // in pixels, used to convert to user coordinates
var yunitlength; // in pixels
var origin = [0,0]; // in pixels (default is bottom left corner)
var above = "above"; // shorthands (to avoid typing quotes)
var below = "below";
var left = "left";
var right = "right";
var aboveleft = "aboveleft";
var aboveright = "aboveright";
var belowleft = "belowleft";
var belowright = "belowright";
var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xscl, yscl,
xgrid, ygrid, xtick, ytick, initialized;
var strokewidth, strokedasharray, stroke, fill, strokeopacity, fillopacity;
var fontstyle, fontfamily, fontsize, fontweight, fontstroke, fontfill;
var marker, endpoints, dynamic = {};
var picture, svgpicture, doc, width, height;
var isIE = document.createElementNS==null;
var cpi = "\u03C0", ctheta = "\u03B8"; // character for pi, theta
var log = function(x) { return ln(x)/ln(10) };
var pi = Math.PI, e = Math.E, ln = Math.log, sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var floor = Math.floor, ceil = Math.ceil, abs = Math.abs;
var sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, tan = Math.tan;
var arcsin = Math.asin, arccos = Math.acos, arctan = Math.atan;
var sec = function(x) { return 1/Math.cos(x) };
var csc = function(x) { return 1/Math.sin(x) };
var cot = function(x) { return 1/Math.tan(x) };
var arcsec = function(x) { return arccos(1/x) };
var arccsc = function(x) { return arcsin(1/x) };
var arccot = function(x) { return arctan(1/x) };
var sinh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/2 };
var cosh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))/2 };
var tanh =
function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x)) };
var sech = function(x) { return 1/cosh(x) };
var csch = function(x) { return 1/sinh(x) };
var coth = function(x) { return 1/tanh(x) };
var arcsinh = function(x) { return ln(x+Math.sqrt(x*x+1)) };
var arccosh = function(x) { return ln(x+Math.sqrt(x*x-1)) };
var arctanh = function(x) { return ln((1+x)/(1-x))/2 };
var sech = function(x) { return 1/cosh(x) };
var csch = function(x) { return 1/sinh(x) };
var coth = function(x) { return 1/tanh(x) };
var arcsech = function(x) { return arccosh(1/x) };
var arccsch = function(x) { return arcsinh(1/x) };
var arccoth = function(x) { return arctanh(1/x) };
var sign = function(x) { return (x==0?0:(x<0?-1:1)) };
function factorial(x,n) { // Factorial function
if (n==null) n=1;
if (Math.abs(x-Math.round(x*1000000)/1000000)<1e-15)
x = Math.round(x*1000000)/1000000;
if (x-Math.floor(x)!=0) return NaN;
for (var i=x-n; i>0; i-=n) x*=i;
return (x<0?NaN:(x==0?1:x));
function C(x,k) { // Binomial coefficient function
var res=1;
for (var i=0; i<k; i++) res*=(x-i)/(k-i);
return res;
function chop(x,n) { // Truncate decimal number to n places after decimal point
if (n==null) n=0;
return Math.floor(x*Math.pow(10,n))/Math.pow(10,n);
function ran(a,b,n) { // Generate random number in [a,b] with n digits after .
if (n==null) n=0;
return chop((b+Math.pow(10,-n)-a)*Math.random()+a,n);
function myCreateElementSVG(t) {
if (isIE) return doc.createElement(t);
else return doc.createElementNS("",t);
function getElementsByClass(container, tagName, clsName){
var list = new Array(0);
var collection = container.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for(var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++)
list[list.length] = collection[i];
return list;
function showobj(obj) {
var st="", i;
for (i in obj)
st += (obj.getAttribute(i)==null?"":" "+i+":"+obj.getAttribute(i));
return st;
function findPos(obj) { // top-left corner of obj on HTML page in pixel
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
curleft = obj.offsetLeft
curtop = obj.offsetTop
while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft
curtop += obj.offsetTop
return [curleft,curtop];
function checkSVG(){
if (navigator.appName.slice(0,8)=="Netscape")
if (window['SVGElement']) noSVG = null;
else noSVG = true;
else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft")
try {
var oSVG=eval("new ActiveXObject('Adobe.SVGCtl.3');");
noSVG = null;
} catch (e) {
noSVG = true;
else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,5)=="Opera") // works only for 9.50b1
noSVG = null;
else noSVG = true;
//noSVG = true; //uncomment to check
if (noSVG && notifyIfNoSVG) {
var msg = "To view the ASCIIsvg images use Internet Explorer + Adobe SVGviewer or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later."
if (alertIfNoSVG)
else return msg;
function setText(st,id) { // add text to an existing node with given id
var node = document.getElementById(id);
if (node!=null)
if (node.childNodes.length!=0) node.childNodes[0].nodeValue = st;
else node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(st));
function getX(evt) { // return mouse x-coord in user coordinate system
var svgroot =;
pos = findPos(svgroot.parentNode);
return (evt.clientX+(isIE?0:window.pageXOffset)-pos[0]-svgroot.getAttribute("ox"))/parseFloat(svgroot.getAttribute("xunitlength"));
function getY(evt) { // return mouse y-coord in user coordinate system
var svgroot =;
pos = findPos(svgroot.parentNode);
return (svgroot.getAttribute("height")-svgroot.getAttribute("oy")-(evt.clientY+(isIE?0:window.pageYOffset)-pos[1]))/parseFloat(svgroot.getAttribute("yunitlength"));
function translateandeval(src) { //modify user input to JavaScript syntax
var errstr;
// replace plot(f(x),...) with plot("f(x)",...)
src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r;]+?)\,/g,"plot\(\"$1\",");
src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r;]+)\)/g,"plot(\"$1\")");
// replace (expr,expr) by [expr,expr] where expr has no (,) in it
src = src.replace(/([=[(,]\x20*)\(([-a-z0-9./+*]+?),([-a-z0-9./+*]+?)\)/g,"$1[$2,$3]");
// insert * between digit and letter e.g. 2x --> 2*x
src = src.replace(/([0-9])([a-df-zA-Z]|e^)/g,"$1*$2");
src = src.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1");
try {
with (Math) eval(src); // here the svgpicture object is created
} catch(err) {
if (err!="wait") {
if (typeof err=="object")
errstr =" "+err.message+" "+err.number+" "+err.description;
else errstr = err;
var lastSlot = 0;
function drawPictures() { // main routine; called after webpage has loaded
var src, id, dsvg, nd, node, ht, index, cols, arr, i, node2;
var ASbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
pictures = getElementsByClass(ASbody,"embed","ASCIIsvg");
var len = pictures.length;
if(len==0) return;
for (index = lastSlot; index < len+lastSlot; index++) {
width = null; height = null;
xmin = null; xmax = null; ymin = null; ymax = null;
xscl = null; xgrid = null; yscl = null; ygrid = null;
initialized = false;
picture = pictures[index-lastSlot]; // current picture object
src = picture.getAttribute("script"); // get the ASCIIsvg code
if (src==null) src = "";
// insert "axes()" if not present ******** experimental
if (!/axes\b|initPicture/.test(src)) {
var i = 0;
while (/((yscl|ymax|ymin|xscl|xmax|xmin|\bwidth|\bheight)\s*=\s*-?\d*(\d\.|\.\d|\d)\d*\s*;?)/.test(src.slice(i))) i++;
src = (i==0?"axes(); "+src: src.slice(0,i)+src.slice(i).replace(/((scl|max|min|idth|eight)\s*=\s*-?\d*(\d\.|\.\d|\d)\d*\s*;?)/,"$1\naxes();"));
ht = picture.getAttribute("height");
if (isIE) {
//adding d.svg dynamically greates problems in IE...
// if (picture.getAttribute("src")=="") picture.setAttribute("src",dsvglocation+"d.svg");
if (document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"mml")==null) { = "relative";
node = createElementXHTML("div"); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px";
if (ht==null) ht ="";
// if (ht!="") defaultborder = 25;
if (ht=="" || src=="")
if (document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"input")==null) {
node = createElementXHTML("textarea");
arr = src.split("\n");
cols = 0;
for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++) cols = Math.max(cols,arr[i].length);
// node.setAttribute("style","display:block");
if (isIE) src = src.replace(/([^\r])\n/g,"$1\r");
if (src.indexOf("showcode()")==-1) = "none";
node2 = createElementXHTML("button");
if (isIE) node2.onclick = function() {updatePicture(this)};
else node2.setAttribute("onclick","updatePicture(this)");
if (src.indexOf("showcode()")==-1) = "none";
// picture.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode("ASCII"),node);
} else src = document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"input").value;
id = picture.getAttribute("id");
dsvg = picture.getAttribute("src");
if (id == null || id == "") {
id = "picture"+(index+1);
function setdefaults() { //called before each graph is evaluated
strokewidth = defaultstrokewidth;
stroke = defaultstroke;
strokeopacity = defaultstrokeopacity;
strokedasharray = defaultstrokedasharray;
fill = defaultfill;
fillopacity = defaultfillopacity;
fontstyle = defaultfontstyle;
fontfamily = defaultfontfamily;
fontsize = defaultfontsize;
fontweight = defaultfontweight;
fontstroke = defaultfontstroke;
fontfill = defaultfontfill;
marker = defaultmarker;
endpoints = defaultendpoints;
function switchTo(id) { // used by dynamic code to select appropriate graph
if (id==undefined) return;
var name = id;
if (typeof name!="string") name ="name");
picture = document.getElementById(name);
width = picture.getAttribute("width")-0;
height = picture.getAttribute("height")-0;
if ((picture.nodeName == "EMBED" || picture.nodeName == "embed") && isIE) {
svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root");
doc = picture.getSVGDocument();
} else {
svgpicture = picture;
doc = document;
xunitlength = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("xunitlength"));
yunitlength = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("yunitlength"));
xmin = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("xmin"));
xmax = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("xmax"));
ymin = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("ymin"));
ymax = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("ymax"));
origin = [svgpicture.getAttribute("ox")-0,svgpicture.getAttribute("oy")-0];
function updatePicture(obj) {
var node, src, id, top, left;
if (typeof obj=="object") id =,-6);
else id = (typeof obj=="string"?obj:"picture"+(obj+1));
src = document.getElementById(id+"input").value;
xmin = null; xmax = null; ymin = null; ymax = null;
xscl = null; xgrid = null; yscl = null; ygrid = null;
initialized = false;
picture = document.getElementById(id);
function changepicturesize(evt,factor) {
var obj =;
var name = obj.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
var pic = document.getElementById(name);
var src = document.getElementById(name+"input").value;
if (!/height/.test(src)) src = "height=0; "+src;
if (!/width/.test(src)) src = "width=0; "+src;
src = src.replace(/width\s*=\s*\d+/,"width="+(factor*(pic.getAttribute("width")-0)));
src = src.replace(/height\s*=\s*\d+/,"height="+(factor*(pic.getAttribute("height")-0)));
document.getElementById(name+"input").value = src;
function zoom(evt,factor) {
var obj =;
var name = obj.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
var pic = document.getElementById(name);
var src = document.getElementById(name+"input").value;
var xlen = (xmax-xmin)/2;
var ylen = (ymax-ymin)/2;
var xcen = getX(evt), ycen = getY(evt);
if (!/ymax/.test(src)) src = "ymax=0; "+src;
if (!/ymin/.test(src)) src = "ymin=0; "+src;
if (!/xmax/.test(src)) src = "xmax=0; "+src;
if (!/xmin/.test(src)) src = "xmin=0; "+src;
src = src.replace(/xmin\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"xmin="+(xcen-factor*xlen));
src = src.replace(/xmax\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"xmax="+(xcen+factor*xlen));
src = src.replace(/ymin\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"ymin="+(ycen-factor*ylen));
src = src.replace(/ymax\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"ymax="+(ycen+factor*ylen));
document.getElementById(name+"input").value = src;
var sinceFirstClick = 0; // ondblclick simulation from
var dblClkTimer; // Thanks!
function timer() {
if(sinceFirstClick<60) {
} else {
dblClkTimer = "";
function mClick(evt) {
if(sinceFirstClick!=0) {
if(sinceFirstClick <= 40) {
if (evt.shiftKey) {
if (evt.altKey) changepicturesize(evt,2);
else zoom(evt,.5);
} else if (evt.altKey) zoom(evt,2);//changepicturesize(evt,.5);
else showHideCode(evt); // do this on dblclick
dblClkTimer = "";
} else {
sinceFirstClick = 0;
dblClkTimer = setTimeout("timer()",10);
} else {
sinceFirstClick = 0;
dblClkTimer = setTimeout("timer()",10);
function showHideCode(evt) { // called by onclick event
// if (evt.getDetail()==2) {//getDetail unfortunately not in Firefox
var name = obj.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
var node = document.getElementById(name+"input"); = ( == "none"?"":"none");
var node = document.getElementById(name+"button"); = ( == "none"?"":"none");
// }
function showcode() {} // do nothing
function setBorder(x) { border = x } //deprecate
function initPicture(x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max) { // set up the graph
// usually called by axes() or noaxes(), but can be used directly
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
if (x_min!=null) xmin = x_min;
if (x_max!=null) xmax = x_max;
if (y_min!=null) ymin = y_min;
if (y_max!=null) ymax = y_max;
if (xmin==null) xmin = defaultxmin;
if (xmax==null) xmax = defaultxmax;
if (typeof xmin != "number" || typeof xmax != "number" || xmin >= xmax)
alert("Picture requires at least two numbers: xmin < xmax");
else if (y_max != null && (typeof y_min != "number" ||
typeof y_max != "number" || y_min >= y_max))
alert("initPicture(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) requires numbers ymin < ymax");
else {
if (width==null) {
width = picture.getAttribute("width");
if (width==null || width=="") width=defaultwidth;
if (height==null) {
height = picture.getAttribute("height");
if (height==null || height=="") height=defaultheight;
xunitlength = (width-2*border)/(xmax-xmin);
yunitlength = xunitlength;
//alert(xmin+" "+xmax+" "+ymin+" "+ymax)
if (ymin==null) {
origin = [-xmin*xunitlength+border,height/2];
ymin = -(height-2*border)/(2*yunitlength);
ymax = -ymin;
} else {
if (ymax!=null) yunitlength = (height-2*border)/(ymax-ymin);
else ymax = (height-2*border)/yunitlength + ymin;
origin = [-xmin*xunitlength+border,-ymin*yunitlength+border];
if (isIE) {
if (picture.FULLSCREEN==undefined) {
throw "wait";
svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root");
if (svgpicture==null) {
throw "wait";
svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root");
while (svgpicture.childNodes.length>0)
doc = picture.getSVGDocument();
} else {
var qnode = document.createElementNS("","svg");
// qnode.setAttribute("style","display:inline");
picturepos = findPos(picture);
// qnode.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink","");
if (picture.parentNode!=null) {
} else {
svgpicture = qnode;
doc = document;
var nd = document.getElementById(picture.getAttribute("id")+"mml");
if (nd!=null) // clear out MathML layer
while (nd.childNodes.length>0) nd.removeChild(nd.lastChild);
var node = myCreateElementSVG("rect");
node = myCreateElementSVG("text"); // used for displayCoord
node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" "));
node = myCreateElementSVG("text"); // used for text display
node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" "));
border = defaultborder;
//////////////////////////user graphics commands start/////////////////////////
function line(p,q,id,endpts) { // segment connecting points p,q (coordinates in units)
var node;
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
(height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" "+
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
if (strokedasharray!=null)
node.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", strokedasharray);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot") {
if (marker=="arrowdot") arrowhead(p,q);
} else if (marker=="arrow") arrowhead(p,q);
if (endpts==null && endpoints!="") endpts = endpoints;
if (endpts!=null) {
if (endpts.indexOf("<-") != -1) arrowhead(q,p);
if (endpts.indexOf("o-") != -1) dot(p, "open");
if (endpts.indexOf("*-") != -1) dot(p, "closed");
if (endpts.indexOf("->") != -1) arrowhead(p,q);
if (endpts.indexOf("-o") != -1) dot(q, "open");
if (endpts.indexOf("-*") != -1) dot(q, "closed");
function path(plist,id,c,endpts) {
if (c==null) c="";
var node, st, i;
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
if (typeof plist == "string") st = plist;
else {
st = "M";
st += (plist[0][0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
(height-plist[0][1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" "+c;
for (i=1; i<plist.length; i++)
st += (plist[i][0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
(height-plist[i][1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" ";
node.setAttribute("d", st);
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
if (strokedasharray!=null)
node.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", strokedasharray);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot")
for (i=0; i<plist.length; i++)
if (c!="C" && c!="T" || i!=1 && i!=2)
if (endpts==null && endpoints!="") endpts = endpoints;
if (endpts!=null) {
if (endpts.indexOf("<-") != -1) arrowhead(plist[1],plist[0]);
if (endpts.indexOf("o-") != -1) dot(plist[0], "open");
if (endpts.indexOf("*-") != -1) dot(plist[0], "closed");
if (endpts.indexOf("->") != -1) arrowhead(plist[plist.length-2],plist[plist.length-1]);
if (endpts.indexOf("-o") != -1) dot(plist[plist.length-1], "open");
if (endpts.indexOf("-*") != -1) dot(plist[plist.length-1], "closed");
function curve(plist,id,endpts) {
function vector(p,q,id) {
function circle(center,radius,id) { // coordinates in units
var node;
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("circle");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
function loop(p,d,id) {
// d is a direction vector e.g. [1,0] means loop starts in that direction
if (d==null) d=[1,0];
if (marker=="arrow" || marker=="arrowdot")
function arc(start,end,radius,id,largearc) { // coordinates in units
var node, v;
//alert([fill, stroke, origin, xunitlength, yunitlength, height])
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (largearc==null) largearc=0;
if (radius==null) {
radius = Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
(height-start[1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" A"+radius*xunitlength+","+
radius*yunitlength+" 0 "+largearc+",0 "+(end[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
if (marker=="arrow" || marker=="arrowdot") {
u = [(end[1]-start[1])/4,(start[0]-end[0])/4];
v = [(end[0]-start[0])/2,(end[1]-start[1])/2];
v = [start[0]+v[0]+u[0],start[1]+v[1]+u[1]];
} else v=[start[0],start[1]];
if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot") {
if (marker=="arrowdot") arrowhead(v,end);
} else if (marker=="arrow") arrowhead(v,end);
function sector(center,start,end,id) { // center,start,end should be isoceles
var rx = start[0]-center[0], ry = start[1]-center[1];
function ellipse(center,rx,ry,id) { // coordinates in units
var node;
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("ellipse");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
function triangle(p,q,r,id) {
function rect(p,q,id,rx,ry) { // opposite corners in units, rounded by radii
var node;
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("rect");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
if (rx!=null) node.setAttribute("rx",rx*xunitlength);
if (ry!=null) node.setAttribute("ry",ry*yunitlength);
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
function text(p,st,pos,id,fontsty) {
var dnode, node, dx = 0, dy = fontsize/3, str = st.toString();
if (/(`|\$)/.test(str)) { // layer for ASCIIMathML and LaTeXMathML
dnode = document.getElementById(svgpicture.getAttribute("name")+"mml");
if (dnode!=null) {
if (id!=null) node = document.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = createElementXHTML("div");
node.setAttribute("id", id); = "absolute";
while (node.childNodes.length>0) node.removeChild(node.lastChild);
if (/`/.test(str)) AMprocessNode(node); else LMprocessNode(node);
dx = -node.offsetWidth/2;
dy = -node.offsetHeight/2;
if (pos!=null) {
if (/above/.test(pos)) dy = -node.offsetHeight;
if (/below/.test(pos)) dy = 0;
if (/right/.test(pos)) dx = 0;
if ( /left/.test(pos)) dx = -node.offsetWidth;
} = ""+(p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]+dx)+"px"; = ""+(height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]+dy)+"px";
return p;
var textanchor = "middle"; // regular text goes into SVG
if (pos!=null) {
if (/above/.test(pos)) dy = -fontsize/2;
if (/below/.test(pos)) dy = fontsize-0;
if (/right/.test(pos)) {textanchor = "start"; dx = fontsize/4;}
if ( /left/.test(pos)) {textanchor = "end"; dx = -fontsize/4;}
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("text");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
while (node.childNodes.length>1) node.removeChild(node.lastChild);
node.lastChild.nodeValue = "\xA0"+str+"\xA0";
if (fontstroke!="none") node.setAttribute("stroke",fontstroke);
if (fontfill!="none") node.setAttribute("fill",fontfill);
return p;
function mtext(p,st,pos,fontsty,fontsz) { // method for updating text on an svg
// "this" is the text object or the svgpicture object
var textanchor = "middle";
var dx = 0; var dy = fontsize/3;
if (pos!=null) {
if (pos.slice(0,5)=="above") dy = -fontsize/2;
if (pos.slice(0,5)=="below") dy = fontsize-0;
if (pos.slice(0,5)=="right" || pos.slice(5,10)=="right") {
textanchor = "start";
dx = fontsize/2;
if (pos.slice(0,4)=="left" || pos.slice(5,9)=="left") {
textanchor = "end";
dx = -fontsize/2;
var node = this;
if (this.nodeName=="svg") {
node = myCreateElementSVG("text");
node.lastChild.nodeValue = st;
if (fontstroke!="none") node.setAttribute("stroke",fontstroke);
if (fontfill!="none") node.setAttribute("fill",fontfill);
function image(imgurl,p,w,h,id) { // not working yet
var node;
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("image");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
node.setAttribute("xlink:href", imgurl);
function ASdot(center,radius,s,f) { // coordinates in units, radius in pixel
if (s==null) s = stroke; if (f==null) f = fill;
var node = myCreateElementSVG("circle");
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", s);
node.setAttribute("fill", f);
function dot(center, typ, label, pos, id) {
var node;
var cx = center[0]*xunitlength+origin[0];
var cy = height-center[1]*yunitlength-origin[1];
if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
if (typ=="+" || typ=="-" || typ=="|") {
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
if (typ=="+") {
" M "+(cx-ticklength)+" "+cy+" L "+(cx+ticklength)+" "+cy+
" M "+cx+" "+(cy-ticklength)+" L "+cx+" "+(cy+ticklength));
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5);
node.setAttribute("stroke", axesstroke);
} else {
if (typ=="-") node.setAttribute("d",
" M "+(cx-ticklength)+" "+cy+" L "+(cx+ticklength)+" "+cy);
else node.setAttribute("d",
" M "+cx+" "+(cy-ticklength)+" L "+cx+" "+(cy+ticklength));
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
} else {
if (node==null) {
node = myCreateElementSVG("circle");
node.setAttribute("id", id);
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
node.setAttribute("fill", (typ=="open"?"white":
if (label!=null)
point = dot; //alternative name
function arrowhead(p,q) { // draw arrowhead at q (in units) add size param
var up;
var v = [p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0],height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]];
var w = [q[0]*xunitlength+origin[0],height-q[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]];
var u = [w[0]-v[0],w[1]-v[1]];
var d = Math.sqrt(u[0]*u[0]+u[1]*u[1]);
if (d > 0.00000001) {
u = [u[0]/d, u[1]/d];
up = [-u[1],u[0]];
var node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
node.setAttribute("d","M "+(w[0]-15*u[0]-4*up[0])+" "+
(w[1]-15*u[1]-4*up[1])+" L "+(w[0]-3*u[0])+" "+(w[1]-3*u[1])+" L "+
(w[0]-15*u[0]+4*up[0])+" "+(w[1]-15*u[1]+4*up[1])+" z");
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", markerstrokewidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke); /*was markerstroke*/
node.setAttribute("fill", stroke); /*was arrowfill*/
node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
function chopZ(st) {
var k = st.indexOf(".");
if (k==-1) return st;
for (var i=st.length-1; i>k && st.charAt(i)=="0"; i--);
if (i==k) i--;
return st.slice(0,i+1);
function grid(dx,dy) { // for backward compatibility
function noaxes() {
if (!initialized) initPicture();
function axes(dx,dy,labels,gdx,gdy) {
//xscl=x is equivalent to xtick=x; xgrid=x; labels=true;
var x, y, ldx, ldy, lx, ly, lxp, lyp, pnode, st;
if (!initialized) initPicture();
if (typeof dx=="string") { labels = dx; dx = null; }
if (typeof dy=="string") { gdx = dy; dy = null; }
if (xscl!=null) {dx = xscl; gdx = xscl; labels = dx}
if (yscl!=null) {dy = yscl; gdy = yscl}
if (xtick!=null) {dx = xtick}
if (ytick!=null) {dy = ytick}
dx = (dx==null?xunitlength:dx*xunitlength);
dy = (dy==null?dx:dy*yunitlength);
fontsize = Math.min(dx/2,dy/2,16); //alert(fontsize)
ticklength = fontsize/4;
if (xgrid!=null) gdx = xgrid;
if (ygrid!=null) gdy = ygrid;
if (gdx!=null) {
gdx = (typeof gdx=="string"?dx:gdx*xunitlength);
gdy = (gdy==null?dy:gdy*yunitlength);
pnode = myCreateElementSVG("path");
for (x = origin[0]; x<width; x = x+gdx)
st += " M"+x+",0"+" "+x+","+height;
for (x = origin[0]-gdx; x>0; x = x-gdx)
st += " M"+x+",0"+" "+x+","+height;
for (y = height-origin[1]; y<height; y = y+gdy)
st += " M0,"+y+" "+width+","+y;
for (y = height-origin[1]-gdy; y>0; y = y-gdy)
st += " M0,"+y+" "+width+","+y;
pnode.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5);
pnode.setAttribute("stroke", gridstroke);
pnode.setAttribute("fill", fill);
pnode = myCreateElementSVG("path");
st="M0,"+(height-origin[1])+" "+width+","+
(height-origin[1])+" M"+origin[0]+",0 "+origin[0]+","+height;
for (x = origin[0]+dx; x<width; x = x+dx)
st += " M"+x+","+(height-origin[1]+ticklength)+" "+x+","+
for (x = origin[0]-dx; x>0; x = x-dx)
st += " M"+x+","+(height-origin[1]+ticklength)+" "+x+","+
for (y = height-origin[1]+dy; y<height; y = y+dy)
st += " M"+(origin[0]+ticklength)+","+y+" "+(origin[0]-ticklength)+","+y;
for (y = height-origin[1]-dy; y>0; y = y-dy)
st += " M"+(origin[0]+ticklength)+","+y+" "+(origin[0]-ticklength)+","+y;
if (labels!=null) with (Math) {
ldx = dx/xunitlength;
ldy = dy/yunitlength;
lx = (xmin>0 || xmax<0?xmin:0);
ly = (ymin>0 || ymax<0?ymin:0);
lxp = (ly==0?"below":"above");
lyp = (lx==0?"left":"right");
var ddx = floor(1.1-log(ldx)/log(10))+1;
var ddy = floor(1.1-log(ldy)/log(10))+1;
for (x = ldx; x<=xmax; x = x+ldx)
for (x = -ldx; xmin<=x; x = x-ldx)
for (y = ldy; y<=ymax; y = y+ldy)
for (y = -ldy; ymin<=y; y = y-ldy)
fontsize = defaultfontsize;
pnode.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5);
pnode.setAttribute("stroke", axesstroke);
pnode.setAttribute("fill", fill);
pnode.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
pnode.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
function mathjs(st) {
//translate a math formula to js function notation
// a^b --> pow(a,b)
// na --> n*a
// (...)d --> (...)*d
// n! --> factorial(n)
// sin^-1 --> arcsin etc.
//while ^ in string, find term on left and right
//slice and concat new formula string
st = st.replace(/\s/g,"");
if (st.indexOf("^-1")!=-1) {
st = st.replace(/sin\^-1/g,"arcsin");
st = st.replace(/cos\^-1/g,"arccos");
st = st.replace(/tan\^-1/g,"arctan");
st = st.replace(/sec\^-1/g,"arcsec");
st = st.replace(/csc\^-1/g,"arccsc");
st = st.replace(/cot\^-1/g,"arccot");
st = st.replace(/sinh\^-1/g,"arcsinh");
st = st.replace(/cosh\^-1/g,"arccosh");
st = st.replace(/tanh\^-1/g,"arctanh");
st = st.replace(/sech\^-1/g,"arcsech");
st = st.replace(/csch\^-1/g,"arccsch");
st = st.replace(/coth\^-1/g,"arccoth");
st = st.replace(/^e$/g,"(Math.E)");
st = st.replace(/^e([^a-zA-Z])/g,"(Math.E)$1");
st = st.replace(/([^a-zA-Z])e/g,"$1(Math.E)");
// st = st.replace(/([^a-zA-Z])e([^a-zA-Z])/g,"$1(Math.E)$2");
st = st.replace(/([0-9])([\(a-zA-Z])/g,"$1*$2");
st = st.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1");
var i,j,k, ch, nested;
while ((i=st.indexOf("^"))!=-1) {
//find left argument
if (i==0) return "Error: missing argument";
j = i-1;
ch = st.charAt(j);
if (ch>="0" && ch<="9") {// look for (decimal) number
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
if (ch==".") {
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
} else if (ch==")") {// look for matching opening bracket and function name
nested = 1;
while (j>=0 && nested>0) {
ch = st.charAt(j);
if (ch=="(") nested--;
else if (ch==")") nested++;
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
} else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
} else {
return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+j;
//find right argument
if (i==st.length-1) return "Error: missing argument";
k = i+1;
ch = st.charAt(k);
if (ch>="0" && ch<="9" || ch=="-") {// look for signed (decimal) number
while (k<st.length && (ch=st.charAt(k))>="0" && ch<="9") k++;
if (ch==".") {
while (k<st.length && (ch=st.charAt(k))>="0" && ch<="9") k++;
} else if (ch=="(") {// look for matching closing bracket and function name
nested = 1;
while (k<st.length && nested>0) {
ch = st.charAt(k);
if (ch=="(") nested++;
else if (ch==")") nested--;
} else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable
while (k<st.length && (ch=st.charAt(k))>="a" && ch<="z" ||
ch>="A" && ch<="Z") k++;
} else {
return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+k;
st = st.slice(0,j+1)+"Math.pow("+st.slice(j+1,i)+","+st.slice(i+1,k)+")"+
while ((i=st.indexOf("!"))!=-1) {
//find left argument
if (i==0) return "Error: missing argument";
j = i-1;
ch = st.charAt(j);
if (ch>="0" && ch<="9") {// look for (decimal) number
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
if (ch==".") {
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
} else if (ch==")") {// look for matching opening bracket and function name
nested = 1;
while (j>=0 && nested>0) {
ch = st.charAt(j);
if (ch=="(") nested--;
else if (ch==")") nested++;
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
} else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable
while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
} else {
return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+j;
st = st.slice(0,j+1)+"factorial("+st.slice(j+1,i)+")"+st.slice(i+1);
return st;
function plot(fun,x_min,x_max,points,id,endpts) {
var pth = [];
var f = function(x) { return x }, g = fun;
var name = null;
if (typeof fun=="string")
eval("g = function(x){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun)+" }");
else if (typeof fun=="object") {
eval("f = function(t){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun[0])+" }");
eval("g = function(t){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun[1])+" }");
if (typeof x_min=="string") { name = x_min; x_min = xmin }
else name = id;
var min = (x_min==null?xmin:x_min);
var max = (x_max==null?xmax:x_max);
var inc = max-min-0.000001*(max-min);
inc = (points==null?inc/200:inc/points);
var gt;
//alert(typeof g(min))
for (var t = min; t <= max; t += inc) {
gt = g(t);
if (!(isNaN(gt)||Math.abs(gt)=="Infinity")) pth[pth.length] = [f(t), gt];
return pth;
// make polar plot
// make Riemann sums
function slopefield(fun,dx,dy) {
var g = fun;
if (typeof fun=="string")
eval("g = function(x,y){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun)+" }");
var gxy,x,y,u,v,dz;
if (dx==null) dx=1;
if (dy==null) dy=1;
dz = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/6;
var x_min = Math.ceil(xmin/dx);
var y_min = Math.ceil(ymin/dy);
for (x = x_min; x <= xmax; x += dx)
for (y = y_min; y <= ymax; y += dy) {
gxy = g(x,y);
if (!isNaN(gxy)) {
if (Math.abs(gxy)=="Infinity") {u = 0; v = dz;}
else {u = dz/Math.sqrt(1+gxy*gxy); v = gxy*u;}
///////////////////////user graphics commands end here/////////////////////////
function show_props(obj) {
var result = "";
for (var i=0; i< obj.childNodes.length; i++)
result += obj.childNodes.item(i) + "\n";
return result;
function displayCoord(evt) {
if (showcoordinates) {
var svgroot =;
var nl = svgroot.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<nl.length && nl.item(i).nodeName!="text"; i++);
var cnode = nl.item(i);
cnode.mtext = mtext;
cnode.mtext([svgroot.getAttribute("width")-(-7),svgroot.getAttribute("height")-7],"("+getX(evt).toFixed(2)+", "+getY(evt).toFixed(2)+")", "left", "", "11");
/* var dnode = nl.item(i+1);
dnode.mtext = mtext;
dnode.mtext([0,svgroot.getAttribute("height")-6],"Try (shift/alt)-dblclick", "right", "", "8");
*/ }
function removeCoord(evt) {
var svgroot =;
var nl = svgroot.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<nl.length && nl.item(i).nodeName!="text"; i++);
var cnode = nl.item(i);
cnode.mtext = mtext;
cnode.mtext([svgroot.getAttribute("width")-0,svgroot.getAttribute("height")-0],"", "aboveleft", "");
/* var dnode = nl.item(i+1);
dnode.mtext = mtext;
dnode.mtext([0,svgroot.getAttribute("height")-0],"", "aboveright", "");
function initASCIIMathCalculators(li) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) {
li[i].innerHTML = calcstr;
li = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
var st;
for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) {
st = li[i].getAttribute("onkeyup");
if (st!=null) eval(String(st).replace(/function anonymous\(\)/,""));
function calculate(inputId,outputId) {
var str = document.getElementById(inputId).value;
var err = "";
var ind = str.lastIndexOf("\n");
if (ind==str.length-1) str = str.slice(0,ind);
str = str.slice(str.lastIndexOf("\n")+1);
try {
var res = eval(mathjs(str));
} catch(e) {
err = "syntax incomplete";
if (!isNaN(res) && res!="Infinity")
str = "`"+str+" =` "+(Math.abs(res-Math.round(res*1000000)/1000000)<1e-15?Math.round(res*1000000)/1000000:res)+err;
else if (str!="") str = "`"+str+"` = undefined"; //debug:+mathjs(str);
var outnode = document.getElementById(outputId);
var n = outnode.childNodes.length;
for (var i=0; i<n; i++)
function append(st){
document.getElementById('in').scrollTop = 1000;
function clearTextArea(){
function ASpreprocess() {
var ASbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
pictures = ASbody.getElementsByTagName("embed");
//pictures = getElementsByClass(ASbody,"embed","ASCIIsvg");
var len = pictures.length;
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picture = pictures[i];
var sscr = picture.getAttribute("sscr");
if (sscr!='') {
if (noSVG) {
n = document.createElement('img');
pn = picture.parentNode;
} else {
com = parseShortScript(sscr);
picture.className = "ASCIIsvg";
//ShortScript format:
//xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,xscl,yscl,labels,xgscl,ygscl,width,height plotcommands(see blow)
//plotcommands: type,eq1,eq2,startmaker,endmarker,xmin,xmax,color,strokewidth,strokedash
function parseShortScript(sscript,gw,gh) {
var sa= sscript.split(",");
if (gw && gh) {
sa[9] = gw;
sa[10] = gh;
sscript = sa.join(",");
if (sa.length > 10) {
commands = 'setBorder(5);';
commands += 'width=' +sa[9] + '; height=' +sa[10] + ';';
commands += 'initPicture(' + sa[0] +','+ sa[1] +','+ sa[2] +','+ sa[3] + ');';
commands += 'axes(' + sa[4] +','+ sa[5] +','+ sa[6] +','+ sa[7] +','+ sa[8]+ ');';
var inx = 11;
var eqnlist = 'Graphs: ';
while (sa.length > inx+9) {
commands += 'stroke="' + sa[inx+7] + '";';
commands += 'strokewidth="' + sa[inx+8] + '";'
//commands += 'strokedasharray="' + sa[inx+9] + '";'
if (sa[inx+9] != "") {
commands += 'strokedasharray="' + sa[inx+9].replace(/\s+/g,',') + '";';
if (sa[inx]=="slope") {
eqnlist += "dy/dx="+sa[inx+1] + "; ";
commands += 'slopefield("' + sa[inx+1] + '",' + sa[inx+2] + ',' + sa[inx+2] + ');';
} else {
if (sa[inx]=="func") {
eqnlist += "y="+sa[inx+1] + "; ";
eqn = '"' + sa[inx+1] + '"';
} else if (sa[inx] == "polar") {
eqnlist += "r="+sa[inx+1] + "; ";
eqn = '["cos(t)*(' + sa[inx+1] + ')","sin(t)*(' + sa[inx+1] + ')"]';
} else if (sa[inx] == "param") {
eqnlist += "[x,y]=["+sa[inx+1] + "," + sa[inx+2] + "]; ";
eqn = '["' + sa[inx+1] + '","'+ sa[inx+2] + '"]';
if (sa[inx+3] == 0) {
ep = '--';
} else if (sa[inx+3] == 1) {
ep = '<-';
} else if (sa[inx+3] == 2) {
ep = 'o-';
} else if (sa[inx+3] == 3) {
ep = '*-';
if (sa[inx+4] == 0) {
ep += '--';
} else if (sa[inx+4] == 1) {
ep += '->';
} else if (sa[inx+4] == 2) {
ep += '-o';
} else if (sa[inx+4] == 3) {
ep += '-*';
if (typeof eval(sa[inx+5]) == "number") {
// if ((sa[inx+5]!='null')&&(sa[inx+5].length>0)) {
//commands += 'myplot(' + eqn +',"' + sa[inx+3] + '","' + sa[inx+4]+'",' + sa[inx+5] + ',' + sa[inx+6] +');';
commands += 'plot(' + eqn +',' + sa[inx+5] + ',' + sa[inx+6] +',null,null,"' + ep +'");';
} else {
commands += 'plot(' + eqn +',null,null,null,null,"' + ep +'");';
inx += 10;
return commands;
var calcstr = "<table align=\"center\">\n<tr><th>\nASCIIMath Scientific Calculator\n</th></tr>\n<tr><td>\nClick in the box to use your keyboard or use the buttons\n</td></tr>\n<tr><td>\n<textarea id=\"in\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\" onkeyup=\"calculate('in','out')\"></textarea></td></tr>\n<tr><td height=\"50\">Result: &nbsp; &nbsp; <span id=\"out\"></span></td></tr>\n</table>\n<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tbody align=\"center\">\n<tr>\n<td colspan=\"4\">\n<button onclick=\"append('sin^-1(')\"><font size=2>`sin^-1`</font></button><button onclick=\"append('cos^-1(')\"><font size=2>`cos^-1`</font></button><button onclick=\"append('tan^-1(')\"><font size=2>`tan^-1`</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"clearTextArea()\">&nbsp;`C`&nbsp;</button></td>\n\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('pi')\">&nbsp;`pi` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('sin(')\">&nbsp;`sin`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('cos(')\">&nbsp;`cos`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('tan(')\">&nbsp;`tan`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('^')\">`x^y`</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('!')\">&nbsp; `!` &nbsp;</button></td>\n\n<td><button onclick=\"append('(')\"><font size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;`(`&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append(')')\"><font size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;`)`&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('sqrt(')\"><font size=2>`sqrt({::}^\ )`</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('/')\">&nbsp;`-:\ `</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('log(')\">`log`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('7')\">&nbsp; `7` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('8')\">&nbsp; `8` &nbsp;</button></td>\n\n<td><button onclick=\"append('9')\">&nbsp; `9` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('*')\">&nbsp;`times`&nbsp;</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('ln(')\">&nbsp;`ln`&nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('4')\">&nbsp; `4` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('5')\">&nbsp; `5` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('6')\">&nbsp; `6` &nbsp;</button></td>\n\n<td><button onclick=\"append('-')\">&nbsp;`-{::}`&nbsp;</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('e')\">&nbsp; `e` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('1')\">&nbsp;&nbsp;`1` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('2')\">&nbsp; `2` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('3')\">&nbsp; `3` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('+')\">&nbsp;`+{::}`&nbsp;</button></td>\n\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td> <!--button onclick=\"append('pi')\">&nbsp;`pi` &nbsp;</button--></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('0')\">&nbsp; `0` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('.')\">&nbsp; `.` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('\\n')\">&nbsp;`\"ent\"`</button></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>";
// GO1.1 Generic onload by Brothercake
//onload function (replaces the onload="translate()" in the <body> tag)
function generic()
if(!init()) return;
if (translateOnLoad) {
var nd = document.getElementById("processasciimathinmoodle");
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if (nd!=null || !checkforprocessasciimathinmoodle) {
if (translateASCIIsvg) { ASpreprocess(); };
if (!noSVG && translateASCIIsvg) drawPictures();
var li = getElementsByClass(document,"div","ASCIIMathCalculator");
if (!noMathML && li.length>0) initASCIIMathCalculators(li);
//setup onload function
if(typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')
//.. gecko, safari, konqueror and standard
window.addEventListener('load', generic, false);
else if(typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined')
//.. opera 7
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//.. win/ie
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//** remove this condition to degrade older browsers
//.. mac/ie5 and anything else that gets this far
//if there's an existing onload function
if(typeof window.onload == 'function')
//store it
var existing = onload;
//add new onload handler
window.onload = function()
//call existing onload function
//call generic onload function
//setup onload function
window.onload = generic;