Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
3.8 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ForumDeleted = "Forum deleted";
$ForumCategoryDeleted = "Forum category deleted";
$ForumLocked = "Forum blocked";
$Forum = "Forum";
$AddForumCategory = "Add a new forum category";
$AddForum = "Add a new forum";
$Topics = "Topics";
$Posts = "Posts";
$LastPosts = "Last Post";
$Message = "message";
$NoForumInThisCategory = "There are no forums in this category";
$InForumCategory = "Create in category";
$AllowAnonymousPosts = "Allow anonymous posts?";
$StudentsCanEdit = "Can users edit their own posts? ";
$ApprovalDirect = "Approval / Direct Post";
$AllowNewThreads = "Allow users to start new threads";
$DefaultViewType = "Default view type";
$GroupSettings = "Group Settings";
$NotAGroupForum = "Not a group forum";
$PublicPrivateGroupForum = "Public or private group forum?";
$Public = "For all course members";
$Private = "For group members only";
$NewPostStored = "Your message has been saved";
$ReturnTo = "You can now return to the ";
$Or = "or";
$ReplyToThread = "Reply to this thread";
$ReplyToMessage = "Reply to this message";
$QuoteMessage = "Quote this message";
$NewTopic = "New Thread";
$Replies = "Replies";
$Views = "Views";
$LastPost = "Last post";
$Quoting = "Quoting";
$NotifyByEmail = "Notify me by e-mail when somebody replies";
$StickyPost = "This is a sticky message (appears always on top and has a special sticky icon)";
$ReplyShort = "Re: ";
$DeletePost = "Are you sure you want to delete this post? Deleting this post will also delete the replies on this post. Please check the threaded view to see which posts will also be deleted";
$By = "By";
$Locked = "Locked: students can no longer post new messages in this forum category, forum or thread but they can still read the messages that were already posted";
$Unlocked = "Unlocked: students can post new messages in this forum category, forum or thread";
$Flat = "Flat";
$Threaded = "Threaded";
$Nested = "Nested";
$FlatView = "Flat View";
$ThreadedView = "Threaded View";
$NestedView = "Nested View";
$Anonymous = "Anonymous";
$Structure = "Structure";
$ForumCategoryAdded = "The forum category has been added";
$ForumCategoryEdited = "The forum category has been modified";
$ForumAdded = "The forum has been added";
$ForumEdited = "The forum has been modified";
$NewThreadStored = "The new thread has been added";
$Approval = "Approval";
$Direct = "Direct";
$ForGroup = "For Group";
$ThreadLocked = "Thread is locked.";
$NotAllowedHere = "You are not allowed here.";
$ReplyAdded = "The reply has been added";
$EditPost = "Edit Post";
$EditPostStored = "The post has been modified";
$NewForumPost = "New Post in the forum";
$YouWantedToStayInformed = "You stated that you wanted to be informed by e-mail whenever somebody replies on the thread";
$MessageHasToBeApproved = "Your message has to be approved before people can view it.";
$AllowAttachments = "Allow attachments";
$EditForumCategory = "Edit forum category";
$MovePost = "Move post";
$MoveToThread = "Move to a thread";
$ANewThread = "A new thread";
$Reply = "Reply";
$DeleteForum = "Delete forum ?";
$DeleteForumCategory = "Delete forum category ?";
$Lock = "Lock";
$Unlock = "Unlock";
$MoveThread = "Move Thread";
$PostVisibilityChanged = "Post visibility changed";
$PostDeleted = "Post has been deleted";
$MakeInvisible = "Make invisible";
$ThreadCanBeFoundHere = "The thread can be found here";
$MakeVisible = "Make Visible";
$DeleteCompleteThread = "Delete complete thread?";
$PostDeletedSpecial = "Special Post Deleted";
$ThreadDeleted = "Thread deleted";
$NextMessage = "Next message";
$PrevMessage = "Previous message";
$FirstMessage = "First message";
$LastMessage = "Last message";
$ForumSearch = "Search in the Forum";
$SearchTerm = "Search term";
$ForumSearchResults = "Forum search results";
$ForumSearchInformation = "You search on multiple words by using the + sign";