265 lines
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265 lines
8.4 KiB
<?php // $Id: compare_db.php 22577 2009-08-03 04:31:24Z yannoo $
/* For licensing terms, see /dokeos_license.txt */
* This script allows you to know which tables have been modified
* between two versions of Dokeos databases.
* @package dokeos.install
* Database configuration
* ============
* Change these parameters to compare between an old and a new database install.
* You will need to create a course called 'COURSE' on each side to be able to compare the
* courses databases.
* If you have given fancy names to your databases, you will need to modify these names
* in the two $bases_* variables definitions below.
* Also, make sure about the prefix possibly used in front of the normal prefix for courses
* databases (i.e. 'zPrefix_course' contains 'z' as additional prefix).
$prefix_new = 'dokeos180_';
$db_new = mysql_connect($sql_server_new,$sql_user_new,$sql_pass_new) or die(mysql_error());
// The Dokeos system has not been designed to use special SQL modes that were introduced since MySQL 5
@mysql_query("set session sql_mode='';", $db_new);
$prefix_old = 'dokeos160_';
$db_old = mysql_connect($sql_server_old,$sql_user_old,$sql_pass_old) or die(mysql_error());
// The Dokeos system has not been designed to use special SQL modes that were introduced since MySQL 5
@mysql_query("set session sql_mode='';", $db_old);
$field_details = array(0=>'Field',1=>'Type',2=>'Null',3=>'Key',4=>'Default',5=>'Extra');
$all_db_changes = array();
echo "<h1>Databases structure comparison script</h1>";
//iterate through databases given above (checking from the 'new' database side)
foreach($bases_new as $num_base=>$base)
//init tables lists for this database
//display current processed database
echo "<h2>Now analysing differences between databases <em>$base</em> and <em>".$bases_old[$num_base]."</em></h2>";
//get a list of tables for this database
$query_new="SHOW TABLES FROM ".$bases_new[$num_base];
if($result_new) //if there are tables in this database
//as there are tables, process them one by one
$query_old="SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$bases_new[$num_base].".".$row_new[0];
$result_old=mysql_query($query_old,$db_old) or die(mysql_error());
//get the fields details (numbered fields)
//get the field name in one special element of this array
foreach($dump as $table)
$query="SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$bases_old[$num_base].".".$table['table_name'];
//check for removed, new or modified fields
$fields_old = array();
$fields_new = array();
//list the new fields in a enumeration array
foreach($table['field_names'] as $dummy_key=>$dummy_field){
$fields_new[] = $dummy_key;
//list the old fields in an enumeration array and check if their corresponding
//field in the new table is different (if any)
$modif_fields = array();
while($row_old = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
$fields_old[] = $row_old[0];
$modif_field = '';
foreach($row_old as $key=>$enreg)
//if the old field information of this kind doesn't match the new, record it
if($row_old[$key] != $field_infos[$key])
$modif_field .='~+~'.$field_details[$key].'~+~,';
//only record the whole stuff if the string is not empty
$modif_fields[$row_old[0]] .= substr($modif_field,0,-1);
$new_fields = array_diff($fields_new,$fields_old);
foreach($new_fields as $dummy=>$val){
$new_fields[$dummy] = '++'.$val.'++';
$old_fields = array_diff($fields_old,$fields_new);
foreach($old_fields as $dummy=>$val){
$old_fields[$dummy] = '--'.$val.'--';
if(count($old_fields)>0 or count($modif_fields)>0 or count($new_fields)>0 ){
$query="SHOW TABLES FROM ".$bases_old[$num_base];
$result=mysql_query($query,$db_old) or die(mysql_error());
foreach($diff as $enreg)
//$modif_tables=array_unique($modif_tables); //deprecated with the structure complexification
}else{ //this database was removed in the new version
$query="SHOW TABLES FROM ".$bases_old[$num_base];
$result=mysql_query($query,$db_old) or die(mysql_error());
foreach($diff as $enreg)
echo "<h3>This database has been removed!</h3>";
echo "<h3>Differences between each table</h3>" .
"- fields display under each table's name, <br>" .
"- new tables are surrounded by '**', <br/>" .
"- removed tables are surrounded by '---',<br/>" .
"- new fields are surrounded by '++',<br/>" .
"- removed fields are surrounded by '--',<br/>" .
"- modified fields are surrounded by '~+~',<br/>";
echo '<pre>'.print_r($modif_tables,true).'</pre>';
$all_db_changes[$base] = $modif_tables;
echo "<h2>Generating SQL</h2>";
//going through all databases changes
foreach($all_db_changes as $base => $changes){
echo "<h3>SQL for DB $base</h3>";
foreach($changes as $table){
//we have a field-level difference
$mytable = $table['table'];
$myold = $table['old_fields'];
$mychanged = $table['changed_fields'];
$mynew = $table['new_fields'];
foreach($myold as $myname){
//column lost, display DROP command
$myname = str_replace('--','',$myname);
echo "ALTER TABLE ".$mytable." DROP ".$myname."<br/>";
foreach($mychanged as $myname=>$myprop){
//field changed, display SET command
$myprops = split(',',$myprop);
$myprops_string = '';
foreach($myprops as $myprop){
$myprop = str_replace('~+~','',$myprop);
$myprops_string .= $myprop." ";
echo "ALTER TABLE ".$mytable." CHANGE $myname $myname $myprops_string<br/>";
foreach($mynew as $myname){
//column created, display ADD command
$myname = str_replace('++','',$myname);
echo "ALTER TABLE ".$mytable." ADD $myname...<br/>";
//we have a table-level difference
$open_tag = substr($table,0,2);
case '**':
//new table, display CREATE TABLE command
$table = str_replace('**','',$table);
echo "CREATE TABLE ".$table."();<br/>";
case '--':
//dropped table, display DROP TABLE command
$table = str_replace('---','',$table);
echo "DROP TABLE ".$table."();<br/>";
echo "Unknown table problem: ".$table."<br/>";