Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

25 lines
1013 B

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$TermAddNew = "Dodaj nov pomenski termin";
$TermName = "Ime termina";
$TermDefinition = "Definicija termina";
$TermDeleted = "Termin je bil odstranjen";
$TermUpdated = "Termin je bil ažuriran";
$TermConfirmDelete = "Ali resnično želite odstraniti ta termin";
$TermAddButton = "Dodaj ta termin";
$TermUpdateButton = "Ažuriraj termin";
$TermEdit = "Uredi termin";
$TermDeleteAction = "Odstrani termin";
$OrderBy = "Razvrščeno po";
$CreationDate = "Datum kreiranja";
$UpdateDate = "Datum zadnje spremembe";
$PreSelectedOrder = "Razvrščanje z izbiro";
$TermAdded = "Termin je bil dodan";
$YouMustEnterATermName = "Vstaviti morate vsebino termina";
$YouMustEnterATermDefinition = "Vstaviti morate definicijo termina";
$TableView = "Pogled tabele";
$GlossaryTermAlreadyExistsYouShouldEditIt = "Ta termin je že dodan. Izberite drugo ime termina.";
$GlossaryManagement = "Upravljanje glosarija";
$TermMoved = "Izraz je bil premaknjen";