Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
1.4 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Camera = "Kamera";
$Microphone = "Mikrofon";
$Name = "&#304;sim";
$Progress = "&#304;&#351;leniyor";
$Play = "Ba&#351;lat";
$Stop = "Durdur";
$Record = "Kay&#305;t";
$NoFileAvailable = "Etkin dosya yok";
$StartConference = "Konferansa ba&#351;la";
$MyName = "Benim ad&#305;m";
$OrganisationSVideoconference = "Dokeos Video Konferans";
$ImportPresentation = "&#304;çeri sunum aktar";
$RefreshList = "Listeyi güncelle";
$GoToTop = "Yukar&#305; git";
$NewPoll = "Yeni anket";
$Question = "Soru:";
$Create = "Olu&#351;tur";
$YesNo = "Evet/Hay&#305;r";
$Numeric1To10 = "Say&#305;sal 1-10";
$YourVoteHasBeenSent = "Oylar&#305;n&#305;z gönderildi";
$YouAlreadyVotedForThisPoll = "Daha öncede bu anket için oy kulland&#305;n&#305;z";
$VoteButton = "Oyla!";
$YourAnswer = "Cevab&#305;n&#305;z:";
$Yes = "Evet";
$No = "Hay&#305;r";
$PollResults = "Anket Sonuçlar&#305;:";
$Votes = "Oylar:";
$Result = "Sonuçlar:";
$ThereIsNoPoll = "Anket yok.";
$MeetingMode = "Tan&#305;&#351;ma (mak. 4 ki&#351;i)";
$ConferenceMaxSeats = "Konferans (mak. 50 ki&#351;i)";
$Mode = "Mod";
$SystemMessage = "Sistem Mesaj&#305;";
$ChooseDevices = "Ayg&#305;t seç";
$ChooseCam = "Kamera seç:";
$ChooseMic = "Mikrofon seç:";
$ChangeSettings = "Ayarlar&#305; de&#287;i&#351;tir";
$CourseLanguage = "Dil:";
$EditSettings = "Ayarlar&#305; düzenle";
$Undo = "Geri al";
$Redo = "&#304;leri al";
$Accept = "Kabul et";