Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langPgTitle = "Tytu&#322; strony";
$langExplanation = "Strona musi by&#263; w formacie HTML (np. \"my_page.htm\"). Odno&#347;nik do strony umieszczone zostanie na Stronie g&#322;ównej. Je&#347;li chcesz wys&#322;a&#263; dokument inny ni&#380; HTML (PDF, Word, Power Point, Video, etc.) u&#380;yj <a href=../document/document.php>narz&#281;dzia Dokumenty</a>";
$langTooBig = "Nie wybrano &#380;adnego pliku do wys&#322;ania lub jest on za du&#380;y";
$langCouldNot = "Plik nie mo&#380;e by&#263; wys&#322;any";
$langExercices = "Testy";
$langNotAllowed = "Niedost&#281;pny";
$langAddPageToSite = "Dodaj stron&#281; do serwisu";
$langCouldNotSendPage = "Ten plik nie jest plikiem formatu HTML i nie mo&#380;e zosta&#263; wys&#322;any. Je&#347;li chcesz wys&#322;a&#263; dokument inny ni&#380; HTML (PDF, Word, Power Point, Video, etc.) u&#380;yj <a href=../document/document.php>narz&#281;dzia Dokumenty</a>";
$langSendPage = "Strona do wys&#322;ania";
$langPageTitleModified = "Tytu&#322; strony zosta&#322; zmodyfikowany";
$langPageAdded = "Strona dodana";
$langAddPage = "Dodaj stron&#281;";