Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

485 lines
12 KiB

var start_time = 0;
function Timer()
this.startTime = 0;
this.endTime = 0;
Timer.prototype.Reset = function()
this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
this.endTime = 0;
Timer.prototype.Stop = function()
this.endTime = new Date().getTime();
return this.endTime - this.startTime;
Timer.prototype.Value = function()
var end = this.endTime;
if( end == 0 && this.startTime != 0 )
end = new Date().getTime();
return end - this.startTime;
Number.prototype.timeString = function()
if( this >= 1000 )
return roundNumber( this / 1000, 2 ).toString() + " s";
return this.toString() + " ms";
Number.prototype.speedString = function()
//if( this >= 1000 )
// return roundNumber( this / 1000, 1 ).toString() + " Mbit/s";
return this.toString() + " kbit/s";
function WebClientRequest( method, url )
this.timer = new Timer;
this.url = url; = "";
this.method = method;
this.GetResponse = function( readData )
var response = new WebClientResponse( this, readData );
$.ajax( {
url: this.url,
cache: false,
async: false,
processData: false,
type: this.method,
dataType: "text",
contentType: "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined",
complete: response.InternalRequestCompleted(),
error: function( e )
if( e.status == 200 )
return; // We do get here in IE7 on Vista, even though the request performed well..
if( e.status == 405 )
alert( "Su servidor no permite el uso de HTTP POST hacia este archivo HTML.\nPor favor, revise su configuración." );
} );
return response;
function WebClientResponse( request, readData )
this.request = request;
this.readData = readData; = "";
this.status = "";
this.statusText = "";
this.contentLength = 0;
this.bytesTransferred = 0;
this.GetTime = function() { return this.request.timer.Value(); }
this.GetSpeed = function() { return roundNumber( ( this.bytesTransferred * 0.008 ) / ( this.GetTime() / 1000 ), 0 ); }
this.InternalRequestCompleted = function()
var response = this;
return function( xhr )
response.status = xhr.status;
response.statusText = xhr.statusText;
var contentLengthHeader = xhr.getResponseHeader( "Content-Length" );
if( null != contentLengthHeader && contentLengthHeader.length > 0 )
response.contentLength = parseInt( contentLengthHeader );
else if( null != xhr.responseText )
response.contentLength = xhr.responseText.length;
response.contentLength = 0;
if( response.request.method == "POST" )
response.contentLength =;
if( response.request.method != "HEAD" )
response.bytesTransferred = response.contentLength;
if( response.readData ) = xhr.responseText;
function WebClient()
WebClient.prototype.Download = function( url, readData )
return new WebClientRequest( "GET", url ).GetResponse( readData );
WebClient.prototype.Upload = function( url, data )
if( url.indexOf( "?" ) == -1 )
qs = '?sid=' + Math.random();
qs = '&sid=' + Math.random();
var request = new WebClientRequest( "POST", url + qs ); = data;
return request.GetResponse();
WebClient.prototype.Ping = function( url )
return new WebClientRequest( "HEAD", url ).GetResponse();
Test.SmallFilePath = "data_100k.txt";
Test.LargeFilePath = "data_1600k.txt";
Test.Download = "DOWNLOAD";
Test.Upload = "UPLOAD";
function Test()
this.timer = new Timer;
this.webClient = new WebClient;
this.progressCallback = function() {};
this.completionCallback = function() {};
this.progressValue = 0;
this.maxProgressValue = 0;
this.path = "";
this.last = null; = null;
Test.prototype.Start = function()
var test = this;
setTimeout( function()
test.Run( function()
if( null != test.progressCallback )
if( null != test.completionCallback )
} );
}, 10 );
Test.prototype.Run = function( updateProgress, completed ) {}
Test.prototype.MakeRequest = function()
if( this.path == null || this.path.length == 0 )
if( this.method == Test.Upload )
if( this.payload == null )
var dl = this.webClient.Ping( this.path );
this.payload = this.GenerateData( dl.contentLength );
this.last = this.webClient.Upload(, this.payload );
else if( this.method == Test.Download )
this.last = this.webClient.Download( this.path );
} = this.webClient.Ping( "?" );
Test.prototype.GenerateData = function( length )
var data = "";
while( data.length < length )
data = data + Math.random();
return data;
Test.prototype.OnProgress = function( progressCallback )
this.progressCallback = progressCallback;
return this;
Test.prototype.OnComplete = function( completionCallback )
this.completionCallback = completionCallback;
return this;
Test.prototype.Path = function( path )
this.path = path;
return this;
Test.prototype.Method = function( method )
this.method = method;
return this;
AverageTest.prototype = new Test;
function AverageTest()
this.iterations = 0;
this.iteration = 0;
this.totalBytes = 0;
this.totalSpeed = 0;
this.totalTime = 0;
this.totalPing = 0;
this.iterationCallback = function() {};
Test.apply( this, arguments );
AverageTest.prototype.Run = function( incrementProgress, completed )
this.maxProgressValue = this.iterations;
if( !this.IsCompleted() )
if( this.last == null )
var test = this;
setTimeout( function() { test.Run( incrementProgress, completed ); }, 1 );
AverageTest.prototype.IsCompleted = function()
return this.iterations == this.iteration;
AverageTest.prototype.GetAverageTime = function()
return roundNumber( this.totalTime / this.iteration, 2 );
AverageTest.prototype.GetAveragePing = function()
return roundNumber( this.totalPing / this.iteration, 2 );
AverageTest.prototype.GetAverageSpeed = function()
return roundNumber( this.totalSpeed / this.iteration, 1 );
AverageTest.prototype.GetTotalTime = function()
return this.totalTime;
AverageTest.prototype.Iterate = function()
if( this.last != null )
this.totalBytes += this.last.contentLength;
this.totalSpeed += this.last.GetSpeed();
this.totalTime += this.last.GetTime();
this.totalPing +=;
AverageTest.prototype.Iterations = function( number )
this.iterations = number;
return this;
AverageTest.prototype.AfterIteration = function( iterationCallback )
this.iterationCallback = iterationCallback;
return this;
function roundNumber(num, dec)
var result = Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec);
return result;
function EndTest( upload, download )
var totalTime = upload.GetTotalTime() + download.GetTotalTime();
var avgTime = roundNumber( ( upload.GetAveragePing() + download.GetAveragePing() ) / 2, 2 );
var tbl = $( "#tblSample" );
var rows = $( "tr", tbl );
row = $( "<tr/>" ).appendTo( tbl ).css( "background-color", "#cfcfcf" );
$( row ).append( "<td colspan=8>Total time " + totalTime.timeString() + ", average response time " + avgTime.timeString() + "</td>" );
$( "#startTestButton" ).removeAttr( "disabled" ).val( Strings.StartTest );
$( "#testInProgress" ).hide( "normal" );
var avgUlSpeed = upload.GetAverageSpeed();
var avgDlSpeed = download.GetAverageSpeed();
SetInfo( avgUlSpeed.speedString(), avgTime.timeString(), upload.method );
SetInfo( avgDlSpeed.speedString(), avgTime.timeString(), download.method );
var title = "";
var message = "";
if( avgUlSpeed < Settings.MinimumUlSpeed || isNaN( avgUlSpeed ) ||
avgDlSpeed < Settings.MinimumDlSpeed || isNaN( avgDlSpeed ) ||
avgTime > Settings.MaximumTime || isNaN( avgTime ) )
title = Strings.TestFailed.Title;
message = Strings.TestFailed.Message;
title = Strings.TestPassed.Title;
message = Strings.TestPassed.Message;
var res = $( "#resultMessage" );
res.children( ".result-title" ).text( title );
res.children( ".result-message" ).text( message ); "fast" );
function StartTest( count )
$( "#resultMessage" ).hide( "fast" );
$( "#startTestButton" ).attr( "disabled", "disabled" );
UpdateProgress( 0 );
$( "#testInProgress" ).show( "normal", function() { TestStarted( count ); } );
function TestStarted( count )
if( "" != $.query.get("details" ))
Settings.Debug = true;
if( Settings.Debug )
$( "#technicalDetails" ).show( "fast" );
var tbl = $( "#tblSample" );
$( "tr", tbl ).remove();
var upload = new AverageTest()
.Iterations( count / 2 )
.Path( Test.SmallFilePath )
.Method( Test.Upload )
.OnProgress( function()
var progressPercentage = this.progressValue / ( this.maxProgressValue / 100 ) / 2;
UpdateProgress( progressPercentage );
AppendDetailsRow( this );
} );
var download = new AverageTest()
.Iterations( count / 2 )
.Path( Test.SmallFilePath )
.Method( Test.Download )
.OnProgress( function()
var progressPercentage = this.progressValue / (this.maxProgressValue / 100 ) / 2 + 50;
UpdateProgress( progressPercentage );
AppendDetailsRow( this );
} );
download.OnComplete( function() { EndTest( upload, download ); } );
upload.OnComplete( function() { download.Start(); } ).Start();
function UpdateProgress( value )
$( "#progressbar" ).children( ".ui-progressbar-value" ).css( "width", value + "%" );
function AppendDetailsRow( test )
var tbl = $( "#tblSample" );
var rows = $( "tr", tbl );
row = $( "<tr/>" ).appendTo( tbl ).css( "background-color", ( test.iteration % 2 ) ? "#eeeeee" : "#ffffff" );
var speed = test.last.GetSpeed().speedString();
var time = test.last.GetTime().timeString();
var addCol = function( text ) { $("<td/>" ).append( text ).appendTo( row ); };
addCol( test.method + " " + test.iteration )
addCol( time );
addCol( );
addCol( );
addCol( test.last.request.url );
addCol( test.last.contentLength );
addCol( test.last.status );
addCol( speed );
SetInfo( speed,, test.method );
var ulSpeed = $.query.get( "ul" );
if( "" != ulSpeed )
Settings.MinimumUlSpeed = parseInt( ulSpeed );
var dlSpeed = $.query.get( "dl" );
if( "" != dlSpeed )
Settings.MinimumDlSpeed = parseInt( dlSpeed );
var qsTime = $.query.get( "time" );
if( "" != qsTime )
Settings.MaximumTime = parseInt( qsTime );
function SetInfo( speedtext, timetext, testMethod )
$( ( testMethod == Test.Download ) ? "#currentdlspeed" : "#currentulspeed" ).text( speedtext );
$( "#currenttime" ).text( timetext );
$( "#delay_input" ).val(timetext);
var count = $.query.get( "count" );
if( count == "" || count > 100 )
count = Settings.RequestCount;
$( function()
$( "#startTestButton" ).removeAttr( "disabled" ).val( Strings.StartTest ).click( function() { StartTest( count ) } );
$( "#requiredulspeed" ).text( Settings.MinimumUlSpeed.speedString() );
$( "#requireddlspeed" ).text( Settings.MinimumDlSpeed.speedString() );
$( "#requiredtime" ).text( Settings.MaximumTime.timeString() );
$( "#progressbar" ).progressbar();
document.title = Strings.Title;
$( "#title" ).text( Strings.Title );
$( "#subtitle" ).text( Strings.SubTitle );
$( "#testInProgressLabel" ).text( Strings.TestInProgress );
$( "#logo" ).attr( "src", Settings.Logo );