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<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Wiki = "Wiki";
$StartPage = "Main page";
$EditThisPage = "Edit this page";
$ShowPageHistory = "History";
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$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"Mr. Dokeos\" title=\"Mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">To begin, start editing this page</p>";
$CourseWikiPages = "Course Wiki pages";
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$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "A line has been deleted";
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "A line has been moved";
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$DifferencesNew = "changes in version ";
$DifferencesOld = "old version of";
$Differences = "Differences";
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$Legend = "Legend";
$ShowDifferences = "Compare selected versions ";
$GroupSpace = "Group area";
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$NumCommentsScore = "Number of comments on this page: ";
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