Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
4.6 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$SurveyTitle = "Survey title";
$SurveySubtitle = "Survey subtitle";
$SurveyLanguage = "Survey language";
$SurveyIntroduction = "Survey introduction";
$CreateLaterater = "Create later";
$ImportSurvey = "Import survey";
$CreateSurvey = "Create survey";
$Survey = "Survey";
$CreateFromExistingSurveys = "Create From Existing Surveys";
$SurveyTemplate = "Survey template";
$PleaseEnterSurveyTitle = "Please enter survey title";
$PleaseEnterValidDate = "Please Enter Valid Date";
$AddQuestionGroup = "Add Question/Group";
$PleaseEnterGroupName = "Please Enter Group Name";
$AddQuestionsInDefaultGroup = "Add Questions in Default Group";
$AddQuestionsInExistingGroup = "Add Questions in Existing Group";
$NotPublished = "Not published";
$AdvancedReportDetails = "Advanced report allows to choose the user and the questions to see more precis informations";
$AdvancedReport = "Advanced report";
$CompleteReportDetails = "Complete report allows to see all the results given by the people questioned, and export it in csv (for Excel)";
$CompleteReport = "Complete report";
$OnlyThoseAddresses = "Only send the survey to these addresses";
$BackToQuestions = "Back to the questions";
$SelectWhichLanguage = "Select in which language should be created the survey";
$CreateInAnotherLanguage = "Create this survey in another language";
$ExportInExcel = "Export in Excel format";
$PreciseWhatYouWantToCompare = "Details which datas you want to compare";
$HelpComparative = "Select data in the menu below. To select more than one item, use crtl + click. Then click OK.";
$ComparativeResults = "Comparative results";
$SelectDataYouWantToCompare = "Select the data you want to compare";
$OrCopyPasteUrl = "Or copy paste the link into the url bar of your browser : ";
$ClickHereToOpenSurvey = "Click here to take the survey";
$ChangeOrder = "Change order";
$SurveyNotShared = "No Surveys have been shared yet";
$ViewSurvey = "View survey";
$SelectDisplayType = "Select Display Type :";
$Thanks = "Feedback message";
$AnsTarget = "Answered/Targeted";
$NoQuestionAvailableInThisGroup = "No question available in this group";
$SurveyReporting = "Survey reporting";
$Reporting = "Reporting";
$NoSurveyAvailable = "No survey available";
$YouCantAddMoreThanTen = "You can\'t add more than ten rows";
$YourSurveyHasBeenPublished = "has been published";
$CreateFromExistingSurvey = "Create from existing survey";
$Publish = "Publish survey";
$SearchASurvey = "Search a survey";
$GroupIntroduction = "Group introduction";
$CourseName = "Course name";
$SurveysOfAllCourses = "Survey(s) Of All Courses";
$GroupCreated = "created ! You can now add question(s) to the new group";
$ImportGroups = "Import Groups";
$ImportExistingSurvey = "Import Existing Survey";
$AlreadyImported = "Group(s) already imported";
$ImportSurvey = "Import survey";
$ImportQuestion = "Import question";
$PleaseSelectAChoice = "Please make a choice";
$ThereAreNoQuestionsInTheDatabase = "There are no questions in the database";
$UpdateQuestionType = "Update Question Type : ";
$ModifyGroupInformation = "Modify group information";
$SelectGroup = "Select group";
$SelectQuestionType = "Select question type";
$AddNewGroup = "Add new group / edit group";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Add new question";
$IsShareSurvey = "Share survey with others";
$Proceed = "Proceed";
$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Please enter a question.";
$PleaseFillNumber = "Please fill numeric values for points.";
$PleaseFillAllPoints = "Please fill points from 1-5";
$PleasFillAllAnswer = "Please fill all the answer fields.";
$PleaseSelectFourTrue = "Please select at least Four true answers.";
$PleaseSelectFourDefault = "Please Select at least Four Default Answers.";
$PleaseFillDefaultText = "Please fill default text";
$ModifySurveyInformation = "Modify survey information";
$ViewQuestions = "View questions";
$ImportThisSurvey = "Import this survey";
$CreateSurvey = "Create survey ";
$CreateNewSurvey = "Create new survey";
$FinishSurvey = "Finish survey";
$QuestionsAdded = "Questions are added";
$DeleteSurvey = "Delete survey";
$SurveyCode = "Survey code";
$SurveyList = "Survey list";
$SurveyAttached = "Survey attached";
$QuestionType = "Question type";
$QuestionByType = "Question by type";
$SelectQuestionByType = "Select question by type";
$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Please enter a question";
$NoOfQuestions = "Number of question";
$Question = "Question";
$MultipleChoiceMultih = "Multiple choice (multiple answer) horizontal";
$MultipleChoiceSingleh = "Multiple Choice (Single Answer)Horizontal";
$ThisCodeAlradyExists = "This code already exist";
$SaveAndExit = "Save and exit";