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87 lines
4.9 KiB
87 lines
4.9 KiB
$strings['plugin_title'] = "Support tickets";
$strings['plugin_comment'] = "Plugin to include a support tickets system inside Chamilo.";
$strings['tool_enable'] = "Enable Ticket plugin";
$strings['tool_enable_help'] = "Enabling the ticket tool will make a new tab available in the main horizontal menu. This tab will appear for all users and will lead them to the tickets management system where they can check the status of their tickets.";
$strings['TabsTickets'] = "Tickets tab";
$strings['TicketNum'] = "Ticket #";
$strings['Date'] = "Date";
$strings['Category'] = "Category";
$strings['User'] = "User";
$strings['Program'] = "Program";
$strings['Responsible'] = "Assigned to";
$strings['Status'] = "Status";
$strings['Message'] = "Messages";
$strings['Description'] = "Description";
$strings['Tickets'] = "Tickets";
$strings['MyTickets'] = "My Tickets";
$strings['MsgWelcome'] = "Welcome to YOUR tickets section. Here, you'll be able to track the state of all the tickets you created in the main tickets section";
$strings['TckSuccessSave'] = "Your ticket has been created successfully";
$strings['TckClose'] = "Close the ticket";
$strings['TckNew'] = "New ticket";
$strings['TcksNew'] = "New tickets";
$strings['Unassigned'] = "Not assigned";
$strings['Unassign'] = "Unassigned";
$strings['Read'] = "Read";
$strings['Unread'] = "Not read";
$strings['RegisterDate'] = "Registration date";
$strings['AssignedTo'] = "Assigned to";
$strings['ValidUser'] = "Please select a user";
$strings['ValidType'] = "Please select a type";
$strings['ValidSubject'] = "Please select a topic";
$strings['ValidCourse'] = "Please select a course";
$strings['ValidEmail'] = "The e-mail address must be valid";
$strings['ValidMessage'] = "You must enter a message";
$strings['PersonalEmail'] = "Personal e-mail";
$strings['Optional'] = "Optional";
$strings['ErrorRegisterMessage'] = "The ticket could not be created";
$strings['Source'] = "Source";
$strings['DeniedAccess'] = "Unauthorized access.";
$strings['StatusNew'] = "New";
$strings['StatusPending'] = "Pending";
$strings['StatusUnconfirmed'] = "Unconfirmed";
$strings['StatusClose'] = "Closed";
$strings['StatusForwarded'] = "Resent";
$strings['Priority'] = "Priority";
$strings['PriorityHigh'] = "High";
$strings['PriorityNormal'] = "Normal";
$strings['PriorityLow'] = "Low";
$strings['SrcEmail'] = "E-mail";
$strings['SrcPhone'] = "Phone";
$strings['SrcPresential'] = "In-person";
$strings['TicketAssignedMsg'] = "<p>Dear %s</p><p><a href='%s'>Ticket %s</a> has been assigned to you.</p><p>Message sent from the support ticket system</p>";
$strings['TicketAssignX'] = "[TICKETS] Assignation of ticket #%s";
$strings['AreYouSureYouWantToCloseTheTicket'] = "Are you sure you want to close this ticket?";
$strings['AreYouSureYouWantToUnassignTheTicket'] = "Are you sure you want to unassign this ticket?";
$strings['YouMustWriteAMessage'] = "You have to enter a message";
$strings['LastResponse'] = "Last response";
$strings['AssignTicket'] = "Assign ticket";
$strings['AttendedBy'] = "Attended by";
$strings['IfYouAreSureTheTicketWillBeClosed'] = "If you are certain, the ticket will be closed";
$strings['YourQuestionWasSentToTheResponableAreaX'] = "<p>Your support request was sent to the area manager: <a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a></p>";
$strings['YourAnswerToTheQuestionWillBeSentToX'] = "<p>The answer to your support ticket was sent to the following e-mail: <a href='#'>%s</a></p>";
$strings['VirtualSupport'] = "Virtual support";
$strings['IncidentResentToVirtualSupport'] = "The incident was sent to virtual support";
$strings['DateLastEdition'] = "Last edition date";
$strings['GeneralInformation'] = "General information";
$strings['TicketsAboutGeneralInformation'] = "Tickets about general information";
$strings['Enrollment'] = "Enrollment";
$strings['TicketsAboutEnrollment'] = "Tickets about enrollment";
$strings['RequestAndPapework'] = "Requests and paperwork";
$strings['TicketsAboutRequestAndPapework'] = "Tickets about requests and paperwork";
$strings['AcademicIncidence'] = "Academic Incidents";
$strings['TicketsAboutAcademicIncidence'] = "Tickets about academic incidents, like exams, practices, tasks, etc.";
$strings['VirtualCampus'] = "Virtual campus";
$strings['TicketsAboutVirtualCampus'] = "Tickets about virtual campus";
$strings['OnlineEvaluation'] = "Online evaluation";
$strings['TicketsAboutOnlineEvaluation'] = "Tickets about online evaluation";
$strings['ToBeAssigned'] = "To be assigned";
$strings['Untill'] = "Until";
$strings['TicketWasThisAnswerSatisfying'] = "Was this answer satisfactory?";
$strings['TicketDetail'] = "Ticket details";
$strings['AreYouSure'] = "Are you sure?";
$strings['allow_student_add'] = "Allow students to generate tickets";
$strings['PleaseBeforeRegisterATicketSelectOneUser'] = "Please select a user before you register a ticket.";
$strings['RequestConfirmation'] = "Request confirmation";
$strings['TicketUpdated'] = "Ticket updated";
$strings['TicketClosed'] = "Ticket closed";