You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
341 lines
14 KiB
341 lines
14 KiB
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* @package chamilo.admin
* @todo use formvalidator for the form
* Code
// name of the language file that needs to be included
$language_file = 'admin';
$cidReset = true;
require_once '../inc/';
$category = $_GET['category'];
$category = Database::escape_string($category);
$action = $_GET['action'];
$tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
$tbl_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY);
$errorMsg = '';
if (!empty($action)) {
if ($action == 'delete') {
header('Location: ' . api_get_self() . '?category=' . Security::remove_XSS($category));
} elseif (($action == 'add' || $action == 'edit') && $_POST['formSent']) {
$_POST['categoryCode'] = trim($_POST['categoryCode']);
$_POST['categoryName'] = trim($_POST['categoryName']);
if (!empty($_POST['categoryCode']) && !empty($_POST['categoryName'])) {
if ($action == 'add') {
$ret = addNode($_POST['categoryCode'], $_POST['categoryName'], $_POST['canHaveCourses'], $category);
} else {
$ret = editNode($_POST['categoryCode'], $_POST['categoryName'], $_POST['canHaveCourses'], $_GET['id']);
if ($ret) {
$action = '';
} else {
$errorMsg = get_lang('CatCodeAlreadyUsed');
} else {
$errorMsg = get_lang('PleaseEnterCategoryInfo');
} elseif ($action == 'edit') {
$categoryCode = Database::escape_string($_GET['id']);
$result = Database::query("SELECT name,auth_course_child FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$categoryCode'");
list($categoryName, $canHaveCourses) = Database::fetch_row($result);
$canHaveCourses = ($canHaveCourses == 'FALSE') ? 0 : 1;
} elseif ($action == 'moveUp') {
moveNodeUp($_GET['id'], $_GET['tree_pos'], $category);
header('Location: ' . api_get_self() . '?category=' . Security::remove_XSS($category));
$tool_name = get_lang('AdminCategories');
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'index.php', "name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
//$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => 'configure_homepage.php',"name" => get_lang('ConfigureHomePage'));
if (!empty($category)) {
$myquery = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_category WHERE code ='$category'";
$result = Database::query($myquery);
if (Database::num_rows($result) == 0) {
$category = '';
if (empty($action)) {
$myquery = "SELECT,t1.code,t1.parent_id,t1.tree_pos,t1.children_count,COUNT(DISTINCT t3.code) AS nbr_courses
FROM $tbl_category t1 LEFT JOIN $tbl_category t2 ON t1.code=t2.parent_id LEFT JOIN $tbl_course t3 ON t3.category_code=t1.code
WHERE t1.parent_id " . (empty($category) ? "IS NULL" : "='$category'") . "
GROUP BY,t1.code,t1.parent_id,t1.tree_pos,t1.children_count ORDER BY t1.tree_pos";
$result = Database::query($myquery);
$Categories = Database::store_result($result);
if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'edit') {
<div class="actions">
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($category); ?>"><?php echo Display::return_icon('folder_up.png', get_lang("Back"), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM);
if (!empty($category)) echo ' (' . Security::remove_XSS($category) . ')'; ?></a>
$form_title = ($action == 'add') ? get_lang('AddACategory') : get_lang('EditNode');
if (!empty($category)) {
$form_title .= ' ' . get_lang('Into') . ' ' . Security::remove_XSS($category);
$form = new FormValidator('course_category');
$form->addElement('header', '', $form_title);
<form method="post" action="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?action=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($action); ?>&category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($category); ?>&id=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id']); ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="formSent" value="1" />
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
<td colspan="2">
Display::display_normal_message($errorMsg); //main API
<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo get_lang("CategoryCode"); ?> :</td>
<td><input type="text" name="categoryCode" size="20" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo api_htmlentities(stripslashes($categoryCode), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); ?>" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo get_lang("CategoryName"); ?> :</td>
<td><input type="text" name="categoryName" size="20" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo api_htmlentities(stripslashes($categoryName), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); ?>" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo get_lang("AllowCoursesInCategory"); ?></td>
<input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="canHaveCourses" value="0" <?php if (($action == 'edit' && !$canHaveCourses) || ($action == 'add' && $formSent && !$canHaveCourses)) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /><?php echo get_lang("No"); ?>
<input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="canHaveCourses" value="1" <?php if (($action == 'edit' && $canHaveCourses) || ($action == 'add' && !$formSent || $canHaveCourses)) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /><?php echo get_lang("Yes"); ?>
<td> </td>
if (isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['id'])) {
$class = "save";
$text = get_lang('CategoryMod');
} else {
$class = "add";
$text = get_lang('AddCategory');
<td><button type="submit" class="<?php echo $class; ?>" value="<?php echo $text; ?>" ><?php echo $text; ?></button></td>
} else {
<div class="actions">
if (!empty($category) && empty($action)) {
$myquery = "SELECT parent_id FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$category'";
$result = Database::query($myquery);
$parent_id = 0;
if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) {
$parent_id = Database::fetch_array($result);
$parent_id['parent_id'] ? $link = ' (' . $parent_id['parent_id'] . ')' : $link = '';
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo $parent_id['parent_id']; ?>"><?php echo Display::return_icon('folder_up.png', get_lang("Back"), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM);
if (!empty($parent_id)) echo $link ?></a>
if (!empty($category)) {
$CategoryInto = ' ' . get_lang('Into') . ' ' . Security::remove_XSS($category);
} else {
$CategoryInto = '';
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($category); ?>&action=add"><?php echo Display::return_icon('new_folder.png', get_lang("AddACategory") . $CategoryInto, '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM); ?></a>
if (count($Categories) > 0) {
foreach ($Categories as $enreg) {
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($enreg['code']); ?>"><?php Display::display_icon('folder_document.gif', get_lang('OpenNode')); ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($category); ?>&action=edit&id=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($enreg['code']); ?>"><?php Display::display_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('EditNode')); ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($category); ?>&action=delete&id=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($enreg['code']); ?>" onclick="javascript:if (!confirm('<?php echo addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)); ?>'))
return false;"><?php Display::display_icon('delete.gif', get_lang('DeleteNode')); ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo api_get_self(); ?>?category=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($category); ?>&action=moveUp&id=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($enreg['code']); ?>&tree_pos=<?php echo $enreg['tree_pos']; ?>"><?php Display::display_icon('up.gif', get_lang('UpInSameLevel')); ?></a>
<?php echo $enreg['name']; ?>
(<?php echo $enreg['children_count']; ?> <?php echo get_lang('CategoriesNumber'); ?> - <?php echo $enreg['nbr_courses']; ?> <?php echo get_lang('Courses'); ?>)
} else {
echo get_lang("NoCategories");
/* * ****** Functions ******* */
function deleteNode($node) {
global $tbl_category, $tbl_course;
$node = Database::escape_string($node);
$result = Database::query("SELECT parent_id,tree_pos FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$node'");
if ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
if (!empty($row['parent_id'])) {
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_course SET category_code='" . $row['parent_id'] . "' WHERE category_code='$node'");
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET parent_id='" . $row['parent_id'] . "' WHERE parent_id='$node'");
} else {
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_course SET category_code='' WHERE category_code='$node'");
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET parent_id=NULL WHERE parent_id='$node'");
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET tree_pos=tree_pos-1 WHERE tree_pos > '" . $row['tree_pos'] . "'");
Database::query("DELETE FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$node'");
if (!empty($row['parent_id'])) {
function addNode($code, $name, $canHaveCourses, $parent_id) {
global $tbl_category;
$canHaveCourses = $canHaveCourses ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
$code = Database::escape_string($code);
$name = Database::escape_string($name);
$parent_id = Database::escape_string($parent_id);
$result = Database::query("SELECT 1 FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$code'");
if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
return false;
$result = Database::query("SELECT MAX(tree_pos) AS maxTreePos FROM $tbl_category");
$row = Database::fetch_array($result);
$tree_pos = $row['maxTreePos'] + 1;
$code = generate_course_code($code);
Database::query("INSERT INTO $tbl_category(name,code,parent_id,tree_pos,children_count,auth_course_child) VALUES('$name','$code'," . (empty($parent_id) ? "NULL" : "'$parent_id'") . ",'$tree_pos','0','$canHaveCourses')");
return true;
function editNode($code, $name, $canHaveCourses, $old_code) {
global $tbl_category, $tbl_course;
$canHaveCourses = $canHaveCourses ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
$code = Database::escape_string($code);
$name = Database::escape_string($name);
$old_code = Database::escape_string($old_code);
if ($code != $old_code) {
$result = Database::query("SELECT 1 FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$code'");
if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
return false;
$code = generate_course_code($code);
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET name='$name', code='$code',auth_course_child='$canHaveCourses' WHERE code='$old_code'");
$sql = "UPDATE $tbl_course SET category_code = '$code' WHERE category_code = '$old_code' ";
return true;
function moveNodeUp($code, $tree_pos, $parent_id) {
global $tbl_category;
$code = Database::escape_string($code);
$tree_pos = Database::escape_string($tree_pos);
$parent_id = Database::escape_string($parent_id);
$result = Database::query("SELECT code,tree_pos FROM $tbl_category WHERE parent_id " . (empty($parent_id) ? "IS NULL" : "='$parent_id'") . " AND tree_pos<'$tree_pos' ORDER BY tree_pos DESC LIMIT 0,1");
if (!$row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
$result = Database::query("SELECT code,tree_pos FROM $tbl_category WHERE parent_id " . (empty($parent_id) ? "IS NULL" : "='$parent_id'") . " AND tree_pos>'$tree_pos' ORDER BY tree_pos DESC LIMIT 0,1");
if (!$row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
return false;
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET tree_pos='" . $row['tree_pos'] . "' WHERE code='$code'");
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET tree_pos='$tree_pos' WHERE code='$row[code]'");
function updateFils($category) {
global $tbl_category;
$category = Database::escape_string($category);
$result = Database::query("SELECT parent_id FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$category'");
if ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
$children_count = compterFils($category, 0) - 1;
Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET children_count='$children_count' WHERE code='$category'");
function compterFils($pere, $cpt) {
global $tbl_category;
$pere = Database::escape_string($pere);
$result = Database::query("SELECT code FROM $tbl_category WHERE parent_id='$pere'");
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
$cpt = compterFils($row['code'], $cpt);
return ($cpt + 1);