Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

234 lines
12 KiB

lang: "hi",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "बच",
"cancel": "रदद कर",
"key_backspace": "बकसस",
"key_del": "हट",
"key_down": "न",
"key_up": "ऊपर",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "रग बदलन पर किक कर, बदलव भरनिक करनिए सक कग बदलनिए",
"zoom_level": "बदलतर जम",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "बदलग भरन",
"stroke_color": "बदलक रग",
"stroke_style": "बदलक डश श",
"stroke_width": "बदलक चई",
"pos_x": "X समककष बदल ",
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"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "बदलशन कण",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "परदरि बदल",
"circle_cx": "बदल रह चकर cx समनवय",
"circle_cy": "परिवरतन चकर cy समनवय ह",
"circle_r": "बदल रह चकर ति",
"ellipse_cx": "बदलघवत ह cx समनवय",
"ellipse_cy": "बदलघवत cy समनवय ह",
"ellipse_rx": "बदल रहघवत x ति",
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"line_x2": "बदल रहइन x समनवय समत",
"line_y1": "बदल y श रह समनवय",
"line_y2": "बदल y अत ह समनवय",
"rect_height": "बदल आयत ऊई",
"rect_width": "बदल आयत चई",
"corner_radius": "बदल आयत कनर ति",
"image_width": "बदल छविई",
"image_height": "बदल छविई",
"image_url": "बदलआरएल",
"node_x": "नड क x समककष बदल",
"node_y": "नड क y समककष बदल",
"seg_type": "वरग परकर बदल",
"straight_segments": "स वरग",
"curve_segments": "घव",
"text_contents": "बदलठ समग",
"font_family": "बदलट परिर",
"font_size": "फट क आकर बदल",
"bold": "मठ",
"italic": "इटिक पठ"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "पठभिग बदल / असपषटत",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "समगिए फिट",
"fit_to_all": "सभमगिए फिट",
"fit_to_canvas": "फिट कनवस क",
"fit_to_layer_content": "फिट परत समगिए",
"fit_to_sel": "चयन किए फिट",
"align_relative_to": "सित करिर क ...",
"relativeTo": "रिर क:",
"पठ": "पठ",
"largest_object": "सबस बड वस",
"selected_objects": "निित वस",
"smallest_object": "छ वस",
"new_doc": "नई छवि",
"open_doc": "छवि",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "सह छवि",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
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"align_bottom": "तलमिबदधकर",
"align_center": "मधय म समित कर",
"align_left": " पिबदध कर",
"align_middle": "मधय सित कर",
"align_right": "दिबदधकर",
"align_top": "शषमिबदधकर",
"mode_select": "उपकरण च",
"mode_fhpath": "पिल उपकरण",
"mode_line": "लइन उपकरण",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "नि: शक हथ आयत",
"mode_ellipse": "दघवत",
"mode_circle": "वत",
"mode_fhellipse": "नि: शक हथ दघवत",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "पठ उपकरण",
"mode_image": "छवि उपकरण",
"mode_zoom": "जम उपकरण",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "पववत कर",
"redo": "फिर स कर",
"tool_source": "सत म बदलव कर",
"wireframe_mode": "रपरड",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "समह तत",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "पथ म बदल",
"reorient_path": "पथ क नई दि",
"ungroup": "अश क समह स अलग कर",
"docprops": "दसण",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "न",
"move_top": "ऊपर ल",
"node_clone": "नड कन",
"node_delete": "नड हट",
"node_link": "कडिरण बि",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "बच",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"हट": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "परत हट",
"move_down": "परत न",
"new": "नई परत",
"rename": "परत कम बदल",
"move_up": "परत ऊपर ल",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "अश क:",
"move_selected": "चयनित अश कसर परत पर ल"
config: {
"image_props": "छविण",
"doc_title": "शषक",
"doc_dims": "कनवस आयम",
"included_images": "शिल छवि",
"image_opt_embed": "एमड ड (सय फइल)",
"image_opt_ref": "फइल कदरभ करयग",
"editor_prefs": "सदक वरयत",
"icon_size": "चिन क आकर",
"language": "भ",
"background": "सदक पठभि",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "नट: पठभि छविथ नह बचएग",
"icon_large": "बड़",
"icon_medium": "मधयम",
"icon_small": "छ",
"icon_xlarge": "बहत बड",
"select_predefined": "चवनिित:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"अमय मय",
"noContentToFitTo":"कई समगिट करनिए उपलबध नह",
"dupeLayerName":"इस नम कि परत पहलद ह !",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"कपय परत क एक अदिय नम ड",
"enterNewLayerName":"कपय परत क एक नयम ड",
"layerHasThatName":"परत क पहल यहम ह",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"चयनित अश क परत '%s' पर ल ?",
"QwantToClear":"क आप छवि करनहत?\nयह आपक उन इतिस कि!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"आपक एस.व.ज. सत मि.\nक आप मल एस.व.जत पर विस जहत?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"एसवत स बदलन न द?",
"featNotSupported":"सि असमरित ह",
"enterNewImgURL":"नई छवि URL दरज कर",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."