<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langExercice = "Test";
$langActivate = "Enable";
$langDeactivate = "Disable";
$langNoEx = "There is no test for the moment";
$langNewEx = "New test";
$langQuestion = "Question";
$langQuestions = "Questions";
$langAnswers = "Answers";
$langTrue = "True";
$langAnswer = "Answer";
$langResult = "Result";
$langNoResult = "There is no result yet";
$langYourResults = "Your results";
$langStudentResults = "Students\' scores";
$langExerciseType = "Test type";
$langExerciseName = "Test name";
$langExerciseDescription = "Test description + image/audio/video";
$langSimpleExercise = "All questions on one page";
$langSequentialExercise = "One question per page (sequential)";
$langRandomQuestions = "Random questions";
$langGiveExerciseName = "Please give the test name";
$langSound = "Audio or video file";
$langDeleteSound = "Delete the audio or video file";
$langNoAnswer = "There is no answer for the moment";
$langGoBackToQuestionPool = "Go back to the question pool";
$langGoBackToQuestionList = "Go back to the question list";
$langQuestionAnswers = "Answers to the question";
$langUsedInSeveralExercises = "Warning ! This question and its answers are used in several tests. Would you like to modify them";
$langModifyInAllExercises = "in all tests";
$langModifyInThisExercise = "only in the current test";
$langAnswerType = "Answer type";
$langUniqueSelect = "Multiple choice";
$langMultipleSelect = "Multiple answers";
$langFillBlanks = "Fill in blanks";
$langMatching = "Matching";
$langAddPicture = "Add a picture (.JPG or .PNG)";
$langReplacePicture = "Replace the picture";
$langDeletePicture = "Delete the picture";
$langQuestionDescription = "Additional text, image, audio or video";
$langGiveQuestion = "Please type the question";
$langWeightingForEachBlank = "Please enter a score for each blank";
$langUseTagForBlank = "use square brackets [...] to define one or more blanks";
$langQuestionWeighting = "Score";
$langMoreAnswers = "+answ";
$langLessAnswers = "-answ";
$langMoreElements = "+elem";
$langLessElements = "-elem";
$langTypeTextBelow = "Please type your text below";
$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "[British people] live in the [United Kingdom].";
$langDefaultMatchingOptA = "rich";
$langDefaultMatchingOptB = "good looking";
$langDefaultMakeCorrespond1 = "Your daddy is";
$langDefaultMakeCorrespond2 = "Your mother is";
$langDefineOptions = "Please define the options";
$langMakeCorrespond = "Match them";
$langFillLists = "Please fill the two lists below";
$langGiveText = "Please type the text";
$langDefineBlanks = "Please define at least one blank with square brackets [...]";
$langGiveAnswers = "Please type the question\'s answers";
$langChooseGoodAnswer = "Please check the correct answer";
$langChooseGoodAnswers = "Please check one or more correct answers";
$langQuestionList = "Question list of the test";
$langMoveUp = "Move up";
$langMoveDown = "Move down";
$langGetExistingQuestion = "Questions pool";
$langFinishTest = "Finish Test";
$langQuestionPool = "Question pool";
$langOrphanQuestions = "Orphan questions";
$langNoQuestion = "There is no question for the moment";
$langAllExercises = "All tests";
$langFilter = "Filter";
$langGoBackToEx = "Go back to the test";
$langReuse = "Re-use";
$langExerciseManagement = "Tests management";
$langQuestionManagement = "Question / Answer management";
$langQuestionNotFound = "Question not found";
$langExerciseNotFound = "Test not found or not visible";
$langAlreadyAnswered = "You already answered the question";
$langElementList = "Elements list";
$langScore = "Score";
$langCorrespondsTo = "Corresponds to";
$langExpectedChoice = "Expected choice";
$langYourTotalScore = "Your total score is";
$Build = "Build";
$langEvalSet = "Assesment settings";
$langActive = "active";
$langInactive = "inactive";
$langQuestCreate = "Create questions";
$langExRecord = "your exercise has been saved";
$langBackModif = "back to the edit page of questions";
$langDoEx = "make exercice";
$langDefScor = "describe evaluation parameters";
$langCreateModif = "create / modify questions";
$langSub = "subtitle";
$langMyAnswer = "My answer";
$langMorA = "+ answer";
$langLesA = "- answer";
$langRecEx = "save exercise";
$langRecQu = "Save question";
$langRecAns = "Save Answers";
$langIntroduction = "Introduction";
$langTitleAssistant = "Assistant for the creation of tests";
$langQuesList = "questionlist";
$langSaveEx = "save exercices";
$langFinish = "Finish";
$langCancel = "Cancel";
$langQImage = "Question with an image";
$langAddQ = "Add a question";
$langDoAnEx = "Do an exercice";
$langGenerator = "Exercice list";
$langChoice = "Your choice";
$langCorrect = "Correct";
$langPossAnsw = "Number of good answers for one question";
$langStudAnsw = "number of errors by the student";
$langDetermine = "Determine";
$langNonNumber = "a non numeric value";
$langReplaced = "Replaced";
$langSuperior = "a value larger than 20";
$langRep20 = "Replace 20";
$langDefault = "Default Values *";
$langDefComment = "previous values will be replaced by clicking the \"default values\" button";
$langScoreGet = "black numbers = score ";
$langShowScor = "Show evaluation to student:";
$langStep1 = "Step 1";
$langStep2 = "Step 2";
$langTake = "take";
$langAmong = "among";
$langImportHotPotatoesQuiz = "Import HotPotatoes Tests";
$langHotPotatoesTests = "Import HotPotatoes Tests";
$langDownloadFile = "Upload HotPotatoes (html or zip) to the server";
$langDownloadImg = "Upload Image file to the server";
$langDownloadEnd = "The html upload is finished.";
$langNoSpace = "The upload has failed. There is not enough disk space in your directory";
$langZipNoPhp = "The zip file cannot contain .PHP files";
$langNoImg = "Test whithout Images";
$langImgNote_st = "<br> You still have to upload ";
$langImgNote_en = " image(s) :";
$langDocDeleted = "Document deleted";
$langViMod = "Visibility modified";
$langNameNotEqual = "is not the valid file !";
$langIndice = "Index";
$langIndices = "Indexes";
$langDateExo = "Date";
$langShowQuestion = "Show Question";
$langUnknownExercise = "Unknown Exercise";
$langReuseQuestion = "Reuse the question";
$langCreateExercise = "Create Exercise";
$langCreateQuestion = "Create a question";
$langCreateAnswers = "Create answers";
$langModifyExercise = "Modify Exercise";
$langModifyQuestion = "Modify the question";
$langModifyAnswers = "modify answers";
$langForExercise = "for exercise";
$langUseExistantQuestion = "Use an existing question";
$freeAnswer = "Open question";
$notCorrectedYet = "This answer has not yet been corrected. Meanwhile, your score for this question is set to 0, affecting the total score.";
$adminHP = "Hot Potatoes Admin";
$NewQu = "New question";
$NoImage = "Please select an image";
$langAnswerHotspot = "Description and scoring are required for each hotspot - feedback is optional";
$langMinHotspot = "You have to create one (1) hotspot at least.";
$langMaxHotspot = "The maximum hotspots you can create is twelve (12).";
$langHotspotError = "Please supply a description and weighing for each hotspot.";
$langMoreHotspots = "+hotspot";
$langLessHotspots = "-hotspot";
$langHotspotZones = "Image zones";
$langNextQuestion = "Next question";
$langCorrectAnswer = "Correct answer";
$langHotspotHit = "Your answer was";
$langOnlyJPG = "For hotspots you can only use JPG (or JPEG) images";
$langFinishThisTest = "Show correct answers to each question and the score for the test";
$langAllQuestions = "All questions";
$langModifyTitleDescription = "Edit title and description";
$langModifyHotspots = "Edit answers/hotspots";
$langHotspotNotDrawn = "You haven\'t drawn all your hotspots yet";
$langHotspotWeightingError = "You must give a positive (>0) weighing for all hotspots";
$langHotspotValidateError1 = "You should answer completely to the question (";
$langHotspotValidateError2 = " click(s) required on the image) before seeing the results";
$langHotspotRequired = "Description and scoring are required for each hotspot. Feedback is optional.";
$langHotspotChoose = "<div style=\\\"padding:2px 3px;\\\">•<EFBFBD>To create a hotspot: select a shape next to the color, and then draw the hotspot.</div><div style=\\\"padding:2px 3px;\\\">•<EFBFBD>To move a hotspot, select the color, click another spot in the image, and then draw the hotspot.</div><div style=\\\"padding:2px 3px;\\\">•<EFBFBD>To add a hotspot: click the [+hotspot] button.</div><div style=\\\"padding:2px 3px;\\\">•<EFBFBD>To close a polygon shape: right click and select \\\"Close polygon\\\".</div>";
$Fault = "Incorrect";
$Hotspot = "Image zones";
$ClickNumber = "Click number";
$HotspotGiveAnswers = "Please give an answer";
$Addlimits = "Add limits";
$AreYouSure = "Are you sure ";
$StudentScore = "Student\'s score";
$backtoTesthome = "Back to test home";
$Feedback = "Feedback";
$MarkIsUpdated = "The mark has been updated";
$MarkInserted = "Mark inserted";
$PleaseGiveAMark = "Please give a mark";
$EditCommentsAndMarks = "Edit feedback and marks";
$AddComments = "Add feedback";
$Number = "N<EFBFBD>";
$Weighting = "Score";
$ChooseQuestionType = "To create a new question, choose the type above";
$MatchesTo = "Matches To";
$CorrectTest = "Correct this test";
$ViewTest = "View";
$State = "State";
$NotAttempted = "Not attempted";
$AddElem = "+ element";
$DelElem = "- element";
$PlusAnswer = "+ answer";
$LessAnswer = "- answer";
$YourScore = "Your score";
$Attempted = "Attempted";
$AssignMarks = "Assign a mark";
$Results = "Results";
$ExerciseStored = "The exercice has been stored";
$ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox = "Choose at least one good answer";
$ExerciseEdited = "The exercise has been edited";
$ExerciseDeleted = "The exercise has been deleted";
$ClickToCommentAndGiveFeedback = "Click the following link to check the answer and give feedback";
$OpenQuestionsAttempted = "A learner has answered an open question";
$AttemptDetails = "Attempt details";
$TestAttempted = "Test attempted";
$StudentName = "Student\'s name";
$StudentEmail = "Student email";
$OpenQuestionsAttemptedAre = "Open question attempted is";
$CourseName = "Course name";
$UploadJpgPicture = "Upload a JPG picture";
$HotspotDescription = "Hotspot description";
$ExamSheetVCC = "Examsheet viewed/corrected/commented by teacher";
$AttemptVCC = "Your following attempt has been viewed/commented/corrected by teacher";
$ClickLinkToViewComment = "Click the link below to access your account and view your commented Examsheet.";
$Regards = "Regards";
$AttemptVCCLong = "You attempt for the test %s has been viewed/commented/corrected by the teacher. Click the link below to access your account and view your Examsheet.";
$DearStudentEmailIntroduction = "Dear Student,";
$ExerciseFinished = "Exercise Finished";
$ResultsEnabled = "Results enabled for learners";
$ResultsDisabled = "Results disabled for learners";
$ExportWithUserFields = "Include user fields in export";
$ExportWithoutUserFields = "Exclude user fields from export";
$DisableResults = "Do not show results to learners";
$EnableResults = "Show results to learners";
$ValidateAnswer = "Validate answers";
$FillInBlankSwitchable = "Allow answers order switches";
$ReachedMaxAttempts = "You cannot take test \'%s because\' you have already reached the maximum of %s attempts.";
$AdvancedParameters = "Advanced parameters";
$RandomQuestionsToDisplay = "Number of random questions to display ";
$RandomQuestionsHelp = "Number of random questions to display; let 0 to have all questions in the right order";
$RandomQuestionsHelp = "The number of questions that will be picked randomly within the complete list of questions. Choose 0 in order no to randomize. <br />Choose the total number of questions to simply randomize them all.";
$ExerciseAttempts = "Max number of attempts";
$DoNotRandomize = "Do not randomize";
$Infinite = "Infinite";
$BackToExercisesList = "Back to exercises";
$ViewScoreChangeHistory = "View score change history";
$NoStartDate = "No start date";
$NoLogOfDuration = "No log of duration";
$EnableTimeLimits = "Enable time limits";
$ExeStartTime = "Start date";
$ExeEndTime = "End date";
$Value = "Value";
$DeleteAttempt = "Delete attempt?";
$WithoutComment = "Without comment";
$QuantityQuestions = "Number of questions";
$FilterExercices = "Filter exercices";
$FilterByNotRevised = "Only unqualified";
$FilterByRevised = "Only qualified";
$Duration = "Duration";
$ReachedTimeLimit = "Time limit reached";
$TryAgain = "Try again";
$SeeTheory = "Theory link";
$EndActivity = "End of activity";
$GoToQuestion = "Go to question";
$NoFeedback = "Exam (no feedback)";
$DirectFeedback = "Self-evaluation (immediate feedback)";
$FeedbackType = "Evaluation :";
$Scenario = "Scenario";
$VisitUrl = "Visit this link";
$ExitTest = "Exit test";
$DurationFormat = "%1$d seconds";
$Difficulty = "Difficulty";
$NewScore = "New score";
$NewComment = "New comment";