<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$MoveTo = "Move to";
$langDownloadFile = "Upload file";
$langNameDir = "Name of the new folder";
$langSize = "Size";
$langRename = "Rename";
$langCopy = "Copy";
$langTo = "to";
$langNoSpace = "The upload has failed. Either you have exceeded your maximum quota, or there is not enough disk space.";
$langDownloadEnd = "The upload is finished";
$langFileExists = "The operation is impossible, a file with this name already exists.";
$langNewDir = "Name of new folder";
$langImpossible = "Operation impossible";
$langAddComment = "Add/modify a comment to";
$langDocCopied = "Document copied";
$langDocDeleted = "Document deleted";
$langElRen = "Element renamed";
$langDirCr = "Folder created";
$langDirMv = "Element moved";
$langComMod = "Comment modified";
$langViMod = "Visibility modified";
$langGroupSpace = "Group area";
$langGroupSpaceLink = "Group area";
$langGroupForumLink = "Group forum";
$langZipNoPhp = "The zip file can not contain .PHP files";
$langUncompress = "Uncompress zip";
$langDownloadAndZipEnd = " Zip file uploaded and uncompressed";
$langRoot = "root";
$langCreateDoc = "Create a document";
$langDown = "Down";
$langFileError = "The file to upload is not valid.";
$langMaxFileSize = "Max file size is";
$langFileName = "File name";
$langNoFileName = "Please enter the file name";
$langNoText = "Please type your text / HTML content";
$langAreYouSureToDelete = "Are you sure you want to delete";
$langScormcontent = "This is a Scorm content<br><input type=button name=scormbutton value=\'Launch it !\' onclick=\'openscorm()\'>";
$langScormcontentstudent = "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : <input type=button name=scormbutton value=\'Launch it !\' onclick=\'openscorm()\'>";
$langPublish = "Publish";
$langMissingImagesDetected = "Missing images detected";
$langCreateDocument = "Create a document";
$langEditDocument = "Edit";
$langDocuments = "Documents";
$langOrganiseDocuments = "Create table of contents";
$langEditTOC = "Edit table of contents";
$langChapter = "Chapter";
$langDocumentList = "List of all documents";
$langOrganisationList = "Table of contents";
$langCreationSucces = "Table of contents successfully created.";
$langCanViewOrganisation = "You can view your organisation ";
$langHere = "here.";
$langViewDocument = "View";
$langHtmlTitle = "Table of contents";
$langAddToTOC = "Add to contents";
$langAddChapter = "Add chapter";
$langReady = "Generate table of contents";
$langStoreDocuments = "Store documents";
$langTocDown = "Down";
$langTocUp = "Up";
$lang_cut_paste_link = "No frames";
$langCreatePath = "Create a path";
$langOogieConversionPowerPoint = "Oogie : PowerPoint conversion";
$langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "A PowerPoint to Learning Path converter";
$langAddMetadata = "View/Edit Metadata";
$langGoMetadata = "Go";
$langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "The quota for this course is";
$langDel = "delete";
$langUp = "Up";
$langDate = "Date";
$ShowCourseQuotaUse = "Show course quota";
$CourseCurrentlyUses = "This course currently uses";
$MaximumAllowedQuota = "Your storage limit is";
$PercentageQuotaInUse = "Percentage of your quota that is in use";
$PercentageQuotaFree = "Percentage of your quota that is still free";
$CurrentDirectory = "Current folder";
$UplUploadDocument = "Upload a document";
$UplNoFileUploaded = "No file was uploaded.";
$UplSelectFileFirst = "Please select a file before pressing the upload button.";
$UplPartialUpload = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.";
$UplExceedMaxPostSize = "The file size exceeds the maximum allowed setting: ";
$UplExceedMaxServerUpload = "The uploaded file exceeds the maximum filesize allowed by the server: ";
$UplFileTooBig = "The file is too big to upload.";
$UplUploadFailed = "The file upload has failed.";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "The uploaded file could not be saved (perhaps a permission problem?)";
$UplNotEnoughSpace = "There is not enough space to upload this file.";
$UplNoSCORMContent = "No SCORM content was found.";
$UplZipExtractSuccess = "The zipfile was successfully extracted.";
$UplZipCorrupt = "Unable to extract zip file (corrupt file?).";
$UplAlreadyExists = " already exists.";
$UplFileSavedAs = "File saved as ";
$UplFileOverwritten = " was overwritten.";
$CannotCreateDir = "Unable to create the folder.";
$UplUpload = "Upload";
$UplWhatIfFileExists = "If file exists:";
$UplDoNothing = "Do nothing";
$UplDoNothingLong = "Don\'t upload if file exists";
$UplOverwrite = "Overwrite";
$UplOverwriteLong = "Overwrite the existing file";
$UplRename = "Rename";
$UplRenameLong = "Rename the uploaded file if it exists";
$Metadata = "Metadata";
$DocumentQuota = "Documents Quota";
$NoDocsInFolder = "There are no documents to be displayed.";
$UploadTo = "Upload to";
$fileModified = "The file is modified";
$DocumentsOverview = "documents overview";
$ViewSlideshow = "Images gallery";
$Options = "Options";
$WelcomeOogieConverter = "Welcome to Oogie PowerPoint converter<ul type=\\\"1\\\"><li>Browse your hard disk to find any .ppt or .odp file<li>Upload it to Oogie. It will tranform it into a Scorm learning path.<li>You will then be allowed to add audio comments on each slide and inserts test between slides for evaluation";
$ConvertToLP = "Convert to Learning Path";
$AdvancedSettings = "Advanced settings";
$AdvancedSettings = "Advanced settings";
$File = "File";
$DocDeleteError = "Error during the delete of document";
$ViModProb = "A problem occured while updating visibility";
$DirDeleted = "Folder deleted";
$TemplateName = "Template name";
$TemplateDescription = "Template description";
$DocumentSetAsTemplate = "Document set as a new template";
$DocumentUnsetAsTemplate = "Document unset as template";
$AddAsTemplate = "Add as a template";
$RemoveAsTemplate = "Remove template";
$ReadOnly = "Read only";
$ReadOnlyFile = "The file is read only";
$FileNotFound = "The file was not found";
$TemplateTitleFirstPage = "First page";
$TemplateTitleFirstPageDescription = "It\'s the cover page of your course";
$TemplateTitleDedicatory = "Dedication";
$TemplateTitleDedicatoryDescription = "Make your own dedication";
$TemplateTitlePreface = "Course preface";
$TemplateTitlePrefaceDescription = "Preface";
$TemplateTitleIntroduction = "Introduction";
$TemplateTitleIntroductionDescription = "Insert the introduction text";
$TemplateTitlePlan = "Plan";
$TemplateTitlePlanDescription = "It\'s the table of content";
$TemplateTitleMrDokeos = "Mr Dokeos little explaining";
$TemplateTitleMrDokeosDescription = "Dialog on the bottom with Mr Dokeos";
$TemplateTitleTeacher = "Your instructor";
$TemplateTitleTeacherDescription = "Dialog on the bottom with a teacher";
$TemplateTitleProduction = "Production";
$TemplateTitleProductionDescription = "Attended production description";
$TemplateTitleAnalyze = "Analyze";
$TemplateTitleAnalyzeDescription = "Analyze description";
$TemplateTitleSynthetize = "Synthetize";
$TemplateTitleSynthetizeDescription = "Synthetize description";
$TemplateTitleText = "Text page";
$TemplateTitleTextDescription = "Plain text page";
$TemplateTitleLeftImage = "Left image";
$TemplateTitleLeftImageDescription = "Left image";
$TemplateTitleTextCentered = "Text and image centered";
$TemplateTitleTextCenteredDescription = "It\'s a text with an image centered and legend";
$TemplateTitleComparison = "Compare";
$TemplateTitleComparisonDescription = "2 columns text page";
$TemplateTitleDiagram = "Diagram explained";
$TemplateTitleDiagramDescription = "Image on the left, comment on the right";
$TemplateTitleImage = "Image alone";
$TemplateTitleImageDescription = "Image alone";
$TemplateTitleFlash = "Flash animation";
$TemplateTitleFlashDescription = "Animation + introduction text";
$TemplateTitleAudio = "Audio comment";
$TemplateTitleAudio = "Audio comment";
$TemplateTitleAudioDescription = "Audio + image + text : listening comprehension";
$TemplateTitleSchema = "Schema with audio explain";
$TemplateTitleSchemaDescription = "A schema explain by a trainer";
$TemplateTitleVideo = "Video page";
$TemplateTitleVideoDescription = "On demand video + text";
$TemplateTitleVideoFullscreen = "Video page fullscreen";
$TemplateTitleVideoFullscreenDescription = "On demand video in fullscreen";
$TemplateTitleTable = "Table page";
$TemplateTitleTableDescription = "Spreadsheet-like page";
$TemplateTitleAssigment = "Assignment description";
$TemplateTitleAssigmentDescription = "Explain goals, roles, agenda";
$TemplateTitleResources = "Resources";
$TemplateTitleResourcesDescription = "Books, links, tools";
$TemplateTitleBibliography = "Bibliography";
$TemplateTitleBibliographyDescription = "Books, links, tools";
$TemplateTitleFAQ = "Frequently asked questions";
$TemplateTitleFAQDescription = "List of questions and answers";
$TemplateTitleGlossary = "Glossary";
$TemplateTitleGlossaryDescription = "List of term of the section ";
$TemplateTitleEvaluation = "Evaluation";
$TemplateTitleEvaluationDescription = "Evaluation";
$TemplateTitleCertificate = "Certificate of completion";
$TemplateTitleCertificateDescription = "To appear at the end of a learning path";
$TemplateTitleCheckList = "Checklist";
$TemplateTitleCourseTitle = "Course title";
$TemplateTitleLeftList = "Left list";
$TemplateTitleLeftListDescription = "Left list with an instructor";
$TemplateTitleCheckListDescription = "List of items";
$TemplateTitleCourseTitleDescription = "Course title with a logo";
$TemplateTitleRightList = "Right list";
$TemplateTitleRightListDescription = "Right list with an instructor ";
$TemplateTitleLeftRightList = "Left & right list";
$TemplateTitleLeftRightListDescription = "Left & right list with an instructor";
$TemplateTitleDesc = "Description";
$TemplateTitleDescDescription = "Describe an item";
$TemplateTitleObjectives = "Course objectives";
$TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription = "Describe the objectives of the course";
$TemplateTitleCycle = "Cycle chart";
$TemplateTitleCycleDescription = "2 list with cycle arrows";
$TemplateTitleLearnerWonder = "Learner wonder";
$TemplateTitleLearnerWonderDescription = "Learner wonder description";
$TemplateTitleTimeline = "Phase timeline";
$TemplateTitleTimelineDescription = "3 lists with an relational arrow";
$TemplateTitleStopAndThink = "Stop and think";
$TemplateTitleListLeftListDescription = "Left list with an instructor";
$TemplateTitleStopAndThinkDescription = "Layout encouraging to stop and think";
$SaveDocument = "Save document";
$CreateTheDocument = "Create document";
$SharedFolder = "Shared folder";
$CreateFolder = "Create the folder";