Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
3.8 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Camera = "Camera";
$Microphone = "Microphone";
$Name = "Name";
$DeleteStream = "Delete stream";
$Progress = "Progress";
$Play = "Play";
$Stop = "Stop";
$Record = "Record";
$NoFileAvailable = "No File availible";
$RecordingOnlyForTeachers = "Recording only for teachers";
$UsersNow = "Users at the moment:";
$StartConference = "Start conference";
$MyName = "My name";
$OrganisationSVideoconference = "Dokeos VideoConference";
$ImportPresentation = "Import presentation";
$RefreshList = "Refresh list";
$GoToTop = "Go to Top";
$NewPoll = "New poll";
$CreateNewPoll = "Create a new poll for this room";
$Question = "Question:";
$PollType = "Polltype:";
$Create = "Create";
$InfoConnectedUsersGetNotifiedOfThisPoll = "Info: Every connected User in this room will get a notification of this new Poll.";
$YesNo = "Yes/No";
$Numeric1To10 = "Numeric 1-10";
$Poll = "Poll";
$YouHaveToBecomeModeratorOfThisRoomToStartPolls = "You have to become Moderator of this Room to make polls.";
$YourVoteHasBeenSent = "Your vote has been sent";
$YouAlreadyVotedForThisPoll = "You\'ve already voted for this poll";
$VoteButton = "Vote!";
$YourAnswer = "Your answer:";
$Yes = "Yes";
$No = "No";
$WantsToKnow = "wants to know:";
$PollResults = "Poll results";
$Votes = "Votes:";
$Result = "Result:";
$ThereIsNoPoll = "There is no Poll.";
$MeetingMode = "Meeting (max 4 seats)";
$ConferenceMaxSeats = "Conference (max 50 seats)";
$Mode = "Mode";
$RemainingSeats = "Remaining seats";
$AlreadyIn = "Already in";
$CheckIn = "Check in";
$TheModeratorHasLeft = "The Moderator of this Conference has left the room.";
$SystemMessage = "System message";
$ChooseDevices = "Choose devices";
$ChooseCam = "Choose Cam:";
$ChooseMic = "Choose Mic:";
$OK = "OK";
$YouHaveToReconnectSoThatTheChangesTakeEffect = "You have to reconnect so that the changes take effect.";
$ChangeSettings = "Change settings";
$Course = "Course:";
$CourseLanguage = "Course Language:";
$ConfirmClearWhiteboard = "Confirm Clear Whiteboard";
$ShouldWitheboardBeClearedBeforeNewImage = "Should the whiteboard be cleared before I add a new Image?";
$DontAskMeAgain = "Don\'t ask me again";
$EditSettings = "Edit Settings";
$ShowConfirmationBeforeClearingWhiteboard = "Ask confirmation before clearing whiteboard";
$UserInfo = "User Info";
$ClearDrawArea = "Clear Draw Area";
$Undo = "Undo";
$Redo = "Redo";
$SelectAnObject = "Select an Object";
$Text = "Text";
$Paint = "Paint";
$DrawLine = "Draw line";
$DrawUnderline = "Draw underline";
$Rectangle = "Rectangle";
$Elipse = "Ellipse";
$Arrow = "Arrow";
$DeleteChosenItem = "Delete chosen Item";
$ApplyForModeration = "Apply for moderation";
$Apply = "Apply";
$BecomeModerator = "Become moderator";
$Close = "Close";
$Italic = "Italic";
$Bold = "Bold";
$Waiting = "Waiting";
$AUserWantsToApplyForModeration = "A User wants to apply for moderation:";
$Accept = "Accept";
$Reject = "Reject";
$SendingRequestToFollowingUsers = "Sending request to the following users";
$Accepted = "Accepted";
$Rejected = "Rejected";
$ChangeModerator = "Change Moderator";
$YouAreNotModeratingThisCourse = "You are not moderating this course!";
$Moderator = "Moderator:";
$ThisRoomIsFullPleaseTryAgain = "This Room is full. Sorry please try again later.";
$Loading = "Loading";
$PleaseWaitWhileLoadingImage = "Please wait while loading image";
$SynchronisingConferenceMembers = "Synchronizing conference members";
$Trainer = "Coach";
$Learner = "Student";
$Chat = "Chat";
$Slides = "Slides";
$WaitingForParticipants = "Waiting for participants";
$Send = "Import file";
$Browse = "Browse";
$Cancel = "Cancel";
$ChooseFile = "Choose a file to import";
$ConvertingDocument = "Converting document";
$Disconnected = "Disconnected";
$FineStroke = "Thin";
$MediumStroke = "Medium";
$ThickStroke = "Thick";