Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langLinkSite = "Nor&#257;de uz Interneta lapu";
$langSubTitle = "Pievieno nor&#257;di uz k&#257;du konkr&#275;tu lapu no J&#363;su kursa apraksta lapas. Lai to izdar&#299;tu, nokop&#275;jiet URL p&#257;rl&#363;kprogrammas adreses lauk&#257; un ievietojiet to \"Hipersaite\" lauci&#326;&#257; zem&#257;k.";
$langAddPage = "Pievienot lapu";
$langSendPage = "Lapu, kas j&#257;augšupl&#257;d&#275;";
$langCouldNot = "Failu nebija iesp&#275;jams augšupl&#257;d&#275;t";
$langOkSentPage = "J&#363;su lapa tika augšupl&#257;d&#275;ta.<p>Tagad t&#257; ir pieejama <a href=\\\"../../\".$_course[\'path\'].\"/index.php\\\">kursa pamatlap&#257;</a>";
$langOkSentLink = "J&#363;su lapa tika pievienota. T&#257; ir pieejama <a href=\\\"\".api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH). $_course[\'path\'] . \"/index.php\\\">Kursa apraksta lapa</a>";
$langTooBig = "J&#363;s neizv&#275;l&#275;j&#257;ties nevienu failu, ko nos&#363;t&#299;t, vai ar&#299; tas ir p&#257;r&#257;k liela izm&#275;ra";
$langExplanation = "Lapai ir j&#257;b&#363;t HTML form&#257;t&#257; (t.i., \"manalapa.html\"). T&#257; tiks saist&#299;ta no s&#257;kumlapas. Ja J&#363;s v&#275;laties nos&#363;t&#299;t ne HTML dokumentu (PDF, Word, Power Point, Video, utt.), dariet to ar <a href=../document/document.php>Dokumentu r&#299;ka</a> pal&#299;dz&#299;bu";
$langPgTitle = "Lapas virsraksts";
$langNoLinkURL = "L&#363;dzu, nor&#257;diet saites URL";
$langLinkTarget = "Saites galam&#275;r&#311;is";
$langSameWindow = "Atveras tan&#299; paš&#257; log&#257;";
$langNewWindow = "Atveras jaun&#257; log&#257;";
$langAdded = "Saite tika pievienota";
$langAddLink = "Pievienot hipersaiti";
$langNoLinkName = "L&#363;dzu, ievadiet saites nosaukumu";
$langEditLink = "Labot Kursa apraksta lapas saiti";
$langChangePress = "Veiciet izmai&#326;as un spiediet \"Dar&#299;ts\"";