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* Create graphics (charts)
* @category Phpdocx
* @package elements
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
* (
* @license LGPL
* @version 1.0
* @link
* @since File available since Release 1.0
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
* Create graphics (charts)
* @category Phpdocx
* @package elements
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
* (
* @license
* @version 1.0
* @link
* @since Class available since Release 1.0
class CreateGraphic extends CreateElement
const NAMESPACEWORD = 'c';
* @access protected
* @var <type>
protected $_xmlChart;
* @access private
* @var CreateGraphic
* @static
private static $_instance = null;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_rId;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_textalign;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_jc;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_sizeX;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_sizeY;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_type;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_showPercent;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_data;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_cornerX;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_cornerY;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_cornerP;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_color;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_groupBar;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_title;
* @access private
* @var <type>
private $_name;
* @access private
* @var string
private $_font;
* Construct
* @access public
public function __construct()
$this->_rId = '';
$this->_textalign = '';
$this->_jc = '';
$this->_sizeX = '';
$this->_sizeY = '';
$this->_type = '';
$this->_showPercent = '';
$this->_data = '';
$this->_cornerX = '';
$this->_cornerY = '';
$this->_cornerP = '';
$this->_color = '';
$this->_groupBar = '';
$this->_title = '';
$this->_font = '';
$this->_xml = '';
$this->_name = '';
* Destruct
* @access public
public function __destruct()
* @access public
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->_xml;
* @access public
* @return CreateGraphic
* @static
public static function getInstance()
if (self::$_instance == NULL) {
self::$_instance = new CreateGraphic();
return self::$_instance;
* Setter. Rid
* @access public
* @param string $rId
public function setRId($rId)
$this->_rId = $rId;
* Getter. Rid
* @access public
* @return string
public function getRId()
return $this->_rId;
* Setter. Name
* @access public
* @param string $name
public function setName($name)
$this->_name = $name;
* Getter. Name
* @access public
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
* Setter. Xml chart
* @access public
* @param string $xmlChart
public function setXmlChart($xmlChart)
$this->_xmlChart = $xmlChart;
* Getter. Xml chart
* @access public
* @return string
public function getXmlChart()
return $this->_xmlChart;
* Create graphic
* @access public
* @param array $args[0]
* @param array $args[1]
* @return boolean
public function createGraphic()
$this->_xmlChart = '';
$args = func_get_args();
if (!empty($args[1]['type']) && !empty($args[0])) {
if ($this->createCHARTXML($args) == false) {
echo 'You haven`t added legends';
return false;
return true;
} else {
echo 'You haven`t added a chart type';
return false;
* Generate chartspace XML
* @access protected
protected function generateCHARTSPACE()
$this->_xmlChart = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ' .
'standalone="yes" ?><' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':chartSpace xmlns:c="http://schemas.openxmlformats.o' .
'rg/drawingml/2006/chart" xmlns:a="' .
'" xmlns:r="http://s' .
'' .
'nships">__GENERATECHARTSPACE__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':chartSpace>';
* Generate w:date1904
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateDATE1904($val = '1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':date1904 val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
* Generate w:lang
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateLANG($val = 'es-ES')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':lang val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
* Generate w:style
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateSTYLE($val = '2')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':style val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
* Generate w:title
* @access protected
protected function generateTITLE()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':title>__GENERATETITLE__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titletx
* @access protected
protected function generateTITLETX()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':tx>__GENERATETITLETX__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:rich
* @access protected
protected function generateRICH()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':rich>__GENERATERICH__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLETX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:bodypr
* @access protected
protected function generateBODYPR()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':bodyPr></' .
CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':bodyPr>__GENERATERICH__';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATERICH__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:lststyle
* @access protected
protected function generateLSTSTYLE()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
':lstStyle></' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATERICH__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titlep
* @access protected
protected function generateTITLEP()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATERICH__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titleppr
* @access protected
protected function generateTITLEPPR()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLEP__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titlerfonts
* @access protected
* @param string $font
protected function generateTITLERFONTS($font = '')
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':latin typeface="' .
$font . '" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"></' .
CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':latin ><' .
':cs typeface="' . $font . '" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"></' .
CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':cs>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLERPR__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:defrpr
* @access protected
protected function generateDEFRPR()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
':defRPr>__GENERATEDEFRPR__</' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLEPPR__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titler
* @access protected
protected function generateTITLER()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLEP__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titlerpr
* @access protected
protected function generateTITLERPR($lang = 'es-ES')
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':rPr lang="' .
$lang . '">__GENERATETITLERPR__</' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titlet
* @access protected
* @param string $nombre
protected function generateTITLET($nombre = '')
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':t>' .
$nombre . '</' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:titlelayout
* @access protected
* @param string $nombre
protected function generateTITLELAYOUT($nombre = '')
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
':layout></' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETITLE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:autotitledeleted
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateAUTOTITLEDELETED($val = '1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':autoTitleDeleted val="' . $val .
'"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:chart
* @access protected
protected function generateCHART()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':chart>__GENERATECHART__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHARTSPACE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:plotarea
* @access protected
protected function generatePLOTAREA()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':plotArea>__GENERATEPLOTAREA__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:layout
* @access protected
protected function generateLAYOUT()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':layout></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPLOTAREA__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:piechart
* @access protected
protected function generatePIECHART()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':pieChart>__GENERATETYPECHART__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPLOTAREA__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:barChart
* @access protected
protected function generateBARCHART()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':barChart>__GENERATETYPECHART__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPLOTAREA__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:lineChart
* @access protected
protected function generateLINECHART()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':lineChart>__GENERATETYPECHART__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPLOTAREA__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:varyColors
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateVARYCOLORS($val = '1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':varyColors val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:barDir
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateBARDIR($val = 'bar')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':barDir val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:grouping
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateGROUPING($val = 'stacked')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':grouping val="' . $val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:ser
* @access protected
protected function generateSER()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':ser>__GENERATESER__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:idx
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateIDX($val = '0')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':idx val="' . $val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:order
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateORDER($val = '0')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':order val="' . $val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xml = str_replace(
'__GENERATESER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:tx
* @access protected
protected function generateTX()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':tx>__GENERATETX__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:strref
* @access protected
protected function generateSTRREF()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':strRef>__GENERATESTRREF__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:f
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateF($val = 'Hoja1!$B$1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':f>' .
$val . '</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESTRREF__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:strcache
* @access protected
protected function generateSTRCACHE()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':strCache>__GENERATESTRCACHE__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESTRREF__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:ptcount
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generatePTCOUNT($val = '1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':ptCount val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESTRCACHE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:pt
* @access protected
* @param string $idx
protected function generatePT($idx = '0')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':pt idx="' .
$idx . '">__GENERATEPT__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESTRCACHE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:v
* @access protected
* @param string $idx
protected function generateV($idx = 'Ventas')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':v>' .
$idx . '</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':v>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPT__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:cat
* @access protected
protected function generateCAT()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':cat>__GENERATETX__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:val
* @access protected
protected function generateVAL()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':val>__GENERATETX__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESER__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:numcache
* @access protected
protected function generateNUMCACHE()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':numCache>__GENERATESTRCACHE__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':numCache>__GENERATESTRREF__';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESTRREF__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:numRef
* @access protected
protected function generateNUMREF()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':numRef>__GENERATESTRREF__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:formatCode
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateFORMATCODE($val = 'General')
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':formatCode>' . $val .
'</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
* Generate w:legend
* @access protected
protected function generateLEGEND()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':legend>__GENERATELEGEND__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':legend>__GENERATECHART__';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
* Generate w:legendPos
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateLEGENDPOS($val = 'r')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':legendPos val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATELEGEND__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate c:layout
* @access protected
* @param string $font
protected function generateLEGENDFONT($font = '')
$xml = '<c:layout /><c:txPr><a:bodyPr /><a:lstStyle />' .
'<a:p><a:pPr><a:defRPr><a:latin typeface="' . $font .
'" pitchFamily="34" charset="0" /><a:cs typeface="' .
$font . '" pitchFamily="34" charset="0" /></a:defRPr>' .
'</a:pPr><a:endParaRPr lang="es-ES" /></a:p></c:txPr>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATELEGEND__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:poltVisOnly
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generatePLOTVISONLY($val = '1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':plotVisOnly val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:externalData
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateEXTERNALDATA($val = 'rId1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':externalData r:id="' . $val . '"></' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':externalData>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHARTSPACE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:spPr
* @access protected
protected function generateSPPR()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':spPr>__GENERATESPPR__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATECHARTSPACE__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:ln
* @access protected
protected function generateLN()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':ln>__GENERATELN__</' .
CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':ln>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESPPR__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:noFill
* @access protected
protected function generateNOFILL()
$xml = '<' . CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':noFill></' .
CreateImage::NAMESPACEWORD1 . ':noFill>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATELN__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:overlap
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateOVERLAP($val = '100')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':overlap val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:shape
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateSHAPE($val = 'box')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':shape val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:axid
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateAXID($val = '59034624')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':axId val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:firstSliceAng
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateFIRSTSLICEANG($val = '0')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':firstSliceAng val="' . $val . '"></' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':firstSliceAng>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:dLbls
* @access protected
protected function generateDLBLS()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':dLbls>__GENERATEDLBLS__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATETYPECHART__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:showPercent
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateSHOWPERCENT($val = '0')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':showPercent val="' . $val . '"></' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':showPercent>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEDLBLS__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:chart
* @access protected
protected function generateDOCUMENTCHART()
$this->_xml = str_replace(
'<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':chart xmlns:c="' .
'2006/chart" xmlns:r="' .
'eDocument/2006/relationships" r:id="rId' . $this->getRId() .
'"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
* Generate w:catAx
* @access protected
protected function generateCATAX()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':catAx>__GENERATEAX__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPLOTAREA__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:valAx
* @access protected
protected function generateVALAX()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':valAx>__GENERATEAX__</' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEPLOTAREA__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:axId
* @access protected
* @param <type> $val
protected function generateAXAXID($val = '59034624')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':axId val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:scaling
* @access protected
protected function generateSCALING()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':scaling>__GENERATESCALING__</' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:orientation
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateORIENTATION($val = 'minMax')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':orientation val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':orientation>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATESCALING__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:axPos
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateAXPOS($val = 'b')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':axPos val="' . $val .
'"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':axPos>__GENERATEAX__';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:tickLblPos
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateTICKLBLPOS($val = 'nextTo')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':tickLblPos val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:crossAx
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateCROSSAX($val = '59040512')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':crossAx val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':crossAx >__GENERATEAX__';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:crosses
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateCROSSES($val = 'autoZero')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':crosses val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:auto
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateAUTO($val = '1')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':auto val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:lblAlgn
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateLBLALGN($val = 'ctr')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':lblAlgn val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:lblOffset
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateLBLOFFSET($val = '100')
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':lblOffset val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':lblOffset>';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:majorGridlines
* @access protected
protected function generateMAJORGRIDLINES()
$xml = '<' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':majorGridlines></' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':majorGridlines>__GENERATEAX__';
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', $xml, $this->_xmlChart
* Generate w:numFmt
* @access protected
* @param string $formatCode
* @param string $sourceLinked
protected function generateNUMFMT($formatCode='General',
$sourceLinked = '1')
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', '<' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
':numFmt formatCode="' . $formatCode .
'" sourceLinked="' . $sourceLinked . '"></' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':numFmt>__GENERATEAX__',
* Generate w:crossBetween
* @access protected
* @param string $val
protected function generateCROSSBETWEEN($val = 'between')
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'__GENERATEAX__', '<' .
CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD . ':crossBetween val="' .
$val . '"></' . CreateGraphic::NAMESPACEWORD .
* Create chart xml
* @access protected
* @param array $args[0]
protected function createCHARTXML()
$this->_xmlChart = '';
$args = func_get_args();
$type = $args[0][1]['type'];
if (!empty($args[0][1]['title'])) {
$title = $args[0][1]['title'];
if (!empty($args[0][1]['font'])) {
if (!empty($args[0][1]['font'])) {
} else {
$title = '';
if (empty($args[0][1]['data'])) {
exit('You haven`t added data');
$dats = $args[0][1]['data'];
if (strpos($type, 'pie') !== false) {
if (isset($dats[0])) {
$legends = $dats[0];
} else {
$legends = array($title);
$sizeDats = count($dats);
} elseif (
(strpos($type, 'bar') !== false) ||
(strpos($type, 'col') !== false)
) {
$typeBar = 'bar';
if (strpos($type, 'col') !== false) {
$typeBar = 'col';
$groupBar = 'clustered';
if (isset($dats[0])) {
$legends = $dats[0];
} else {
echo('You must write a legend');
return false;
$sizeDats = count($dats) - 1;
} elseif (strpos($type, 'line') !== false) {
if (isset($dats[0])) $legends = $dats[0];
else {
echo('You must write a legend');
return false;
$sizeDats = count($dats) - 1;
} else {
echo('The graphic is not available');
return false;
$chart = 'A';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($legends); $i++) {
$this->generateF(' Hoja1!$' . $chart . '$1');
if (strpos($args[0][1]['type'], 'pie') !== false) {
} else {
$this->generateF('Hoja1!$A$2:$A$' . ($sizeDats + 1));
$num = 0;
foreach ($dats as $legend => $dat) {
if ($legend == '0') continue;
$this->generateF('Hoja1!$' . $chart . '$2:$B$' . ($sizeDats + 1));
$num = 0;
foreach ($dats as $legend => $dat) {
if ($legend == '0') continue;
if (strpos($args[0][1]['type'], 'pie') !== false) {
} else {
if (!empty($args[0][1]['font'])) {
if (!empty($args[0][1]['font'])) {
if (strpos($args[0][1]['type'], 'pieChart') === false) {
return true;
* Create document xml
* @access protected
* @param array $args[0]
protected function createDOCUEMNTXML()
$args = func_get_args();
$ajusteTexto = 0;
if (isset($args[0][1]['sizeX']))
$sizeX = $args[0][1]['sizeX'] * CreateImage::CONSTWORD;
else {
$sizeX = 2993296;
if (isset($args[0][1]['sizeY']))
$sizeY = $args[0][1]['sizeY'] * CreateImage::CONSTWORD;
else {
$sizeY = 2238233;
$this->_xml = '';
$this->generateEXTENT($sizeX, $sizeY);
return true;
* Clean tags in template document
* @access protected
private function cleanTemplateDocument()
$this->_xmlChart = preg_replace('/__[A-Z]+__/', '', $this->_xmlChart);
* Clean tags in template document
* @access protected
private function cleanTemplate2()
$this->_xmlChart = preg_replace(
'/__GENERATES[A-D,F-Z][A-Z]+__/', '/__GENERATETX__/'),
* Clean tags in template document
* @access protected
private function cleanTemplate3()
$this->_xmlChart = preg_replace(
* Generate c:txPr
* @access protected
* @param string $font
private function generateRFONTS2($font)
$this->_xmlChart = str_replace(
'<c:txPr><a:bodyPr /><a:lstStyle /><a:p>' .
'<a:pPr><a:defRPr><a:latin typeface="' .
$font . '" pitchFamily="34" charset="0" /><a:cs typeface="' .
$font . '" pitchFamily="34" charset="0" /></a:defRPr>' .
'</a:pPr><a:endParaRPr lang="es-ES" /></a:p></c:txPr>' .
'__GENERATEAX__', $this->_xmlChart