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72 lines
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72 lines
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$string['accesstools'] = 'Go to delivery tools';
$string['application'] = 'Application';
$string['action'] = 'Command';
$string['backtoprod'] = 'Plug in back';
$string['clearreportarea'] = 'Clear report file area';
$string['closesession'] = 'Close last session';
$string['comment'] = 'Comment';
$string['component'] = 'Component';
$string['componentpath'] = 'Component Path';
$string['configtooldeliverydir'] = 'From tools location the symlink directory where delivery must change moodle code';
$string['configtooldeliveryenablesessions'] = 'If enabled, you need open and close delivery sessions for updating code. Session reports will be notified to reported recipients at the end of each session.';
$string['configtooldeliverymethod'] = 'Choose the method (toolkit) for delivery';
$string['configtooldeliveryprodscriptpath'] = 'Setup the physical path to reach delivery commands';
$string['configtooldeliveryreportlogo'] = 'Logo image for the delivery report';
$string['configtooldeliverysessionopenrecipients'] = 'All recipients (comma separated list) here will be notified when a delivery session is opened';
$string['configtooldeliverysudo'] = 'Uses sudo in outcomming system commands';
$string['configtooldeliverysudouser'] = 'Sudo username if sudo enabled (note that sudo user must have access to the whole delivery commands with NOPASSWD tag AND has write access to all the moodle files)';
$string['configtooldirectdeliverytools'] = 'If checked, the delivery framework expects having tools in the immediate location given by the Path to Delivery Commands parameter. Tjhis is usefull when using a tool set located elsewhere then inthe delivery toolset.';
$string['continuesession'] = 'Continue last session';
$string['cvs'] = 'CVS';
$string['dateend'] = 'End date';
$string['datestart'] = 'Start date';
$string['delivery'] = 'Code delivery';
$string['deliveryoptions'] = 'Delivery Settings';
$string['deliveryreport'] = 'Delivery Session Report';
$string['deliverysessions'] = 'Delivery sessions';
$string['deliverystate'] = 'Delivery State';
$string['deliverytools'] = 'Delivery Tools';
$string['errornotexecutable'] = 'Error : tools are not executable ({$a})';
$string['errornotfound'] = 'Error : tools are not found ({$a})';
$string['followup'] = 'Follow up';
$string['goback'] = 'Plug out';
$string['impact'] = 'Impact';
$string['newdeliverysession'] = 'New delivery session';
$string['nosessions'] = 'No delivery sessions';
$string['opensession'] = 'Open new session';
$string['outputstatus'] = 'Output state';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Code Delivery Tools';
$string['productionstate'] = 'Production State';
$string['reports'] = 'Reports';
$string['reporttitle'] = 'Code delivery report';
$string['run'] = 'Run';
$string['save'] = 'Save';
$string['saveandclose'] = 'Save and close';
$string['savesessiondata'] = 'Save session information';
$string['security'] = 'Access security';
$string['sessionend'] = 'Session end';
$string['sessionlogs'] = 'Session logs';
$string['sessionopening'] = 'Opening delivery session on {$a}';
$string['sessionclosing'] = 'Closing delivery session on {$a}';
$string['sessionstart'] = 'Session start';
$string['sessiontitle'] = 'Session title';
$string['sudomodeon'] = 'Sudo Mode: On';
$string['summary'] = 'Summary';
$string['supersyncback'] = 'Synchronize safe and supersafe codebase';
$string['svn'] = 'SVN';
$string['syncback'] = 'Synchronize safe codebase';
$string['time'] = 'Time';
$string['tooldeliverydir'] = 'Delivery dir radical';
$string['tooldeliveryenablesessions'] = 'Enable delivery sessions';
$string['tooldeliverymethod'] = 'Delivery method';
$string['tooldeliveryprodscriptpath'] = 'Path to delivery commands';
$string['tooldeliveryreportlogo'] = 'Delivery Report Logo';
$string['tooldeliverysessionopenrecipients'] = 'Recipients for session opening';
$string['tooldeliverysudo'] = 'Delivery uses sudo';
$string['tooldeliverysudouser'] = 'User for sudo';
$string['tooldirectdeliverytools'] = 'Direct path to delivery tools';
$string['update'] = 'Update code';
$string['updatesession'] = 'Update session';