You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
246 lines
7.7 KiB
246 lines
7.7 KiB
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* This tool allows platform admins to create courses by uploading a CSV file
* Copyright (c) 2005 Bart Mollet <>.
* Validates imported data.
* @param array $courses
* @return array $errors
function validate_courses_data($courses)
$errors = [];
$coursecodes = [];
foreach ($courses as $index => $course) {
$course['line'] = $index + 1;
// 1. Check whether mandatory fields are set.
$mandatory_fields = ['Code', 'Title', 'CourseCategory'];
foreach ($mandatory_fields as $field) {
if (empty($course[$field])) {
$course['error'] = get_lang($field.'Mandatory');
$errors[] = $course;
// 2. Check current course code.
if (!empty($course['Code'])) {
// 2.1 Check whether code has been already used by this CVS-file.
if (isset($coursecodes[$course['Code']])) {
$course['error'] = get_lang('A code has been used twice in the file. This is not authorized. Courses codes should be unique.');
$errors[] = $course;
} else {
// 2.2 Check whether course code has been occupied.
$courseInfo = api_get_course_info($course['Code']);
if (!empty($courseInfo)) {
$course['error'] = get_lang('This code exists');
$errors[] = $course;
$coursecodes[$course['Code']] = 1;
// 3. Check whether teacher exists.
$teacherList = getTeacherListInArray($course['Teacher']);
if (!empty($teacherList)) {
foreach ($teacherList as $teacher) {
$teacherInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($teacher);
if (empty($teacherInfo)) {
$course['error'] = get_lang('Unknown trainer').' ('.$teacher.')';
$errors[] = $course;
if (!empty($course['CourseCategory'])) {
$categoryInfo = CourseCategory::getCategory($course['CourseCategory']);
if (empty($categoryInfo)) {
$course['CourseCategoryName'] ? $course['CourseCategoryName'] : $course['CourseCategory'],
} else {
$course['error'] = get_lang('No course category was provided');
$errors[] = $course;
return $errors;
* Get the teacher list.
* @param array $teachers
* @return array
function getTeacherListInArray($teachers)
if (!empty($teachers)) {
return explode('|', $teachers);
return [];
* Saves imported data.
* @param array $courses List of courses
function save_courses_data($courses)
$msg = '';
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$course_language = $course['Language'];
$teachers = getTeacherListInArray($course['Teacher']);
$teacherList = [];
$creatorId = api_get_user_id();
if (!empty($teachers)) {
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
$teacherInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($teacher);
if (!empty($teacherInfo)) {
$teacherList[] = $teacherInfo;
$params = [];
$params['title'] = $course['Title'];
$params['wanted_code'] = $course['Code'];
$params['tutor_name'] = null;
$params['course_category'] = $course['CourseCategory'];
$params['course_language'] = $course_language;
$params['user_id'] = $creatorId;
$addMeAsTeacher = isset($_POST['add_me_as_teacher']) ? $_POST['add_me_as_teacher'] : false;
$params['add_user_as_teacher'] = $addMeAsTeacher;
$courseInfo = CourseManager::create_course($params);
if (!empty($courseInfo)) {
if (!empty($teacherList)) {
foreach ($teacherList as $teacher) {
$msg .= '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['directory'].'/">
'.$courseInfo['title'].'</a> '.get_lang('Created').'<br />';
if (!empty($msg)) {
echo Display::return_message($msg, 'normal', false);
* Read the CSV-file.
* @param string $file Path to the CSV-file
* @return array All course-information read from the file
function parse_csv_courses_data($file)
$courses = Import::csv_reader($file);
return $courses;
$cidReset = true;
require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/';
$defined_auth_sources[] = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE;
if (isset($extAuthSource) && is_array($extAuthSource)) {
$defined_auth_sources = array_merge($defined_auth_sources, array_keys($extAuthSource));
$tool_name = get_lang('Import courses list').' CSV';
$interbreadcrumb[] = ['url' => 'index.php', 'name' => get_lang('Administration')];
if (isset($_POST['formSent']) && $_POST['formSent']) {
if (empty($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name'])) {
$error_message = get_lang('The file upload has failed.');
echo Display::return_message($error_message, 'error', false);
} else {
$allowed_file_mimetype = ['csv'];
$ext_import_file = substr($_FILES['import_file']['name'], (strrpos($_FILES['import_file']['name'], '.') + 1));
if (!in_array($ext_import_file, $allowed_file_mimetype)) {
echo Display::return_message(get_lang('You must import a file corresponding to the selected format'), 'error');
} else {
$courses = parse_csv_courses_data($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']);
$errors = validate_courses_data($courses);
if (count($errors) == 0) {
if (isset($errors) && count($errors) != 0) {
$error_message = '<ul>';
foreach ($errors as $index => $error_course) {
$error_message .= '<li>'.get_lang('Line').' '.$error_course['line'].': <strong>'.$error_course['error'].'</strong>: ';
$error_message .= get_lang('Course').': '.$error_course['Title'].' ('.$error_course['Code'].')';
$error_message .= '</li>';
$error_message .= '</ul>';
echo Display::return_message($error_message, 'error', false);
$form = new FormValidator(
['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']
$form->addElement('file', 'import_file', get_lang('CSV file import location'));
$form->addElement('checkbox', 'add_me_as_teacher', null, get_lang('Add me as teacher in the imported courses.'));
$form->addButtonImport(get_lang('Import'), 'save');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'formSent', 1);
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p><?php echo get_lang('The CSV file must look like this').' ('.get_lang('Fields in <strong>bold</strong> are mandatory.').')'; ?> :</p>