Custom modules for Pleiade local gov dashboard
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/* interact.js 1.10.26 | */
!function (t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).interact = e() }(this, (function () { "use strict"; function t(t, e) { var n = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (r = r.filter((function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable }))), n.push.apply(n, r) } return n } function e(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var r = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}; n % 2 ? t(Object(r), !0).forEach((function (t) { a(e, t, r[t]) })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : t(Object(r)).forEach((function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, t)) })) } return e } function n(t) { return n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t }, n(t) } function r(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function i(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, d(r.key), r) } } function o(t, e, n) { return e && i(t.prototype, e), n && i(t, n), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), t } function a(t, e, n) { return (e = d(e)) in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[e] = n, t } function s(t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), e && l(t, e) } function c(t) { return c = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function (t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) }, c(t) } function l(t, e) { return l = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function (t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t }, l(t, e) } function u(t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t } function p(t) { var e = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return, [], (function () { }))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function () { var n, r = c(t); if (e) { var i = c(this).constructor; n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, i) } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); return function (t, e) { if (e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)) return e; if (void 0 !== e) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return u(t) }(this, n) } } function f() { return f = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get.bind() : function (t, e, n) { var r = function (t, e) { for (; !, e) && null !== (t = c(t));); return t }(t, e); if (r) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e); return i.get ? < 3 ? t : n) : i.value } }, f.apply(this, arguments) } function d(t) { var e = function (t, e) { if ("object" != typeof t || null === t) return t; var n = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== n) { var r =, e || "default"); if ("object" != typeof r) return r; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return ("string" === e ? String : Number)(t) }(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof e ? e : e + "" } var h = function (t) { return !(!t || !t.Window) && t instanceof t.Window }, v = void 0, g = void 0; function m(t) { v = t; var e = t.document.createTextNode(""); e.ownerDocument !== t.document && "function" == typeof t.wrap && t.wrap(e) === e && (t = t.wrap(t)), g = t } function y(t) { return h(t) ? t : (t.ownerDocument || t).defaultView || g.window } "undefined" != typeof window && window && m(window); var b = function (t) { return !!t && "object" === n(t) }, x = function (t) { return "function" == typeof t }, w = { window: function (t) { return t === g || h(t) }, docFrag: function (t) { return b(t) && 11 === t.nodeType }, object: b, func: x, number: function (t) { return "number" == typeof t }, bool: function (t) { return "boolean" == typeof t }, string: function (t) { return "string" == typeof t }, element: function (t) { if (!t || "object" !== n(t)) return !1; var e = y(t) || g; return /object|function/.test("undefined" == typeof Element ? "undefined" : n(Element)) ? t instanceof Element || t instanceof e.Element : 1 === t.nodeType && "string" == typeof t.nodeName }, plainObject: function (t) { return b(t) && !!t.constructor && /function Object\b/.test(t.constructor.toString()) }, array: function (t) { return b(t) && void 0 !== t.length && x(t.splice) } }; function E(t) { var e = t.interaction; if ("drag" === { var n = e.prepared.axis; "x" === n ? ( =, e.coords.cur.client.y = e.coords.start.client.y, e.coords.velocity.client.y = 0, = 0) : "y" === n && ( =, e.coords.cur.client.x = e.coords.start.client.x, e.coords.velocity.client.x = 0, = 0) } } function T(t) { var e = t.iEvent, n = t.interaction; if ("drag" === { var r = n.prepared.axis; if ("x" === r || "y" === r) { var i = "x" === r ? "y" : "x";[i] =[i], e.client[i] = n.coords.start.client[i],[i] = 0 } } } var S = { id: "actions/drag", install: function (t) { var e = t.actions, n = t.Interactable, r = t.defaults; n.prototype.draggable = S.draggable, = S, e.methodDict.drag = "draggable", r.actions.drag = S.defaults }, listeners: { "interactions:before-action-move": E, "interactions:action-resume": E, "interactions:action-move": T, "auto-start:check": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.interactable, r = t.buttons, i = n.options.drag; if (i && i.enabled && (!e.pointerIsDown || !/mouse|pointer/.test(e.pointerType) || 0 != (r & n.options.drag.mouseButtons))) return t.action = { name: "drag", axis: "start" === i.lockAxis ? i.startAxis : i.lockAxis }, !1 } }, draggable: function (t) { return w.object(t) ? (this.options.drag.enabled = !1 !== t.enabled, this.setPerAction("drag", t), this.setOnEvents("drag", t), /^(xy|x|y|start)$/.test(t.lockAxis) && (this.options.drag.lockAxis = t.lockAxis), /^(xy|x|y)$/.test(t.startAxis) && (this.options.drag.startAxis = t.startAxis), this) : w.bool(t) ? (this.options.drag.enabled = t, this) : this.options.drag }, beforeMove: E, move: T, defaults: { startAxis: "xy", lockAxis: "xy" }, getCursor: function () { return "move" }, filterEventType: function (t) { return 0 ==="drag") } }, _ = S, P = { init: function (t) { var e = t; P.document = e.document, P.DocumentFragment = e.DocumentFragment || O, P.SVGElement = e.SVGElement || O, P.SVGSVGElement = e.SVGSVGElement || O, P.SVGElementInstance = e.SVGElementInstance || O, P.Element = e.Element || O, P.HTMLElement = e.HTMLElement || P.Element, P.Event = e.Event, P.Touch = e.Touch || O, P.PointerEvent = e.PointerEvent || e.MSPointerEvent }, document: null, DocumentFragment: null, SVGElement: null, SVGSVGElement: null, SVGElementInstance: null, Element: null, HTMLElement: null, Event: null, Touch: null, PointerEvent: null }; function O() { } var k = P; var D = { init: function (t) { var e = k.Element, n = t.navigator || {}; D.supportsTouch = "ontouchstart" in t || w.func(t.DocumentTouch) && k.document instanceof t.DocumentTouch, D.supportsPointerEvent = !1 !== n.pointerEnabled && !!k.PointerEvent, D.isIOS = /iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(n.platform), D.isIOS7 = /iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(n.platform) && /OS 7[^\d]/.test(n.appVersion), D.isIe9 = /MSIE 9/.test(n.userAgent), D.isOperaMobile = "Opera" === n.appName && D.supportsTouch && /Presto/.test(n.userAgent), D.prefixedMatchesSelector = "matches" in e.prototype ? "matches" : "webkitMatchesSelector" in e.prototype ? "webkitMatchesSelector" : "mozMatchesSelector" in e.prototype ? "mozMatchesSelector" : "oMatchesSelector" in e.prototype ? "oMatchesSelector" : "msMatchesSelector", D.pEventTypes = D.supportsPointerEvent ? k.PointerEvent === t.MSPointerEvent ? { up: "MSPointerUp", down: "MSPointerDown", over: "mouseover", out: "mouseout", move: "MSPointerMove", cancel: "MSPointerCancel" } : { up: "pointerup", down: "pointerdown", over: "pointerover", out: "pointerout", move: "pointermove", cancel: "pointercancel" } : null, D.wheelEvent = k.document && "onmousewheel" in k.document ? "mousewheel" : "wheel" }, supportsTouch: null, supportsPointerEvent: null, isIOS7: null, isIOS: null, isIe9: null, isOperaMobile: null, prefixedMatchesSelector: null, pEventTypes: null, wheelEvent: null }; var I = D; function M(t, e) { if (t.contains) return t.contains(e); for (; e;) { if (e === t) return !0; e = e.parentNode } return !1 } function z(t, e) { for (; w.element(t);) { if (R(t, e)) return t; t = A(t) } return null } function A(t) { var e = t.parentNode; if (w.docFrag(e)) { for (; (e = && w.docFrag(e);); return e } return e } function R(t, e) { return g !== v && (e = e.replace(/\/deep\//g, " ")), t[I.prefixedMatchesSelector](e) } var C = function (t) { return t.parentNode || }; function j(t, e) { for (var n, r = [], i = t; (n = C(i)) && i !== e && n !== i.ownerDocument;)r.unshift(i), i = n; return r } function F(t, e, n) { for (; w.element(t);) { if (R(t, e)) return !0; if ((t = A(t)) === n) return R(t, e) } return !1 } function X(t) { return t.correspondingUseElement || t } function Y(t) { var e = t instanceof k.SVGElement ? t.getBoundingClientRect() : t.getClientRects()[0]; return e && { left: e.left, right: e.right, top:, bottom: e.bottom, width: e.width || e.right - e.left, height: e.height || e.bottom - } } function L(t) { var e, n = Y(t); if (!I.isIOS7 && n) { var r = { x: (e = (e = y(t)) || g).scrollX || e.document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: e.scrollY || e.document.documentElement.scrollTop }; n.left += r.x, n.right += r.x, += r.y, n.bottom += r.y } return n } function q(t) { for (var e = []; t;)e.push(t), t = A(t); return e } function B(t) { return !!w.string(t) && (k.document.querySelector(t), !0) } function V(t, e) { for (var n in e) t[n] = e[n]; return t } function W(t, e, n) { return "parent" === t ? A(n) : "self" === t ? e.getRect(n) : z(n, t) } function G(t, e, n, r) { var i = t; return w.string(i) ? i = W(i, e, n) : w.func(i) && (i = i.apply(void 0, r)), w.element(i) && (i = L(i)), i } function N(t) { return t && { x: "x" in t ? t.x : t.left, y: "y" in t ? t.y : } } function U(t) { return !t || "x" in t && "y" in t || ((t = V({}, t)).x = t.left || 0, t.y = || 0, t.width = t.width || (t.right || 0) - t.x, t.height = t.height || (t.bottom || 0) - t.y), t } function H(t, e, n) { t.left && (e.left += n.x), t.right && (e.right += n.x), && ( += n.y), t.bottom && (e.bottom += n.y), e.width = e.right - e.left, e.height = e.bottom - } function K(t, e, n) { var r = n && t.options[n]; return N(G(r && r.origin || t.options.origin, t, e, [t && e])) || { x: 0, y: 0 } } function $(t, e) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : function (t) { return !0 }, r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; if (r = r || {}, w.string(t) && -1 !==" ") && (t = J(t)), w.array(t)) return t.forEach((function (t) { return $(t, e, n, r) })), r; if (w.object(t) && (e = t, t = ""), w.func(e) && n(t)) r[t] = r[t] || [], r[t].push(e); else if (w.array(e)) for (var i = 0, o = e; i < o.length; i++) { var a = o[i]; $(t, a, n, r) } else if (w.object(e)) for (var s in e) { $(J(s).map((function (e) { return "".concat(t).concat(e) })), e[s], n, r) } return r } function J(t) { return t.trim().split(/ +/) } var Q = function (t, e) { return Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e) }, Z = ["webkit", "moz"]; function tt(t, e) { t.__set || (t.__set = {}); var n = function (n) { if (Z.some((function (t) { return 0 === n.indexOf(t) }))) return 1; "function" != typeof t[n] && "__set" !== n && Object.defineProperty(t, n, { get: function () { return n in t.__set ? t.__set[n] : t.__set[n] = e[n] }, set: function (e) { t.__set[n] = e }, configurable: !0 }) }; for (var r in e) n(r); return t } function et(t, e) { = || {}, =, =, t.client = t.client || {}, t.client.x = e.client.x, t.client.y = e.client.y, t.timeStamp = e.timeStamp } function nt(t) { = 0, = 0, t.client.x = 0, t.client.y = 0 } function rt(t) { return t instanceof k.Event || t instanceof k.Touch } function it(t, e, n) { return t = t || "page", (n = n || {}).x = e[t + "X"], n.y = e[t + "Y"], n } function ot(t, e) { return e = e || { x: 0, y: 0 }, I.isOperaMobile && rt(t) ? (it("screen", t, e), e.x += window.scrollX, e.y += window.scrollY) : it("page", t, e), e } function at(t) { return w.number(t.pointerId) ? t.pointerId : t.identifier } function st(t, e, n) { var r = e.length > 1 ? lt(e) : e[0]; ot(r,, function (t, e) { e = e || {}, I.isOperaMobile && rt(t) ? it("screen", t, e) : it("client", t, e) }(r, t.client), t.timeStamp = n } function ct(t) { var e = []; return w.array(t) ? (e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1]) : "touchend" === t.type ? 1 === t.touches.length ? (e[0] = t.touches[0], e[1] = t.changedTouches[0]) : 0 === t.touches.length && (e[0] = t.changedTouches[0], e[1] = t.changedTouches[1]) : (e[0] = t.touches[0], e[1] = t.touches[1]), e } function lt(t) { for (var e = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, screenX: 0, screenY: 0 }, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; for (var i in e) e[i] += r[i] } for (var o in e) e[o] /= t.length; return e } function ut(t) { if (!t.length) return null; var e = ct(t), n = Math.min(e[0].pageX, e[1].pageX), r = Math.min(e[0].pageY, e[1].pageY), i = Math.max(e[0].pageX, e[1].pageX), o = Math.max(e[0].pageY, e[1].pageY); return { x: n, y: r, left: n, top: r, right: i, bottom: o, width: i - n, height: o - r } } function pt(t, e) { var n = e + "X", r = e + "Y", i = ct(t), o = i[0][n] - i[1][n], a = i[0][r] - i[1][r]; return Q(o, a) } function ft(t, e) { var n = e + "X", r = e + "Y", i = ct(t), o = i[1][n] - i[0][n], a = i[1][r] - i[0][r]; return 180 * Math.atan2(a, o) / Math.PI } function dt(t) { return w.string(t.pointerType) ? t.pointerType : w.number(t.pointerType) ? [void 0, void 0, "touch", "pen", "mouse"][t.pointerType] : /touch/.test(t.type || "") || t instanceof k.Touch ? "touch" : "mouse" } function ht(t) { var e = w.func(t.composedPath) ? t.composedPath() : t.path; return [X(e ? e[0] :, X(t.currentTarget)] } var vt = function () { function t(e) { r(this, t), this.immediatePropagationStopped = !1, this.propagationStopped = !1, this._interaction = e } return o(t, [{ key: "preventDefault", value: function () { } }, { key: "stopPropagation", value: function () { this.propagationStopped = !0 } }, { key: "stopImmediatePropagation", value: function () { this.immediatePropagationStopped = this.propagationStopped = !0 } }]), t }(); Object.defineProperty(vt.prototype, "interaction", { get: function () { return this._interaction._proxy }, set: function () { } }); var gt = function (t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; t.push(r) } return t }, mt = function (t) { return gt([], t) }, yt = function (t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (e(t[n], n, t)) return n; return -1 }, bt = function (t, e) { return t[yt(t, e)] }, xt = function (t) { s(n, t); var e = p(n); function n(t, i, o) { var a; r(this, n), (a =, i._interaction)).dropzone = void 0, a.dragEvent = void 0, a.relatedTarget = void 0, a.draggable = void 0, a.propagationStopped = !1, a.immediatePropagationStopped = !1; var s = "dragleave" === o ? t.prev : t.cur, c = s.element, l = s.dropzone; return a.type = o, = c, a.currentTarget = c, a.dropzone = l, a.dragEvent = i, a.relatedTarget =, a.draggable = i.interactable, a.timeStamp = i.timeStamp, a } return o(n, [{ key: "reject", value: function () { var t = this, e = this._interaction.dropState; if ("dropactivate" === this.type || this.dropzone && e.cur.dropzone === this.dropzone && e.cur.element === if (e.prev.dropzone = this.dropzone, e.prev.element =, e.rejected = !0, = null, this.stopImmediatePropagation(), "dropactivate" === this.type) { var r = e.activeDrops, i = yt(r, (function (e) { var n = e.dropzone, r = e.element; return n === t.dropzone && r === })); e.activeDrops.splice(i, 1); var o = new n(e, this.dragEvent, "dropdeactivate"); o.dropzone = this.dropzone, =, } else n(e, this.dragEvent, "dragleave")) } }, { key: "preventDefault", value: function () { } }, { key: "stopPropagation", value: function () { this.propagationStopped = !0 } }, { key: "stopImmediatePropagation", value: function () { this.immediatePropagationStopped = this.propagationStopped = !0 } }]), n }(vt); function wt(t, e) { for (var n = 0, r = t.slice(); n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n], o = i.dropzone, a = i.element; e.dropzone = o, = a,, e.propagationStopped = e.immediatePropagationStopped = !1 } } function Et(t, e) { for (var n = function (t, e) { for (var n = [], r = 0, i = t.interactables.list; r < i.length; r++) { var o = i[r]; if (o.options.drop.enabled) { var a = o.options.drop.accept; if (!(w.element(a) && a !== e || w.string(a) && !R(e, a) || w.func(a) && !a({ dropzone: o, draggableElement: e }))) for (var s = 0, c = o.getAllElements(); s < c.length; s++) { var l = c[s]; l !== e && n.push({ dropzone: o, element: l, rect: o.getRect(l) }) } } } return n }(t, e), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var i = n[r]; i.rect = i.dropzone.getRect(i.element) } return n } function Tt(t, e, n) { for (var r = t.dropState, i = t.interactable, o = t.element, a = [], s = 0, c = r.activeDrops; s < c.length; s++) { var l = c[s], u = l.dropzone, p = l.element, f = l.rect, d = u.dropCheck(e, n, i, o, p, f); a.push(d ? p : null) } var h = function (t) { for (var e, n, r, i = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { var a = t[o], s = t[e]; if (a && o !== e) if (s) { var c = C(a), l = C(s); if (c !== a.ownerDocument) if (l !== a.ownerDocument) if (c !== l) { i = i.length ? i : j(s); var u = void 0; if (s instanceof k.HTMLElement && a instanceof k.SVGElement && !(a instanceof k.SVGSVGElement)) { if (a === l) continue; u = a.ownerSVGElement } else u = a; for (var p = j(u, s.ownerDocument), f = 0; p[f] && p[f] === i[f];)f++; var d = [p[f - 1], p[f], i[f]]; if (d[0]) for (var h = d[0].lastChild; h;) { if (h === d[1]) { e = o, i = p; break } if (h === d[2]) break; h = h.previousSibling } } else r = s, void 0, void 0, (parseInt(y(n = a).getComputedStyle(n).zIndex, 10) || 0) >= (parseInt(y(r).getComputedStyle(r).zIndex, 10) || 0) && (e = o); else e = o } else e = o } return e }(a); return r.activeDrops[h] || null } function St(t, e, n) { var r = t.dropState, i = { enter: null, leave: null, activate: null, deactivate: null, move: null, drop: null }; return "dragstart" === n.type && (i.activate = new xt(r, n, "dropactivate"), = null, i.activate.dropzone = null), "dragend" === n.type && (i.deactivate = new xt(r, n, "dropdeactivate"), = null, i.deactivate.dropzone = null), r.rejected || (r.cur.element !== r.prev.element && (r.prev.dropzone && (i.leave = new xt(r, n, "dragleave"), n.dragLeave = = r.prev.element, n.prevDropzone = i.leave.dropzone = r.prev.dropzone), r.cur.dropzone && (i.enter = new xt(r, n, "dragenter"), n.dragEnter = r.cur.element, n.dropzone = r.cur.dropzone)), "dragend" === n.type && r.cur.dropzone && (i.drop = new xt(r, n, "drop"), n.dropzone = r.cur.dropzone, n.relatedTarget = r.cur.element), "dragmove" === n.type && r.cur.dropzone && (i.move = new xt(r, n, "dropmove"), n.dropzone = r.cur.dropzone)), i } function _t(t, e) { var n = t.dropState, r = n.activeDrops, i = n.cur, o = n.prev; e.leave &&, e.enter &&, e.move &&, e.drop &&, e.deactivate && wt(r, e.deactivate), n.prev.dropzone = i.dropzone, n.prev.element = i.element } function Pt(t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.iEvent, i = t.event; if ("dragmove" === r.type || "dragend" === r.type) { var o = n.dropState; e.dynamicDrop && (o.activeDrops = Et(e, n.element)); var a = r, s = Tt(n, a, i); o.rejected = o.rejected && !!s && s.dropzone === o.cur.dropzone && s.element === o.cur.element, o.cur.dropzone = s && s.dropzone, o.cur.element = s && s.element, = St(n, 0, a) } } var Ot = { id: "actions/drop", install: function (t) { var e = t.actions, n = t.interactStatic, r = t.Interactable, i = t.defaults; t.usePlugin(_), r.prototype.dropzone = function (t) { return function (t, e) { if (w.object(e)) { if (t.options.drop.enabled = !1 !== e.enabled, e.listeners) { var n = $(e.listeners), r = Object.keys(n).reduce((function (t, e) { return t[/^(enter|leave)/.test(e) ? "drag".concat(e) : /^(activate|deactivate|move)/.test(e) ? "drop".concat(e) : e] = n[e], t }), {}), i = t.options.drop.listeners; i &&, t.on(r), t.options.drop.listeners = r } return w.func(e.ondrop) && t.on("drop", e.ondrop), w.func(e.ondropactivate) && t.on("dropactivate", e.ondropactivate), w.func(e.ondropdeactivate) && t.on("dropdeactivate", e.ondropdeactivate), w.func(e.ondragenter) && t.on("dragenter", e.ondragenter), w.func(e.ondragleave) && t.on("dragleave", e.ondragleave), w.func(e.ondropmove) && t.on("dropmove", e.ondropmove), /^(pointer|center)$/.test(e.overlap) ? t.options.drop.overlap = e.overlap : w.number(e.overlap) && (t.options.drop.overlap = Math.max(Math.min(1, e.overlap), 0)), "accept" in e && (t.options.drop.accept = e.accept), "checker" in e && (t.options.drop.checker = e.checker), t } if (w.bool(e)) return t.options.drop.enabled = e, t; return t.options.drop }(this, t) }, r.prototype.dropCheck = function (t, e, n, r, i, o) { return function (t, e, n, r, i, o, a) { var s = !1; if (!(a = a || t.getRect(o))) return !!t.options.drop.checker && t.options.drop.checker(e, n, s, t, o, r, i); var c = t.options.drop.overlap; if ("pointer" === c) { var l = K(r, i, "drag"), u = ot(e); u.x += l.x, u.y += l.y; var p = u.x > a.left && u.x < a.right, f = u.y > && u.y < a.bottom; s = p && f } var d = r.getRect(i); if (d && "center" === c) { var h = d.left + d.width / 2, v = + d.height / 2; s = h >= a.left && h <= a.right && v >= && v <= a.bottom } if (d && w.number(c)) { s = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.right, d.right) - Math.max(a.left, d.left)) * Math.max(0, Math.min(a.bottom, d.bottom) - Math.max(, / (d.width * d.height) >= c } t.options.drop.checker && (s = t.options.drop.checker(e, n, s, t, o, r, i)); return s }(this, t, e, n, r, i, o) }, n.dynamicDrop = function (e) { return w.bool(e) ? (t.dynamicDrop = e, n) : t.dynamicDrop }, V(e.phaselessTypes, { dragenter: !0, dragleave: !0, dropactivate: !0, dropdeactivate: !0, dropmove: !0, drop: !0 }), e.methodDict.drop = "dropzone", t.dynamicDrop = !1, i.actions.drop = Ot.defaults }, listeners: { "interactions:before-action-start": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; "drag" === && (e.dropState = { cur: { dropzone: null, element: null }, prev: { dropzone: null, element: null }, rejected: null, events: null, activeDrops: [] }) }, "interactions:after-action-start": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = (t.event, t.iEvent); if ("drag" === { var i = n.dropState; i.activeDrops = [], = {}, i.activeDrops = Et(e, n.element), = St(n, 0, r), && (wt(i.activeDrops,,"actions/drop:start", { interaction: n, dragEvent: r })) } }, "interactions:action-move": Pt, "interactions:after-action-move": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.iEvent; if ("drag" === { var i = n.dropState; _t(n,,"actions/drop:move", { interaction: n, dragEvent: r }), = {} } }, "interactions:action-end": function (t, e) { if ("drag" === { var n = t.interaction, r = t.iEvent; Pt(t, e), _t(n,,"actions/drop:end", { interaction: n, dragEvent: r }) } }, "interactions:stop": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; if ("drag" === { var n = e.dropState; n && (n.activeDrops = null, = null, n.cur.dropzone = null, n.cur.element = null, n.prev.dropzone = null, n.prev.element = null, n.rejected = !1) } } }, getActiveDrops: Et, getDrop: Tt, getDropEvents: St, fireDropEvents: _t, filterEventType: function (t) { return 0 ==="drag") || 0 ==="drop") }, defaults: { enabled: !1, accept: null, overlap: "pointer" } }, kt = Ot; function Dt(t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.iEvent, r = t.phase; if ("gesture" === { var i = (t) { return t.pointer })), o = "start" === r, a = "end" === r, s = e.interactable.options.deltaSource; if (n.touches = [i[0], i[1]], o) n.distance = pt(i, s), = ut(i), n.scale = 1, n.ds = 0, n.angle = ft(i, s), n.da = 0, e.gesture.startDistance = n.distance, e.gesture.startAngle = n.angle; else if (a || e.pointers.length < 2) { var c = e.prevEvent; n.distance = c.distance, =, n.scale = c.scale, n.ds = 0, n.angle = c.angle, n.da = 0 } else n.distance = pt(i, s), = ut(i), n.scale = n.distance / e.gesture.startDistance, n.angle = ft(i, s), n.ds = n.scale - e.gesture.scale, n.da = n.angle - e.gesture.angle; e.gesture.distance = n.distance, e.gesture.angle = n.angle, w.number(n.scale) && n.scale !== 1 / 0 && !isNaN(n.scale) && (e.gesture.scale = n.scale) } } var It = { id: "actions/gesture", before: ["actions/drag", "actions/resize"], install: function (t) { var e = t.actions, n = t.Interactable, r = t.defaults; n.prototype.gesturable = function (t) { return w.object(t) ? (this.options.gesture.enabled = !1 !== t.enabled, this.setPerAction("gesture", t), this.setOnEvents("gesture", t), this) : w.bool(t) ? (this.options.gesture.enabled = t, this) : this.options.gesture }, = It, e.methodDict.gesture = "gesturable", r.actions.gesture = It.defaults }, listeners: { "interactions:action-start": Dt, "interactions:action-move": Dt, "interactions:action-end": Dt, "interactions:new": function (t) { t.interaction.gesture = { angle: 0, distance: 0, scale: 1, startAngle: 0, startDistance: 0 } }, "auto-start:check": function (t) { if (!(t.interaction.pointers.length < 2)) { var e = t.interactable.options.gesture; if (e && e.enabled) return t.action = { name: "gesture" }, !1 } } }, defaults: {}, getCursor: function () { return "" }, filterEventType: function (t) { return 0 ==="gesture") } }, Mt = It; function zt(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) { if (!e) return !1; if (!0 === e) { var s = w.number(o.width) ? o.width : o.right - o.left, c = w.number(o.height) ? o.height : o.bottom -; if (a = Math.min(a, Math.abs(("left" === t || "right" === t ? s : c) / 2)), s < 0 && ("left" === t ? t = "right" : "right" === t && (t = "left")), c < 0 && ("top" === t ? t = "bottom" : "bottom" === t && (t = "top")), "left" === t) { var l = s >= 0 ? o.left : o.right; return n.x < l + a } if ("top" === t) { var u = c >= 0 ? : o.bottom; return n.y < u + a } if ("right" === t) return n.x > (s >= 0 ? o.right : o.left) - a; if ("bottom" === t) return n.y > (c >= 0 ? o.bottom : - a } return !!w.element(r) && (w.element(e) ? e === r : F(r, e, i)) } function At(t) { var e = t.iEvent, n = t.interaction; if ("resize" === && n.resizeAxes) { var r = e; n.interactable.options.resize.square ? ("y" === n.resizeAxes ? = : =, r.axes = "xy") : (r.axes = n.resizeAxes, "x" === n.resizeAxes ? = 0 : "y" === n.resizeAxes && ( = 0)) } } var Rt, Ct, jt = { id: "actions/resize", before: ["actions/drag"], install: function (t) { var e = t.actions, n = t.browser, r = t.Interactable, i = t.defaults; jt.cursors = function (t) { return t.isIe9 ? { x: "e-resize", y: "s-resize", xy: "se-resize", top: "n-resize", left: "w-resize", bottom: "s-resize", right: "e-resize", topleft: "se-resize", bottomright: "se-resize", topright: "ne-resize", bottomleft: "ne-resize" } : { x: "ew-resize", y: "ns-resize", xy: "nwse-resize", top: "ns-resize", left: "ew-resize", bottom: "ns-resize", right: "ew-resize", topleft: "nwse-resize", bottomright: "nwse-resize", topright: "nesw-resize", bottomleft: "nesw-resize" } }(n), jt.defaultMargin = n.supportsTouch || n.supportsPointerEvent ? 20 : 10, r.prototype.resizable = function (e) { return function (t, e, n) { if (w.object(e)) return t.options.resize.enabled = !1 !== e.enabled, t.setPerAction("resize", e), t.setOnEvents("resize", e), w.string(e.axis) && /^x$|^y$|^xy$/.test(e.axis) ? t.options.resize.axis = e.axis : null === e.axis && (t.options.resize.axis = n.defaults.actions.resize.axis), w.bool(e.preserveAspectRatio) ? t.options.resize.preserveAspectRatio = e.preserveAspectRatio : w.bool(e.square) && (t.options.resize.square = e.square), t; if (w.bool(e)) return t.options.resize.enabled = e, t; return t.options.resize }(this, e, t) }, = jt, e.methodDict.resize = "resizable", i.actions.resize = jt.defaults }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { t.interaction.resizeAxes = "xy" }, "interactions:action-start": function (t) { !function (t) { var e = t.iEvent, n = t.interaction; if ("resize" === && n.prepared.edges) { var r = e, i = n.rect; n._rects = { start: V({}, i), corrected: V({}, i), previous: V({}, i), delta: { left: 0, right: 0, width: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, height: 0 } }, r.edges = n.prepared.edges, r.rect = n._rects.corrected, r.deltaRect = } }(t), At(t) }, "interactions:action-move": function (t) { !function (t) { var e = t.iEvent, n = t.interaction; if ("resize" === && n.prepared.edges) { var r = e, i = n.interactable.options.resize.invert, o = "reposition" === i || "negate" === i, a = n.rect, s = n._rects, c = s.start, l = s.corrected, u =, p = s.previous; if (V(p, l), o) { if (V(l, a), "reposition" === i) { if ( > l.bottom) { var f =; = l.bottom, l.bottom = f } if (l.left > l.right) { var d = l.left; l.left = l.right, l.right = d } } } else = Math.min(, c.bottom), l.bottom = Math.max(a.bottom,, l.left = Math.min(a.left, c.right), l.right = Math.max(a.right, c.left); for (var h in l.width = l.right - l.left, l.height = l.bottom -, l) u[h] = l[h] - p[h]; r.edges = n.prepared.edges, r.rect = l, r.deltaRect = u } }(t), At(t) }, "interactions:action-end": function (t) { var e = t.iEvent, n = t.interaction; if ("resize" === && n.prepared.edges) { var r = e; r.edges = n.prepared.edges, r.rect = n._rects.corrected, r.deltaRect = } }, "auto-start:check": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.interactable, r = t.element, i = t.rect, o = t.buttons; if (i) { var a = V({},, s = n.options.resize; if (s && s.enabled && (!e.pointerIsDown || !/mouse|pointer/.test(e.pointerType) || 0 != (o & s.mouseButtons))) { if (w.object(s.edges)) { var c = { left: !1, right: !1, top: !1, bottom: !1 }; for (var l in c) c[l] = zt(l, s.edges[l], a, e._latestPointer.eventTarget, r, i, s.margin || jt.defaultMargin); c.left = c.left && !c.right, = && !c.bottom, (c.left || c.right || || c.bottom) && (t.action = { name: "resize", edges: c }) } else { var u = "y" !== s.axis && a.x > i.right - jt.defaultMargin, p = "x" !== s.axis && a.y > i.bottom - jt.defaultMargin; (u || p) && (t.action = { name: "resize", axes: (u ? "x" : "") + (p ? "y" : "") }) } return !t.action && void 0 } } } }, defaults: { square: !1, preserveAspectRatio: !1, axis: "xy", margin: NaN, edges: null, invert: "none" }, cursors: null, getCursor: function (t) { var e = t.edges, n = t.axis, r =, i = jt.cursors, o = null; if (n) o = i[r + n]; else if (e) { for (var a = "", s = 0, c = ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]; s < c.length; s++) { var l = c[s]; e[l] && (a += l) } o = i[a] } return o }, filterEventType: function (t) { return 0 ==="resize") }, defaultMargin: null }, Ft = jt, Xt = { id: "actions", install: function (t) { t.usePlugin(Mt), t.usePlugin(Ft), t.usePlugin(_), t.usePlugin(kt) } }, Yt = 0; var Lt = { request: function (t) { return Rt(t) }, cancel: function (t) { return Ct(t) }, init: function (t) { if (Rt = t.requestAnimationFrame, Ct = t.cancelAnimationFrame, !Rt) for (var e = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; Rt = t["".concat(r, "RequestAnimationFrame")], Ct = t["".concat(r, "CancelAnimationFrame")] || t["".concat(r, "CancelRequestAnimationFrame")] } Rt = Rt && Rt.bind(t), Ct = Ct && Ct.bind(t), Rt || (Rt = function (e) { var n =, r = Math.max(0, 16 - (n - Yt)), i = t.setTimeout((function () { e(n + r) }), r); return Yt = n + r, i }, Ct = function (t) { return clearTimeout(t) }) } }; var qt = { defaults: { enabled: !1, margin: 60, container: null, speed: 300 }, now:, interaction: null, i: 0, x: 0, y: 0, isScrolling: !1, prevTime: 0, margin: 0, speed: 0, start: function (t) { qt.isScrolling = !0, Lt.cancel(qt.i), t.autoScroll = qt, qt.interaction = t, qt.prevTime =, qt.i = Lt.request(qt.scroll) }, stop: function () { qt.isScrolling = !1, qt.interaction && (qt.interaction.autoScroll = null), Lt.cancel(qt.i) }, scroll: function () { var t = qt.interaction, e = t.interactable, n = t.element, r =, i = e.options[r].autoScroll, o = Bt(i.container, e, n), a =, s = (a - qt.prevTime) / 1e3, c = i.speed * s; if (c >= 1) { var l = { x: qt.x * c, y: qt.y * c }; if (l.x || l.y) { var u = Vt(o); w.window(o) ? o.scrollBy(l.x, l.y) : o && (o.scrollLeft += l.x, o.scrollTop += l.y); var p = Vt(o), f = { x: p.x - u.x, y: p.y - u.y }; (f.x || f.y) &&{ type: "autoscroll", target: n, interactable: e, delta: f, interaction: t, container: o }) } qt.prevTime = a } qt.isScrolling && (Lt.cancel(qt.i), qt.i = Lt.request(qt.scroll)) }, check: function (t, e) { var n; return null == (n = t.options[e].autoScroll) ? void 0 : n.enabled }, onInteractionMove: function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.pointer; if (e.interacting() && qt.check(e.interactable, if (e.simulation) qt.x = qt.y = 0; else { var r, i, o, a, s = e.interactable, c = e.element, l =, u = s.options[l].autoScroll, p = Bt(u.container, s, c); if (w.window(p)) a = n.clientX < qt.margin, r = n.clientY < qt.margin, i = n.clientX > p.innerWidth - qt.margin, o = n.clientY > p.innerHeight - qt.margin; else { var f = Y(p); a = n.clientX < f.left + qt.margin, r = n.clientY < + qt.margin, i = n.clientX > f.right - qt.margin, o = n.clientY > f.bottom - qt.margin } qt.x = i ? 1 : a ? -1 : 0, qt.y = o ? 1 : r ? -1 : 0, qt.isScrolling || (qt.margin = u.margin, qt.speed = u.speed, qt.start(e)) } } }; function Bt(t, e, n) { return (w.string(t) ? W(t, e, n) : t) || y(n) } function Vt(t) { return w.window(t) && (t = window.document.body), { x: t.scrollLeft, y: t.scrollTop } } var Wt = { id: "auto-scroll", install: function (t) { var e = t.defaults, n = t.actions; t.autoScroll = qt, = function () { return }, n.phaselessTypes.autoscroll = !0, e.perAction.autoScroll = qt.defaults }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { t.interaction.autoScroll = null }, "interactions:destroy": function (t) { t.interaction.autoScroll = null, qt.stop(), qt.interaction && (qt.interaction = null) }, "interactions:stop": qt.stop, "interactions:action-move": function (t) { return qt.onInteractionMove(t) } } }, Gt = Wt; function Nt(t, e) { var n = !1; return function () { return n || (g.console.warn(e), n = !0), t.apply(this, arguments) } } function Ut(t, e) { return =, t.axis = e.axis, t.edges = e.edges, t } function Ht(t) { return w.bool(t) ? (this.options.styleCursor = t, this) : null === t ? (delete this.options.styleCursor, this) : this.options.styleCursor } function Kt(t) { return w.func(t) ? (this.options.actionChecker = t, this) : null === t ? (delete this.options.actionChecker, this) : this.options.actionChecker } var $t = { id: "auto-start/interactableMethods", install: function (t) { var e = t.Interactable; e.prototype.getAction = function (e, n, r, i) { var o = function (t, e, n, r, i) { var o = t.getRect(r), a = e.buttons || { 0: 1, 1: 4, 3: 8, 4: 16 }[e.button], s = { action: null, interactable: t, interaction: n, element: r, rect: o, buttons: a }; return"auto-start:check", s), s.action }(this, n, r, i, t); return this.options.actionChecker ? this.options.actionChecker(e, n, o, this, i, r) : o }, e.prototype.ignoreFrom = Nt((function (t) { return this._backCompatOption("ignoreFrom", t) }), "Interactable.ignoreFrom() has been deprecated. Use Interactble.draggable({ignoreFrom: newValue})."), e.prototype.allowFrom = Nt((function (t) { return this._backCompatOption("allowFrom", t) }), "Interactable.allowFrom() has been deprecated. Use Interactble.draggable({allowFrom: newValue})."), e.prototype.actionChecker = Kt, e.prototype.styleCursor = Ht } }; function Jt(t, e, n, r, i) { return e.testIgnoreAllow(e.options[], n, r) && e.options[].enabled && ee(e, n, t, i) ? t : null } function Qt(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) { for (var s = 0, c = r.length; s < c; s++) { var l = r[s], u = i[s], p = l.getAction(e, n, t, u); if (p) { var f = Jt(p, l, u, o, a); if (f) return { action: f, interactable: l, element: u } } } return { action: null, interactable: null, element: null } } function Zt(t, e, n, r, i) { var o = [], a = [], s = r; function c(t) { o.push(t), a.push(s) } for (; w.element(s);) { o = [], a = [], i.interactables.forEachMatch(s, c); var l = Qt(t, e, n, o, a, r, i); if (l.action && !l.interactable.options[].manualStart) return l; s = A(s) } return { action: null, interactable: null, element: null } } function te(t, e, n) { var r = e.action, i = e.interactable, o = e.element; r = r || { name: null }, t.interactable = i, t.element = o, Ut(t.prepared, r), t.rect = i && ? i.getRect(o) : null, ie(t, n),"autoStart:prepared", { interaction: t }) } function ee(t, e, n, r) { var i = t.options, o = i[].max, a = i[].maxPerElement, s = r.autoStart.maxInteractions, c = 0, l = 0, u = 0; if (!(o && a && s)) return !1; for (var p = 0, f = r.interactions.list; p < f.length; p++) { var d = f[p], h =; if (d.interacting()) { if (++c >= s) return !1; if (d.interactable === t) { if ((l += h === ? 1 : 0) >= o) return !1; if (d.element === e && (u++, h === && u >= a)) return !1 } } } return s > 0 } function ne(t, e) { return w.number(t) ? (e.autoStart.maxInteractions = t, this) : e.autoStart.maxInteractions } function re(t, e, n) { var r = n.autoStart.cursorElement; r && r !== t && ( = ""), = e, = e, n.autoStart.cursorElement = e ? t : null } function ie(t, e) { var n = t.interactable, r = t.element, i = t.prepared; if ("mouse" === t.pointerType && n && n.options.styleCursor) { var o = ""; if ( { var a = n.options[].cursorChecker; o = w.func(a) ? a(i, n, r, t._interacting) :[].getCursor(i) } re(t.element, o || "", e) } else e.autoStart.cursorElement && re(e.autoStart.cursorElement, "", e) } var oe = { id: "auto-start/base", before: ["actions"], install: function (t) { var e = t.interactStatic, n = t.defaults; t.usePlugin($t), n.base.actionChecker = null, n.base.styleCursor = !0, V(n.perAction, { manualStart: !1, max: 1 / 0, maxPerElement: 1, allowFrom: null, ignoreFrom: null, mouseButtons: 1 }), e.maxInteractions = function (e) { return ne(e, t) }, t.autoStart = { maxInteractions: 1 / 0, withinInteractionLimit: ee, cursorElement: null } }, listeners: { "interactions:down": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget; n.interacting() || te(n, Zt(n, r, i, o, e), e) }, "interactions:move": function (t, e) { !function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget; "mouse" !== n.pointerType || n.pointerIsDown || n.interacting() || te(n, Zt(n, r, i, o, e), e) }(t, e), function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction; if (n.pointerIsDown && !n.interacting() && n.pointerWasMoved && {"autoStart:before-start", t); var r = n.interactable, i =; i && r && (r.options[i].manualStart || !ee(r, n.element, n.prepared, e) ? n.stop() : (n.start(n.prepared, r, n.element), ie(n, e))) } }(t, e) }, "interactions:stop": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = n.interactable; r && r.options.styleCursor && re(n.element, "", e) } }, maxInteractions: ne, withinInteractionLimit: ee, validateAction: Jt }, ae = oe; var se = { id: "auto-start/dragAxis", listeners: { "autoStart:before-start": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.eventTarget, i = t.dx, o = t.dy; if ("drag" === { var a = Math.abs(i), s = Math.abs(o), c = n.interactable.options.drag, l = c.startAxis, u = a > s ? "x" : a < s ? "y" : "xy"; if (n.prepared.axis = "start" === c.lockAxis ? u[0] : c.lockAxis, "xy" !== u && "xy" !== l && l !== u) { = null; for (var p = r, f = function (t) { if (t !== n.interactable) { var i = n.interactable.options.drag; if (!i.manualStart && t.testIgnoreAllow(i, p, r)) { var o = t.getAction(n.downPointer, n.downEvent, n, p); if (o && "drag" === && function (t, e) { if (!e) return !1; var n = e.options.drag.startAxis; return "xy" === t || "xy" === n || n === t }(u, t) && ae.validateAction(o, t, p, r, e)) return t } } }; w.element(p);) { var d = e.interactables.forEachMatch(p, f); if (d) { = "drag", n.interactable = d, n.element = p; break } p = A(p) } } } } } }; function ce(t) { var e = t.prepared &&; if (!e) return null; var n = t.interactable.options; return n[e].hold || n[e].delay } var le = { id: "auto-start/hold", install: function (t) { var e = t.defaults; t.usePlugin(ae), e.perAction.hold = 0, e.perAction.delay = 0 }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { t.interaction.autoStartHoldTimer = null }, "autoStart:prepared": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = ce(e); n > 0 && (e.autoStartHoldTimer = setTimeout((function () { e.start(e.prepared, e.interactable, e.element) }), n)) }, "interactions:move": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.duplicate; e.autoStartHoldTimer && e.pointerWasMoved && !n && (clearTimeout(e.autoStartHoldTimer), e.autoStartHoldTimer = null) }, "autoStart:before-start": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; ce(e) > 0 && ( = null) } }, getHoldDuration: ce }, ue = le, pe = { id: "auto-start", install: function (t) { t.usePlugin(ae), t.usePlugin(ue), t.usePlugin(se) } }, fe = function (t) { return /^(always|never|auto)$/.test(t) ? (this.options.preventDefault = t, this) : w.bool(t) ? (this.options.preventDefault = t ? "always" : "never", this) : this.options.preventDefault }; function de(t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.event; e.interactable && e.interactable.checkAndPreventDefault(n) } var he = { id: "core/interactablePreventDefault", install: function (t) { var e = t.Interactable; e.prototype.preventDefault = fe, e.prototype.checkAndPreventDefault = function (e) { return function (t, e, n) { var r = t.options.preventDefault; if ("never" !== r) if ("always" !== r) { if ( && /^touch(start|move)$/.test(n.type)) { var i = y(, o = e.getDocOptions(i); if (!o || ! || !1 !== return } /^(mouse|pointer|touch)*(down|start)/i.test(n.type) || w.element( && R(, "input,select,textarea,[contenteditable=true],[contenteditable=true] *") || n.preventDefault() } else n.preventDefault() }(this, t, e) }, t.interactions.docEvents.push({ type: "dragstart", listener: function (e) { for (var n = 0, r = t.interactions.list; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n]; if (i.element && (i.element === || M(i.element, return void i.interactable.checkAndPreventDefault(e) } } }) }, listeners: ["down", "move", "up", "cancel"].reduce((function (t, e) { return t["interactions:".concat(e)] = de, t }), {}) }; function ve(t, e) { if (e.phaselessTypes[t]) return !0; for (var n in if (0 === t.indexOf(n) && t.substr(n.length) in e.phases) return !0; return !1 } function ge(t) { var e = {}; for (var n in t) { var r = t[n]; w.plainObject(r) ? e[n] = ge(r) : w.array(r) ? e[n] = mt(r) : e[n] = r } return e } var me = function () { function t(e) { r(this, t), this.states = [], this.startOffset = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, this.startDelta = void 0, this.result = void 0, this.endResult = void 0, this.startEdges = void 0, this.edges = void 0, this.interaction = void 0, this.interaction = e, this.result = ye(), this.edges = { left: !1, right: !1, top: !1, bottom: !1 } } return o(t, [{ key: "start", value: function (t, e) { var n, r, i = t.phase, o = this.interaction, a = function (t) { var e = t.interactable.options[], n = e.modifiers; if (n && n.length) return n; return ["snap", "snapSize", "snapEdges", "restrict", "restrictEdges", "restrictSize"].map((function (t) { var n = e[t]; return n && n.enabled && { options: n, methods: n._methods } })).filter((function (t) { return !!t })) }(o); this.prepareStates(a), this.startEdges = V({}, o.edges), this.edges = V({}, this.startEdges), this.startOffset = (n = o.rect, r = e, n ? { left: r.x - n.left, top: r.y -, right: n.right - r.x, bottom: n.bottom - r.y } : { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }), this.startDelta = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var s = this.fillArg({ phase: i, pageCoords: e, preEnd: !1 }); return this.result = ye(), this.startAll(s), this.result = this.setAll(s) } }, { key: "fillArg", value: function (t) { var e = this.interaction; return t.interaction = e, t.interactable = e.interactable, t.element = e.element, t.rect || (t.rect = e.rect), t.edges || (t.edges = this.startEdges), t.startOffset = this.startOffset, t } }, { key: "startAll", value: function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = this.states; e < n.length; e++) { var r = n[e]; r.methods.start && (t.state = r, r.methods.start(t)) } } }, { key: "setAll", value: function (t) { var e = t.phase, n = t.preEnd, r = t.skipModifiers, i = t.rect, o = t.edges; t.coords = V({}, t.pageCoords), t.rect = V({}, i), t.edges = V({}, o); for (var a = r ? this.states.slice(r) : this.states, s = ye(t.coords, t.rect), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var l, u = a[c], p = u.options, f = V({}, t.coords), d = null; null != (l = u.methods) && l.set && this.shouldDo(p, n, e) && (t.state = u, d = u.methods.set(t), H(t.edges, t.rect, { x: t.coords.x - f.x, y: t.coords.y - f.y })), s.eventProps.push(d) } V(this.edges, t.edges), = t.coords.x - t.pageCoords.x, = t.coords.y - t.pageCoords.y, s.rectDelta.left = t.rect.left - i.left, s.rectDelta.right = t.rect.right - i.right, = -, s.rectDelta.bottom = t.rect.bottom - i.bottom; var h = this.result.coords, v = this.result.rect; if (h && v) { var g = s.rect.left !== v.left || s.rect.right !== v.right || !== || s.rect.bottom !== v.bottom; s.changed = g || h.x !== s.coords.x || h.y !== s.coords.y } return s } }, { key: "applyToInteraction", value: function (t) { var e = this.interaction, n = t.phase, r = e.coords.cur, i = e.coords.start, o = this.result, a = this.startDelta, s =; "start" === n && V(this.startDelta,; for (var c = 0, l = [[i, a], [r, s]]; c < l.length; c++) { var u = l[c], p = u[0], f = u[1]; += f.x, += f.y, p.client.x += f.x, p.client.y += f.y } var d = this.result.rectDelta, h = t.rect || e.rect; h.left += d.left, h.right += d.right, +=, h.bottom += d.bottom, h.width = h.right - h.left, h.height = h.bottom - } }, { key: "setAndApply", value: function (t) { var e = this.interaction, n = t.phase, r = t.preEnd, i = t.skipModifiers, o = this.setAll(this.fillArg({ preEnd: r, phase: n, pageCoords: t.modifiedCoords || })); if (this.result = o, !o.changed && (!i || i < this.states.length) && e.interacting()) return !1; if (t.modifiedCoords) { var a =, s = { x: t.modifiedCoords.x - a.x, y: t.modifiedCoords.y - a.y }; o.coords.x += s.x, o.coords.y += s.y, += s.x, += s.y } this.applyToInteraction(t) } }, { key: "beforeEnd", value: function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.event, r = this.states; if (r && r.length) { for (var i = !1, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var a = r[o]; t.state = a; var s = a.options, c = a.methods, l = c.beforeEnd && c.beforeEnd(t); if (l) return this.endResult = l, !1; i = i || !i && this.shouldDo(s, !0, t.phase, !0) } i && e.move({ event: n, preEnd: !0 }) } } }, { key: "stop", value: function (t) { var e = t.interaction; if (this.states && this.states.length) { var n = V({ states: this.states, interactable: e.interactable, element: e.element, rect: null }, t); this.fillArg(n); for (var r = 0, i = this.states; r < i.length; r++) { var o = i[r]; n.state = o, o.methods.stop && o.methods.stop(n) } this.states = null, this.endResult = null } } }, { key: "prepareStates", value: function (t) { this.states = []; for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t[e], r = n.options, i = n.methods, o =; this.states.push({ options: r, methods: i, index: e, name: o }) } return this.states } }, { key: "restoreInteractionCoords", value: function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = e.coords, r = e.rect, i = e.modification; if (i.result) { for (var o = i.startDelta, a = i.result, s =, c = a.rectDelta, l = 0, u = [[n.start, o], [n.cur, s]]; l < u.length; l++) { var p = u[l], f = p[0], d = p[1]; -= d.x, -= d.y, f.client.x -= d.x, f.client.y -= d.y } r.left -= c.left, r.right -= c.right, -=, r.bottom -= c.bottom } } }, { key: "shouldDo", value: function (t, e, n, r) { return !(!t || !1 === t.enabled || r && !t.endOnly || t.endOnly && !e || "start" === n && !t.setStart) } }, { key: "copyFrom", value: function (t) { this.startOffset = t.startOffset, this.startDelta = t.startDelta, this.startEdges = t.startEdges, this.edges = t.edges, this.states = (t) { return ge(t) })), this.result = ye(V({}, t.result.coords), V({}, t.result.rect)) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { for (var t in this) this[t] = null } }]), t }(); function ye(t, e) { return { rect: e, coords: t, delta: { x: 0, y: 0 }, rectDelta: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, eventProps: [], changed: !0 } } function be(t, e) { var n = t.defaults, r = { start: t.start, set: t.set, beforeEnd: t.beforeEnd, stop: t.stop }, i = function (t) { var i = t || {}; for (var o in i.enabled = !1 !== i.enabled, n) o in i || (i[o] = n[o]); var a = { options: i, methods: r, name: e, enable: function () { return i.enabled = !0, a }, disable: function () { return i.enabled = !1, a } }; return a }; return e && "string" == typeof e && (i._defaults = n, i._methods = r), i } function xe(t) { var e = t.iEvent, n = t.interaction.modification.result; n && (e.modifiers = n.eventProps) } var we = { id: "modifiers/base", before: ["actions"], install: function (t) { t.defaults.perAction.modifiers = [] }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; e.modification = new me(e) }, "interactions:before-action-start": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.interaction.modification; n.start(t,, e.edges = n.edges, n.applyToInteraction(t) }, "interactions:before-action-move": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = e.modification, r = n.setAndApply(t); return e.edges = n.edges, r }, "interactions:before-action-end": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = e.modification, r = n.beforeEnd(t); return e.edges = n.startEdges, r }, "interactions:action-start": xe, "interactions:action-move": xe, "interactions:action-end": xe, "interactions:after-action-start": function (t) { return t.interaction.modification.restoreInteractionCoords(t) }, "interactions:after-action-move": function (t) { return t.interaction.modification.restoreInteractionCoords(t) }, "interactions:stop": function (t) { return t.interaction.modification.stop(t) } } }, Ee = we, Te = { base: { preventDefault: "auto", deltaSource: "page" }, perAction: { enabled: !1, origin: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, actions: {} }, Se = function (t) { s(n, t); var e = p(n); function n(t, i, o, a, s, c, l) { var p; r(this, n), (p =, t)).relatedTarget = null, p.screenX = void 0, p.screenY = void 0, p.button = void 0, p.buttons = void 0, p.ctrlKey = void 0, p.shiftKey = void 0, p.altKey = void 0, p.metaKey = void 0, = void 0, p.client = void 0, = void 0, p.rect = void 0, p.x0 = void 0, p.y0 = void 0, p.t0 = void 0, p.dt = void 0, p.duration = void 0, p.clientX0 = void 0, p.clientY0 = void 0, p.velocity = void 0, p.speed = void 0, p.swipe = void 0, p.axes = void 0, p.preEnd = void 0, s = s || t.element; var f = t.interactable, d = (f && f.options || Te).deltaSource, h = K(f, s, o), v = "start" === a, g = "end" === a, m = v ? u(p) : t.prevEvent, y = v ? t.coords.start : g ? { page:, client: m.client, timeStamp: t.coords.cur.timeStamp } : t.coords.cur; return = V({},, p.client = V({}, y.client), p.rect = V({}, t.rect), p.timeStamp = y.timeStamp, g || ( -= h.x, -= h.y, p.client.x -= h.x, p.client.y -= h.y), p.ctrlKey = i.ctrlKey, p.altKey = i.altKey, p.shiftKey = i.shiftKey, p.metaKey = i.metaKey, p.button = i.button, p.buttons = i.buttons, = s, p.currentTarget = s, p.preEnd = c, p.type = l || o + (a || ""), p.interactable = f, p.t0 = v ? t.pointers[t.pointers.length - 1].downTime : m.t0, p.x0 = - h.x, p.y0 = - h.y, p.clientX0 = t.coords.start.client.x - h.x, p.clientY0 = t.coords.start.client.y - h.y, = v || g ? { x: 0, y: 0 } : { x: p[d].x - m[d].x, y: p[d].y - m[d].y }, p.dt =, p.duration = p.timeStamp - p.t0, p.velocity = V({}, t.coords.velocity[d]), p.speed = Q(p.velocity.x, p.velocity.y), p.swipe = g || "inertiastart" === a ? p.getSwipe() : null, p } return o(n, [{ key: "getSwipe", value: function () { var t = this._interaction; if (t.prevEvent.speed < 600 || this.timeStamp - t.prevEvent.timeStamp > 150) return null; var e = 180 * Math.atan2(t.prevEvent.velocityY, t.prevEvent.velocityX) / Math.PI; e < 0 && (e += 360); var n = 112.5 <= e && e < 247.5, r = 202.5 <= e && e < 337.5; return { up: r, down: !r && 22.5 <= e && e < 157.5, left: n, right: !n && (292.5 <= e || e < 67.5), angle: e, speed: t.prevEvent.speed, velocity: { x: t.prevEvent.velocityX, y: t.prevEvent.velocityY } } } }, { key: "preventDefault", value: function () { } }, { key: "stopImmediatePropagation", value: function () { this.immediatePropagationStopped = this.propagationStopped = !0 } }, { key: "stopPropagation", value: function () { this.propagationStopped = !0 } }]), n }(vt); Object.defineProperties(Se.prototype, { pageX: { get: function () { return }, set: function (t) { = t } }, pageY: { get: function () { return }, set: function (t) { = t } }, clientX: { get: function () { return this.client.x }, set: function (t) { this.client.x = t } }, clientY: { get: function () { return this.client.y }, set: function (t) { this.client.y = t } }, dx: { get: function () { return }, set: function (t) { = t } }, dy: { get: function () { return }, set: function (t) { = t } }, velocityX: { get: function () { return this.velocity.x }, set: function (t) { this.velocity.x = t } }, velocityY: { get: function () { return this.velocity.y }, set: function (t) { this.velocity.y = t } } }); var _e = o((function t(e, n, i, o, a) { r(this, t), = void 0, this.pointer = void 0, this.event = void 0, this.downTime = void 0, this.downTarget = void 0, = e, this.pointer = n, this.event = i, this.downTime = o, this.downTarget = a })), Pe = function (t) { return t.interactable = "", t.element = "", t.prepared = "", t.pointerIsDown = "", t.pointerWasMoved = "", t._proxy = "", t }({}), Oe = function (t) { return t.start = "", t.move = "", t.end = "", t.stop = "", t.interacting = "", t }({}), ke = 0, De = function () { function t(e) { var n = this, i = e.pointerType, o = e.scopeFire; r(this, t), this.interactable = null, this.element = null, this.rect = null, this._rects = void 0, this.edges = null, this._scopeFire = void 0, this.prepared = { name: null, axis: null, edges: null }, this.pointerType = void 0, this.pointers = [], this.downEvent = null, this.downPointer = {}, this._latestPointer = { pointer: null, event: null, eventTarget: null }, this.prevEvent = null, this.pointerIsDown = !1, this.pointerWasMoved = !1, this._interacting = !1, this._ending = !1, this._stopped = !0, this._proxy = void 0, this.simulation = null, this.doMove = Nt((function (t) { this.move(t) }), "The interaction.doMove() method has been renamed to interaction.move()"), this.coords = { start: { page: { x: 0, y: 0 }, client: { x: 0, y: 0 }, timeStamp: 0 }, prev: { page: { x: 0, y: 0 }, client: { x: 0, y: 0 }, timeStamp: 0 }, cur: { page: { x: 0, y: 0 }, client: { x: 0, y: 0 }, timeStamp: 0 }, delta: { page: { x: 0, y: 0 }, client: { x: 0, y: 0 }, timeStamp: 0 }, velocity: { page: { x: 0, y: 0 }, client: { x: 0, y: 0 }, timeStamp: 0 } }, this._id = ke++, this._scopeFire = o, this.pointerType = i; var a = this; this._proxy = {}; var s = function (t) { Object.defineProperty(n._proxy, t, { get: function () { return a[t] } }) }; for (var c in Pe) s(c); var l = function (t) { Object.defineProperty(n._proxy, t, { value: function () { return a[t].apply(a, arguments) } }) }; for (var u in Oe) l(u); this._scopeFire("interactions:new", { interaction: this }) } return o(t, [{ key: "pointerMoveTolerance", get: function () { return 1 } }, { key: "pointerDown", value: function (t, e, n) { var r = this.updatePointer(t, e, n, !0), i = this.pointers[r]; this._scopeFire("interactions:down", { pointer: t, event: e, eventTarget: n, pointerIndex: r, pointerInfo: i, type: "down", interaction: this }) } }, { key: "start", value: function (t, e, n) { return !(this.interacting() || !this.pointerIsDown || this.pointers.length < ("gesture" === ? 2 : 1) || !e.options[].enabled) && (Ut(this.prepared, t), this.interactable = e, this.element = n, this.rect = e.getRect(n), this.edges = this.prepared.edges ? V({}, this.prepared.edges) : { left: !0, right: !0, top: !0, bottom: !0 }, this._stopped = !1, this._interacting = this._doPhase({ interaction: this, event: this.downEvent, phase: "start" }) && !this._stopped, this._interacting) } }, { key: "pointerMove", value: function (t, e, n) { this.simulation || this.modification && this.modification.endResult || this.updatePointer(t, e, n, !1); var r, i, o = === && === && this.coords.cur.client.x === this.coords.prev.client.x && this.coords.cur.client.y === this.coords.prev.client.y; this.pointerIsDown && !this.pointerWasMoved && (r = this.coords.cur.client.x - this.coords.start.client.x, i = this.coords.cur.client.y - this.coords.start.client.y, this.pointerWasMoved = Q(r, i) > this.pointerMoveTolerance); var a, s, c, l = this.getPointerIndex(t), u = { pointer: t, pointerIndex: l, pointerInfo: this.pointers[l], event: e, type: "move", eventTarget: n, dx: r, dy: i, duplicate: o, interaction: this }; o || (a = this.coords.velocity, s =, c = Math.max(s.timeStamp / 1e3, .001), = / c, = / c, a.client.x = s.client.x / c, a.client.y = s.client.y / c, a.timeStamp = c), this._scopeFire("interactions:move", u), o || this.simulation || (this.interacting() && (u.type = null, this.move(u)), this.pointerWasMoved && et(this.coords.prev, this.coords.cur)) } }, { key: "move", value: function (t) { t && t.event || nt(, (t = V({ pointer: this._latestPointer.pointer, event: this._latestPointer.event, eventTarget: this._latestPointer.eventTarget, interaction: this }, t || {})).phase = "move", this._doPhase(t) } }, { key: "pointerUp", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = this.getPointerIndex(t); -1 === i && (i = this.updatePointer(t, e, n, !1)); var o = /cancel$/i.test(e.type) ? "cancel" : "up"; this._scopeFire("interactions:".concat(o), { pointer: t, pointerIndex: i, pointerInfo: this.pointers[i], event: e, eventTarget: n, type: o, curEventTarget: r, interaction: this }), this.simulation || this.end(e), this.removePointer(t, e) } }, { key: "documentBlur", value: function (t) { this.end(t), this._scopeFire("interactions:blur", { event: t, type: "blur", interaction: this }) } }, { key: "end", value: function (t) { var e; this._ending = !0, t = t || this._latestPointer.event, this.interacting() && (e = this._doPhase({ event: t, interaction: this, phase: "end" })), this._ending = !1, !0 === e && this.stop() } }, { key: "currentAction", value: function () { return this._interacting ? : null } }, { key: "interacting", value: function () { return this._interacting } }, { key: "stop", value: function () { this._scopeFire("interactions:stop", { interaction: this }), this.interactable = this.element = null, this._interacting = !1, this._stopped = !0, = this.prevEvent = null } }, { key: "getPointerIndex", value: function (t) { var e = at(t); return "mouse" === this.pointerType || "pen" === this.pointerType ? this.pointers.length - 1 : yt(this.pointers, (function (t) { return === e })) } }, { key: "getPointerInfo", value: function (t) { return this.pointers[this.getPointerIndex(t)] } }, { key: "updatePointer", value: function (t, e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s = at(t), c = this.getPointerIndex(t), l = this.pointers[c]; return r = !1 !== r && (r || /(down|start)$/i.test(e.type)), l ? l.pointer = t : (l = new _e(s, t, e, null, null), c = this.pointers.length, this.pointers.push(l)), st(this.coords.cur, (t) { return t.pointer })), this._now()), i =, o = this.coords.prev, a = this.coords.cur, = -, = -, i.client.x = a.client.x - o.client.x, i.client.y = a.client.y - o.client.y, i.timeStamp = a.timeStamp - o.timeStamp, r && (this.pointerIsDown = !0, l.downTime = this.coords.cur.timeStamp, l.downTarget = n, tt(this.downPointer, t), this.interacting() || (et(this.coords.start, this.coords.cur), et(this.coords.prev, this.coords.cur), this.downEvent = e, this.pointerWasMoved = !1)), this._updateLatestPointer(t, e, n), this._scopeFire("interactions:update-pointer", { pointer: t, event: e, eventTarget: n, down: r, pointerInfo: l, pointerIndex: c, interaction: this }), c } }, { key: "removePointer", value: function (t, e) { var n = this.getPointerIndex(t); if (-1 !== n) { var r = this.pointers[n]; this._scopeFire("interactions:remove-pointer", { pointer: t, event: e, eventTarget: null, pointerIndex: n, pointerInfo: r, interaction: this }), this.pointers.splice(n, 1), this.pointerIsDown = !1 } } }, { key: "_updateLatestPointer", value: function (t, e, n) { this._latestPointer.pointer = t, this._latestPointer.event = e, this._latestPointer.eventTarget = n } }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { this._latestPointer.pointer = null, this._latestPointer.event = null, this._latestPointer.eventTarget = null } }, { key: "_createPreparedEvent", value: function (t, e, n, r) { return new Se(this, t,, e, this.element, n, r) } }, { key: "_fireEvent", value: function (t) { var e; null == (e = this.interactable) ||, (!this.prevEvent || t.timeStamp >= this.prevEvent.timeStamp) && (this.prevEvent = t) } }, { key: "_doPhase", value: function (t) { var e = t.event, n = t.phase, r = t.preEnd, i = t.type, o = this.rect; if (o && "move" === n && (H(this.edges, o,[this.interactable.options.deltaSource]), o.width = o.right - o.left, o.height = o.bottom -, !1 === this._scopeFire("interactions:before-action-".concat(n), t)) return !1; var a = t.iEvent = this._createPreparedEvent(e, n, r, i); return this._scopeFire("interactions:action-".concat(n), t), "start" === n && (this.prevEvent = a), this._fireEvent(a), this._scopeFire("interactions:after-action-".concat(n), t), !0 } }, { key: "_now", value: function () { return } }]), t }(); function Ie(t) { Me(t.interaction) } function Me(t) { if (!function (t) { return !(!t.offset.pending.x && !t.offset.pending.y) }(t)) return !1; var e = t.offset.pending; return Ae(t.coords.cur, e), Ae(, e), H(t.edges, t.rect, e), e.x = 0, e.y = 0, !0 } function ze(t) { var e = t.x, n = t.y; this.offset.pending.x += e, this.offset.pending.y += n, += e, += n } function Ae(t, e) { var n =, r = t.client, i = e.x, o = e.y; n.x += i, n.y += o, r.x += i, r.y += o } Oe.offsetBy = ""; var Re = { id: "offset", before: ["modifiers", "pointer-events", "actions", "inertia"], install: function (t) { t.Interaction.prototype.offsetBy = ze }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { t.interaction.offset = { total: { x: 0, y: 0 }, pending: { x: 0, y: 0 } } }, "interactions:update-pointer": function (t) { return function (t) { t.pointerIsDown && (Ae(t.coords.cur,, t.offset.pending.x = 0, t.offset.pending.y = 0) }(t.interaction) }, "interactions:before-action-start": Ie, "interactions:before-action-move": Ie, "interactions:before-action-end": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; if (Me(e)) return e.move({ offset: !0 }), e.end(), !1 }, "interactions:stop": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; = 0, = 0, e.offset.pending.x = 0, e.offset.pending.y = 0 } } }, Ce = Re; var je = function () { function t(e) { r(this, t), = !1, this.isModified = !1, this.smoothEnd = !1, this.allowResume = !1, this.modification = void 0, this.modifierCount = 0, this.modifierArg = void 0, this.startCoords = void 0, this.t0 = 0, this.v0 = 0, this.te = 0, this.targetOffset = void 0, this.modifiedOffset = void 0, this.currentOffset = void 0, this.lambda_v0 = 0, this.one_ve_v0 = 0, this.timeout = void 0, this.interaction = void 0, this.interaction = e } return o(t, [{ key: "start", value: function (t) { var e = this.interaction, n = Fe(e); if (!n || !n.enabled) return !1; var r = e.coords.velocity.client, i = Q(r.x, r.y), o = this.modification || (this.modification = new me(e)); if (o.copyFrom(e.modification), this.t0 = e._now(), this.allowResume = n.allowResume, this.v0 = i, this.currentOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.startCoords =, this.modifierArg = o.fillArg({ pageCoords: this.startCoords, preEnd: !0, phase: "inertiastart" }), this.t0 - e.coords.cur.timeStamp < 50 && i > n.minSpeed && i > n.endSpeed) this.startInertia(); else { if (o.result = o.setAll(this.modifierArg), !o.result.changed) return !1; this.startSmoothEnd() } return e.modification.result.rect = null, e.offsetBy(this.targetOffset), e._doPhase({ interaction: e, event: t, phase: "inertiastart" }), e.offsetBy({ x: -this.targetOffset.x, y: -this.targetOffset.y }), e.modification.result.rect = null, = !0, e.simulation = this, !0 } }, { key: "startInertia", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.interaction.coords.velocity.client, n = Fe(this.interaction), r = n.resistance, i = -Math.log(n.endSpeed / this.v0) / r; this.targetOffset = { x: (e.x - i) / r, y: (e.y - i) / r }, this.te = i, this.lambda_v0 = r / this.v0, this.one_ve_v0 = 1 - n.endSpeed / this.v0; var o = this.modification, a = this.modifierArg; a.pageCoords = { x: this.startCoords.x + this.targetOffset.x, y: this.startCoords.y + this.targetOffset.y }, o.result = o.setAll(a), o.result.changed && (this.isModified = !0, this.modifiedOffset = { x: this.targetOffset.x +, y: this.targetOffset.y + }), this.onNextFrame((function () { return t.inertiaTick() })) } }, { key: "startSmoothEnd", value: function () { var t = this; this.smoothEnd = !0, this.isModified = !0, this.targetOffset = { x:, y: }, this.onNextFrame((function () { return t.smoothEndTick() })) } }, { key: "onNextFrame", value: function (t) { var e = this; this.timeout = Lt.request((function () { && t() })) } }, { key: "inertiaTick", value: function () { var t, e, n, r, i, o, a, s = this, c = this.interaction, l = Fe(c).resistance, u = (c._now() - this.t0) / 1e3; if (u < this.te) { var p, f = 1 - (Math.exp(-l * u) - this.lambda_v0) / this.one_ve_v0; this.isModified ? (t = 0, e = 0, n = this.targetOffset.x, r = this.targetOffset.y, i = this.modifiedOffset.x, o = this.modifiedOffset.y, p = { x: Ye(a = f, t, n, i), y: Ye(a, e, r, o) }) : p = { x: this.targetOffset.x * f, y: this.targetOffset.y * f }; var d = { x: p.x - this.currentOffset.x, y: p.y - this.currentOffset.y }; this.currentOffset.x += d.x, this.currentOffset.y += d.y, c.offsetBy(d), c.move(), this.onNextFrame((function () { return s.inertiaTick() })) } else c.offsetBy({ x: this.modifiedOffset.x - this.currentOffset.x, y: this.modifiedOffset.y - this.currentOffset.y }), this.end() } }, { key: "smoothEndTick", value: function () { var t = this, e = this.interaction, n = e._now() - this.t0, r = Fe(e).smoothEndDuration; if (n < r) { var i = { x: Le(n, 0, this.targetOffset.x, r), y: Le(n, 0, this.targetOffset.y, r) }, o = { x: i.x - this.currentOffset.x, y: i.y - this.currentOffset.y }; this.currentOffset.x += o.x, this.currentOffset.y += o.y, e.offsetBy(o), e.move({ skipModifiers: this.modifierCount }), this.onNextFrame((function () { return t.smoothEndTick() })) } else e.offsetBy({ x: this.targetOffset.x - this.currentOffset.x, y: this.targetOffset.y - this.currentOffset.y }), this.end() } }, { key: "resume", value: function (t) { var e = t.pointer, n = t.event, r = t.eventTarget, i = this.interaction; i.offsetBy({ x: -this.currentOffset.x, y: -this.currentOffset.y }), i.updatePointer(e, n, r, !0), i._doPhase({ interaction: i, event: n, phase: "resume" }), et(i.coords.prev, i.coords.cur), this.stop() } }, { key: "end", value: function () { this.interaction.move(), this.interaction.end(), this.stop() } }, { key: "stop", value: function () { = this.smoothEnd = !1, this.interaction.simulation = null, Lt.cancel(this.timeout) } }]), t }(); function Fe(t) { var e = t.interactable, n = t.prepared; return e && e.options && && e.options[].inertia } var Xe = { id: "inertia", before: ["modifiers", "actions"], install: function (t) { var e = t.defaults; t.usePlugin(Ce), t.usePlugin(Ee), t.actions.phases.inertiastart = !0, t.actions.phases.resume = !0, e.perAction.inertia = { enabled: !1, resistance: 10, minSpeed: 100, endSpeed: 10, allowResume: !0, smoothEndDuration: 300 } }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; e.inertia = new je(e) }, "interactions:before-action-end": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.event; return (!e._interacting || e.simulation || !e.inertia.start(n)) && null }, "interactions:down": function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.eventTarget, r = e.inertia; if ( for (var i = n; w.element(i);) { if (i === e.element) { r.resume(t); break } i = A(i) } }, "interactions:stop": function (t) { var e = t.interaction.inertia; && e.stop() }, "interactions:before-action-resume": function (t) { var e = t.interaction.modification; e.stop(t), e.start(t,, e.applyToInteraction(t) }, "interactions:before-action-inertiastart": function (t) { return t.interaction.modification.setAndApply(t) }, "interactions:action-resume": xe, "interactions:action-inertiastart": xe, "interactions:after-action-inertiastart": function (t) { return t.interaction.modification.restoreInteractionCoords(t) }, "interactions:after-action-resume": function (t) { return t.interaction.modification.restoreInteractionCoords(t) } } }; function Ye(t, e, n, r) { var i = 1 - t; return i * i * e + 2 * i * t * n + t * t * r } function Le(t, e, n, r) { return -n * (t /= r) * (t - 2) + e } var qe = Xe; function Be(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; if (t.immediatePropagationStopped) break; r(t) } } var Ve = function () { function t(e) { r(this, t), this.options = void 0, this.types = {}, this.propagationStopped = !1, this.immediatePropagationStopped = !1, = void 0, this.options = V({}, e || {}) } return o(t, [{ key: "fire", value: function (t) { var e, n =; (e = this.types[t.type]) && Be(t, e), !t.propagationStopped && n && (e = n[t.type]) && Be(t, e) } }, { key: "on", value: function (t, e) { var n = $(t, e); for (t in n) this.types[t] = gt(this.types[t] || [], n[t]) } }, { key: "off", value: function (t, e) { var n = $(t, e); for (t in n) { var r = this.types[t]; if (r && r.length) for (var i = 0, o = n[t]; i < o.length; i++) { var a = o[i], s = r.indexOf(a); -1 !== s && r.splice(s, 1) } } } }, { key: "getRect", value: function (t) { return null } }]), t }(); var We = function () { function t(e) { r(this, t), this.currentTarget = void 0, this.originalEvent = void 0, this.type = void 0, this.originalEvent = e, tt(this, e) } return o(t, [{ key: "preventOriginalDefault", value: function () { this.originalEvent.preventDefault() } }, { key: "stopPropagation", value: function () { this.originalEvent.stopPropagation() } }, { key: "stopImmediatePropagation", value: function () { this.originalEvent.stopImmediatePropagation() } }]), t }(); function Ge(t) { return w.object(t) ? { capture: !!t.capture, passive: !!t.passive } : { capture: !!t, passive: !1 } } function Ne(t, e) { return t === e || ("boolean" == typeof t ? !!e.capture === t && !1 == !!e.passive : !!t.capture == !!e.capture && !!t.passive == !!e.passive) } var Ue = { id: "events", install: function (t) { var e, n = [], r = {}, i = [], o = { add: a, remove: s, addDelegate: function (t, e, n, o, s) { var u = Ge(s); if (!r[n]) { r[n] = []; for (var p = 0; p < i.length; p++) { var f = i[p]; a(f, n, c), a(f, n, l, !0) } } var d = r[n], h = bt(d, (function (n) { return n.selector === t && n.context === e })); h || (h = { selector: t, context: e, listeners: [] }, d.push(h)); h.listeners.push({ func: o, options: u }) }, removeDelegate: function (t, e, n, i, o) { var a, u = Ge(o), p = r[n], f = !1; if (!p) return; for (a = p.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { var d = p[a]; if (d.selector === t && d.context === e) { for (var h = d.listeners, v = h.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) { var g = h[v]; if (g.func === i && Ne(g.options, u)) { h.splice(v, 1), h.length || (p.splice(a, 1), s(e, n, c), s(e, n, l, !0)), f = !0; break } } if (f) break } } }, delegateListener: c, delegateUseCapture: l, delegatedEvents: r, documents: i, targets: n, supportsOptions: !1, supportsPassive: !1 }; function a(t, e, r, i) { if (t.addEventListener) { var a = Ge(i), s = bt(n, (function (e) { return e.eventTarget === t })); s || (s = { eventTarget: t, events: {} }, n.push(s)),[e] || ([e] = []), bt([e], (function (t) { return t.func === r && Ne(t.options, a) })) || (t.addEventListener(e, r, o.supportsOptions ? a : a.capture),[e].push({ func: r, options: a })) } } function s(t, e, r, i) { if (t.addEventListener && t.removeEventListener) { var a = yt(n, (function (e) { return e.eventTarget === t })), c = n[a]; if (c && if ("all" !== e) { var l = !1, u =[e]; if (u) { if ("all" === r) { for (var p = u.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { var f = u[p]; s(t, e, f.func, f.options) } return } for (var d = Ge(i), h = 0; h < u.length; h++) { var v = u[h]; if (v.func === r && Ne(v.options, d)) { t.removeEventListener(e, r, o.supportsOptions ? d : d.capture), u.splice(h, 1), 0 === u.length && (delete[e], l = !0); break } } } l && !Object.keys( && n.splice(a, 1) } else for (e in && s(t, e, "all") } } function c(t, e) { for (var n = Ge(e), i = new We(t), o = r[t.type], a = ht(t)[0], s = a; w.element(s);) { for (var c = 0; c < o.length; c++) { var l = o[c], u = l.selector, p = l.context; if (R(s, u) && M(p, a) && M(p, s)) { var f = l.listeners; i.currentTarget = s; for (var d = 0; d < f.length; d++) { var h = f[d]; Ne(h.options, n) && h.func(i) } } } s = A(s) } } function l(t) { return c(t, !0) } return null == (e = t.document) || e.createElement("div").addEventListener("test", null, { get capture() { return o.supportsOptions = !0 }, get passive() { return o.supportsPassive = !0 } }), = o, o } }, He = { methodOrder: ["simulationResume", "mouseOrPen", "hasPointer", "idle"], search: function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = He.methodOrder; e < n.length; e++) { var r = n[e], i = He[r](t); if (i) return i } return null }, simulationResume: function (t) { var e = t.pointerType, n = t.eventType, r = t.eventTarget, i = t.scope; if (!/down|start/i.test(n)) return null; for (var o = 0, a = i.interactions.list; o < a.length; o++) { var s = a[o], c = r; if (s.simulation && s.simulation.allowResume && s.pointerType === e) for (; c;) { if (c === s.element) return s; c = A(c) } } return null }, mouseOrPen: function (t) { var e, n = t.pointerId, r = t.pointerType, i = t.eventType, o = t.scope; if ("mouse" !== r && "pen" !== r) return null; for (var a = 0, s = o.interactions.list; a < s.length; a++) { var c = s[a]; if (c.pointerType === r) { if (c.simulation && !Ke(c, n)) continue; if (c.interacting()) return c; e || (e = c) } } if (e) return e; for (var l = 0, u = o.interactions.list; l < u.length; l++) { var p = u[l]; if (!(p.pointerType !== r || /down/i.test(i) && p.simulation)) return p } return null }, hasPointer: function (t) { for (var e = t.pointerId, n = 0, r = t.scope.interactions.list; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n]; if (Ke(i, e)) return i } return null }, idle: function (t) { for (var e = t.pointerType, n = 0, r = t.scope.interactions.list; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n]; if (1 === i.pointers.length) { var o = i.interactable; if (o && (!o.options.gesture || !o.options.gesture.enabled)) continue } else if (i.pointers.length >= 2) continue; if (!i.interacting() && e === i.pointerType) return i } return null } }; function Ke(t, e) { return t.pointers.some((function (t) { return === e })) } var $e = He, Je = ["pointerDown", "pointerMove", "pointerUp", "updatePointer", "removePointer", "windowBlur"]; function Qe(t, e) { return function (n) { var r = e.interactions.list, i = dt(n), o = ht(n), a = o[0], s = o[1], c = []; if (/^touch/.test(n.type)) { e.prevTouchTime =; for (var l = 0, u = n.changedTouches; l < u.length; l++) { var p = u[l], f = { pointer: p, pointerId: at(p), pointerType: i, eventType: n.type, eventTarget: a, curEventTarget: s, scope: e }, d = Ze(f); c.push([f.pointer, f.eventTarget, f.curEventTarget, d]) } } else { var h = !1; if (!I.supportsPointerEvent && /mouse/.test(n.type)) { for (var v = 0; v < r.length && !h; v++)h = "mouse" !== r[v].pointerType && r[v].pointerIsDown; h = h || - e.prevTouchTime < 500 || 0 === n.timeStamp } if (!h) { var g = { pointer: n, pointerId: at(n), pointerType: i, eventType: n.type, curEventTarget: s, eventTarget: a, scope: e }, m = Ze(g); c.push([g.pointer, g.eventTarget, g.curEventTarget, m]) } } for (var y = 0; y < c.length; y++) { var b = c[y], x = b[0], w = b[1], E = b[2]; b[3][t](x, n, w, E) } } } function Ze(t) { var e = t.pointerType, n = t.scope, r = { interaction: $, searchDetails: t }; return"interactions:find", r), r.interaction ||{ pointerType: e }) } function tn(t, e) { var n = t.doc, r = t.scope, i = t.options, o = r.interactions.docEvents, a =, s = a[e]; for (var c in r.browser.isIOS && ! && ( = { passive: !1 }), a.delegatedEvents) s(n, c, a.delegateListener), s(n, c, a.delegateUseCapture, !0); for (var l = i &&, u = 0; u < o.length; u++) { var p = o[u]; s(n, p.type, p.listener, l) } } var en = { id: "core/interactions", install: function (t) { for (var e = {}, n = 0; n < Je.length; n++) { var i = Je[n]; e[i] = Qe(i, t) } var a, c = I.pEventTypes; function l() { for (var e = 0, n = t.interactions.list; e < n.length; e++) { var r = n[e]; if (r.pointerIsDown && "touch" === r.pointerType && !r._interacting) for (var i = function () { var e = a[o]; t.documents.some((function (t) { return M(t.doc, e.downTarget) })) || r.removePointer(e.pointer, e.event) }, o = 0, a = r.pointers; o < a.length; o++)i() } } (a = k.PointerEvent ? [{ type: c.down, listener: l }, { type: c.down, listener: e.pointerDown }, { type: c.move, listener: e.pointerMove }, { type: c.up, listener: e.pointerUp }, { type: c.cancel, listener: e.pointerUp }] : [{ type: "mousedown", listener: e.pointerDown }, { type: "mousemove", listener: e.pointerMove }, { type: "mouseup", listener: e.pointerUp }, { type: "touchstart", listener: l }, { type: "touchstart", listener: e.pointerDown }, { type: "touchmove", listener: e.pointerMove }, { type: "touchend", listener: e.pointerUp }, { type: "touchcancel", listener: e.pointerUp }]).push({ type: "blur", listener: function (e) { for (var n = 0, r = t.interactions.list; n < r.length; n++) { r[n].documentBlur(e) } } }), t.prevTouchTime = 0, t.Interaction = function (e) { s(i, e); var n = p(i); function i() { return r(this, i), n.apply(this, arguments) } return o(i, [{ key: "pointerMoveTolerance", get: function () { return t.interactions.pointerMoveTolerance }, set: function (e) { t.interactions.pointerMoveTolerance = e } }, { key: "_now", value: function () { return } }]), i }(De), t.interactions = { list: [], new: function (e) { e.scopeFire = function (e, n) { return, n) }; var n = new t.Interaction(e); return t.interactions.list.push(n), n }, listeners: e, docEvents: a, pointerMoveTolerance: 1 }, t.usePlugin(he) }, listeners: { "scope:add-document": function (t) { return tn(t, "add") }, "scope:remove-document": function (t) { return tn(t, "remove") }, "interactable:unset": function (t, e) { for (var n = t.interactable, r = e.interactions.list.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var i = e.interactions.list[r]; i.interactable === n && (i.stop(),"interactions:destroy", { interaction: i }), i.destroy(), e.interactions.list.length > 2 && e.interactions.list.splice(r, 1)) } } }, onDocSignal: tn, doOnInteractions: Qe, methodNames: Je }, nn = en, rn = function (t) { return t[t.On = 0] = "On", t[t.Off = 1] = "Off", t }(rn || {}), on = function () { function t(e, n, i, o) { r(this, t), = void 0, this.options = void 0, this._actions = void 0, = new Ve, this._context = void 0, this._win = void 0, this._doc = void 0, this._scopeEvents = void 0, this._actions = n.actions, = e, this._context = n.context || i, this._win = y(B(e) ? this._context : e), this._doc = this._win.document, this._scopeEvents = o, this.set(n) } return o(t, [{ key: "_defaults", get: function () { return { base: {}, perAction: {}, actions: {} } } }, { key: "setOnEvents", value: function (t, e) { return w.func(e.onstart) && this.on("".concat(t, "start"), e.onstart), w.func(e.onmove) && this.on("".concat(t, "move"), e.onmove), w.func(e.onend) && this.on("".concat(t, "end"), e.onend), w.func(e.oninertiastart) && this.on("".concat(t, "inertiastart"), e.oninertiastart), this } }, { key: "updatePerActionListeners", value: function (t, e, n) { var r, i = this, o = null == (r =[t]) ? void 0 : r.filterEventType, a = function (t) { return (null == o || o(t)) && ve(t, i._actions) }; (w.array(e) || w.object(e)) && this._onOff(rn.Off, t, e, void 0, a), (w.array(n) || w.object(n)) && this._onOff(rn.On, t, n, void 0, a) } }, { key: "setPerAction", value: function (t, e) { var n = this._defaults; for (var r in e) { var i = r, o = this.options[t], a = e[i]; "listeners" === i && this.updatePerActionListeners(t, o.listeners, a), w.array(a) ? o[i] = mt(a) : w.plainObject(a) ? (o[i] = V(o[i] || {}, ge(a)), w.object(n.perAction[i]) && "enabled" in n.perAction[i] && (o[i].enabled = !1 !== a.enabled)) : w.bool(a) && w.object(n.perAction[i]) ? o[i].enabled = a : o[i] = a } } }, { key: "getRect", value: function (t) { return t = t || (w.element( ? : null), w.string( && (t = t || this._context.querySelector(, L(t) } }, { key: "rectChecker", value: function (t) { var e = this; return w.func(t) ? (this.getRect = function (n) { var r = V({}, t.apply(e, n)); return "width" in r || (r.width = r.right - r.left, r.height = r.bottom -, r }, this) : null === t ? (delete this.getRect, this) : this.getRect } }, { key: "_backCompatOption", value: function (t, e) { if (B(e) || w.object(e)) { for (var n in this.options[t] = e, this.options[n][t] = e; return this } return this.options[t] } }, { key: "origin", value: function (t) { return this._backCompatOption("origin", t) } }, { key: "deltaSource", value: function (t) { return "page" === t || "client" === t ? (this.options.deltaSource = t, this) : this.options.deltaSource } }, { key: "getAllElements", value: function () { var t =; return w.string(t) ? Array.from(this._context.querySelectorAll(t)) : w.func(t) && t.getAllElements ? t.getAllElements() : w.element(t) ? [t] : [] } }, { key: "context", value: function () { return this._context } }, { key: "inContext", value: function (t) { return this._context === t.ownerDocument || M(this._context, t) } }, { key: "testIgnoreAllow", value: function (t, e, n) { return !this.testIgnore(t.ignoreFrom, e, n) && this.testAllow(t.allowFrom, e, n) } }, { key: "testAllow", value: function (t, e, n) { return !t || !!w.element(n) && (w.string(t) ? F(n, t, e) : !!w.element(t) && M(t, n)) } }, { key: "testIgnore", value: function (t, e, n) { return !(!t || !w.element(n)) && (w.string(t) ? F(n, t, e) : !!w.element(t) && M(t, n)) } }, { key: "fire", value: function (t) { return, this } }, { key: "_onOff", value: function (t, e, n, r, i) { w.object(e) && !w.array(e) && (r = n, n = null); var o = $(e, n, i); for (var a in o) { "wheel" === a && (a = I.wheelEvent); for (var s = 0, c = o[a]; s < c.length; s++) { var l = c[s]; ve(a, this._actions) ?[t === rn.On ? "on" : "off"](a, l) : w.string( ? this._scopeEvents[t === rn.On ? "addDelegate" : "removeDelegate"](, this._context, a, l, r) : this._scopeEvents[t === rn.On ? "add" : "remove"](, a, l, r) } } return this } }, { key: "on", value: function (t, e, n) { return this._onOff(rn.On, t, e, n) } }, { key: "off", value: function (t, e, n) { return this._onOff(rn.Off, t, e, n) } }, { key: "set", value: function (t) { var e = this._defaults; for (var n in w.object(t) || (t = {}), this.options = ge(e.base), this._actions.methodDict) { var r = n, i = this._actions.methodDict[r]; this.options[r] = {}, this.setPerAction(r, V(V({}, e.perAction), e.actions[r])), this[i](t[r]) } for (var o in t) "getRect" !== o ? w.func(this[o]) && this[o](t[o]) : this.rectChecker(t.getRect); return this } }, { key: "unset", value: function () { if (w.string( for (var t in this._scopeEvents.delegatedEvents) for (var e = this._scopeEvents.delegatedEvents[t], n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { var r = e[n], i = r.selector, o = r.context, a = r.listeners; i === && o === this._context && e.splice(n, 1); for (var s = a.length - 1; s >= 0; s--)this._scopeEvents.removeDelegate(, this._context, t, a[s][0], a[s][1]) } else this._scopeEvents.remove(, "all") } }]), t }(), an = function () { function t(e) { var n = this; r(this, t), this.list = [], this.selectorMap = {}, this.scope = void 0, this.scope = e, e.addListeners({ "interactable:unset": function (t) { var e = t.interactable, r =, i = w.string(r) ? n.selectorMap[r] : r[], o = yt(i, (function (t) { return t === e })); i.splice(o, 1) } }) } return o(t, [{ key: "new", value: function (t, e) { e = V(e || {}, { actions: this.scope.actions }); var n = new this.scope.Interactable(t, e, this.scope.document,; return this.scope.addDocument(n._doc), this.list.push(n), w.string(t) ? (this.selectorMap[t] || (this.selectorMap[t] = []), this.selectorMap[t].push(n)) : ([] || Object.defineProperty(t,, { value: [], configurable: !0 }), t[].push(n)),"interactable:new", { target: t, options: e, interactable: n, win: this.scope._win }), n } }, { key: "getExisting", value: function (t, e) { var n = e && e.context || this.scope.document, r = w.string(t), i = r ? this.selectorMap[t] : t[]; if (i) return bt(i, (function (e) { return e._context === n && (r || e.inContext(t)) })) } }, { key: "forEachMatch", value: function (t, e) { for (var n = 0, r = this.list; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n], o = void 0; if ((w.string( ? w.element(t) && R(t, : t === && i.inContext(t) && (o = e(i)), void 0 !== o) return o } } }]), t }(); var sn = function () { function t() { var e = this; r(this, t), = "__interact_scope_".concat(Math.floor(100 * Math.random())), this.isInitialized = !1, this.listenerMaps = [], this.browser = I, this.defaults = ge(Te), this.Eventable = Ve, this.actions = { map: {}, phases: { start: !0, move: !0, end: !0 }, methodDict: {}, phaselessTypes: {} }, this.interactStatic = function (t) { var e = function e(n, r) { var i = t.interactables.getExisting(n, r); return i || ((i =, r)) = e.globalEvents), i }; return e.getPointerAverage = lt, e.getTouchBBox = ut, e.getTouchDistance = pt, e.getTouchAngle = ft, e.getElementRect = L, e.getElementClientRect = Y, e.matchesSelector = R, e.closest = z, e.globalEvents = {}, e.version = "1.10.26", e.scope = t, e.use = function (t, e) { return this.scope.usePlugin(t, e), this }, e.isSet = function (t, e) { return !!this.scope.interactables.get(t, e && e.context) }, e.on = Nt((function (t, e, n) { if (w.string(t) && -1 !==" ") && (t = t.trim().split(/ +/)), w.array(t)) { for (var r = 0, i = t; r < i.length; r++) { var o = i[r]; this.on(o, e, n) } return this } if (w.object(t)) { for (var a in t) this.on(a, t[a], e); return this } return ve(t, this.scope.actions) ? this.globalEvents[t] ? this.globalEvents[t].push(e) : this.globalEvents[t] = [e] :, t, e, { options: n }), this }), "The interact.on() method is being deprecated"), = Nt((function (t, e, n) { if (w.string(t) && -1 !==" ") && (t = t.trim().split(/ +/)), w.array(t)) { for (var r = 0, i = t; r < i.length; r++) { var o = i[r];, e, n) } return this } if (w.object(t)) { for (var a in t), t[a], e); return this } var s; return ve(t, this.scope.actions) ? t in this.globalEvents && -1 !== (s = this.globalEvents[t].indexOf(e)) && this.globalEvents[t].splice(s, 1) :, t, e, n), this }), "The method is being deprecated"), e.debug = function () { return this.scope }, e.supportsTouch = function () { return I.supportsTouch }, e.supportsPointerEvent = function () { return I.supportsPointerEvent }, e.stop = function () { for (var t = 0, e = this.scope.interactions.list; t < e.length; t++)e[t].stop(); return this }, e.pointerMoveTolerance = function (t) { return w.number(t) ? (this.scope.interactions.pointerMoveTolerance = t, this) : this.scope.interactions.pointerMoveTolerance }, e.addDocument = function (t, e) { this.scope.addDocument(t, e) }, e.removeDocument = function (t) { this.scope.removeDocument(t) }, e }(this), this.InteractEvent = Se, this.Interactable = void 0, this.interactables = new an(this), this._win = void 0, this.document = void 0, this.window = void 0, this.documents = [], this._plugins = { list: [], map: {} }, this.onWindowUnload = function (t) { return e.removeDocument( }; var n = this; this.Interactable = function (t) { s(i, t); var e = p(i); function i() { return r(this, i), e.apply(this, arguments) } return o(i, [{ key: "_defaults", get: function () { return n.defaults } }, { key: "set", value: function (t) { return f(c(i.prototype), "set", this).call(this, t),"interactable:set", { options: t, interactable: this }), this } }, { key: "unset", value: function () { f(c(i.prototype), "unset", this).call(this); var t = n.interactables.list.indexOf(this); t < 0 || (n.interactables.list.splice(t, 1),"interactable:unset", { interactable: this })) } }]), i }(on) } return o(t, [{ key: "addListeners", value: function (t, e) { this.listenerMaps.push({ id: e, map: t }) } }, { key: "fire", value: function (t, e) { for (var n = 0, r = this.listenerMaps; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n].map[t]; if (i && !1 === i(e, this, t)) return !1 } } }, { key: "init", value: function (t) { return this.isInitialized ? this : function (t, e) { t.isInitialized = !0, w.window(e) && m(e); return k.init(e), I.init(e), Lt.init(e), t.window = e, t.document = e.document, t.usePlugin(nn), t.usePlugin(Ue), t }(this, t) } }, { key: "pluginIsInstalled", value: function (t) { var e =; return e ? !![e] : -1 !== this._plugins.list.indexOf(t) } }, { key: "usePlugin", value: function (t, e) { if (!this.isInitialized) return this; if (this.pluginIsInstalled(t)) return this; if ( && ([] = t), this._plugins.list.push(t), t.install && t.install(this, e), t.listeners && t.before) { for (var n = 0, r = this.listenerMaps.length, i = t.before.reduce((function (t, e) { return t[e] = !0, t[cn(e)] = !0, t }), {}); n < r; n++) { var o = this.listenerMaps[n].id; if (o && (i[o] || i[cn(o)])) break } this.listenerMaps.splice(n, 0, { id:, map: t.listeners }) } else t.listeners && this.listenerMaps.push({ id:, map: t.listeners }); return this } }, { key: "addDocument", value: function (t, e) { if (-1 !== this.getDocIndex(t)) return !1; var n = y(t); e = e ? V({}, e) : {}, this.documents.push({ doc: t, options: e }),, t !== this.document &&, "unload", this.onWindowUnload),"scope:add-document", { doc: t, window: n, scope: this, options: e }) } }, { key: "removeDocument", value: function (t) { var e = this.getDocIndex(t), n = y(t), r = this.documents[e].options;, "unload", this.onWindowUnload), this.documents.splice(e, 1),, 1),"scope:remove-document", { doc: t, window: n, scope: this, options: r }) } }, { key: "getDocIndex", value: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.documents.length; e++)if (this.documents[e].doc === t) return e; return -1 } }, { key: "getDocOptions", value: function (t) { var e = this.getDocIndex(t); return -1 === e ? null : this.documents[e].options } }, { key: "now", value: function () { return (this.window.Date || Date).now() } }]), t }(); function cn(t) { return t && t.replace(/\/.*$/, "") } var ln = new sn, un = ln.interactStatic, pn = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : window; ln.init(pn); var fn = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, edgeTarget: function () { }, elements: function () { }, grid: function (t) { var e = [["x", "y"], ["left", "top"], ["right", "bottom"], ["width", "height"]].filter((function (e) { var n = e[0], r = e[1]; return n in t || r in t })), n = function (n, r) { for (var i = t.range, o = t.limits, a = void 0 === o ? { left: -1 / 0, right: 1 / 0, top: -1 / 0, bottom: 1 / 0 } : o, s = t.offset, c = void 0 === s ? { x: 0, y: 0 } : s, l = { range: i, grid: t, x: null, y: null }, u = 0; u < e.length; u++) { var p = e[u], f = p[0], d = p[1], h = Math.round((n - c.x) / t[f]), v = Math.round((r - c.y) / t[d]); l[f] = Math.max(a.left, Math.min(a.right, h * t[f] + c.x)), l[d] = Math.max(, Math.min(a.bottom, v * t[d] + c.y)) } return l }; return n.grid = t, n.coordFields = e, n } }), dn = { id: "snappers", install: function (t) { var e = t.interactStatic; e.snappers = V(e.snappers || {}, fn), e.createSnapGrid = e.snappers.grid } }, hn = dn, vn = { start: function (t) { var n = t.state, r = t.rect, i = t.edges, o = t.pageCoords, a = n.options, s = a.ratio, c = a.enabled, l = n.options, u = l.equalDelta, p = l.modifiers; "preserve" === s && (s = r.width / r.height), n.startCoords = V({}, o), n.startRect = V({}, r), n.ratio = s, n.equalDelta = u; var f = n.linkedEdges = { top: || i.left && !i.bottom, left: i.left || && !i.right, bottom: i.bottom || i.right && !, right: i.right || i.bottom && !i.left }; if (n.xIsPrimaryAxis = !(!i.left && !i.right), n.equalDelta) { var d = (f.left ? 1 : -1) * ( ? 1 : -1); n.edgeSign = { x: d, y: d } } else n.edgeSign = { x: f.left ? -1 : 1, y: ? -1 : 1 }; if (!1 !== c && V(i, f), null != p && p.length) { var h = new me(t.interaction); h.copyFrom(t.interaction.modification), h.prepareStates(p), n.subModification = h, h.startAll(e({}, t)) } }, set: function (t) { var n = t.state, r = t.rect, i = t.coords, o = n.linkedEdges, a = V({}, i), s = n.equalDelta ? gn : mn; if (V(t.edges, o), s(n, n.xIsPrimaryAxis, i, r), !n.subModification) return null; var c = V({}, r); H(o, c, { x: i.x - a.x, y: i.y - a.y }); var l = n.subModification.setAll(e(e({}, t), {}, { rect: c, edges: o, pageCoords: i, prevCoords: i, prevRect: c })), u =; l.changed && (s(n, Math.abs(u.x) > Math.abs(u.y), l.coords, l.rect), V(i, l.coords)); return l.eventProps }, defaults: { ratio: "preserve", equalDelta: !1, modifiers: [], enabled: !1 } }; function gn(t, e, n) { var r = t.startCoords, i = t.edgeSign; e ? n.y = r.y + (n.x - r.x) * i.y : n.x = r.x + (n.y - r.y) * i.x } function mn(t, e, n, r) { var i = t.startRect, o = t.startCoords, a = t.ratio, s = t.edgeSign; if (e) { var c = r.width / a; n.y = o.y + (c - i.height) * s.y } else { var l = r.height * a; n.x = o.x + (l - i.width) * s.x } } var yn = be(vn, "aspectRatio"), bn = function () { }; bn._defaults = {}; var xn = bn; function wn(t, e, n) { return w.func(t) ? G(t, e.interactable, e.element, [n.x, n.y, e]) : G(t, e.interactable, e.element) } var En = { start: function (t) { var e = t.rect, n = t.startOffset, r = t.state, i = t.interaction, o = t.pageCoords, a = r.options, s = a.elementRect, c = V({ left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, a.offset || {}); if (e && s) { var l = wn(a.restriction, i, o); if (l) { var u = l.right - l.left - e.width, p = l.bottom - - e.height; u < 0 && (c.left += u, c.right += u), p < 0 && ( += p, c.bottom += p) } c.left += n.left - e.width * s.left, += - e.height *, c.right += n.right - e.width * (1 - s.right), c.bottom += n.bottom - e.height * (1 - s.bottom) } r.offset = c }, set: function (t) { var e = t.coords, n = t.interaction, r = t.state, i = r.options, o = r.offset, a = wn(i.restriction, n, e); if (a) { var s = function (t) { return !t || "left" in t && "top" in t || ((t = V({}, t)).left = t.x || 0, = t.y || 0, t.right = t.right || t.left + t.width, t.bottom = t.bottom || + t.height), t }(a); e.x = Math.max(Math.min(s.right - o.right, e.x), s.left + o.left), e.y = Math.max(Math.min(s.bottom - o.bottom, e.y), + } }, defaults: { restriction: null, elementRect: null, offset: null, endOnly: !1, enabled: !1 } }, Tn = be(En, "restrict"), Sn = { top: 1 / 0, left: 1 / 0, bottom: -1 / 0, right: -1 / 0 }, _n = { top: -1 / 0, left: -1 / 0, bottom: 1 / 0, right: 1 / 0 }; function Pn(t, e) { for (var n = 0, r = ["top", "left", "bottom", "right"]; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n]; i in t || (t[i] = e[i]) } return t } var On = { noInner: Sn, noOuter: _n, start: function (t) { var e, n = t.interaction, r = t.startOffset, i = t.state, o = i.options; o && (e = N(wn(o.offset, n,, e = e || { x: 0, y: 0 }, i.offset = { top: e.y +, left: e.x + r.left, bottom: e.y - r.bottom, right: e.x - r.right } }, set: function (t) { var e = t.coords, n = t.edges, r = t.interaction, i = t.state, o = i.offset, a = i.options; if (n) { var s = V({}, e), c = wn(a.inner, r, s) || {}, l = wn(a.outer, r, s) || {}; Pn(c, Sn), Pn(l, _n), ? e.y = Math.min(Math.max( +, s.y), + : n.bottom && (e.y = Math.max(Math.min(l.bottom + o.bottom, s.y), c.bottom + o.bottom)), n.left ? e.x = Math.min(Math.max(l.left + o.left, s.x), c.left + o.left) : n.right && (e.x = Math.max(Math.min(l.right + o.right, s.x), c.right + o.right)) } }, defaults: { inner: null, outer: null, offset: null, endOnly: !1, enabled: !1 } }, kn = be(On, "restrictEdges"), Dn = V({ get elementRect() { return { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1, right: 1 } }, set elementRect(t) { } }, En.defaults), In = be({ start: En.start, set: En.set, defaults: Dn }, "restrictRect"), Mn = { width: -1 / 0, height: -1 / 0 }, zn = { width: 1 / 0, height: 1 / 0 }; var An = be({ start: function (t) { return On.start(t) }, set: function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.state, r = t.rect, i = t.edges, o = n.options; if (i) { var a = U(wn(o.min, e, t.coords)) || Mn, s = U(wn(o.max, e, t.coords)) || zn; n.options = { endOnly: o.endOnly, inner: V({}, On.noInner), outer: V({}, On.noOuter) }, ? ( = r.bottom - a.height, = r.bottom - s.height) : i.bottom && (n.options.inner.bottom = + a.height, n.options.outer.bottom = + s.height), i.left ? (n.options.inner.left = r.right - a.width, n.options.outer.left = r.right - s.width) : i.right && (n.options.inner.right = r.left + a.width, n.options.outer.right = r.left + s.width), On.set(t), n.options = o } }, defaults: { min: null, max: null, endOnly: !1, enabled: !1 } }, "restrictSize"); var Rn = { start: function (t) { var e, n = t.interaction, r = t.interactable, i = t.element, o = t.rect, a = t.state, s = t.startOffset, c = a.options, l = c.offsetWithOrigin ? function (t) { var e = t.interaction.element, n = N(G(t.state.options.origin, null, null, [e])), r = n || K(t.interactable, e,; return r }(t) : { x: 0, y: 0 }; if ("startCoords" === c.offset) e = { x:, y: }; else { var u = G(c.offset, r, i, [n]); (e = N(u) || { x: 0, y: 0 }).x += l.x, e.y += l.y } var p = c.relativePoints; a.offsets = o && p && p.length ? (t, n) { return { index: n, relativePoint: t, x: s.left - o.width * t.x + e.x, y: - o.height * t.y + e.y } })) : [{ index: 0, relativePoint: null, x: e.x, y: e.y }] }, set: function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.coords, r = t.state, i = r.options, o = r.offsets, a = K(e.interactable, e.element,, s = V({}, n), c = []; i.offsetWithOrigin || (s.x -= a.x, s.y -= a.y); for (var l = 0, u = o; l < u.length; l++)for (var p = u[l], f = s.x - p.x, d = s.y - p.y, h = 0, v = i.targets.length; h < v; h++) { var g = i.targets[h], m = void 0; (m = w.func(g) ? g(f, d, e._proxy, p, h) : g) && c.push({ x: (w.number(m.x) ? m.x : f) + p.x, y: (w.number(m.y) ? m.y : d) + p.y, range: w.number(m.range) ? m.range : i.range, source: g, index: h, offset: p }) } for (var y = { target: null, inRange: !1, distance: 0, range: 0, delta: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, b = 0; b < c.length; b++) { var x = c[b], E = x.range, T = x.x - s.x, S = x.y - s.y, _ = Q(T, S), P = _ <= E; E === 1 / 0 && y.inRange && y.range !== 1 / 0 && (P = !1), && !(P ? y.inRange && E !== 1 / 0 ? _ / E < y.distance / y.range : E === 1 / 0 && y.range !== 1 / 0 || _ < y.distance : !y.inRange && _ < y.distance) || ( = x, y.distance = _, y.range = E, y.inRange = P, = T, = S) } return y.inRange && (n.x =, n.y =, r.closest = y, y }, defaults: { range: 1 / 0, targets: null, offset: null, offsetWithOrigin: !0, origin: null, relativePoints: null, endOnly: !1, enabled: !1 } }, Cn = be(Rn, "snap"); var jn = { start: function (t) { var e = t.state, n = t.edges, r = e.options; if (!n) return null; t.state = { options: { targets: null, relativePoints: [{ x: n.left ? 0 : 1, y: ? 0 : 1 }], offset: r.offset || "self", origin: { x: 0, y: 0 }, range: r.range } }, e.targetFields = e.targetFields || [["width", "height"], ["x", "y"]], Rn.start(t), e.offsets = t.state.offsets, t.state = e }, set: function (t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.state, r = t.coords, i = n.options, o = n.offsets, a = { x: r.x - o[0].x, y: r.y - o[0].y }; n.options = V({}, i), n.options.targets = []; for (var s = 0, c = i.targets || []; s < c.length; s++) { var l = c[s], u = void 0; if (u = w.func(l) ? l(a.x, a.y, e) : l) { for (var p = 0, f = n.targetFields; p < f.length; p++) { var d = f[p], h = d[0], v = d[1]; if (h in u || v in u) { u.x = u[h], u.y = u[v]; break } } n.options.targets.push(u) } } var g = Rn.set(t); return n.options = i, g }, defaults: { range: 1 / 0, targets: null, offset: null, endOnly: !1, enabled: !1 } }, Fn = be(jn, "snapSize"); var Xn = { aspectRatio: yn, restrictEdges: kn, restrict: Tn, restrictRect: In, restrictSize: An, snapEdges: be({ start: function (t) { var e = t.edges; return e ? (t.state.targetFields = t.state.targetFields || [[e.left ? "left" : "right", ? "top" : "bottom"]], jn.start(t)) : null }, set: jn.set, defaults: V(ge(jn.defaults), { targets: void 0, range: void 0, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 } }) }, "snapEdges"), snap: Cn, snapSize: Fn, spring: xn, avoid: xn, transform: xn, rubberband: xn }, Yn = { id: "modifiers", install: function (t) { var e = t.interactStatic; for (var n in t.usePlugin(Ee), t.usePlugin(hn), e.modifiers = Xn, Xn) { var r = Xn[n], i = r._defaults, o = r._methods; i._methods = o, t.defaults.perAction[n] = i } } }, Ln = Yn, qn = function (t) { s(n, t); var e = p(n); function n(t, i, o, a, s, c) { var l; if (r(this, n), tt(u(l =, s)), o), o !== i && tt(u(l), i), l.timeStamp = c, l.originalEvent = o, l.type = t, l.pointerId = at(i), l.pointerType = dt(i), = a, l.currentTarget = null, "tap" === t) { var p = s.getPointerIndex(i); l.dt = l.timeStamp - s.pointers[p].downTime; var f = l.timeStamp - s.tapTime; l.double = !!s.prevTap && "doubletap" !== s.prevTap.type && === && f < 500 } else "doubletap" === t && (l.dt = i.timeStamp - s.tapTime, l.double = !0); return l } return o(n, [{ key: "_subtractOrigin", value: function (t) { var e = t.x, n = t.y; return this.pageX -= e, this.pageY -= n, this.clientX -= e, this.clientY -= n, this } }, { key: "_addOrigin", value: function (t) { var e = t.x, n = t.y; return this.pageX += e, this.pageY += n, this.clientX += e, this.clientY += n, this } }, { key: "preventDefault", value: function () { this.originalEvent.preventDefault() } }]), n }(vt), Bn = { id: "pointer-events/base", before: ["inertia", "modifiers", "auto-start", "actions"], install: function (t) { t.pointerEvents = Bn, t.defaults.actions.pointerEvents = Bn.defaults, V(t.actions.phaselessTypes, Bn.types) }, listeners: { "interactions:new": function (t) { var e = t.interaction; e.prevTap = null, e.tapTime = 0 }, "interactions:update-pointer": function (t) { var e = t.down, n = t.pointerInfo; if (!e && n.hold) return; n.hold = { duration: 1 / 0, timeout: null } }, "interactions:move": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget; t.duplicate || n.pointerIsDown && !n.pointerWasMoved || (n.pointerIsDown && Gn(t), Vn({ interaction: n, pointer: r, event: i, eventTarget: o, type: "move" }, e)) }, "interactions:down": function (t, e) { !function (t, e) { for (var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget, a = t.pointerIndex, s = n.pointers[a].hold, c = q(o), l = { interaction: n, pointer: r, event: i, eventTarget: o, type: "hold", targets: [], path: c, node: null }, u = 0; u < c.length; u++) { var p = c[u]; l.node = p,"pointerEvents:collect-targets", l) } if (!l.targets.length) return; for (var f = 1 / 0, d = 0, h = l.targets; d < h.length; d++) { var v = h[d].eventable.options.holdDuration; v < f && (f = v) } s.duration = f, s.timeout = setTimeout((function () { Vn({ interaction: n, eventTarget: o, pointer: r, event: i, type: "hold" }, e) }), f) }(t, e), Vn(t, e) }, "interactions:up": function (t, e) { Gn(t), Vn(t, e), function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget; n.pointerWasMoved || Vn({ interaction: n, eventTarget: o, pointer: r, event: i, type: "tap" }, e) }(t, e) }, "interactions:cancel": function (t, e) { Gn(t), Vn(t, e) } }, PointerEvent: qn, fire: Vn, collectEventTargets: Wn, defaults: { holdDuration: 600, ignoreFrom: null, allowFrom: null, origin: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, types: { down: !0, move: !0, up: !0, cancel: !0, tap: !0, doubletap: !0, hold: !0 } }; function Vn(t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget, a = t.type, s = t.targets, c = void 0 === s ? Wn(t, e) : s, l = new qn(a, r, i, o, n,;"pointerEvents:new", { pointerEvent: l }); for (var u = { interaction: n, pointer: r, event: i, eventTarget: o, targets: c, type: a, pointerEvent: l }, p = 0; p < c.length; p++) { var f = c[p]; for (var d in f.props || {}) l[d] = f.props[d]; var h = K(f.eventable, f.node); if (l._subtractOrigin(h), l.eventable = f.eventable, l.currentTarget = f.node,, l._addOrigin(h), l.immediatePropagationStopped || l.propagationStopped && p + 1 < c.length && c[p + 1].node !== l.currentTarget) break } if ("pointerEvents:fired", u), "tap" === a) { var v = l.double ? Vn({ interaction: n, pointer: r, event: i, eventTarget: o, type: "doubletap" }, e) : l; n.prevTap = v, n.tapTime = v.timeStamp } return l } function Wn(t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointer, i = t.event, o = t.eventTarget, a = t.type, s = n.getPointerIndex(r), c = n.pointers[s]; if ("tap" === a && (n.pointerWasMoved || !c || c.downTarget !== o)) return []; for (var l = q(o), u = { interaction: n, pointer: r, event: i, eventTarget: o, type: a, path: l, targets: [], node: null }, p = 0; p < l.length; p++) { var f = l[p]; u.node = f,"pointerEvents:collect-targets", u) } return "hold" === a && (u.targets = u.targets.filter((function (t) { var e, r; return t.eventable.options.holdDuration === (null == (e = n.pointers[s]) || null == (r = e.hold) ? void 0 : r.duration) }))), u.targets } function Gn(t) { var e = t.interaction, n = t.pointerIndex, r = e.pointers[n].hold; r && r.timeout && (clearTimeout(r.timeout), r.timeout = null) } var Nn = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: Bn }); function Un(t) { var e = t.interaction; e.holdIntervalHandle && (clearInterval(e.holdIntervalHandle), e.holdIntervalHandle = null) } var Hn = { id: "pointer-events/holdRepeat", install: function (t) { t.usePlugin(Bn); var e = t.pointerEvents; e.defaults.holdRepeatInterval = 0, e.types.holdrepeat = t.actions.phaselessTypes.holdrepeat = !0 }, listeners: ["move", "up", "cancel", "endall"].reduce((function (t, e) { return t["pointerEvents:".concat(e)] = Un, t }), { "pointerEvents:new": function (t) { var e = t.pointerEvent; "hold" === e.type && (e.count = (e.count || 0) + 1) }, "pointerEvents:fired": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction, r = t.pointerEvent, i = t.eventTarget, o = t.targets; if ("hold" === r.type && o.length) { var a = o[0].eventable.options.holdRepeatInterval; a <= 0 || (n.holdIntervalHandle = setTimeout((function () {{ interaction: n, eventTarget: i, type: "hold", pointer: r, event: r }, e) }), a)) } } }) }, Kn = Hn; var $n = { id: "pointer-events/interactableTargets", install: function (t) { var e = t.Interactable; e.prototype.pointerEvents = function (t) { return V(, t), this }; var n = e.prototype._backCompatOption; e.prototype._backCompatOption = function (t, e) { var r =, t, e); return r === this && ([t] = e), r } }, listeners: { "pointerEvents:collect-targets": function (t, e) { var n = t.targets, r = t.node, i = t.type, o = t.eventTarget; e.interactables.forEachMatch(r, (function (t) { var e =, a = e.options; e.types[i] && e.types[i].length && t.testIgnoreAllow(a, r, o) && n.push({ node: r, eventable: e, props: { interactable: t } }) })) }, "interactable:new": function (t) { var e = t.interactable; = function (t) { return e.getRect(t) } }, "interactable:set": function (t, e) { var n = t.interactable, r = t.options; V(, e.pointerEvents.defaults), V(, r.pointerEvents || {}) } } }, Jn = $n, Qn = { id: "pointer-events", install: function (t) { t.usePlugin(Nn), t.usePlugin(Kn), t.usePlugin(Jn) } }, Zn = Qn; var tr = { id: "reflow", install: function (t) { var e = t.Interactable; t.actions.phases.reflow = !0, e.prototype.reflow = function (e) { return function (t, e, n) { for (var r = t.getAllElements(), i = n.window.Promise, o = i ? [] : null, a = function () { var a = r[s], c = t.getRect(a); if (!c) return 1; var l, u = bt(n.interactions.list, (function (n) { return n.interacting() && n.interactable === t && n.element === a && === })); if (u) u.move(), o && (l = u._reflowPromise || new i((function (t) { u._reflowResolve = t }))); else { var p = U(c), f = function (t) { return { coords: t, get page() { return }, get client() { return this.coords.client }, get timeStamp() { return this.coords.timeStamp }, get pageX() { return }, get pageY() { return }, get clientX() { return this.coords.client.x }, get clientY() { return this.coords.client.y }, get pointerId() { return this.coords.pointerId }, get target() { return }, get type() { return this.coords.type }, get pointerType() { return this.coords.pointerType }, get buttons() { return this.coords.buttons }, preventDefault: function () { } } }({ page: { x: p.x, y: p.y }, client: { x: p.x, y: p.y }, timeStamp: }); l = function (t, e, n, r, i) { var o ={ pointerType: "reflow" }), a = { interaction: o, event: i, pointer: i, eventTarget: n, phase: "reflow" }; o.interactable = e, o.element = n, o.prevEvent = i, o.updatePointer(i, i, n, !0), nt(, Ut(o.prepared, r), o._doPhase(a); var s = t.window, c = s.Promise, l = c ? new c((function (t) { o._reflowResolve = t })) : void 0; o._reflowPromise = l, o.start(r, e, n), o._interacting ? (o.move(a), o.end(i)) : (o.stop(), o._reflowResolve()); return o.removePointer(i, i), l }(n, t, a, e, f) } o && o.push(l) }, s = 0; s < r.length && !a(); s++); return o && i.all(o).then((function () { return t })) }(this, e, t) } }, listeners: { "interactions:stop": function (t, e) { var n = t.interaction; "reflow" === n.pointerType && (n._reflowResolve && n._reflowResolve(), function (t, e) { t.splice(t.indexOf(e), 1) }(e.interactions.list, n)) } } }, er = tr; if (un.use(he), un.use(Ce), un.use(Zn), un.use(qe), un.use(Ln), un.use(pe), un.use(Xt), un.use(Gt), un.use(er), un.default = un, "object" === ("undefined" == typeof module ? "undefined" : n(module)) && module) try { module.exports = un } catch (t) { } return un.default = un, un }));