Custom theme for Pléiade dashboard project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
6.1 KiB

* @file
* Theme override to display a single page.
* The doctype, html, head and body tags are not in this template. Instead they
* can be found in the html.html.twig template in this directory.
* Available variables:
* General utility variables:
* - base_path: The base URL path of the Drupal installation. Will usually be
* "/" unless you have installed Drupal in a sub-directory.
* - is_front: A flag indicating if the current page is the front page.
* - logged_in: A flag indicating if the user is registered and signed in.
* - is_admin: A flag indicating if the user has permission to access
* administration pages.
* Site identity:
* - front_page: The URL of the front page. Use this instead of base_path when
* linking to the front page. This includes the language domain or prefix.
* Page content (in order of occurrence in the default page.html.twig):
* - node: Fully loaded node, if there is an automatically-loaded node
* associated with the page and the node ID is the second argument in the
* page's path (e.g. node/12345 and node/12345/revisions, but not
* comment/reply/12345).
* Regions:
* - page.header: Items for the header region.
* - page.primary_menu: Items for the primary menu region.
* - page.secondary_menu: Items for the secondary menu region.
* - page.highlighted: Items for the highlighted content region.
* - Dynamic help text, mostly for admin pages.
* - page.content: The main content of the current page.
* - page.sidebar_first: Items for the first sidebar.
* - page.sidebar_second: Items for the second sidebar.
* - page.footer: Items for the footer region.
* - page.breadcrumb: Items for the breadcrumb region.
* @see template_preprocess_page()
* @see html.html.twig
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Topbar header - style you can find in pages.scss -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
{% include '@pleiadebv/templates/layout/parts/header.html.twig' %}
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- End Topbar header -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Left Sidebar - style you can find in sidebar.scss -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
{% include '@pleiadebv/templates/layout/parts/left-sidebar.html.twig' %}
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- End Left Sidebar - style you can find in sidebar.scss -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Page wrapper -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<div class="page-wrapper" >
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Bread crumb and right sidebar toggle -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Géré par le block breadcrumbs natif Drupal + module Easy Breadcrumbs -->
<div class="page-breadcrumb">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 align-self-center">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
{# <nav aria-label="breadcrumb"> #}
{{ page.breadcrumb }}
{# </nav> #}
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- End Bread crumb and right sidebar toggle -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Container fluid -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<div class="container-fluid">
404 page
.page_404 img{
background-image: url(;
height: 400px;
background-position: center;
.four_zero_four_bg h1{
.four_zero_four_bg h3{
color: #fff!important;
padding: 10px 20px;
background: #1f3889;
margin: 20px 0;
display: inline-block;
<section class="page_404">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 ">
<div class="col-sm-offset-1 text-center">
<div class="four_zero_four_bg">
<h1 class="text-center ">404</h1>
<div class="contant_box_404">
<h3 class="h2">
Vous êtes perdu ?
<p>La page que vous demandez n'as pas été trouvé ...</p>
<a href="/node" class="link_404">Retour à l'accueil</a>
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- End Container fluid -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- footer -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
{% include '@pleiadebv/templates/layout/parts/footer.html.twig' %}
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- End footer -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- End Page wrapper -->
<!-- ============================================================== -->