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# Authors
- AW-UC <git@a-wesemann.de>
- Aaron Ball <nullspoon@oper.io>
- Aaron Wood <aaronjwood@gmail.com>
- Abijeet <abijeetpatro@gmail.com>
- Adam Blakey <adam@blakey.family>
- Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>
- Administrator "Administrator@WINDOWS-2012"
- Adrian Brzezinski <adrian.brzezinski@eo.pl>
- Akhil <akhil.potukuchi@gmail.com>
- Akhil <akhil@e.email>
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- Alan Meeson <alan@carefullycalculated.co.uk>
- Aldo "xoen" Giambelluca <xoen@xoen.org>
- Alecks Gates <alecks.g@gmail.com>
- Alejandro Varela <epma01@gmail.com>
- Alexander A. Klimov <grandmaster@al2klimov.de>
- Alexandre Salomé <alexandre.salome@gmail.com>
- Alex Harpin <development@landsofshadow.co.uk>
- Alex Weirig <alex.weirig@technolink.lu>
- Alexander Bergolth <leo@strike.wu.ac.at>
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- Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>
- Anderson Luiz Alves <alacn1@gmail.com>
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- Andrew Brown <andrew@casabrown.com>
- Andrey Borysenko <andrey.borysenko@nextcloud.com>
- André Gaul <gaul@web-yard.de>
- Andy Xheli <axheli@axtsolutions.com>
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- Artur Neumann <info@individual-it.net>
- Ashod Nakashian <ashod.nakashian@collabora.co.uk>
- Asier Iturralde Sarasola <asier.iturralde@gmail.com>
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- Azul <azul@riseup.net>
- Bart Visscher <bartv@thisnet.nl>
- Bartek Przybylski <bart.p.pl@gmail.com>
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- Benjamin Diele <benjamin@diele.be>
- Benjamin Gaussorgues <benjamin.gaussorgues@nextcloud.com>
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