* ownCloud
* @author Dominik Schmidt
* @author Artuhr Schiwon
* @copyright 2011 Dominik Schmidt dev@dominik-schmidt.de
* @copyright 2012 Arthur Schiwon blizzz@owncloud.com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace OCA\user_ldap;
class USER_LDAP extends lib\Access implements \OCP\UserInterface {
private function updateQuota($dn) {
$quota = null;
$quotaDefault = $this->connection->ldapQuotaDefault;
$quotaAttribute = $this->connection->ldapQuotaAttribute;
if(!empty($quotaDefault)) {
$quota = $quotaDefault;
if(!empty($quotaAttribute)) {
$aQuota = $this->readAttribute($dn, $quotaAttribute);
if($aQuota && (count($aQuota) > 0)) {
$quota = $aQuota[0];
if(!is_null($quota)) {
\OCP\Config::setUserValue($this->dn2username($dn), 'files', 'quota', \OCP\Util::computerFileSize($quota));
private function updateEmail($dn) {
$email = null;
$emailAttribute = $this->connection->ldapEmailAttribute;
if(!empty($emailAttribute)) {
$aEmail = $this->readAttribute($dn, $emailAttribute);
if($aEmail && (count($aEmail) > 0)) {
$email = $aEmail[0];
if(!is_null($email)) {
\OCP\Config::setUserValue($this->dn2username($dn), 'settings', 'email', $email);
* @brief Check if the password is correct
* @param $uid The username
* @param $password The password
* @returns true/false
* Check if the password is correct without logging in the user
public function checkPassword($uid, $password) {
//find out dn of the user name
$filter = \OCP\Util::mb_str_replace('%uid', $uid, $this->connection->ldapLoginFilter, 'UTF-8');
$ldap_users = $this->fetchListOfUsers($filter, 'dn');
if(count($ldap_users) < 1) {
return false;
$dn = $ldap_users[0];
//are the credentials OK?
if(!$this->areCredentialsValid($dn, $password)) {
return false;
//do we have a username for him/her?
$ocname = $this->dn2username($dn);
if($ocname) {
//update some settings, if necessary
//give back the display name
return $ocname;
return false;
* @brief Get a list of all users
* @returns array with all uids
* Get a list of all users.
public function getUsers($search = '', $limit = 10, $offset = 0) {
$cachekey = 'getUsers-'.$search.'-'.$limit.'-'.$offset;
//check if users are cached, if so return
$ldap_users = $this->connection->getFromCache($cachekey);
if(!is_null($ldap_users)) {
return $ldap_users;
// if we'd pass -1 to LDAP search, we'd end up in a Protocol error. With a limit of 0, we get 0 results. So we pass null.
if($limit <= 0) {
$limit = null;
$search = empty($search) ? '*' : '*'.$search.'*';
$filter = $this->combineFilterWithAnd(array(
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'getUsers: Options: search '.$search.' limit '.$limit.' offset '.$offset.' Filter: '.$filter, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
//do the search and translate results to owncloud names
$ldap_users = $this->fetchListOfUsers($filter, array($this->connection->ldapUserDisplayName, 'dn'), $limit, $offset);
$ldap_users = $this->ownCloudUserNames($ldap_users);
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'getUsers: '.count($ldap_users). ' Users found', \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
$this->connection->writeToCache($cachekey, $ldap_users);
return $ldap_users;
* @brief check if a user exists
* @param string $uid the username
* @return boolean
public function userExists($uid) {
if($this->connection->isCached('userExists'.$uid)) {
return $this->connection->getFromCache('userExists'.$uid);
//getting dn, if false the user does not exist. If dn, he may be mapped only, requires more checking.
$dn = $this->username2dn($uid);
if(!$dn) {
$this->connection->writeToCache('userExists'.$uid, false);
return false;
//check if user really still exists by reading its entry
if(!$this->readAttribute($dn, '') ) {
$this->connection->writeToCache('userExists'.$uid, false);
return false;
$this->connection->writeToCache('userExists'.$uid, true);
return true;
* @brief delete a user
* @param $uid The username of the user to delete
* @returns true/false
* Deletes a user
public function deleteUser($uid) {
return false;
* @brief determine the user's home directory
* @param string $uid the owncloud username
* @return boolean
private function determineHomeDir($uid) {
if(strpos($this->connection->homeFolderNamingRule, 'attr:') === 0) {
$attr = substr($this->connection->homeFolderNamingRule, strlen('attr:'));
$homedir = $this->readAttribute($this->username2dn($uid), $attr);
if($homedir) {
$homedir = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue( "datadirectory", \OC::$SERVERROOT."/data" ) . '/' . $homedir[0];
\OCP\Config::setUserValue($uid, 'user_ldap', 'homedir', $homedir);
return $homedir;
//fallback and default: username
$homedir = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue( "datadirectory", \OC::$SERVERROOT."/data" ) . '/' . $uid;
\OCP\Config::setUserValue($uid, 'user_ldap', 'homedir', $homedir);
return $homedir;
* @brief get the user's home directory
* @param string $uid the username
* @return boolean
public function getHome($uid) {
if($this->userExists($uid)) {
$homedir = \OCP\Config::getUserValue($uid, 'user_ldap', 'homedir', false);
if(!$homedir) {
$homedir = $this->determineHomeDir($uid);
return $homedir;
return false;
* @brief Check if backend implements actions
* @param $actions bitwise-or'ed actions
* @returns boolean
* Returns the supported actions as int to be
* compared with OC_USER_BACKEND_CREATE_USER etc.
public function implementsActions($actions) {