You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

668 lines
16 KiB

# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# <>, 2012.
# Peter Peroša <>, 2012.
# <>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-13 19:52+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-13 17:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: icewind <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3)\n"
#: ajax/activation.php:19 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:32
msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook."
msgstr "Napaka med (de)aktivacijo imenika."
#: ajax/addcontact.php:59
msgid "There was an error adding the contact."
msgstr "Med dodajanjem stika je prišlo do napake"
#: ajax/addproperty.php:40
msgid "Cannot add empty property."
msgstr "Ne morem dodati prazne lastnosti."
#: ajax/addproperty.php:52
msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out."
msgstr "Vsaj eno izmed polj je še potrebno izpolniti."
#: ajax/addproperty.php:62
msgid "Trying to add duplicate property: "
msgstr "Poskušam dodati podvojeno lastnost:"
#: ajax/addproperty.php:120
msgid "Error adding contact property."
msgstr "Napaka pri dodajanju informacije o stiku."
#: ajax/categories/categoriesfor.php:15
msgid "No ID provided"
msgstr "ID ni bil podan"
#: ajax/categories/categoriesfor.php:27
msgid "Error setting checksum."
msgstr "Napaka pri nastavljanju nadzorne vsote."
#: ajax/categories/delete.php:29
msgid "No categories selected for deletion."
msgstr "Nobena kategorija ni bila izbrana za izbris."
#: ajax/categories/delete.php:36 ajax/categories/rescan.php:28
msgid "No address books found."
msgstr "Ni bilo najdenih imenikov."
#: ajax/categories/delete.php:44 ajax/categories/rescan.php:36
msgid "No contacts found."
msgstr "Ni bilo najdenih stikov."
#: ajax/contactdetails.php:37
msgid "Missing ID"
msgstr "Manjkajoč ID"
#: ajax/contactdetails.php:41
msgid "Error parsing VCard for ID: \""
msgstr "Napaka pri razčlenjevanju VCard za ID: \""
#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:18
msgid "Cannot add addressbook with an empty name."
msgstr "Ne morem dodati imenika s praznim imenom."
#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:24
msgid "Error adding addressbook."
msgstr "Napaka pri dodajanju imenika."
#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:30
msgid "Error activating addressbook."
msgstr "Napaka pri aktiviranju imenika."
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:40 ajax/oc_photo.php:40
msgid "No contact ID was submitted."
msgstr "ID stika ni bil poslan."
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:47 ajax/oc_photo.php:57 ajax/oc_photo.php:60
msgid "Error loading image."
msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju slike."
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:51
msgid "Error reading contact photo."
msgstr "Napaka pri branju slike stika."
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:61
msgid "Error saving temporary file."
msgstr "Napaka pri shranjevanju začasne datoteke."
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:64
msgid "The loading photo is not valid."
msgstr "Slika, ki se nalaga ni veljavna."
#: ajax/deletecard.php:37 ajax/saveproperty.php:58
msgid "id is not set."
msgstr "id ni nastavljen."
#: ajax/deleteproperty.php:36
msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page."
msgstr "Informacije o vCard niso pravilne. Prosimo, če ponovno naložite stran."
#: ajax/deleteproperty.php:43
msgid "Error deleting contact property."
msgstr "Napaka pri brisanju lastnosti stika."
#: ajax/editname.php:37
msgid "Contact ID is missing."
msgstr "Manjka ID stika."
#: ajax/loadphoto.php:44
msgid "Missing contact id."
msgstr "Manjka id stika."
#: ajax/oc_photo.php:44
msgid "No photo path was submitted."
msgstr "Pot slike ni bila poslana."
#: ajax/oc_photo.php:51
msgid "File doesn't exist:"
msgstr "Datoteka ne obstaja:"
#: ajax/saveproperty.php:55
msgid "element name is not set."
msgstr "ime elementa ni nastavljeno."
#: ajax/saveproperty.php:61
msgid "checksum is not set."
msgstr "nadzorna vsota ni nastavljena."
#: ajax/saveproperty.php:78
msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page: "
msgstr "Informacija o vCard je napačna. Prosimo, če ponovno naložite stran: "
#: ajax/saveproperty.php:83
msgid "Something went FUBAR. "
msgstr "Nekaj je šlo v franže. "
#: ajax/saveproperty.php:153
msgid "Error updating contact property."
msgstr "Napaka pri posodabljanju lastnosti stika."
#: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20
msgid "Cannot update addressbook with an empty name."
msgstr "Ne morem posodobiti imenika s praznim imenom."
#: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26
msgid "Error updating addressbook."
msgstr "Napaka pri posodabljanju imenika."
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:46 ajax/uploadimport.php:76
msgid "Error uploading contacts to storage."
msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju stikov v hrambo."
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:59 ajax/uploadphoto.php:85
msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success"
msgstr "Datoteka je bila uspešno naložena."
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:60 ajax/uploadphoto.php:86
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"
msgstr "Naložena datoteka presega velikost, ki jo določa parameter upload_max_filesize v datoteki php.ini"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:61 ajax/uploadphoto.php:87
msgid ""
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
"the HTML form"
msgstr "Naložena datoteka presega velikost, ki jo določa parameter MAX_FILE_SIZE v HTML obrazcu"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:62 ajax/uploadphoto.php:88
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"
msgstr "Datoteka je bila le delno naložena"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:63 ajax/uploadphoto.php:89
msgid "No file was uploaded"
msgstr "Nobena datoteka ni bila naložena"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:64 ajax/uploadphoto.php:90
msgid "Missing a temporary folder"
msgstr "Manjka začasna mapa"
#: appinfo/app.php:22 templates/settings.php:3
msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "Stiki"
#: lib/app.php:23
msgid "Addressbook not found."
msgstr "Imenik ni bil najden."
#: lib/app.php:27
msgid "This is not your addressbook."
msgstr "To ni vaš imenik."
#: lib/app.php:38
msgid "Contact could not be found."
msgstr "Stika ni bilo mogoče najti."
#: lib/app.php:94 templates/
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Naslov"
#: lib/app.php:95
msgid "Telephone"
msgstr "Telefon"
#: lib/app.php:96 templates/
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-pošta"
#: lib/app.php:97 templates/ templates/
#: templates/
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Organizacija"
#: lib/app.php:109 lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:126
msgid "Work"
msgstr "Delo"
#: lib/app.php:110 lib/app.php:114 lib/app.php:127
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Doma"
#: lib/app.php:115
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Mobilni telefon"
#: lib/app.php:117
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Besedilo"
#: lib/app.php:118
msgid "Voice"
msgstr "Glas"
#: lib/app.php:119
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Sporočilo"
#: lib/app.php:120
msgid "Fax"
msgstr "Faks"
#: lib/app.php:121
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"
#: lib/app.php:122
msgid "Pager"
msgstr "Pozivnik"
#: lib/app.php:128
msgid "Internet"
msgstr "Internet"
#: lib/hooks.php:79
msgid "{name}'s Birthday"
msgstr "{name} - rojstni dan"
#: lib/search.php:22
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Stik"
#: templates/index.php:13
msgid "Add Contact"
msgstr "Dodaj stik"
#: templates/index.php:14
msgid "Addressbooks"
msgstr "Imeniki"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1
msgid "Configure Address Books"
msgstr "Nastavi imenike"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16
msgid "New Address Book"
msgstr "Nov imenik"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:17
msgid "Import from VCF"
msgstr "Uvozi iz VCF"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:22
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:8
msgid "CardDav Link"
msgstr "CardDav povezava"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:11
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Prenesi"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:14
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Uredi"
#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:17
#: templates/ templates/
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izbriši"
#: templates/
msgid "Download contact"
msgstr "Prenesi stik"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete contact"
msgstr "Izbriši stik"
#: templates/
msgid "Drop photo to upload"
msgstr "Spustite sliko tukaj, da bi jo naložili"
#: templates/
msgid "Format custom, Short name, Full name, Reverse or Reverse with comma"
msgstr "Format po meri, Kratko ime, Polno ime, Obratno ali Obratno z vejico"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit name details"
msgstr "Uredite podrobnosti imena"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Vzdevek"
#: templates/
msgid "Enter nickname"
msgstr "Vnesite vzdevek"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Birthday"
msgstr "Rojstni dan"
#: templates/
msgid "dd-mm-yyyy"
msgstr "dd. mm. yyyy"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Skupine"
#: templates/
msgid "Separate groups with commas"
msgstr "Skupine ločite z vejicami"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit groups"
msgstr "Uredi skupine"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Preferred"
msgstr "Prednosten"
#: templates/
msgid "Please specify a valid email address."
msgstr "Prosimo, če navedete veljaven e-poštni naslov."
#: templates/
msgid "Enter email address"
msgstr "Vnesite e-poštni naslov"
#: templates/
msgid "Mail to address"
msgstr "E-pošta naslovnika"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete email address"
msgstr "Izbriši e-poštni naslov"
#: templates/
msgid "Enter phone number"
msgstr "Vpiši telefonsko številko"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete phone number"
msgstr "Izbriši telefonsko številko"
#: templates/
msgid "View on map"
msgstr "Prikaz na zemljevidu"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit address details"
msgstr "Uredi podrobnosti"
#: templates/
msgid "Add notes here."
msgstr "Opombe dodajte tukaj."
#: templates/
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Dodaj polje"
#: templates/
msgid "Profile picture"
msgstr "Slika profila"
#: templates/
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefon"
#: templates/
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Opomba"
#: templates/part.contactphoto.php:8
msgid "Delete current photo"
msgstr "Izbriši trenutno sliko"
#: templates/part.contactphoto.php:9
msgid "Edit current photo"
msgstr "Uredi trenutno sliko"
#: templates/part.contactphoto.php:10
msgid "Upload new photo"
msgstr "Naloži novo sliko"
#: templates/part.contactphoto.php:11
msgid "Select photo from ownCloud"
msgstr "Izberi sliko iz ownCloud"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:9
msgid "Edit address"
msgstr "Uredi naslov"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:14
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Vrsta"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:22
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:25
msgid "PO Box"
msgstr "Poštni predal"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:29
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:32
msgid "Extended"
msgstr "Razširjeno"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:35
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:38
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Ulica"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:41
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:44
msgid "City"
msgstr "Mesto"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:47
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:50
msgid "Region"
msgstr "Regija"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:53
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:56
msgid "Zipcode"
msgstr "Poštna št."
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:59
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:62
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Dežela"
#: templates/part.edit_categories_dialog.php:4
msgid "Edit categories"
msgstr "Uredi kategorije"
#: templates/part.edit_categories_dialog.php:14
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:16
msgid "Addressbook"
msgstr "Imenik"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:23
msgid "Hon. prefixes"
msgstr "Predpone"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:27
msgid "Miss"
msgstr "gdč."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:28
msgid "Ms"
msgstr "ga."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:29
msgid "Mr"
msgstr "g."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:30
msgid "Sir"
msgstr "g."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:31
msgid "Mrs"
msgstr "ga."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:32
msgid "Dr"
msgstr "dr."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:35
msgid "Given name"
msgstr "Ime"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:37
msgid "Additional names"
msgstr "Dodatna imena"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:39
msgid "Family name"
msgstr "Priimek"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:41
msgid "Hon. suffixes"
msgstr "Pripone"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:45
msgid "J.D."
msgstr "univ. dipl. prav."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:46
msgid "M.D."
msgstr "dr. med."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:47
msgid "D.O."
msgstr "dr. med., spec. spl. med."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:48
msgid "D.C."
msgstr "dr. med., spec. kiropraktike"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:49
msgid "Ph.D."
msgstr "dr."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:50
msgid "Esq."
msgstr "Esq."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:51
msgid "Jr."
msgstr "mlajši"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:52
msgid "Sn."
msgstr "starejši"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9
msgid "New Addressbook"
msgstr "Nov imenik"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9
msgid "Edit Addressbook"
msgstr "Uredi imenik"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12
msgid "Displayname"
msgstr "Ime za prikaz"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktiven"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Shrani"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Potrdi"
#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30
#: templates/part.importaddressbook.php:28
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Prekliči"
#: templates/part.import.php:1
msgid "Import a contacts file"
msgstr "Uvozi datoteko s stiki"
#: templates/part.import.php:6
msgid "Please choose the addressbook"
msgstr "Prosimo, če izberete imenik"
#: templates/part.import.php:10
msgid "create a new addressbook"
msgstr "Ustvari nov imenik"
#: templates/part.import.php:15
msgid "Name of new addressbook"
msgstr "Ime novega imenika"
#: templates/part.import.php:17
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Uvozi"
#: templates/part.import.php:20
msgid "Importing contacts"
msgstr "Uvažam stike"
#: templates/part.import.php:23
msgid "Contacts imported successfully"
msgstr "Stiki so bili uspešno uvoženi"
#: templates/part.import.php:24
msgid "Close Dialog"
msgstr "Zapri dialog"
#: templates/part.importaddressbook.php:9
msgid "Import Addressbook"
msgstr "Uvozi imenik"
#: templates/part.importaddressbook.php:12
msgid "Select address book to import to:"
msgstr "Izberite imenik v katerega boste uvažali:"
#: templates/part.importaddressbook.php:20
msgid "Drop a VCF file to import contacts."
msgstr "Za uvoz stikov spustite VCF datoteko tukaj."
#: templates/part.importaddressbook.php:21
msgid "Select from HD"
msgstr "Izberi iz HD"
#: templates/part.no_contacts.php:2
msgid "You have no contacts in your addressbook."
msgstr "V vašem imeniku ni stikov."
#: templates/part.no_contacts.php:4
msgid "Add contact"
msgstr "Dodaj stik"
#: templates/part.no_contacts.php:5
msgid "Configure addressbooks"
msgstr "Nastavi imenike"
#: templates/settings.php:4
msgid "CardDAV syncing addresses"
msgstr "CardDAV naslovi za sinhronizacijo"
#: templates/settings.php:4
msgid "more info"
msgstr "več informacij"
#: templates/settings.php:6
msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
msgstr "Primarni naslov (za kontakt et al)"
#: templates/settings.php:8
msgid "iOS/OS X"
msgstr "iOS/OS X"