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// only need filesystem apps
// Init owncloud
13 years ago
// Load the files
$dir = isset( $_GET['dir'] ) ? $_GET['dir'] : '';
$mimetype = isset($_GET['mimetype']) ? $_GET['mimetype'] : '';
// make filelist
$files = array();
foreach( OC_Files::getdirectorycontent( $dir, $mimetype ) as $i ){
13 years ago
$i["date"] = OCP\Util::formatDate($i["mtime"] );
$i['mimetype_icon'] = $i['type'] == 'dir' ? OCP\mimetype_icon('dir'): OCP\mimetype_icon($i['mimetype']);
$files[] = $i;
13 years ago
OCP\JSON::success(array('data' => $files));