<?php /**
* Copyright (c) 2011, Robin Appelman < icewind1991 @ gmail . com >
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
< div id = "controls" >
< a class = "button" target = "_blank" href = "http://owncloud.org/dev/writing-apps/" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Add your App' ); ?> </ a >
< / div >
< ul id = "leftcontent" >
<?php foreach ( $_ [ 'apps' ] as $app ) : ?>
< li <?php if ( $app [ 'active' ]) echo 'class="active"' ?> data-id = " <?php echo $app [ 'id' ] ?> " >
< a href = "?appid= <?php echo $app [ 'id' ] ?> " > <?php echo $app [ 'name' ] ?> </ a >
< span class = "hidden" >
<?php OC_JSON :: encodedPrint ( $app , false ) ?>
< / span >
<?php if ( ! $app [ 'internal' ]) echo '<small class="externalapp">3rd party</small>' ?>
< / li >
<?php endforeach ; ?>
< / ul >
< div id = "rightcontent" >
< h3 >< strong >< span class = "name" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Select an App' ); ?> </ span ></ strong >< span class = "version" ></ span >< small class = "externalapp" style = "visibility:hidden;" ></ small ></ h3 >
< p class = "description" > < / p >
< img src = "" class = "preview" / >
< p class = "hidden" >< span class = "licence" ></ span > <?php echo $l -> t ( '-licensed' ); ?> <?php echo $l -> t ( 'by' ); ?> < span class = "author" ></ span ></ p >
< input class = "enable hidden" type = "submit" / >
< / div >