You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
220 lines
4.8 KiB
220 lines
4.8 KiB
13 years ago
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-27 02:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-27 00:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: owncloud_robot <>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2)\n"
#: ajax/lostpassword.php:14
msgid "Email saved"
msgstr "Epasts tika saglabāts"
#: ajax/lostpassword.php:16
msgid "Invalid email"
msgstr "Nepareizs epasts"
#: ajax/openid.php:16
msgid "OpenID Changed"
msgstr "OpenID nomainīts"
#: ajax/openid.php:18 ajax/setlanguage.php:20 ajax/setlanguage.php:23
msgid "Invalid request"
msgstr "Nepareizs vaicājums"
#: ajax/removeuser.php:13 ajax/setquota.php:18 ajax/togglegroups.php:18
msgid "Authentication error"
msgstr ""
#: ajax/setlanguage.php:18
msgid "Language changed"
msgstr "Valoda tika nomainīta"
#: js/apps.js:31 js/apps.js:67
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Atvienot"
#: js/apps.js:31 js/apps.js:54
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Pievienot"
#: js/personal.js:69
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Saglabā..."
#: personal.php:46 personal.php:47
msgid "__language_name__"
msgstr "__valodas_nosaukums__"
#: templates/admin.php:14
msgid "Security Warning"
msgstr "Brīdinājums par drošību"
#: templates/admin.php:28
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Log"
#: templates/admin.php:55
msgid "More"
msgstr "Vairāk"
#: templates/apps.php:10
msgid "Add your App"
msgstr "Pievieno savu aplikāciju"
#: templates/apps.php:24
msgid "Select an App"
msgstr "Izvēlies aplikāciju"
#: templates/apps.php:27
msgid "See application page at"
msgstr "Apskatie aplikāciju lapu -"
#: templates/apps.php:28
msgid "-licensed"
msgstr "licenzēts"
#: templates/apps.php:28
msgid "by"
msgstr "no"
#: templates/help.php:8
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentācija"
#: templates/help.php:9
msgid "Managing Big Files"
msgstr "Rīkoties ar apjomīgiem failiem"
#: templates/help.php:10
msgid "Ask a question"
msgstr "Uzdod jautajumu"
#: templates/help.php:22
msgid "Problems connecting to help database."
msgstr "Problēmas ar datubāzes savienojumu"
#: templates/help.php:23
msgid "Go there manually."
msgstr "Nokļūt tur pašrocīgi"
#: templates/help.php:31
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Atbildēt"
#: templates/personal.php:8
msgid "You use"
msgstr "Jūs iymantojat"
#: templates/personal.php:8
msgid "of the available"
msgstr "no pieejamajiem"
#: templates/personal.php:12
msgid "Desktop and Mobile Syncing Clients"
msgstr "Desktop un mobīlo ierīču sinhronizācijas rīks"
#: templates/personal.php:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Lejuplādēt"
#: templates/personal.php:19
msgid "Your password got changed"
msgstr "Jūsu parole tika nomainīta"
#: templates/personal.php:20
msgid "Unable to change your password"
msgstr "Nav iespējams nomainīt jūsu paroli"
#: templates/personal.php:21
msgid "Current password"
msgstr "Pašreizējā parole"
#: templates/personal.php:22
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Jauna parole"
#: templates/personal.php:23
msgid "show"
msgstr "parādīt"
#: templates/personal.php:24
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Nomainīt paroli"
#: templates/personal.php:30
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Epasts"
#: templates/personal.php:31
msgid "Your email address"
msgstr "Jūsu epasta adrese"
#: templates/personal.php:32
msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery"
msgstr "Ievadiet epasta adresi, lai vēlak būtu iespēja atgūt paroli, ja būs nepieciešamība"
#: templates/personal.php:38 templates/personal.php:39
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Valoda"
#: templates/personal.php:44
msgid "Help translate"
msgstr "Palīdzi tulkot"
#: templates/personal.php:51
msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager"
msgstr "izmanto šo adresi lai ielogotos ownCloud no sava failu pārlūka"
#: templates/users.php:21 templates/users.php:76
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Vārds"
#: templates/users.php:23 templates/users.php:77
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parole"
#: templates/users.php:26 templates/users.php:78 templates/users.php:98
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupas"
#: templates/users.php:32
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Izveidot"
#: templates/users.php:35
msgid "Default Quota"
msgstr "Apjoms pēc noklusējuma"
#: templates/users.php:55 templates/users.php:138
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Cits"
#: templates/users.php:80
msgid "SubAdmin"
msgstr ""
#: templates/users.php:82
msgid "Quota"
msgstr "Apjoms"
#: templates/users.php:112
msgid "SubAdmin for ..."
msgstr ""
#: templates/users.php:145
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izdzēst"