You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
2.3 KiB

function constructSharingPath() {
return document.location.protocol + '//' + + OC.linkTo('', 'public.php') + '?service=gallery&token=' + Albums.token;
function shareGallery() {
var existing_token = '';
//if (Albums.token)
// existing_token = constructSharingPath();
var form_fields = [{text: 'Share', name: 'share', type: 'checkbox', value: false},
{text: 'Share recursive', name: 'recursive', type: 'checkbox', value: false},
{text: 'Shared gallery address', name: 'address', type: 'text', value: ''}];
OC.dialogs.form(form_fields, t('gallery', 'Share gallery'), function(values){
var p = '';
for (var i in paths) p += paths[i]+'/';
if (p == '') p = '/';
$.getJSON(OC.filePath('gallery', 'ajax', 'galleryOp.php'), {operation: 'share', path: p, share: values[0].value, recursive: values[1].value}, function(r) {
if (r.status == 'success') {
Albums.shared = r.sharing;
if (Albums.shared) {
Albums.token = r.token;
Albums.recursive = r.recursive;
} else {
Albums.token = '';
Albums.recursive = false;
var actual_addr = '';
if (Albums.token)
actual_addr = constructSharingPath();
} else {
OC.dialogs.alert(t('gallery', 'Error: ') + r.cause, t('gallery', 'Internal error'));
function explode(element) {
$('div', element).each(function(index, elem) {
if ($(elem).hasClass('title')) {
} else {
$(elem).css('margin-top', Math.floor(30-(Math.random()*60)) + 'px')
.css('margin-left', Math.floor(30-(Math.random()*60))+ 'px')
.css('z-index', '999');
function deplode(element) {
$('div', element).each(function(index, elem) {
if ($(elem).hasClass('title')) {
} else {
$(elem).css('margin-top', Math.floor(5-(Math.random()*10)) + 'px')
.css('margin-left', Math.floor(5-(Math.random()*10))+ 'px')
.css('z-index', '3');
function openNewGal(album_name) {
root = root + decodeURIComponent(album_name) + "/";
var url = window.location.toString().replace(, '');
url = url + "?app=gallery&root="+encodeURIComponent(root);
window.location = url;