Merge pull request #6898 from owncloud/encryption_infinite_loop

[encryption] infinite loop on sharing
Björn Schießle 11 years ago
commit 0daabe5b6a
  1. 52
  2. 23

@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
* ownCloud
* @author Sam Tuke, Frank Karlitschek
* @author Sam Tuke, Frank Karlitschek, Bjoern Schiessle
* @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>,
* Frank Karlitschek <>
* Frank Karlitschek <>,
* Bjoern Schiessle <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
@ -1360,59 +1361,32 @@ class Util {
* @brief go recursively through a dir and collect all files and sub files.
* @param string $dir relative to the users files folder
* @return array with list of files relative to the users files folder
public function getAllFiles($dir) {
$result = array();
$dirList = array($dir);
$content = $this->view->getDirectoryContent(\OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(
$this->userFilesDir . '/' . $dir));
// handling for re shared folders
$pathSplit = explode('/', $dir);
foreach ($content as $c) {
$sharedPart = $pathSplit[sizeof($pathSplit) - 1];
$targetPathSplit = array_reverse(explode('/', $c['path']));
$path = '';
// rebuild path
foreach ($targetPathSplit as $pathPart) {
if ($pathPart !== $sharedPart) {
$path = '/' . $pathPart . $path;
while ($dirList) {
$dir = array_pop($dirList);
$content = $this->view->getDirectoryContent(\OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(
$this->userFilesDir . '/' . $dir));
foreach ($content as $c) {
$usersPath = isset($c['usersPath']) ? $c['usersPath'] : $c['path'];
if ($c['type'] === 'dir') {
$dirList[] = substr($usersPath, strlen("files"));
} else {
$result[] = substr($usersPath, strlen("files"));
$path = $dir . $path;
if ($c['type'] === 'dir') {
$result = array_merge($result, $this->getAllFiles($path));
} else {
$result[] = $path;
return $result;

@ -127,7 +127,18 @@ class Shared_Cache extends Cache {
return $files;
} else {
if ($cache = $this->getSourceCache($folder)) {
return $cache->getFolderContents($this->files[$folder]);
$sourceFolderContent = $cache->getFolderContents($this->files[$folder]);
foreach ($sourceFolderContent as $key => $c) {
$ownerPathParts = explode('/', \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath($c['path']));
$userPathParts = explode('/', \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath($folder));
$usersPath = 'files/Shared/'.$userPathParts[1];
foreach (array_slice($ownerPathParts, 3) as $part) {
$usersPath .= '/'.$part;
$sourceFolderContent[$key]['usersPath'] = $usersPath;
return $sourceFolderContent;
return false;
@ -260,7 +271,7 @@ class Shared_Cache extends Cache {
return $this->searchWithWhere($where, $value);
* The maximum number of placeholders that can be used in an SQL query.
* Value MUST be <= 1000 for oracle:
@ -268,7 +279,7 @@ class Shared_Cache extends Cache {
* FIXME we should get this from doctrine as other DBs allow a lot more placeholders
const MAX_SQL_CHUNK_SIZE = 1000;
* search for files with a custom where clause and value
* the $wherevalue will be array_merge()d with the file id chunks
@ -282,16 +293,16 @@ class Shared_Cache extends Cache {
$ids = $this->getAll();
$files = array();
// divide into chunks
$chunks = array_chunk($ids, $chunksize);
foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
$placeholders = join(',', array_fill(0, count($chunk), '?'));
$sql = 'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`,
`encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE ' . $sqlwhere . ' `fileid` IN (' . $placeholders . ')';
$stmt = \OC_DB::prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->execute(array_merge(array($wherevalue), $chunk));
