improving file actions also for multiselect

Jan-Christoph Borchardt 13 years ago
parent e5cda3abcd
commit 1281809300
  1. 6
  2. 10

@ -72,10 +72,12 @@ table thead.fixed { height:2em; }
#uploadsize-message,#delete-confirm { display:none; }
.fileactions { position:relative; top:.3em; right:-4em; font-size:.8em; }
#fileList .fileactions a.action img { position:relative; top:.2em; }
.selectedActions a,#fileList a.action { display:inline; margin:-.5em 0; padding:1em .5em 1em .5em !important; }
#fileList a.action { display:inline; margin:-.5em 0; padding:1em .5em 1em .5em !important; }
a.action.delete { float:right; }
a.action>img { max-height:16px; max-width:16px; vertical-align:text-bottom; }
.selectedActions { display:none; }
.selectedActions { display:none; float:right; }
.selectedActions a { display:inline; margin:-.5em 0; padding:.5em !important; }
.selectedActions a img { position:relative; top:.3em; }
/* add breadcrumb divider to the File item in navigation panel */
#navigation>ul>li:first-child { background:url('../../core/img/breadcrumb-start.svg') no-repeat 12.5em 0px; width:12.5em; padding-right:1em; position:fixed; }

@ -41,14 +41,14 @@
<?php if(!isset($_['readonly']) || !$_['readonly']) { ?><input type="checkbox" id="select_all" /><?php } ?>
<span class='name'><?php echo $l->t( 'Name' ); ?></span>
<span class='selectedActions'>
<?php if($_['allowZipDownload']) : ?>
<a href="" title="<?php echo $l->t('Download')?>" class="download"><img class='svg' alt="Download" src="<?php echo image_path("core", "actions/download.svg"); ?>" /></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="" title="Share" class="share"><img class='svg' alt="Share" src="<?php echo image_path("core", "actions/share.svg"); ?>" /></a>
<a href="" class="share"><img class='svg' alt="Share" src="<?php echo image_path("core", "actions/share.svg"); ?>" /> <?php echo $l->t('Share')?></a>
<?php if($_['allowZipDownload']) : ?>
<a href="" class="download"><img class='svg' alt="Download" src="<?php echo image_path("core", "actions/download.svg"); ?>" /> <?php echo $l->t('Download')?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<th id="headerSize"><?php echo $l->t( 'Size' ); ?></th>
<th id="headerDate"><span id="modified"><?php echo $l->t( 'Modified' ); ?></span><span class="selectedActions"><a href="" title="Delete" class="delete"><img class="svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>" src="<?php echo image_path("core", "actions/delete.svg"); ?>" /></a></span></th>
<th id="headerDate"><span id="modified"><?php echo $l->t( 'Modified' ); ?></span><span class="selectedActions"><a href="" class="delete"><?php echo $l->t('Delete all')?> <img class="svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>" src="<?php echo image_path("core", "actions/delete.svg"); ?>" /></a></span></th>
<tbody id="fileList" data-readonly="<?php echo $_['readonly'];?>">
