/* Define the salt used to hash the user passwords. All your user passwords are lost if you lose this string. */
"passwordsalt" => "",
* The directory where the user data is stored, default to data in the ownCloud
* directory. The sqlite database is also stored here, when sqlite is used.
'datadirectory' => '',
/* Secret used by ownCloud for various purposes, e.g. to encrypt data. If you lose this string there will be data corruption. */
"secret" => "",
* Type of database, can be sqlite, mysql or pgsql
'dbtype' => 'sqlite',
/* Force use of HTTPS connection (true = use HTTPS) */
"forcessl" => false,
* Host running the ownCloud database. To specify a port use 'HOSTNAME:####'; to
* specify a unix sockets use 'localhost:/path/to/socket'.
'dbhost' => '',
/* Blacklist a specific file and disallow the upload of files with this name - WARNING: USE THIS ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. */
"blacklisted_files" => array('.htaccess'),
* Name of the ownCloud database
'dbname' => 'owncloud',
/* The automatic hostname detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to manually override the automatic detection. You can also add a port. For example "www.example.com:88" */
"overwritehost" => "",
* User to access the ownCloud database
'dbuser' => '',
/* The automatic protocol detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to manually override the protocol detection. For example "https" */
"overwriteprotocol" => "",
* Password to access the ownCloud database
'dbpassword' => '',
/* The automatic webroot detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to manually override the automatic detection. For example "/domain.tld/ownCloud". The value "/" can be used to remove the root. */
"overwritewebroot" => "",
* Prefix for the ownCloud tables in the database
'dbtableprefix' => '',
/* The automatic detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to define a manually override condition as regular expression for the remote ip address. For example "^10\.0\.0\.[1-3]$" */
"overwritecondaddr" => "",
* Flag to indicate ownCloud is successfully installed (true = installed)
'installed' => false,
/* A proxy to use to connect to the internet. For example "myproxy.org:88" */
"proxy" => "",
/* The optional authentication for the proxy to use to connect to the internet. The format is: [username]:[password] */
"proxyuserpwd" => "",
* User Experience
* These optional parameters control some aspects of the user interface. Default
* values, where present, are shown.
/* List of trusted domains, to prevent host header poisoning ownCloud is only using these Host headers */
/* Optional ownCloud default language - overrides automatic language detection on public pages like login or shared items. This has no effect on the user's language preference configured under "personal -> language" once they have logged in */
"default_language" => "en",
* Allow user to change his display name, if it is supported by the back-end
'allow_user_to_change_display_name' => true,
/* Path to the parent directory of the 3rdparty directory */
"3rdpartyroot" => "",
* Lifetime of the remember login cookie, default is 15 days
'remember_login_cookie_lifetime' => 60*60*24*15,
/* URL to the parent directory of the 3rdparty directory, as seen by the browser */
"3rdpartyurl" => "",
* Life time of a session after inactivity
'session_lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24,
/* Default app to open on login.
* This can be a comma-separated list of app ids.
* If the first app is not enabled for the current user,
* it will try with the second one and so on. If no enabled app could be found,
* the "files" app will be displayed instead. */
"defaultapp" => "files",
* Enable/disable session keep alive when a user is logged in in the Web UI.
* This is achieved by sending a 'heartbeat' to the server to prevent the
* session timing out.
'session_keepalive' => true,
* The directory where the skeleton files are located. These files will be
* copied to the data directory of new users. Leave empty to not copy any
* Location of the cache folder, defaults to 'data/$user/cache' where '$user' is
* the current user.
* When specified, the format will change to '$cache_path/$user' where
* '$cache_path' is the configured cache directory and '$user' is the user.
'cache_path' => '',
/* EXPERIMENTAL: option whether to include external storage in quota calculation, defaults to false */
* EXPERIMENTAL: option whether to include external storage in quota
* calculation, defaults to false
'quota_include_external_storage' => false,
* specifies how often the filesystem is checked for changes made outside owncloud
* 0 -> never check the filesystem for outside changes, provides a performance increase when it's certain that no changes are made directly to the filesystem
* 1 -> check each file or folder at most once per request, recomended for general use if outside changes might happen
* 2 -> check every time the filesystem is used, causes a performance hit when using external storages, not recomended for regular use
* specifies how often the filesystem is checked for changes made outside
* ownCloud
* 0 -> never check the filesystem for outside changes, provides a performance
* increase when it's certain that no changes are made directly to the
* filesystem
* 1 -> check each file or folder at most once per request, recommended for
* general use if outside changes might happen
* 2 -> check every time the filesystem is used, causes a performance hit when
* using external storages, not recommended for regular use
'filesystem_check_changes' => 1,
/* If true, prevent owncloud from changing the cache due to changes in the filesystem for all storage */
* where mount.json file should be stored
'mount_file' => 'data/mount.json',
* If true, prevent ownCloud from changing the cache due to changes in the
* filesystem for all storage
'filesystem_cache_readonly' => false,
* The example below shows how to configure ownCloud to store all files in a swift object storage
* The example below shows how to configure ownCloud to store all files in a
* swift object storage
* It is important to note that ownCloud in object store mode will expect exclusive access
* to the object store container because it only stores the binary data for each file. The
* metadata is currently kept in the local database for performance reasons.
* It is important to note that ownCloud in object store mode will expect
* exclusive access to the object store container because it only stores the
* binary data for each file. The metadata is currently kept in the local
* database for performance reasons.
* WARNING: The current implementation is incompatible with any app that uses direct file IO and circumvents our
* virtual filesystem. That includes Encryption and Gallery. Gallery will store thumbnails directly in the filesystem
* and encryption will cause severe overhead because key files need to be fetched in addition to any requested file.
* WARNING: The current implementation is incompatible with any app that uses
* direct file IO and circumvents our virtual filesystem. That includes
* Encryption and Gallery. Gallery will store thumbnails directly in the
* filesystem and encryption will cause severe overhead because key files need
* to be fetched in addition to any requested file.
* One way to test is applying for a trystack account at http://trystack.org/
'objectstore' => array(
'class' => 'OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\Swift',
'arguments' => array(
'username' => 'facebook100000123456789', // trystack will user your facebook id as the user name
'password' => 'Secr3tPaSSWoRdt7', // in the trystack dashboard go to user -> settings -> API Password to generate a password
'container' => 'owncloud', // must already exist in the objectstore, name can be different
'autocreate' => true, // create the container if it does not exist. default is false
'region' => 'RegionOne', //required, dev-/trystack defaults to 'RegionOne'
'url' => '', // The Identity / Keystone endpoint
'tenantName' => 'facebook100000123456789', // required on dev-/trystack
'serviceName' => 'swift', //dev-/trystack uses swift by default, the lib defaults to 'cloudFiles' if omitted
// trystack will user your facebook id as the user name
'username' => 'facebook100000123456789',
// in the trystack dashboard go to user -> settings -> API Password to
// generate a password
'password' => 'Secr3tPaSSWoRdt7',
// must already exist in the objectstore, name can be different
'container' => 'owncloud',
// create the container if it does not exist. default is false
'autocreate' => true,
// required, dev-/trystack defaults to 'RegionOne'
'region' => 'RegionOne',
// The Identity / Keystone endpoint
'url' => '',
// required on dev-/trystack
'tenantName' => 'facebook100000123456789',
// dev-/trystack uses swift by default, the lib defaults to 'cloudFiles'
// if omitted
'serviceName' => 'swift',
* define default folder for shared files and folders
* Custom CSP policy, changing this will overwrite the standard policy