merge styles

Jan-Christoph Borchardt 12 years ago
commit 3bafa87a12
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  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More

@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
// Init owncloud

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
//provide auto completion of paths for use with jquer ui autocomplete
// Init owncloud
// Get data
$query = $_GET['term'];
if($query[0]!='/') {
if(substr($query, -1, 1)=='/') {
} else {
$query=substr($query, strlen($base));
if($base!='/') {
$query=substr($query, 1);
// echo "$base - $query";
if(OC_Filesystem::file_exists($base) and OC_Filesystem::is_dir($base)) {
$dh = OC_Filesystem::opendir($base);
if($dh) {
if(substr($base, -1, 1)!='/') {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if(substr(strtolower($file), 0, $queryLen)==$query) {
if((!$dirOnly or OC_Filesystem::is_dir($item))) {
$files[]=(object)array('id'=>$item, 'label'=>$item, 'name'=>$item);

@ -14,15 +14,18 @@ $files = json_decode($files);
$filesWithError = '';
$success = true;
//Now delete
foreach($files as $file) {
if( !OC_Files::delete( $dir, $file )) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!OC_Files::delete($dir, $file)) {
$filesWithError .= $file . "\n";
$success = false;
if($success) {
OCP\JSON::success(array("data" => array( "dir" => $dir, "files" => $files )));
// get array with updated storage stats (e.g. max file size) after upload
$storageStats = \OCA\files\lib\Helper::buildFileStorageStatistics($dir);
if ($success) {
OCP\JSON::success(array("data" => array_merge(array("dir" => $dir, "files" => $files), $storageStats)));
} else {
OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => "Could not delete:\n" . $filesWithError )));
OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array_merge(array("message" => "Could not delete:\n" . $filesWithError), $storageStats)));

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// only need filesystem apps
$RUNTIME_APPTYPES = array('filesystem');
// send back json
OCP\JSON::success(array('data' => \OCA\files\lib\Helper::buildFileStorageStatistics('/')));

@ -8,65 +8,73 @@ OCP\JSON::setContentTypeHeader('text/plain');
$l = OC_L10N::get('files');
// get array with current storage stats (e.g. max file size)
$storageStats = \OCA\files\lib\Helper::buildFileStorageStatistics($dir);
if (!isset($_FILES['files'])) {
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => $l->t( 'No file was uploaded. Unknown error' ))));
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array_merge(array('message' => $l->t('No file was uploaded. Unknown error')), $storageStats)));
foreach ($_FILES['files']['error'] as $error) {
if ($error != 0) {
$errors = array(
UPLOAD_ERR_OK=>$l->t('There is no error, the file uploaded with success'),
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE=>$l->t('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: ')
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE=>$l->t('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified'
.' in the HTML form'),
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL=>$l->t('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'),
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE=>$l->t('No file was uploaded'),
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR=>$l->t('Missing a temporary folder'),
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE=>$l->t('Failed to write to disk'),
UPLOAD_ERR_OK => $l->t('There is no error, the file uploaded with success'),
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => $l->t('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: ')
. ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => $l->t('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified'
. ' in the HTML form'),
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => $l->t('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'),
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => $l->t('No file was uploaded'),
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => $l->t('Missing a temporary folder'),
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => $l->t('Failed to write to disk'),
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => $errors[$error] )));
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array_merge(array('message' => $errors[$error]), $storageStats)));
$files = $_FILES['files'];
$dir = $_POST['dir'];
$error = '';
foreach($files['size'] as $size) {
$totalSize = 0;
foreach ($files['size'] as $size) {
$totalSize += $size;
if($totalSize>OC_Filesystem::free_space($dir)) {
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => $l->t( 'Not enough space available' ))));
if ($totalSize > OC_Filesystem::free_space($dir)) {
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array_merge(array('message' => $l->t('Not enough storage available')), $storageStats)));
if(strpos($dir, '..') === false) {
for($i=0;$i<$fileCount;$i++) {
$result = array();
if (strpos($dir, '..') === false) {
$fileCount = count($files['name']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $i++) {
$target = OCP\Files::buildNotExistingFileName(stripslashes($dir), $files['name'][$i]);
// $path needs to be normalized - this failed within drag'n'drop upload to a sub-folder
$target = OC_Filesystem::normalizePath($target);
if(is_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'][$i]) and OC_Filesystem::fromTmpFile($files['tmp_name'][$i], $target)) {
if (is_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'][$i]) and OC_Filesystem::fromTmpFile($files['tmp_name'][$i], $target)) {
$meta = OC_FileCache::get($target);
$id = OC_FileCache::getId($target);
$result[]=array( 'status' => 'success',
// updated max file size after upload
$storageStats = \OCA\files\lib\Helper::buildFileStorageStatistics($dir);
$result[] = array_merge(array('status' => 'success',
'mime' => $meta['mimetype'],
'size' => $meta['size'],
'id' => $id,
'name' => basename($target)), $storageStats
} else {
$error=$l->t( 'Invalid directory.' );
$error = $l->t('Invalid directory.');
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $error )));
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array_merge(array('message' => $error), $storageStats)));

@ -21,9 +21,6 @@
// Init owncloud
// Check if we are a user

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ OCP\User::checkLoggedIn();
OCP\Util::addStyle('files', 'files');
OCP\Util::addscript('files', 'jquery.iframe-transport');
OCP\Util::addscript('files', 'jquery.fileupload');
OCP\Util::addscript('files', 'jquery-visibility');
OCP\Util::addscript('files', 'files');
OCP\Util::addscript('files', 'filelist');
OCP\Util::addscript('files', 'fileactions');
@ -75,19 +76,17 @@ $list = new OCP\Template('files', 'part.list', '');
$list->assign('files', $files, false);
$list->assign('baseURL', OCP\Util::linkTo('files', 'index.php') . '?dir=', false);
$list->assign('downloadURL', OCP\Util::linkTo('files', 'download.php') . '?file=', false);
$list->assign('disableSharing', false);
$breadcrumbNav = new OCP\Template('files', 'part.breadcrumb', '');
$breadcrumbNav->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb, false);
$breadcrumbNav->assign('baseURL', OCP\Util::linkTo('files', 'index.php') . '?dir=', false);
$upload_max_filesize = OCP\Util::computerFileSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$post_max_size = OCP\Util::computerFileSize(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$maxUploadFilesize = min($upload_max_filesize, $post_max_size);
$freeSpace = OC_Filesystem::free_space($dir);
$freeSpace = max($freeSpace, 0);
$maxUploadFilesize = min($maxUploadFilesize, $freeSpace);
$permissions = OCP\PERMISSION_READ;
if (OC_Filesystem::isCreatable($dir . '/')) {
$permissions |= OCP\PERMISSION_CREATE;
if (OC_Filesystem::isUpdatable($dir . '/')) {
$permissions |= OCP\PERMISSION_UPDATE;
@ -98,6 +97,9 @@ if (OC_Filesystem::isSharable($dir . '/')) {
$permissions |= OCP\PERMISSION_SHARE;
// information about storage capacities
$tmpl = new OCP\Template('files', 'index', 'user');
$tmpl->assign('fileList', $list->fetchPage(), false);
$tmpl->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumbNav->fetchPage(), false);
@ -108,4 +110,5 @@ $tmpl->assign('files', $files);
$tmpl->assign('uploadMaxFilesize', $maxUploadFilesize);
$tmpl->assign('uploadMaxHumanFilesize', OCP\Util::humanFileSize($maxUploadFilesize));
$tmpl->assign('allowZipDownload', intval(OCP\Config::getSystemValue('allowZipDownload', true)));
$tmpl->assign('usedSpacePercent', (int)$storageInfo['relative']);

@ -201,15 +201,14 @@ var FileList={
checkName:function(oldName, newName, isNewFile) {
if (isNewFile || $('tr').filterAttr('data-file', newName).length > 0) {
if (isNewFile) {
$('#notification').html(t('files', '{new_name} already exists', {new_name: escapeHTML(newName)})+'<span class="replace">'+t('files', 'replace')+'</span><span class="suggest">'+t('files', 'suggest name')+'</span><span class="cancel">'+t('files', 'cancel')+'</span>');
} else {
$('#notification').html(t('files', '{new_name} already exists', {new_name: escapeHTML(newName)})+'<span class="replace">'+t('files', 'replace')+'</span><span class="cancel">'+t('files', 'cancel')+'</span>');
$('#notification').data('oldName', oldName);
$('#notification').data('newName', newName);
$('#notification').data('isNewFile', isNewFile);
if (isNewFile) {
OC.Notification.showHtml(t('files', '{new_name} already exists', {new_name: escapeHTML(newName)})+'<span class="replace">'+t('files', 'replace')+'</span><span class="suggest">'+t('files', 'suggest name')+'</span><span class="cancel">'+t('files', 'cancel')+'</span>');
} else {
OC.Notification.showHtml(t('files', '{new_name} already exists', {new_name: escapeHTML(newName)})+'<span class="replace">'+t('files', 'replace')+'</span><span class="cancel">'+t('files', 'cancel')+'</span>');
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -251,11 +250,10 @@ var FileList={
if (isNewFile) {
$('#notification').html(t('files', 'replaced {new_name}', {new_name: newName})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
OC.Notification.showHtml(t('files', 'replaced {new_name}', {new_name: newName})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
} else {
$('#notification').html(t('files', 'replaced {new_name} with {old_name}', {new_name: newName}, {old_name: oldName})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
OC.Notification.showHtml(t('files', 'replaced {new_name} with {old_name}', {new_name: newName}, {old_name: oldName})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
finishReplace:function() {
if (!FileList.replaceCanceled && FileList.replaceOldName && FileList.replaceNewName) {
@ -285,11 +283,10 @@ var FileList={
} else {
// NOTE: Temporary fix to change the text to unshared for files in root of Shared folder
if ($('#dir').val() == '/Shared') {
$('#notification').html(t('files', 'unshared {files}', {'files': escapeHTML(files)})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
OC.Notification.showHtml(t('files', 'unshared {files}', {'files': escapeHTML(files)})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
} else {
$('#notification').html(t('files', 'deleted {files}', {'files': escapeHTML(files)})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
OC.Notification.showHtml(t('files', 'deleted {files}', {'files': escapeHTML(files)})+'<span class="undo">'+t('files', 'undo')+'</span>');
@ -302,7 +299,7 @@ var FileList={
data: {dir:$('#dir').val(),files:fileNames},
complete: function(data){
boolOperationFinished(data, function(){
@ -362,16 +359,16 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
FileList.replaceIsNewFile = null;
FileList.lastAction = null;
$('#notification .replace').live('click', function() {
$('#notification').fadeOut('400', function() {
FileList.replace($('#notification').data('oldName'), $('#notification').data('newName'), $('#notification').data('isNewFile'));
OC.Notification.hide(function() {
FileList.replace($('#notification').data('oldName'), $('#notification').data('newName'), $('#notification').data('isNewFile'));
$('#notification .suggest').live('click', function() {
$('tr').filterAttr('data-file', $('#notification').data('oldName')).show();
$('#notification .cancel').live('click', function() {
if ($('#notification').data('isNewFile')) {

@ -26,15 +26,34 @@ Files={
updateMaxUploadFilesize:function(response) {
if(response == undefined) {
if( !== undefined && !== undefined) {
if(response[0] == undefined) {
if(response[0].uploadMaxFilesize !== undefined) {
$('#upload.button').attr('original-title', response[0].maxHumanFilesize);
isFileNameValid:function (name) {
if (name === '.') {
$('#notification').text(t('files', '\'.\' is an invalid file name.'));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files', '\'.\' is an invalid file name.'));
return false;
if (name.length == 0) {
$('#notification').text(t('files', 'File name cannot be empty.'));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files', 'File name cannot be empty.'));
return false;
@ -42,13 +61,26 @@ Files={
var invalid_characters = ['\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '"', '|', '?', '*'];
for (var i = 0; i < invalid_characters.length; i++) {
if (name.indexOf(invalid_characters[i]) != -1) {
$('#notification').text(t('files', "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed."));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files', "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed."));
return false;
return true;
displayStorageWarnings: function() {
if (!OC.Notification.isHidden()) {
var usedSpacePercent = $('#usedSpacePercent').val();
if (usedSpacePercent > 98) {'files', 'Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!'));
if (usedSpacePercent > 90) {'files', 'Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)', {usedSpacePercent: usedSpacePercent}));
$(document).ready(function() {
@ -184,8 +216,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('.download').click('click',function(event) {
var files=getSelectedFiles('name').join(';');
var dir=$('#dir').val()||'/';
$('#notification').text(t('files','generating ZIP-file, it may take some time.'));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files','Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.'));
// use special download URL if provided, e.g. for public shared files
if ( (downloadURL = document.getElementById("downloadURL")) ) {
@ -314,9 +345,9 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var response;
if(response[0] == undefined || response[0].status != 'success') {
var file=response[0];
// TODO: this doesn't work if the file name has been changed server side
delete uploadingFiles[dirName][];
@ -354,9 +385,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
uploadtext.text(t('files', '{count} files uploading', {count: currentUploads}));
delete uploadingFiles[dirName][fileName];
$('#notification').text(t('files', 'Upload cancelled.'));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files', 'Upload cancelled.'));
//TODO test with filenames containing slashes
@ -369,6 +398,8 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
.success(function(result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var response;
if(response[0] != undefined && response[0].status == 'success') {
var file=response[0];
delete uploadingFiles[];
@ -381,20 +412,17 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
} else {
$('#fileList > tr').not('[data-mime]').fadeOut();
$('#fileList > tr').not('[data-mime]').remove();
.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if(errorThrown === 'abort') {
$('#notification').text(t('files', 'Upload cancelled.'));
.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if(errorThrown === 'abort') {
Files.cancelUpload(this.files[0].name);'files', 'Upload cancelled.'));
uploadingFiles[uniqueName] = jqXHR;
@ -402,6 +430,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
data.submit().success(function(data, status) {
// in safari data is a string
response = jQuery.parseJSON(typeof data === 'string' ? data : data[0].body.innerText);
if(response[0] != undefined && response[0].status == 'success') {
var file=response[0];
delete uploadingFiles[];
@ -414,8 +443,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
} else {
//TODO Files.cancelUpload(/*where do we get the filename*/);
$('#fileList > tr').not('[data-mime]').fadeOut();
$('#fileList > tr').not('[data-mime]').remove();
@ -535,14 +563,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var newname=input.val();
if(type == 'web' && newname.length == 0) {
$('#notification').text(t('files', 'URL cannot be empty.'));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files', 'URL cannot be empty.'));
return false;
} else if (type != 'web' && !Files.isFileNameValid(newname)) {
return false;
} else if( type == 'folder' && $('#dir').val() == '/' && newname == 'Shared') {
$('#notification').text(t('files','Invalid folder name. Usage of \'Shared\' is reserved by Owncloud'));
$('#notification').fadeIn();'files','Invalid folder name. Usage of \'Shared\' is reserved by Owncloud'));
return false;
if (FileList.lastAction) {
@ -712,6 +738,36 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// display storage warnings
setTimeout ( "Files.displayStorageWarnings()", 100 );
// file space size sync
function update_storage_statistics() {
$.getJSON(OC.filePath('files','ajax','getstoragestats.php'),function(response) {
// start on load - we ask the server every 5 minutes
var update_storage_statistics_interval = 5*60*1000;
var update_storage_statistics_interval_id = setInterval(update_storage_statistics, update_storage_statistics_interval);
// Use jquery-visibility to de-/re-activate file stats sync
if ($.support.pageVisibility) {
'show.visibility': function() {
if (!update_storage_statistics_interval_id) {
update_storage_statistics_interval_id = setInterval(update_storage_statistics, update_storage_statistics_interval);
'hide.visibility': function() {
update_storage_statistics_interval_id = 0;
function scanFiles(force,dir){
@ -741,6 +797,7 @@ scanFiles.scanning=false;
function boolOperationFinished(data, callback) {
result = jQuery.parseJSON(data.responseText);
if(result.status == 'success'){;
} else {

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/*! v1.0.5 by @mathias */
(function (window, document, $, undefined) {
var prefix,
// In Opera, `'onfocusin' in document == true`, hence the extra `hasFocus` check to detect IE-like behavior
eventName = 'onfocusin' in document && 'hasFocus' in document ? 'focusin focusout' : 'focus blur',
prefixes = ['', 'moz', 'ms', 'o', 'webkit'],
$support = $.support,
$event = $.event;
while ((property = prefix = prefixes.pop()) != undefined) {
property = (prefix ? prefix + 'H' : 'h') + 'idden';
if ($support.pageVisibility = typeof document[property] == 'boolean') {
eventName = prefix + 'visibilitychange';
$(/blur$/.test(eventName) ? window : document).on(eventName, function (event) {
var type = event.type,
originalEvent = event.originalEvent,
toElement = originalEvent.toElement;
// If it’s a `{focusin,focusout}` event (IE), `fromElement` and `toElement` should both be `null` or `undefined`;
// else, the page visibility hasn’t changed, but the user just clicked somewhere in the doc.
// In IE9, we need to check the `relatedTarget` property instead.
if (!/^focus./.test(type) || (toElement == undefined && originalEvent.fromElement == undefined && originalEvent.relatedTarget == undefined)) {
$event.trigger((property && document[property] || /^(?:blur|focusout)$/.test(type) ? 'hide' : 'show') + '.visibility');
}(this, document, jQuery));

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
"Name" => "الاسم",
"Size" => "حجم",
"Modified" => "معدل",
"Upload" => "إرفع",
"Maximum upload size" => "الحد الأقصى لحجم الملفات التي يمكن رفعها",
"Save" => "حفظ",
"New" => "جديد",
"Text file" => "ملف",
"Folder" => "مجلد",
"Upload" => "إرفع",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "لا يوجد شيء هنا. إرفع بعض الملفات!",
"Download" => "تحميل",
"Upload too large" => "حجم الترفيع أعلى من المسموح",

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
"Name" => "Име",
"Size" => "Размер",
"Modified" => "Променено",
"Upload" => "Качване",
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимален размер за качване",
"0 is unlimited" => "Ползвайте 0 за без ограничения",
"Save" => "Запис",
"New" => "Ново",
"Folder" => "Папка",
"Upload" => "Качване",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Няма нищо тук. Качете нещо.",
"Download" => "Изтегляне",
"Upload too large" => "Файлът който сте избрали за качване е прекалено голям"

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "কন ফইল আপলড কর হয় নি",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "অসর খি",
"Failed to write to disk" => "ডিিখতযরথ",
"Not enough space available" => "যথঠ পরিণ সন নই",
"Invalid directory." => "ভল ডিটরি",
"Files" => "ফইল",
"Unshare" => "ভিিল ",
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "টি একটি অননিত নম।",
"File name cannot be empty." => "ফইলর নমটি।",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "নমটি সঠিক নয়, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' এব '*' অনিত নয়।",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP- ফইল ত কর হচ, এজনয কি সময় আবশযক।",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "আপনর ফইলটি আপলড কর সমভব হল, কনন এটি হয় একটির কি এর আকর ০ বইট",
"Upload Error" => "আপলড করত সমস ",
"Close" => "বনধ",
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} টির",
"1 file" => "১টিইল",
"{count} files" => "{count} টিইল",
"Upload" => "আপলড",
"File handling" => "ফইল হডলি",
"Maximum upload size" => "আপলর সরচ আকর",
"max. possible: " => "অনিত সরচ আকর",
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
"Text file" => "টসট ফইল",
"Folder" => "ফর",
"From link" => " লিক থ",
"Upload" => "আপলড",
"Cancel upload" => "আপলড বিল কর",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "এখিই নই। কি আপলড করন !",
"Download" => "ডউনলড",

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "El fitxer no s'ha pujat",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "S'ha perdut un fitxer temporal",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Ha fallat en escriure al disc",
"Not enough space available" => "No hi ha prou espai disponible",
"Not enough storage available" => "No hi ha prou espai disponible",
"Invalid directory." => "Directori no vàlid.",
"Files" => "Fitxers",
"Unshare" => "Deixa de compartir",
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' és un nom no vàlid per un fitxer.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nom del fitxer no pot ser buit.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "El nóm no és vàlid, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' no estan permesos.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "s'estan generant fitxers ZIP, pot trigar una estona.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "El vostre espai d'emmagatzemament és ple, els fitxers ja no es poden actualitzar o sincronitzar!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "El vostre espai d'emmagatzemament és gairebé ple ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "S'està preparant la baixada. Pot trigar una estona si els fitxers són grans.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "No es pot pujar el fitxer perquè és una carpeta o té 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Error en la pujada",
"Close" => "Tanca",
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} carpetes",
"1 file" => "1 fitxer",
"{count} files" => "{count} fitxers",
"Upload" => "Puja",
"File handling" => "Gestió de fitxers",
"Maximum upload size" => "Mida màxima de pujada",
"max. possible: " => "màxim possible:",
@ -60,7 +63,6 @@
"Text file" => "Fitxer de text",
"Folder" => "Carpeta",
"From link" => "Des d'enllaç",
"Upload" => "Puja",
"Cancel upload" => "Cancel·la la pujada",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Res per aquí. Pugeu alguna cosa!",
"Download" => "Baixa",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Žádný soubor nebyl odeslán",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Chybí adresář pro dočasné soubory",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Zápis na disk selhal",
"Not enough space available" => "Nedostatek dostupného místa",
"Invalid directory." => "Neplatný adresář",
"Files" => "Soubory",
"Unshare" => "Zrušit sdílení",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' je neplatným názvem souboru.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Název souboru nemůže být prázdný řetězec.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Neplatný název, znaky '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nejsou povoleny.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generuji ZIP soubor, může to nějakou dobu trvat.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Vaše soubory ke stažení se připravují. Pokud jsou velké může to chvíli trvat.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nelze odeslat Váš soubor, protože je to adresář nebo má velikost 0 bajtů",
"Upload Error" => "Chyba odesílání",
"Close" => "Zavřít",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} složky",
"1 file" => "1 soubor",
"{count} files" => "{count} soubory",
"Upload" => "Odeslat",
"File handling" => "Zacházení se soubory",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximální velikost pro odesílání",
"max. possible: " => "největší možná: ",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Textový soubor",
"Folder" => "Složka",
"From link" => "Z odkazu",
"Upload" => "Odeslat",
"Cancel upload" => "Zrušit odesílání",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Žádný obsah. Nahrajte něco.",
"Download" => "Stáhnout",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "ikke delte {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "slettede {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ugyldigt navn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':' | '?', '\"', '', og '*' er ikke tilladt.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "genererer ZIP-fil, det kan tage lidt tid.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kunne ikke uploade din fil, da det enten er en mappe eller er tom",
"Upload Error" => "Fejl ved upload",
"Close" => "Luk",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} mapper",
"1 file" => "1 fil",
"{count} files" => "{count} filer",
"Upload" => "Upload",
"File handling" => "Filhåndtering",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimal upload-størrelse",
"max. possible: " => "max. mulige: ",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tekstfil",
"Folder" => "Mappe",
"From link" => "Fra link",
"Upload" => "Upload",
"Cancel upload" => "Fortryd upload",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Her er tomt. Upload noget!",
"Download" => "Download",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen.",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Temporärer Ordner fehlt.",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Fehler beim Schreiben auf die Festplatte",
"Not enough space available" => "Nicht genug Speicherplatz verfügbar",
"Invalid directory." => "Ungültiges Verzeichnis",
"Files" => "Dateien",
"Unshare" => "Nicht mehr freigeben",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Erstelle ZIP-Datei. Dies kann eine Weile dauern.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Dein Download wird vorbereitet. Dies kann bei größeren Dateien etwas dauern.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Deine Datei kann nicht hochgeladen werden, da sie entweder ein Verzeichnis oder 0 Bytes groß ist.",
"Upload Error" => "Fehler beim Upload",
"Close" => "Schließen",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} Ordner",
"1 file" => "1 Datei",
"{count} files" => "{count} Dateien",
"Upload" => "Hochladen",
"File handling" => "Dateibehandlung",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximale Upload-Größe",
"max. possible: " => "maximal möglich:",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Textdatei",
"Folder" => "Ordner",
"From link" => "Von einem Link",
"Upload" => "Hochladen",
"Cancel upload" => "Upload abbrechen",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Alles leer. Lade etwas hoch!",
"Download" => "Herunterladen",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen.",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Der temporäre Ordner fehlt.",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Fehler beim Schreiben auf die Festplatte",
"Not enough space available" => "Nicht genügend Speicherplatz verfügbar",
"Invalid directory." => "Ungültiges Verzeichnis.",
"Files" => "Dateien",
"Unshare" => "Nicht mehr freigeben",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Erstelle ZIP-Datei. Dies kann eine Weile dauern.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Ihr Download wird vorbereitet. Dies kann bei größeren Dateien einen Moment dauern.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ihre Datei kann nicht hochgeladen werden, da sie entweder ein Verzeichnis oder 0 Bytes groß ist.",
"Upload Error" => "Fehler beim Upload",
"Close" => "Schließen",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} Ordner",
"1 file" => "1 Datei",
"{count} files" => "{count} Dateien",
"Upload" => "Hochladen",
"File handling" => "Dateibehandlung",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximale Upload-Größe",
"max. possible: " => "maximal möglich:",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Textdatei",
"Folder" => "Ordner",
"From link" => "Von einem Link",
"Upload" => "Hochladen",
"Cancel upload" => "Upload abbrechen",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Alles leer. Bitte laden Sie etwas hoch!",
"Download" => "Herunterladen",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του %s - υπάρχει ήδη αρχείο με αυτό το όνομα",
"Could not move %s" => "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του %s",
"Unable to rename file" => "Αδυναμία μετονομασίας αρχείου",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Δεν ανέβηκε κάποιο αρχείο. Άγνωστο σφάλμα",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Δεν υπάρχει σφάλμα, το αρχείο εστάλει επιτυχώς",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "Το απεσταλμένο αρχείο ξεπερνά την οδηγία upload_max_filesize στο php.ini:",
@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Κανένα αρχείο δεν στάλθηκε",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Λείπει ο προσωρινός φάκελος",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Αποτυχία εγγραφής στο δίσκο",
"Invalid directory." => "Μη έγκυρος φάκελος.",
"Files" => "Αρχεία",
"Unshare" => "Διακοπή κοινής χρήσης",
"Delete" => "Διαγραφή",
@ -20,8 +24,10 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "αντικαταστάθηκε το {new_name} με {old_name}",
"unshared {files}" => "μη διαμοιρασμένα {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "διαγραμμένα {files}",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' είναι μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Το όνομα αρχείου δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Μη έγκυρο όνομα, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' και '*' δεν επιτρέπονται.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "παραγωγή αρχείου ZIP, ίσως διαρκέσει αρκετά.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Η λήψη προετοιμάζεται. Αυτό μπορεί να πάρει ώρα εάν τα αρχεία έχουν μεγάλο μέγεθος.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Αδυναμία στην αποστολή του αρχείου σας αφού είναι φάκελος ή έχει 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Σφάλμα Αποστολής",
"Close" => "Κλείσιμο",
@ -31,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "Η αποστολή ακυρώθηκε.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Η αποστολή του αρχείου βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη. Το κλείσιμο της σελίδας θα ακυρώσει την αποστολή.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "Η URL δεν πρέπει να είναι κενή.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Μη έγκυρο όνομα φακέλου. Η χρήση του 'Κοινόχρηστος' χρησιμοποιείται από ο Owncloud",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} αρχεία ανιχνεύτηκαν",
"error while scanning" => "σφάλμα κατά την ανίχνευση",
"Name" => "Όνομα",
@ -40,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} φάκελοι",
"1 file" => "1 αρχείο",
"{count} files" => "{count} αρχεία",
"Upload" => "Αποστολή",
"File handling" => "Διαχείριση αρχείων",
"Maximum upload size" => "Μέγιστο μέγεθος αποστολής",
"max. possible: " => "μέγιστο δυνατό:",
@ -52,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Αρχείο κειμένου",
"Folder" => "Φάκελος",
"From link" => "Από σύνδεσμο",
"Upload" => "Αποστολή",
"Cancel upload" => "Ακύρωση αποστολής",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα εδώ. Ανέβασε κάτι!",
"Download" => "Λήψη",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Ne eblis movi %s: dosiero kun ĉi tiu nomo jam ekzistas",
"Could not move %s" => "Ne eblis movi %s",
"Unable to rename file" => "Ne eblis alinomigi dosieron",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Neniu dosiero alŝutiĝis. Nekonata eraro.",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Ne estas eraro, la dosiero alŝutiĝis sukcese",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "La dosiero alŝutita superas la regulon upload_max_filesize el php.ini: ",
@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Neniu dosiero estas alŝutita",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Mankas tempa dosierujo",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Malsukcesis skribo al disko",
"Invalid directory." => "Nevalida dosierujo.",
"Files" => "Dosieroj",
"Unshare" => "Malkunhavigi",
"Delete" => "Forigi",
@ -20,8 +24,10 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "anstataŭiĝis {new_name} per {old_name}",
"unshared {files}" => "malkunhaviĝis {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "foriĝis {files}",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ne estas valida dosiernomo.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Dosiernomo devas ne malpleni.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nevalida nomo: “\\”, “/”, “<”, “>”, “:”, “\"”, “|”, “?” kaj “*” ne permesatas.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generanta ZIP-dosiero, ĝi povas daŭri iom da tempo",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Via elŝuto pretiĝatas. Ĉi tio povas daŭri iom da tempo se la dosieroj grandas.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ne eblis alŝuti vian dosieron ĉar ĝi estas dosierujo aŭ havas 0 duumokojn",
"Upload Error" => "Alŝuta eraro",
"Close" => "Fermi",
@ -31,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "La alŝuto nuliĝis.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Dosieralŝuto plenumiĝas. Lasi la paĝon nun nuligus la alŝuton.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL ne povas esti malplena.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Nevalida dosierujnomo. Uzo de “Shared” rezervatas de Owncloud.",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} dosieroj skaniĝis",
"error while scanning" => "eraro dum skano",
"Name" => "Nomo",
@ -40,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} dosierujoj",
"1 file" => "1 dosiero",
"{count} files" => "{count} dosierujoj",
"Upload" => "Alŝuti",
"File handling" => "Dosieradministro",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimuma alŝutogrando",
"max. possible: " => "maks. ebla: ",
@ -52,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tekstodosiero",
"Folder" => "Dosierujo",
"From link" => "El ligilo",
"Upload" => "Alŝuti",
"Cancel upload" => "Nuligi alŝuton",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nenio estas ĉi tie. Alŝutu ion!",
"Download" => "Elŝuti",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "No se ha subido ningún archivo",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Falta un directorio temporal",
"Failed to write to disk" => "La escritura en disco ha fallado",
"Not enough space available" => "No hay suficiente espacio disponible",
"Invalid directory." => "Directorio invalido.",
"Files" => "Archivos",
"Unshare" => "Dejar de compartir",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' es un nombre de archivo inválido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre Invalido, \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generando un fichero ZIP, puede llevar un tiempo.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Tu descarga esta siendo preparada. Esto puede tardar algun tiempo si los archivos son muy grandes.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "No ha sido posible subir tu archivo porque es un directorio o tiene 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Error al subir el archivo",
"Close" => "cerrrar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "Subida cancelada.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "La subida del archivo está en proceso. Salir de la página ahora cancelará la subida.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "La URL no puede estar vacía.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Nombre de carpeta invalido. El uso de \"Shared\" esta reservado para Owncloud",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} archivos escaneados",
"error while scanning" => "error escaneando",
"Name" => "Nombre",
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} carpetas",
"1 file" => "1 archivo",
"{count} files" => "{count} archivos",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"File handling" => "Tratamiento de archivos",
"Maximum upload size" => "Tamaño máximo de subida",
"max. possible: " => "máx. posible:",
@ -59,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Archivo de texto",
"Folder" => "Carpeta",
"From link" => "Desde el enlace",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"Cancel upload" => "Cancelar subida",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Aquí no hay nada. ¡Sube algo!",
"Download" => "Descargar",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "El archivo no fue subido",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Falta un directorio temporal",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Error al escribir en el disco",
"Not enough space available" => "No hay suficiente espacio disponible",
"Invalid directory." => "Directorio invalido.",
"Files" => "Archivos",
"Unshare" => "Dejar de compartir",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' es un nombre de archivo inválido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nombre del archivo no puede quedar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre invalido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' y '*' no están permitidos.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generando un archivo ZIP, puede llevar un tiempo.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Tu descarga esta siendo preparada. Esto puede tardar algun tiempo si los archivos son muy grandes.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "No fue posible subir el archivo porque es un directorio o porque su tamaño es 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Error al subir el archivo",
"Close" => "Cerrar",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} directorios",
"1 file" => "1 archivo",
"{count} files" => "{count} archivos",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"File handling" => "Tratamiento de archivos",
"Maximum upload size" => "Tamaño máximo de subida",
"max. possible: " => "máx. posible:",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Archivo de texto",
"Folder" => "Carpeta",
"From link" => "Desde enlace",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"Cancel upload" => "Cancelar subida",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "No hay nada. ¡Subí contenido!",
"Download" => "Descargar",

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "jagamata {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "kustutatud {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Vigane nimi, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' pole lubatud.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-faili loomine, see võib veidi aega võtta.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Sinu faili üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus, kuna see on kaust või selle suurus on 0 baiti",
"Upload Error" => "Üleslaadimise viga",
"Close" => "Sulge",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} kausta",
"1 file" => "1 fail",
"{count} files" => "{count} faili",
"Upload" => "Lae üles",
"File handling" => "Failide käsitlemine",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimaalne üleslaadimise suurus",
"max. possible: " => "maks. võimalik: ",
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tekstifail",
"Folder" => "Kaust",
"From link" => "Allikast",
"Upload" => "Lae üles",
"Cancel upload" => "Tühista üleslaadimine",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Siin pole midagi. Lae midagi üles!",
"Download" => "Lae alla",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Ezin da %s mugitu - Izen hau duen fitxategia dagoeneko existitzen da",
"Could not move %s" => "Ezin dira fitxategiak mugitu %s",
"Unable to rename file" => "Ezin izan da fitxategia berrizendatu",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Ez da fitxategirik igo. Errore ezezaguna",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Ez da arazorik izan, fitxategia ongi igo da",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "Igotako fitxategiak php.ini fitxategian ezarritako upload_max_filesize muga gainditu du:",
@ -7,6 +10,8 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Ez da fitxategirik igo",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Aldi baterako karpeta falta da",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Errore bat izan da diskoan idazterakoan",
"Not enough storage available" => "Ez dago behar aina leku erabilgarri,",
"Invalid directory." => "Baliogabeko karpeta.",
"Files" => "Fitxategiak",
"Unshare" => "Ez elkarbanatu",
"Delete" => "Ezabatu",
@ -20,8 +25,12 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => " {new_name}-k {old_name} ordezkatu du",
"unshared {files}" => "elkarbanaketa utzita {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "ezabatuta {files}",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ez da fitxategi izen baliogarria.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Fitxategi izena ezin da hutsa izan.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "IZen aliogabea, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' eta '*' ez daude baimenduta.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-fitxategia sortzen ari da, denbora har dezake",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Zure biltegiratzea beterik dago, ezingo duzu aurrerantzean fitxategirik igo edo sinkronizatu!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Zure biltegiratzea nahiko beterik dago (%{usedSpacePercent})",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Zure deskarga prestatu egin behar da. Denbora bat har lezake fitxategiak handiak badira. ",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ezin da zure fitxategia igo, karpeta bat da edo 0 byt ditu",
"Upload Error" => "Igotzean errore bat suertatu da",
"Close" => "Itxi",
@ -31,6 +40,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "Igoera ezeztatuta",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Fitxategien igoera martxan da. Orria orain uzteak igoera ezeztatutko du.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URLa ezin da hutsik egon.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Baliogabeako karpeta izena. 'Shared' izena Owncloudek erreserbatzen du",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} fitxategi eskaneatuta",
"error while scanning" => "errore bat egon da eskaneatzen zen bitartean",
"Name" => "Izena",
@ -40,6 +50,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} karpeta",
"1 file" => "fitxategi bat",
"{count} files" => "{count} fitxategi",
"Upload" => "Igo",
"File handling" => "Fitxategien kudeaketa",
"Maximum upload size" => "Igo daitekeen gehienezko tamaina",
"max. possible: " => "max, posiblea:",
@ -52,7 +63,6 @@
"Text file" => "Testu fitxategia",
"Folder" => "Karpeta",
"From link" => "Estekatik",
"Upload" => "Igo",
"Cancel upload" => "Ezeztatu igoera",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Ez dago ezer. Igo zerbait!",
"Download" => "Deskargatu",

@ -1,26 +1,53 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "%s نمی تواند حرکت کند - در حال حاضر پرونده با این نام وجود دارد. ",
"Could not move %s" => "%s نمی تواند حرکت کند ",
"Unable to rename file" => "قادر به تغییر نام پرونده نیست.",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "هیچ فایلی آپلود نشد.خطای ناشناس",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "هیچ خطایی وجود ندارد فایل با موفقیت بار گذاری شد",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "پرونده آپلود شده بیش ازدستور ماکزیمم_حجم فایل_برای آپلود در php.ini استفاده کرده است.",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "حداکثر حجم مجاز برای بارگذاری از طریق HTML \nMAX_FILE_SIZE",
"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "مقدار کمی از فایل بارگذاری شده",
"No file was uploaded" => "هیچ فایلی بارگذاری نشده",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "یک پوشه موقت گم شده است",
"Failed to write to disk" => "نوشتن بر روی دیسک سخت ناموفق بود",
"Invalid directory." => "فهرست راهنما نامعتبر می باشد.",
"Files" => "فایل ها",
"Unshare" => "لغو اشتراک",
"Delete" => "پاک کردن",
"Rename" => "تغییرنام",
"{new_name} already exists" => "{نام _جدید} در حال حاضر وجود دارد.",
"replace" => "جایگزین",
"suggest name" => "پیشنهاد نام",
"cancel" => "لغو",
"replaced {new_name}" => "{نام _جدید} جایگزین شد ",
"undo" => "بازگشت",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "در حال ساخت فایل فشرده ممکن است زمان زیادی به طول بیانجامد",
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "{نام_جدید} با { نام_قدیمی} جایگزین شد.",
"unshared {files}" => "{ فایل های } قسمت نشده",
"deleted {files}" => "{ فایل های } پاک شده",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' یک نام پرونده نامعتبر است.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "نام پرونده نمی تواند خالی باشد.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "نام نامعتبر ، '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و '*' مجاز نمی باشند.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "دانلود شما در حال آماده شدن است. در صورتیکه پرونده ها بزرگ باشند ممکن است مدتی طول بکشد.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "ناتوان در بارگذاری یا فایل یک پوشه است یا 0بایت دارد",
"Upload Error" => "خطا در بار گذاری",
"Close" => "بستن",
"Pending" => "در انتظار",
"1 file uploading" => "1 پرونده آپلود شد.",
"{count} files uploading" => "{ شمار } فایل های در حال آپلود",
"Upload cancelled." => "بار گذاری لغو شد",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "آپلودکردن پرونده در حال پیشرفت است. در صورت خروج از صفحه آپلود لغو میگردد. ",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL نمی تواند خالی باشد.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "نام پوشه نامعتبر است. استفاده از \" به اشتراک گذاشته شده \" متعلق به سایت Owncloud است.",
"{count} files scanned" => "{ شمار } فایل های اسکن شده",
"error while scanning" => "خطا در حال انجام اسکن ",
"Name" => "نام",
"Size" => "اندازه",
"Modified" => "تغییر یافته",
"1 folder" => "1 پوشه",
"{count} folders" => "{ شمار} پوشه ها",
"1 file" => "1 پرونده",
"{count} files" => "{ شمار } فایل ها",
"Upload" => "بارگذاری",
"File handling" => "اداره پرونده ها",
"Maximum upload size" => "حداکثر اندازه بارگزاری",
"max. possible: " => "حداکثرمقدارممکن:",
@ -32,7 +59,7 @@
"New" => "جدید",
"Text file" => "فایل متنی",
"Folder" => "پوشه",
"Upload" => "بارگذاری",
"From link" => "از پیوند",
"Cancel upload" => "متوقف کردن بار گذاری",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "اینجا هیچ چیز نیست.",
"Download" => "بارگیری",

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Yhtäkään tiedostoa ei lähetetty",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Väliaikaiskansiota ei ole olemassa",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Levylle kirjoitus epäonnistui",
"Not enough space available" => "Tilaa ei ole riittävästi",
"Invalid directory." => "Virheellinen kansio.",
"Files" => "Tiedostot",
"Unshare" => "Peru jakaminen",
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' on virheellinen nimi tiedostolle.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Tiedoston nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Virheellinen nimi, merkit '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' eivät ole sallittuja.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "luodaan ZIP-tiedostoa, tämä saattaa kestää hetken.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Lataustasi valmistellaan. Tämä saattaa kestää hetken, jos tiedostot ovat suuria kooltaan.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Tiedoston lähetys epäonnistui, koska sen koko on 0 tavua tai kyseessä on kansio",
"Upload Error" => "Lähetysvirhe.",
"Close" => "Sulje",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} kansiota",
"1 file" => "1 tiedosto",
"{count} files" => "{count} tiedostoa",
"Upload" => "Lähetä",
"File handling" => "Tiedostonhallinta",
"Maximum upload size" => "Lähetettävän tiedoston suurin sallittu koko",
"max. possible: " => "suurin mahdollinen:",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tekstitiedosto",
"Folder" => "Kansio",
"From link" => "Linkistä",
"Upload" => "Lähetä",
"Cancel upload" => "Peru lähetys",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Täällä ei ole mitään. Lähetä tänne jotakin!",
"Download" => "Lataa",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Aucun fichier n'a été téléversé",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Il manque un répertoire temporaire",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Erreur d'écriture sur le disque",
"Not enough space available" => "Espace disponible insuffisant",
"Invalid directory." => "Dossier invalide.",
"Files" => "Fichiers",
"Unshare" => "Ne plus partager",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' n'est pas un nom de fichier valide.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Le nom de fichier ne peut être vide.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nom invalide, les caractères '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' et '*' ne sont pas autorisés.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Fichier ZIP en cours d'assemblage ; cela peut prendre du temps.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Votre téléchargement est cours de préparation. Ceci peut nécessiter un certain temps si les fichiers sont volumineux.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossible de charger vos fichiers car il s'agit d'un dossier ou le fichier fait 0 octet.",
"Upload Error" => "Erreur de chargement",
"Close" => "Fermer",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} dossiers",
"1 file" => "1 fichier",
"{count} files" => "{count} fichiers",
"Upload" => "Envoyer",
"File handling" => "Gestion des fichiers",
"Maximum upload size" => "Taille max. d'envoi",
"max. possible: " => "Max. possible :",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Fichier texte",
"Folder" => "Dossier",
"From link" => "Depuis le lien",
"Upload" => "Envoyer",
"Cancel upload" => "Annuler l'envoi",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Il n'y a rien ici ! Envoyez donc quelque chose :)",
"Download" => "Télécharger",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Non se enviou ningún ficheiro",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Falta un cartafol temporal",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Erro ao escribir no disco",
"Not enough space available" => "O espazo dispoñíbel é insuficiente",
"Invalid directory." => "O directorio é incorrecto.",
"Files" => "Ficheiros",
"Unshare" => "Deixar de compartir",
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' é un nonme de ficheiro non válido",
"File name cannot be empty." => "O nome de ficheiro non pode estar baldeiro",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome non válido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' non se permiten.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "xerando un ficheiro ZIP, o que pode levar un anaco.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Non se puido subir o ficheiro pois ou é un directorio ou ten 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Erro na subida",
"Close" => "Pechar",
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} cartafoles",
"1 file" => "1 ficheiro",
"{count} files" => "{count} ficheiros",
"Upload" => "Enviar",
"File handling" => "Manexo de ficheiro",
"Maximum upload size" => "Tamaño máximo de envío",
"max. possible: " => "máx. posible: ",
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
"Text file" => "Ficheiro de texto",
"Folder" => "Cartafol",
"From link" => "Dende a ligazón",
"Upload" => "Enviar",
"Cancel upload" => "Cancelar a subida",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nada por aquí. Envía algo.",
"Download" => "Descargar",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "בוטל שיתופם של {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "{files} נמחקו",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "השם שגוי, אסור להשתמש בתווים '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ו־'*'.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "יוצר קובץ ZIP, אנא המתן.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "לא יכול להעלות את הקובץ מכיוון שזו תקיה או שמשקל הקובץ 0 בתים",
"Upload Error" => "שגיאת העלאה",
"Close" => "סגירה",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} תיקיות",
"1 file" => "קובץ אחד",
"{count} files" => "{count} קבצים",
"Upload" => "העלאה",
"File handling" => "טיפול בקבצים",
"Maximum upload size" => "גודל העלאה מקסימלי",
"max. possible: " => "המרבי האפשרי: ",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "קובץ טקסט",
"Folder" => "תיקייה",
"From link" => "מקישור",
"Upload" => "העלאה",
"Cancel upload" => "ביטול ההעלאה",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "אין כאן שום דבר. אולי ברצונך להעלות משהו?",
"Download" => "הורדה",

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
"suggest name" => "predloži ime",
"cancel" => "odustani",
"undo" => "vrati",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generiranje ZIP datoteke, ovo može potrajati.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nemoguće poslati datoteku jer je prazna ili je direktorij",
"Upload Error" => "Pogreška pri slanju",
"Close" => "Zatvori",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"Name" => "Naziv",
"Size" => "Veličina",
"Modified" => "Zadnja promjena",
"Upload" => "Pošalji",
"File handling" => "datoteka za rukovanje",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimalna veličina prijenosa",
"max. possible: " => "maksimalna moguća: ",
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
"New" => "novo",
"Text file" => "tekstualna datoteka",
"Folder" => "mapa",
"Upload" => "Pošalji",
"Cancel upload" => "Prekini upload",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nema ničega u ovoj mapi. Pošalji nešto!",
"Download" => "Preuzmi",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "%s áthelyezése nem sikerült - már létezik másik fájl ezzel a névvel",
"Could not move %s" => "Nem sikerült %s áthelyezése",
"Unable to rename file" => "Nem lehet átnevezni a fájlt",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Nem történt feltöltés. Ismeretlen hiba",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "A fájlt sikerült feltölteni",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "A feltöltött fájl mérete meghaladja a php.ini állományban megadott upload_max_filesize paraméter értékét.",
@ -7,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Nem töltődött fel semmi",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Hiányzik egy ideiglenes mappa",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Nem sikerült a lemezre történő írás",
"Not enough space available" => "Nincs elég szabad hely",
"Invalid directory." => "Érvénytelen mappa.",
"Files" => "Fájlok",
"Unshare" => "Megosztás visszavonása",
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' fájlnév érvénytelen.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "A fájlnév nem lehet semmi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' és '*'",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-fájl generálása, ez eltarthat egy ideig.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Készül a letöltendő állomány. Ez eltarthat egy ideig, ha nagyok a fájlok.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nem tölthető fel, mert mappa volt, vagy 0 byte méretű",
"Upload Error" => "Feltöltési hiba",
"Close" => "Bezárás",
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "A feltöltést megszakítottuk.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Fájlfeltöltés van folyamatban. Az oldal elhagyása megszakítja a feltöltést.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "Az URL nem lehet semmi.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Érvénytelen mappanév. A név használata csak a Owncloud számára lehetséges.",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} fájlt találtunk",
"error while scanning" => "Hiba a fájllista-ellenőrzés során",
"Name" => "Név",
@ -44,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} mappa",
"1 file" => "1 fájl",
"{count} files" => "{count} fájl",
"Upload" => "Feltöltés",
"File handling" => "Fájlkezelés",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximális feltölthető fájlméret",
"max. possible: " => "max. lehetséges: ",
@ -56,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Szövegfájl",
"Folder" => "Mappa",
"From link" => "Feltöltés linkről",
"Upload" => "Feltöltés",
"Cancel upload" => "A feltöltés megszakítása",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Itt nincs semmi. Töltsön fel valamit!",
"Download" => "Letöltés",

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
"Name" => "Nomine",
"Size" => "Dimension",
"Modified" => "Modificate",
"Upload" => "Incargar",
"Maximum upload size" => "Dimension maxime de incargamento",
"Save" => "Salveguardar",
"New" => "Nove",
"Text file" => "File de texto",
"Folder" => "Dossier",
"Upload" => "Incargar",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nihil hic. Incarga alcun cosa!",
"Download" => "Discargar",
"Upload too large" => "Incargamento troppo longe"

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"replace" => "mengganti",
"cancel" => "batalkan",
"undo" => "batal dikerjakan",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "membuat berkas ZIP, ini mungkin memakan waktu.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Gagal mengunggah berkas anda karena berupa direktori atau mempunyai ukuran 0 byte",
"Upload Error" => "Terjadi Galat Pengunggahan",
"Close" => "tutup",
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@
"Name" => "Nama",
"Size" => "Ukuran",
"Modified" => "Dimodifikasi",
"Upload" => "Unggah",
"File handling" => "Penanganan berkas",
"Maximum upload size" => "Ukuran unggah maksimum",
"max. possible: " => "Kemungkinan maks:",
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
"New" => "Baru",
"Text file" => "Berkas teks",
"Folder" => "Folder",
"Upload" => "Unggah",
"Cancel upload" => "Batal mengunggah",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Tidak ada apa-apa di sini. Unggah sesuatu!",
"Download" => "Unduh",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Engin skrá skilaði sér",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Vantar bráðabirgðamöppu",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Tókst ekki að skrifa á disk",
"Not enough space available" => "Ekki nægt pláss tiltækt",
"Invalid directory." => "Ógild mappa.",
"Files" => "Skrár",
"Unshare" => "Hætta deilingu",
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' er ekki leyfilegt nafn.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Nafn skráar má ekki vera tómt",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ógilt nafn, táknin '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' og '*' eru ekki leyfð.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "bý til ZIP skrá, það gæti tekið smá stund.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Innsending á skrá mistókst, hugsanlega sendir þú möppu eða skráin er 0 bæti.",
"Upload Error" => "Villa við innsendingu",
"Close" => "Loka",
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} möppur",
"1 file" => "1 skrá",
"{count} files" => "{count} skrár",
"Upload" => "Senda inn",
"File handling" => "Meðhöndlun skrár",
"Maximum upload size" => "Hámarks stærð innsendingar",
"max. possible: " => "hámark mögulegt: ",
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
"Text file" => "Texta skrá",
"Folder" => "Mappa",
"From link" => "Af tengli",
"Upload" => "Senda inn",
"Cancel upload" => "Hætta við innsendingu",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Ekkert hér. Settu eitthvað inn!",
"Download" => "Niðurhal",

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Nessun file è stato caricato",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Cartella temporanea mancante",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Scrittura su disco non riuscita",
"Not enough space available" => "Spazio disponibile insufficiente",
"Not enough storage available" => "Spazio di archiviazione insufficiente",
"Invalid directory." => "Cartella non valida.",
"Files" => "File",
"Unshare" => "Rimuovi condivisione",
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' non è un nome file valido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Il nome del file non può essere vuoto.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome non valido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' non sono consentiti.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "creazione file ZIP, potrebbe richiedere del tempo.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Lo spazio di archiviazione è pieno, i file non possono essere più aggiornati o sincronizzati!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Lo spazio di archiviazione è quasi pieno ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Il tuo scaricamento è in fase di preparazione. Ciò potrebbe richiedere del tempo se i file sono grandi.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossibile inviare il file poiché è una cartella o ha dimensione 0 byte",
"Upload Error" => "Errore di invio",
"Close" => "Chiudi",
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} cartelle",
"1 file" => "1 file",
"{count} files" => "{count} file",
"Upload" => "Carica",
"File handling" => "Gestione file",
"Maximum upload size" => "Dimensione massima upload",
"max. possible: " => "numero mass.: ",
@ -60,7 +63,6 @@
"Text file" => "File di testo",
"Folder" => "Cartella",
"From link" => "Da collegamento",
"Upload" => "Carica",
"Cancel upload" => "Annulla invio",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Non c'è niente qui. Carica qualcosa!",
"Download" => "Scarica",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "ファイルはアップロードされませんでした",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "テンポラリフォルダが見つかりません",
"Failed to write to disk" => "ディスクへの書き込みに失敗しました",
"Not enough space available" => "利用可能なスペースが十分にありません",
"Invalid directory." => "無効なディレクトリです。",
"Files" => "ファイル",
"Unshare" => "共有しない",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' は無効なファイル名です。",
"File name cannot be empty." => "ファイル名を空にすることはできません。",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "無効な名前、'\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?', '*' は使用できません。",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIPファイルを生成中です、しばらくお待ちください。",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "ダウンロードの準備中です。ファイルサイズが大きい場合は少し時間がかかるかもしれません。",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "ディレクトリもしくは0バイトのファイルはアップロードできません",
"Upload Error" => "アップロードエラー",
"Close" => "閉じる",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} フォルダ",
"1 file" => "1 ファイル",
"{count} files" => "{count} ファイル",
"Upload" => "アップロード",
"File handling" => "ファイル操作",
"Maximum upload size" => "最大アップロードサイズ",
"max. possible: " => "最大容量: ",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "テキストファイル",
"Folder" => "フォルダ",
"From link" => "リンク",
"Upload" => "アップロード",
"Cancel upload" => "アップロードをキャンセル",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "ここには何もありません。何かアップロードしてください。",
"Download" => "ダウンロード",

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "{new_name} შეცვლილია {old_name}–ით",
"unshared {files}" => "გაზიარება მოხსნილი {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "წაშლილი {files}",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP-ფაილის გენერირება, ამას ჭირდება გარკვეული დრო.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "თქვენი ფაილის ატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა. ის არის საქაღალდე და შეიცავს 0 ბაიტს",
"Upload Error" => "შეცდომა ატვირთვისას",
"Close" => "დახურვა",
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} საქაღალდე",
"1 file" => "1 ფაილი",
"{count} files" => "{count} ფაილი",
"Upload" => "ატვირთვა",
"File handling" => "ფაილის დამუშავება",
"Maximum upload size" => "მაქსიმუმ ატვირთის ზომა",
"max. possible: " => "მაქს. შესაძლებელი:",
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
"New" => "ახალი",
"Text file" => "ტექსტური ფაილი",
"Folder" => "საქაღალდე",
"Upload" => "ატვირთვა",
"Cancel upload" => "ატვირთვის გაუქმება",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "აქ არაფერი არ არის. ატვირთე რამე!",
"Download" => "ჩამოტვირთვა",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "업로드된 파일 없음",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "임시 폴더가 사라짐",
"Failed to write to disk" => "디스크에 쓰지 못했습니다",
"Not enough space available" => "여유공간이 부족합니다",
"Invalid directory." => "올바르지 않은 디렉토리입니다.",
"Files" => "파일",
"Unshare" => "공유 해제",
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' 는 올바르지 않은 파일 이름 입니다.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "파일이름은 공란이 될 수 없습니다.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "폴더 이름이 올바르지 않습니다. 이름에 문자 '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '? ', '*'는 사용할 수 없습니다.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP 파일을 생성하고 있습니다. 시간이 걸릴 수도 있습니다.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "이 파일은 디렉터리이거나 비어 있기 때문에 업로드할 수 없습니다",
"Upload Error" => "업로드 오류",
"Close" => "닫기",
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "폴더 {count}개",
"1 file" => "파일 1개",
"{count} files" => "파일 {count}개",
"Upload" => "업로드",
"File handling" => "파일 처리",
"Maximum upload size" => "최대 업로드 크기",
"max. possible: " => "최대 가능:",
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
"Text file" => "텍스트 파일",
"Folder" => "폴더",
"From link" => "링크에서",
"Upload" => "업로드",
"Cancel upload" => "업로드 취소",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "내용이 없습니다. 업로드할 수 있습니다!",
"Download" => "다운로드",

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"Close" => "داخستن",
"URL cannot be empty." => "ناونیشانی بهستهر نابێت بهتاڵ بێت.",
"Name" => "ناو",
"Upload" => "بارکردن",
"Save" => "پاشکهوتکردن",
"Folder" => "بوخچه",
"Upload" => "بارکردن",
"Download" => "داگرتن"

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Et feelt en temporären Dossier",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Konnt net op den Disk schreiwen",
"Files" => "Dateien",
"Unshare" => "Net méi deelen",
"Delete" => "Läschen",
"replace" => "ersetzen",
"cancel" => "ofbriechen",
"undo" => "réckgängeg man",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Et gëtt eng ZIP-File generéiert, dëst ka bëssen daueren.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kann deng Datei net eroplueden well et en Dossier ass oder 0 byte grouss ass.",
"Upload Error" => "Fehler beim eroplueden",
"Close" => "Zoumaachen",
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
"Name" => "Numm",
"Size" => "Gréisst",
"Modified" => "Geännert",
"Upload" => "Eroplueden",
"File handling" => "Fichier handling",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximum Upload Gréisst ",
"max. possible: " => "max. méiglech:",
@ -30,7 +31,6 @@
"New" => "Nei",
"Text file" => "Text Fichier",
"Folder" => "Dossier",
"Upload" => "Eroplueden",
"Cancel upload" => "Upload ofbriechen",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Hei ass näischt. Lued eppes rop!",
"Download" => "Eroflueden",

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "pakeiskite {new_name} į {old_name}",
"unshared {files}" => "nebesidalinti {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "ištrinti {files}",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "kuriamas ZIP archyvas, tai gali užtrukti šiek tiek laiko.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Neįmanoma įkelti failo - jo dydis gali būti 0 bitų arba tai katalogas",
"Upload Error" => "Įkėlimo klaida",
"Close" => "Užverti",
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} aplankalai",
"1 file" => "1 failas",
"{count} files" => "{count} failai",
"Upload" => "Įkelti",
"File handling" => "Failų tvarkymas",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimalus įkeliamo failo dydis",
"max. possible: " => "maks. galima:",
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
"New" => "Naujas",
"Text file" => "Teksto failas",
"Folder" => "Katalogas",
"Upload" => "Įkelti",
"Cancel upload" => "Atšaukti siuntimą",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Čia tuščia. Įkelkite ką nors!",
"Download" => "Atsisiųsti",

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"suggest name" => "Ieteiktais nosaukums",
"cancel" => "atcelt",
"undo" => "vienu soli atpakaļ",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "lai uzģenerētu ZIP failu, kāds brīdis ir jāpagaida",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nav iespējams augšuplādēt jūsu failu, jo tāds jau eksistē vai arī failam nav izmēra (0 baiti)",
"Upload Error" => "Augšuplādēšanas laikā radās kļūda",
"Pending" => "Gaida savu kārtu",
@ -20,6 +19,7 @@
"Name" => "Nosaukums",
"Size" => "Izmērs",
"Modified" => "Izmainīts",
"Upload" => "Augšuplādet",
"File handling" => "Failu pārvaldība",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimālais failu augšuplādes apjoms",
"max. possible: " => "maksīmālais iespējamais:",
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
"New" => "Jauns",
"Text file" => "Teksta fails",
"Folder" => "Mape",
"Upload" => "Augšuplādet",
"Cancel upload" => "Atcelt augšuplādi",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Te vēl nekas nav. Rīkojies, sāc augšuplādēt",
"Download" => "Lejuplādēt",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "без споделување {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "избришани {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Неправилно име. , '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' не се дозволени.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Се генерира ZIP фајлот, ќе треба извесно време.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Не може да се преземе вашата датотека бидејќи фолдерот во кој се наоѓа фајлот има големина од 0 бајти",
"Upload Error" => "Грешка при преземање",
"Close" => "Затвои",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} папки",
"1 file" => "1 датотека",
"{count} files" => "{count} датотеки",
"Upload" => "Подигни",
"File handling" => "Ракување со датотеки",
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимална големина за подигање",
"max. possible: " => "макс. можно:",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "Текстуална датотека",
"Folder" => "Папка",
"From link" => "Од врска",
"Upload" => "Подигни",
"Cancel upload" => "Откажи прикачување",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Тука нема ништо. Снимете нешто!",
"Download" => "Преземи",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"Delete" => "Padam",
"replace" => "ganti",
"cancel" => "Batal",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "sedang menghasilkan fail ZIP, mungkin mengambil sedikit masa.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Tidak boleh memuatnaik fail anda kerana mungkin ianya direktori atau saiz fail 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Muat naik ralat",
"Close" => "Tutup",
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@
"Name" => "Nama ",
"Size" => "Saiz",
"Modified" => "Dimodifikasi",
"Upload" => "Muat naik",
"File handling" => "Pengendalian fail",
"Maximum upload size" => "Saiz maksimum muat naik",
"max. possible: " => "maksimum:",
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
"New" => "Baru",
"Text file" => "Fail teks",
"Folder" => "Folder",
"Upload" => "Muat naik",
"Cancel upload" => "Batal muat naik",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Tiada apa-apa di sini. Muat naik sesuatu!",
"Download" => "Muat turun",

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "erstatt {new_name} med {old_name}",
"deleted {files}" => "slettet {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ugyldig navn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' og '*' er ikke tillatt.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "opprettet ZIP-fil, dette kan ta litt tid",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kan ikke laste opp filen din siden det er en mappe eller den har 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Opplasting feilet",
"Close" => "Lukk",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} mapper",
"1 file" => "1 fil",
"{count} files" => "{count} filer",
"Upload" => "Last opp",
"File handling" => "Filhåndtering",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimum opplastingsstørrelse",
"max. possible: " => "max. mulige:",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tekstfil",
"Folder" => "Mappe",
"From link" => "Fra link",
"Upload" => "Last opp",
"Cancel upload" => "Avbryt opplasting",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Ingenting her. Last opp noe!",
"Download" => "Last ned",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Geen bestand geüpload",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Een tijdelijke map mist",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Schrijven naar schijf mislukt",
"Not enough space available" => "Niet genoeg ruimte beschikbaar",
"Invalid directory." => "Ongeldige directory.",
"Files" => "Bestanden",
"Unshare" => "Stop delen",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' is een ongeldige bestandsnaam.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Bestandsnaam kan niet leeg zijn.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Onjuiste naam; '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' en '*' zijn niet toegestaan.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "aanmaken ZIP-file, dit kan enige tijd duren.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Uw download wordt voorbereid. Dit kan enige tijd duren bij grote bestanden.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "uploaden van de file mislukt, het is of een directory of de bestandsgrootte is 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Upload Fout",
"Close" => "Sluit",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} mappen",
"1 file" => "1 bestand",
"{count} files" => "{count} bestanden",
"Upload" => "Upload",
"File handling" => "Bestand",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximale bestandsgrootte voor uploads",
"max. possible: " => "max. mogelijk: ",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tekstbestand",
"Folder" => "Map",
"From link" => "Vanaf link",
"Upload" => "Upload",
"Cancel upload" => "Upload afbreken",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Er bevindt zich hier niets. Upload een bestand!",
"Download" => "Download",

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
"Name" => "Namn",
"Size" => "Storleik",
"Modified" => "Endra",
"Upload" => "Last opp",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimal opplastingsstorleik",
"Save" => "Lagre",
"New" => "Ny",
"Text file" => "Tekst fil",
"Folder" => "Mappe",
"Upload" => "Last opp",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Ingenting her. Last noko opp!",
"Download" => "Last ned",
"Upload too large" => "For stor opplasting",

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
"suggest name" => "nom prepausat",
"cancel" => "anulla",
"undo" => "defar",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Fichièr ZIP a se far, aquò pòt trigar un briu.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossible d'amontcargar lo teu fichièr qu'es un repertòri o que ten pas que 0 octet.",
"Upload Error" => "Error d'amontcargar",
"Pending" => "Al esperar",
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@
"Name" => "Nom",
"Size" => "Talha",
"Modified" => "Modificat",
"Upload" => "Amontcarga",
"File handling" => "Manejament de fichièr",
"Maximum upload size" => "Talha maximum d'amontcargament",
"max. possible: " => "max. possible: ",
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
"New" => "Nòu",
"Text file" => "Fichièr de tèxte",
"Folder" => "Dorsièr",
"Upload" => "Amontcarga",
"Cancel upload" => " Anulla l'amontcargar",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Pas res dedins. Amontcarga qualquaren",
"Download" => "Avalcarga",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Nie przesłano żadnego pliku",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Brak katalogu tymczasowego",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Błąd zapisu na dysk",
"Not enough space available" => "Za mało miejsca",
"Invalid directory." => "Zła ścieżka.",
"Files" => "Pliki",
"Unshare" => "Nie udostępniaj",
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' jest nieprawidłową nazwą pliku.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Nazwa pliku nie może być pusta.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Niepoprawna nazwa, Znaki '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' oraz '*'są niedozwolone.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Generowanie pliku ZIP, może potrwać pewien czas.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nie można wczytać pliku jeśli jest katalogiem lub ma 0 bajtów",
"Upload Error" => "Błąd wczytywania",
"Close" => "Zamknij",
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} foldery",
"1 file" => "1 plik",
"{count} files" => "{count} pliki",
"Upload" => "Prześlij",
"File handling" => "Zarządzanie plikami",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksymalny rozmiar wysyłanego pliku",
"max. possible: " => "max. możliwych",
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
"Text file" => "Plik tekstowy",
"Folder" => "Katalog",
"From link" => "Z linku",
"Upload" => "Prześlij",
"Cancel upload" => "Przestań wysyłać",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Brak zawartości. Proszę wysłać pliki!",
"Download" => "Pobiera element",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "{files} não compartilhados",
"deleted {files}" => "{files} apagados",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome inválido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' não são permitidos.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "gerando arquivo ZIP, isso pode levar um tempo.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossível enviar seus arquivo como diretório ou ele tem 0 bytes.",
"Upload Error" => "Erro de envio",
"Close" => "Fechar",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} pastas",
"1 file" => "1 arquivo",
"{count} files" => "{count} arquivos",
"Upload" => "Carregar",
"File handling" => "Tratamento de Arquivo",
"Maximum upload size" => "Tamanho máximo para carregar",
"max. possible: " => "max. possível:",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "Arquivo texto",
"Folder" => "Pasta",
"From link" => "Do link",
"Upload" => "Carregar",
"Cancel upload" => "Cancelar upload",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nada aqui.Carrege alguma coisa!",
"Download" => "Baixar",

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Não foi enviado nenhum ficheiro",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Falta uma pasta temporária",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Falhou a escrita no disco",
"Not enough space available" => "Espaço em disco insuficiente!",
"Not enough storage available" => "Não há espaço suficiente em disco",
"Invalid directory." => "Directório Inválido",
"Files" => "Ficheiros",
"Unshare" => "Deixar de partilhar",
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' não é um nome de ficheiro válido!",
"File name cannot be empty." => "O nome do ficheiro não pode estar vazio.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome Inválido, os caracteres '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' não são permitidos.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "a gerar o ficheiro ZIP, poderá demorar algum tempo.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "O seu armazenamento está cheio, os ficheiros não podem ser sincronizados.",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "O seu espaço de armazenamento está quase cheiro ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "O seu download está a ser preparado. Este processo pode demorar algum tempo se os ficheiros forem grandes.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Não é possível fazer o envio do ficheiro devido a ser uma pasta ou ter 0 bytes",
"Upload Error" => "Erro no envio",
"Close" => "Fechar",
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} pastas",
"1 file" => "1 ficheiro",
"{count} files" => "{count} ficheiros",
"Upload" => "Enviar",
"File handling" => "Manuseamento de ficheiros",
"Maximum upload size" => "Tamanho máximo de envio",
"max. possible: " => "max. possivel: ",
@ -60,7 +63,6 @@
"Text file" => "Ficheiro de texto",
"Folder" => "Pasta",
"From link" => "Da ligação",
"Upload" => "Enviar",
"Cancel upload" => "Cancelar envio",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Vazio. Envie alguma coisa!",
"Download" => "Transferir",

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Nu se poate de mutat %s - Fișier cu acest nume deja există",
"Could not move %s" => "Nu s-a putut muta %s",
"Unable to rename file" => "Nu s-a putut redenumi fișierul",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Nici un fișier nu a fost încărcat. Eroare necunoscută",
@ -9,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Niciun fișier încărcat",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Lipsește un dosar temporar",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Eroare la scriere pe disc",
"Not enough space available" => "Nu este suficient spațiu disponibil",
"Invalid directory." => "Director invalid.",
"Files" => "Fișiere",
"Unshare" => "Anulează partajarea",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' este un nume invalid de fișier.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Numele fișierului nu poate rămâne gol.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nume invalid, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' si '*' nu sunt permise.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "se generază fișierul ZIP, va dura ceva timp.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Se pregătește descărcarea. Aceasta poate să dureze ceva timp dacă fișierele sunt mari.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nu s-a putut încărca fișierul tău deoarece pare să fie un director sau are 0 bytes.",
"Upload Error" => "Eroare la încărcare",
"Close" => "Închide",
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} foldare",
"1 file" => "1 fisier",
"{count} files" => "{count} fisiere",
"Upload" => "Încarcă",
"File handling" => "Manipulare fișiere",
"Maximum upload size" => "Dimensiune maximă admisă la încărcare",
"max. possible: " => "max. posibil:",
@ -59,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Fișier text",
"Folder" => "Dosar",
"From link" => "de la adresa",
"Upload" => "Încarcă",
"Cancel upload" => "Anulează încărcarea",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nimic aici. Încarcă ceva!",
"Download" => "Descarcă",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Файл не был загружен",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Невозможно найти временную папку",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Ошибка записи на диск",
"Not enough space available" => "Недостаточно свободного места",
"Invalid directory." => "Неправильный каталог.",
"Files" => "Файлы",
"Unshare" => "Отменить публикацию",
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' - неправильное имя файла.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Имя файла не может быть пустым.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Неправильное имя, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' недопустимы.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "создание ZIP-файла, это может занять некоторое время.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Не удается загрузить файл размером 0 байт в каталог",
"Upload Error" => "Ошибка загрузки",
"Close" => "Закрыть",
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} папок",
"1 file" => "1 файл",
"{count} files" => "{count} файлов",
"Upload" => "Загрузить",
"File handling" => "Управление файлами",
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимальный размер загружаемого файла",
"max. possible: " => "макс. возможно: ",
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
"Text file" => "Текстовый файл",
"Folder" => "Папка",
"From link" => "Из ссылки",
"Upload" => "Загрузить",
"Cancel upload" => "Отмена загрузки",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Здесь ничего нет. Загрузите что-нибудь!",
"Download" => "Скачать",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "Cовместное использование прекращено {файлы}",
"deleted {files}" => "удалено {файлы}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Некорректное имя, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' не допустимы.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Создание ZIP-файла, это может занять некоторое время.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Невозможно загрузить файл,\n так как он имеет нулевой размер или является директорией",
"Upload Error" => "Ошибка загрузки",
"Close" => "Закрыть",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{количество} папок",
"1 file" => "1 файл",
"{count} files" => "{количество} файлов",
"Upload" => "Загрузить ",
"File handling" => "Работа с файлами",
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимальный размер загружаемого файла",
"max. possible: " => "Максимально возможный",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "Текстовый файл",
"Folder" => "Папка",
"From link" => "По ссылке",
"Upload" => "Загрузить ",
"Cancel upload" => "Отмена загрузки",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Здесь ничего нет. Загрузите что-нибудь!",
"Download" => "Загрузить",

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"suggest name" => "නමකජන කරනන",
"cancel" => "අත හරන",
"undo" => "නරභ කරනන",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ගවක පවත. කවක ගත වය හක",
"Upload Error" => "උඩගත කශයක",
"Close" => "වසනන",
"1 file uploading" => "1 ගවක උඩගත ක",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@
"Modified" => "වනස කළ",
"1 folder" => "1 ෆඩරයක",
"1 file" => "1 ගවක",
"Upload" => "උඩගත කම",
"File handling" => "ග පරහරණය",
"Maximum upload size" => "උඩගත කමක උපරම පරමණය",
"max. possible: " => "හ උපරමය:",
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
"Text file" => "පළ ගව",
"Folder" => "ෆඩරය",
"From link" => "ය",
"Upload" => "උඩගත කම",
"Cancel upload" => "උඩගත කම අත හරන",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "මවකත. යමක උඩගත කරනන",
"Download" => "බගත කම",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Nie je možné presunúť %s - súbor s týmto menom už existuje",
"Could not move %s" => "Nie je možné presunúť %s",
"Unable to rename file" => "Nemožno premenovať súbor",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Žiaden súbor nebol odoslaný. Neznáma chyba",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Nenastala žiadna chyba, súbor bol úspešne nahraný",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "Nahraný súbor predčil konfiguračnú direktívu upload_max_filesize v súbore php.ini:",
@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Žiaden súbor nebol nahraný",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Chýbajúci dočasný priečinok",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Zápis na disk sa nepodaril",
"Invalid directory." => "Neplatný adresár",
"Files" => "Súbory",
"Unshare" => "Nezdielať",
"Delete" => "Odstrániť",
@ -20,8 +24,10 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "prepísaný {new_name} súborom {old_name}",
"unshared {files}" => "zdieľanie zrušené pre {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "zmazané {files}",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' je neplatné meno súboru.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Meno súboru nemôže byť prázdne",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nesprávne meno, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nie sú povolené hodnoty.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generujem ZIP-súbor, môže to chvíľu trvať.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Vaše sťahovanie sa pripravuje. Ak sú sťahované súbory veľké, môže to chvíľu trvať.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nemôžem nahrať súbor lebo je to priečinok alebo má 0 bajtov.",
"Upload Error" => "Chyba odosielania",
"Close" => "Zavrieť",
@ -31,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "Odosielanie zrušené",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Opustenie stránky zruší práve prebiehajúce odosielanie súboru.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL nemôže byť prázdne",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Neplatné meno adresára. Používanie mena 'Shared' je vyhradené len pre Owncloud",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} súborov prehľadaných",
"error while scanning" => "chyba počas kontroly",
"Name" => "Meno",
@ -40,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} priečinkov",
"1 file" => "1 súbor",
"{count} files" => "{count} súborov",
"Upload" => "Odoslať",
"File handling" => "Nastavenie správanie k súborom",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximálna veľkosť odosielaného súboru",
"max. possible: " => "najväčšie možné:",
@ -52,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Textový súbor",
"Folder" => "Priečinok",
"From link" => "Z odkazu",
"Upload" => "Odoslať",
"Cancel upload" => "Zrušiť odosielanie",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Žiadny súbor. Nahrajte niečo!",
"Download" => "Stiahnuť",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "odstranjeno iz souporabe {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "izbrisano {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Neveljavno ime, znaki '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' in '*' niso dovoljeni.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Ustvarjanje datoteke ZIP. To lahko traja nekaj časa.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Pošiljanje ni mogoče, saj gre za mapo, ali pa je datoteka velikosti 0 bajtov.",
"Upload Error" => "Napaka med nalaganjem",
"Close" => "Zapri",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} map",
"1 file" => "1 datoteka",
"{count} files" => "{count} datotek",
"Upload" => "Pošlji",
"File handling" => "Upravljanje z datotekami",
"Maximum upload size" => "Največja velikost za pošiljanja",
"max. possible: " => "največ mogoče:",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "Besedilna datoteka",
"Folder" => "Mapa",
"From link" => "Iz povezave",
"Upload" => "Pošlji",
"Cancel upload" => "Prekliči pošiljanje",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Tukaj ni ničesar. Naložite kaj!",
"Download" => "Prejmi",

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "укинуто дељење {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "обрисано {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Неисправан назив. Следећи знакови нису дозвољени: \\, /, <, >, :, \", |, ? и *.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "правим ZIP датотеку…",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Не могу да отпремим датотеку као фасциклу или она има 0 бајтова",
"Upload Error" => "Грешка при отпремању",
"Close" => "Затвори",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} фасцикле/и",
"1 file" => "1 датотека",
"{count} files" => "{count} датотеке/а",
"Upload" => "Отпреми",
"File handling" => "Управљање датотекама",
"Maximum upload size" => "Највећа величина датотеке",
"max. possible: " => "највећа величина:",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"Text file" => "текстуална датотека",
"Folder" => "фасцикла",
"From link" => "Са везе",
"Upload" => "Отпреми",
"Cancel upload" => "Прекини отпремање",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Овде нема ничег. Отпремите нешто!",
"Download" => "Преузми",

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
"Name" => "Ime",
"Size" => "Veličina",
"Modified" => "Zadnja izmena",
"Upload" => "Pošalji",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimalna veličina pošiljke",
"Save" => "Snimi",
"Upload" => "Pošalji",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Ovde nema ničeg. Pošaljite nešto!",
"Download" => "Preuzmi",
"Upload too large" => "Pošiljka je prevelika",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Kunde inte flytta %s - Det finns redan en fil med detta namn",
"Could not move %s" => "Kan inte flytta %s",
"Unable to rename file" => "Kan inte byta namn på filen",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Ingen fil uppladdad. Okänt fel",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Inga fel uppstod. Filen laddades upp utan problem",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "Den uppladdade filen överskrider upload_max_filesize direktivet php.ini:",
@ -7,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Ingen fil blev uppladdad",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Saknar en tillfällig mapp",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Misslyckades spara till disk",
"Not enough space available" => "Inte tillräckligt med utrymme tillgängligt",
"Invalid directory." => "Felaktig mapp.",
"Files" => "Filer",
"Unshare" => "Sluta dela",
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' är ett ogiltigt filnamn.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Filnamn kan inte vara tomt.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ogiltigt namn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' och '*' är inte tillåtet.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "genererar ZIP-fil, det kan ta lite tid.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Din nedladdning förbereds. Det kan ta tid om det är stora filer.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kunde inte ladda upp dina filer eftersom det antingen är en mapp eller har 0 bytes.",
"Upload Error" => "Uppladdningsfel",
"Close" => "Stäng",
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} mappar",
"1 file" => "1 fil",
"{count} files" => "{count} filer",
"Upload" => "Ladda upp",
"File handling" => "Filhantering",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maximal storlek att ladda upp",
"max. possible: " => "max. möjligt:",
@ -57,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Textfil",
"Folder" => "Mapp",
"From link" => "Från länk",
"Upload" => "Ladda upp",
"Cancel upload" => "Avbryt uppladdning",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Ingenting här. Ladda upp något!",
"Download" => "Ladda ner",

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "பகிரபபடதத {ககள}",
"deleted {files}" => "நகபபடடத {ககள}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "சபடியறற பயர,'\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' மற '*' ஆகியன அனமதிகபபடம.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => " ZIP க உரகபபடிறத, இதில நரம ஆகல.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "அட அலலத 0 bytes ஐ களத உஙகளய க பதிற மியவி",
"Upload Error" => "பதிறல வழ",
"Close" => "மக",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{எணி} ககள",
"1 file" => "1 க",
"{count} files" => "{எணி} ககள",
"Upload" => "பதிக",
"File handling" => "கதல",
"Maximum upload size" => "பதிறகிய ஆககிய அளவ ",
"max. possible: " => "ஆககியத:",
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
"Text file" => "க உர",
"Folder" => "க",
"From link" => "இணிி",
"Upload" => "பதிக",
"Cancel upload" => "பதிறல இரதக",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "இங ஒன இல. ஏதவத பதிக!",
"Download" => "பதிிறகக",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "ไมสามารถยาย %s ได - ไฟลใชอนอยแลว",
"Could not move %s" => "ไมสามารถยาย %s ได",
"Unable to rename file" => "ไมสามารถเปลยนชอไฟลได",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "ยงไมไฟลใดทกอพโหลด เกดขอผดพลาดทไมทราบสาเหต",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "ไมอผดพลาดใดๆ ไฟลกอพโหลดเรยบรอยแลว",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "ขนาดไฟลพโหลดมขนาดเกน upload_max_filesize ทระบไวใน php.ini",
@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "ยงไมไฟลกอพโหลด",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "แฟมเอกสารชวคราวเกดการสญหาย",
"Failed to write to disk" => "เขยนขอมลลงแผนดสกมเหลว",
"Invalid directory." => "ไดเรกทอรไมกตอง",
"Files" => "ไฟล",
"Unshare" => "ยกเลกการแชรอมล",
"Delete" => "ลบ",
@ -20,8 +24,10 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "แทนท {new_name} ดวย {old_name} แลว",
"unshared {files}" => "ยกเลกการแชรแลว {files} ไฟล",
"deleted {files}" => "ลบไฟลแลว {files} ไฟล",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' เปนชอไฟลไมกตอง",
"File name cannot be empty." => "ชอไฟลไมสามารถเวนวางได",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "ชอทใชไมกตอง, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' และ '*' ไมไดบอนญาตใหใชงานได",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "กำลงสรางไฟลบอด ZIP อาจใชเวลาสกคร",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "กำลงเตรยมดาวนโหลดขอมล หากไฟลขนาดใหญ อาจใชเวลาสกคร",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "ไมสามารถอพโหลดไฟลของคณได เนองจากไฟลงกลาวเปนไดเรกทอรหรอมขนาด 0 ไบต",
"Upload Error" => "เกดขอผดพลาดในการอพโหลด",
"Close" => "ปด",
@ -31,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "การอพโหลดถกยกเลก",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "การอพโหลดไฟลกำลงอยในระหวางดำเนนการ การออกจากหนาเวบนจะทำใหการอพโหลดถกยกเลก",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL ไมสามารถเวนวางได",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "ชอโฟลเดอรไมกตอง การใชงาน 'แชร' สงวนไวสำหรบ Owncloud เทานน",
"{count} files scanned" => "สแกนไฟลแลว {count} ไฟล",
"error while scanning" => "พบขอผดพลาดในระหวางการสแกนไฟล",
"Name" => "ชอ",
@ -40,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} โฟลเดอร",
"1 file" => "1 ไฟล",
"{count} files" => "{count} ไฟล",
"Upload" => "อพโหลด",
"File handling" => "การจดกาไฟล",
"Maximum upload size" => "ขนาดไฟลงสดทพโหลดได",
"max. possible: " => "จำนวนสงสดทสามารถทำได: ",
@ -52,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "ไฟลอความ",
"Folder" => "แฟมเอกสาร",
"From link" => "จากลงก",
"Upload" => "อพโหลด",
"Cancel upload" => "ยกเลกการอพโหลด",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "ยงไมไฟลใดๆอย กรณาอพโหลดไฟล!",
"Download" => "ดาวนโหลด",

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "%s taşınamadı. Bu isimde dosya zaten var.",
"Could not move %s" => "%s taşınamadı",
"Unable to rename file" => "Dosya adı değiştirilemedi",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Dosya yüklenmedi. Bilinmeyen hata",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Bir hata yok, dosya başarıyla yüklendi",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "php.ini dosyasında upload_max_filesize ile belirtilen dosya yükleme sınırı aşıldı.",
@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "Hiç dosya yüklenmedi",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Geçici bir klasör eksik",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Diske yazılamadı",
"Invalid directory." => "Geçersiz dizin.",
"Files" => "Dosyalar",
"Unshare" => "Paylaşılmayan",
"Delete" => "Sil",
@ -20,8 +24,10 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "{new_name} ismi {old_name} ile değiştirildi",
"unshared {files}" => "paylaşılmamış {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "silinen {files}",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' geçersiz dosya adı.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Dosya adı boş olamaz.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Geçersiz isim, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ve '*' karakterlerine izin verilmemektedir.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "ZIP dosyası oluşturuluyor, biraz sürebilir.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "İndirmeniz hazırlanıyor. Dosya büyük ise biraz zaman alabilir.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Dosyanızın boyutu 0 byte olduğundan veya bir dizin olduğundan yüklenemedi",
"Upload Error" => "Yükleme hatası",
"Close" => "Kapat",
@ -31,6 +37,7 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "Yükleme iptal edildi.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Dosya yükleme işlemi sürüyor. Şimdi sayfadan ayrılırsanız işleminiz iptal olur.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL boş olamaz.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Geçersiz dizin adı. Shared isminin kullanımı Owncloud tarafından rezerver edilmiştir.",
"{count} files scanned" => "{count} dosya tarandı",
"error while scanning" => "tararamada hata oluşdu",
"Name" => "Ad",
@ -40,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} dizin",
"1 file" => "1 dosya",
"{count} files" => "{count} dosya",
"Upload" => "Yükle",
"File handling" => "Dosya taşıma",
"Maximum upload size" => "Maksimum yükleme boyutu",
"max. possible: " => "mümkün olan en fazla: ",
@ -52,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "Metin dosyası",
"Folder" => "Klasör",
"From link" => "Bağlantıdan",
"Upload" => "Yükle",
"Cancel upload" => "Yüklemeyi iptal et",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Burada hiçbir şey yok. Birşeyler yükleyin!",
"Download" => "İndir",

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "неопубліковано {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "видалено {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Невірне ім'я, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' та '*' не дозволені.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Створення ZIP-файлу, це може зайняти певний час.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Неможливо завантажити ваш файл тому, що він тека або файл розміром 0 байт",
"Upload Error" => "Помилка завантаження",
"Close" => "Закрити",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} папок",
"1 file" => "1 файл",
"{count} files" => "{count} файлів",
"Upload" => "Відвантажити",
"File handling" => "Робота з файлами",
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимальний розмір відвантажень",
"max. possible: " => "макс.можливе:",
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
"Text file" => "Текстовий файл",
"Folder" => "Папка",
"From link" => "З посилання",
"Upload" => "Відвантажити",
"Cancel upload" => "Перервати завантаження",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Тут нічого немає. Відвантажте що-небудь!",
"Download" => "Завантажити",

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
"unshared {files}" => "hủy chia sẽ {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "đã xóa {files}",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Tên không hợp lệ, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' và '*' thì không được phép dùng.",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Tạo tập tin ZIP, điều này có thể làm mất một chút thời gian",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Không thể tải lên tập tin này do nó là một thư mục hoặc kích thước tập tin bằng 0 byte",
"Upload Error" => "Tải lên lỗi",
"Close" => "Đóng",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} thư mục",
"1 file" => "1 tập tin",
"{count} files" => "{count} tập tin",
"Upload" => "Tải lên",
"File handling" => "Xử lý tập tin",
"Maximum upload size" => "Kích thước tối đa ",
"max. possible: " => "tối đa cho phép:",
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
"Text file" => "Tập tin văn bản",
"Folder" => "Thư mục",
"From link" => "Từ liên kết",
"Upload" => "Tải lên",
"Cancel upload" => "Hủy upload",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Không có gì ở đây .Hãy tải lên một cái gì đó !",
"Download" => "Tải xuống",

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "已用 {old_name} 替换 {new_name}",
"unshared {files}" => "未分享的 {files}",
"deleted {files}" => "已删除的 {files}",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "正在生成ZIP文件,这可能需要点时间",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "不能上传你指定的文件,可能因为它是个文件夹或者大小为0",
"Upload Error" => "上传错误",
"Close" => "关闭",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} 个文件夹",
"1 file" => "1 个文件",
"{count} files" => "{count} 个文件",
"Upload" => "上传",
"File handling" => "文件处理中",
"Maximum upload size" => "最大上传大小",
"max. possible: " => "最大可能",
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
"Text file" => "文本文档",
"Folder" => "文件夹",
"From link" => "来自链接",
"Upload" => "上传",
"Cancel upload" => "取消上传",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "这里没有东西.上传点什么!",
"Download" => "下载",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "文件没有上传",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "缺少临时目录",
"Failed to write to disk" => "写入磁盘失败",
"Not enough space available" => "没有足够可用空间",
"Invalid directory." => "无效文件夹。",
"Files" => "文件",
"Unshare" => "取消分享",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' 是一个无效的文件名。",
"File name cannot be empty." => "文件名不能为空。",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "无效名称,'\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' 和 '*' 不被允许使用。",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "正在生成 ZIP 文件,可能需要一些时间",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "下载正在准备中。如果文件较大可能会花费一些时间。",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "无法上传文件,因为它是一个目录或者大小为 0 字节",
"Upload Error" => "上传错误",
"Close" => "关闭",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} 个文件夹",
"1 file" => "1 个文件",
"{count} files" => "{count} 个文件",
"Upload" => "上传",
"File handling" => "文件处理",
"Maximum upload size" => "最大上传大小",
"max. possible: " => "最大允许: ",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "文本文件",
"Folder" => "文件夹",
"From link" => "来自链接",
"Upload" => "上传",
"Cancel upload" => "取消上传",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "这里还什么都没有。上传些东西吧!",
"Download" => "下载",

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"No file was uploaded" => "無已上傳檔案",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "遺失暫存資料夾",
"Failed to write to disk" => "寫入硬碟失敗",
"Not enough space available" => "沒有足夠的可用空間",
"Invalid directory." => "無效的資料夾。",
"Files" => "檔案",
"Unshare" => "取消共享",
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' 是不合法的檔名。",
"File name cannot be empty." => "檔名不能為空。",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "檔名不合法,不允許 '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' 和 '*' 。",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "產生 ZIP 壓縮檔,這可能需要一段時間。",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "正在準備您的下載,若您的檔案較大,將會需要更多時間。",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "無法上傳您的檔案因為它可能是一個目錄或檔案大小為0",
"Upload Error" => "上傳發生錯誤",
"Close" => "關閉",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} 個資料夾",
"1 file" => "1 個檔案",
"{count} files" => "{count} 個檔案",
"Upload" => "上傳",
"File handling" => "檔案處理",
"Maximum upload size" => "最大上傳檔案大小",
"max. possible: " => "最大允許:",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
"Text file" => "文字檔",
"Folder" => "資料夾",
"From link" => "從連結",
"Upload" => "上傳",
"Cancel upload" => "取消上傳",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "沒有任何東西。請上傳內容!",
"Download" => "下載",

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
namespace OCA\files\lib;
class Helper
public static function buildFileStorageStatistics($dir) {
$l = new \OC_L10N('files');
$maxUploadFilesize = \OCP\Util::maxUploadFilesize($dir);
$maxHumanFilesize = \OCP\Util::humanFileSize($maxUploadFilesize);
$maxHumanFilesize = $l->t('Upload') . ' max. ' . $maxHumanFilesize;
// information about storage capacities
$storageInfo = \OC_Helper::getStorageInfo();
return array('uploadMaxFilesize' => $maxUploadFilesize,
'maxHumanFilesize' => $maxHumanFilesize,
'usedSpacePercent' => (int)$storageInfo['relative']);

@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
// Init owncloud
// Check if we are a user

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
<?php endif;?>
<input type="hidden" name="permissions" value="<?php echo $_['permissions']; ?>" id="permissions">
<div id='notification'></div>
<?php if (isset($_['files']) and $_['isCreatable'] and count($_['files'])==0):?>
<div id="emptyfolder"><?php echo $l->t('Nothing in here. Upload something!')?></div>
@ -115,3 +114,4 @@
<!-- config hints for javascript -->
<input type="hidden" name="allowZipDownload" id="allowZipDownload" value="<?php echo $_['allowZipDownload']; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="usedSpacePercent" id="usedSpacePercent" value="<?php echo $_['usedSpacePercent']; ?>" />

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php if ( array_key_exists('publicListView', $_) && $_['publicListView'] == true ) :?>
var publicListView = true;
<?php else: ?>
var publicListView = false;
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="hidden" id="disableSharing" data-status="<?php echo $_['disableSharing']; ?>">
<?php foreach($_['files'] as $file):
$simple_file_size = OCP\simple_file_size($file['size']);

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012, Bjoern Schiessle <>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
use OCA\Encryption\Keymanager;
$mode = $_POST['mode'];
$changePasswd = false;
$passwdChanged = false;
if ( isset($_POST['newpasswd']) && isset($_POST['oldpasswd']) ) {
$oldpasswd = $_POST['oldpasswd'];
$newpasswd = $_POST['newpasswd'];
$changePasswd = true;
$passwdChanged = Keymanager::changePasswd($oldpasswd, $newpasswd);
$query = \OC_DB::prepare( "SELECT mode FROM *PREFIX*encryption WHERE uid = ?" );
$result = $query->execute(array(\OCP\User::getUser()));
if ($result->fetchRow()){
$query = OC_DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*encryption SET mode = ? WHERE uid = ?' );
} else {
$query = OC_DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO *PREFIX*encryption ( mode, uid ) VALUES( ?, ? )' );
if ( (!$changePasswd || $passwdChanged) && $query->execute(array($mode, \OCP\User::getUser())) ) {
} else {

@ -1,21 +1,37 @@
OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Crypt'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_CryptStream'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/cryptstream.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_FileProxy_Encryption'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Crypt'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Hooks'] = 'apps/files_encryption/hooks/hooks.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Util'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Keymanager'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Stream'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Proxy'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Session'] = 'apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php';
OC_FileProxy::register(new OC_FileProxy_Encryption());
OC_FileProxy::register( new OCA\Encryption\Proxy() );
OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_User', 'post_login', 'OC_Crypt', 'loginListener');
OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User','post_login', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'login' );
OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_Webdav_Properties', 'update', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'updateKeyfile' );
OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User','post_setPassword','OCA\Encryption\Hooks' ,'setPassphrase' );
stream_wrapper_register('crypt', 'OC_CryptStream');
stream_wrapper_register( 'crypt', 'OCA\Encryption\Stream' );
// force the user to re-loggin if the encryption key isn't unlocked
// (happens when a user is logged in before the encryption app is enabled)
if ( ! isset($_SESSION['enckey']) and OCP\User::isLoggedIn()) {
$session = new OCA\Encryption\Session();
if (
! $session->getPrivateKey( \OCP\USER::getUser() )
&& OCP\User::isLoggedIn()
&& OCA\Encryption\Crypt::mode() == 'server'
) {
// Force the user to re-log in if the encryption key isn't unlocked (happens when a user is logged in before the encryption app is enabled)
header("Location: ".OC::$WEBROOT.'/');
header( "Location: " . OC::$WEBROOT.'/' );
OCP\App::registerAdmin('files_encryption', 'settings');
OCP\App::registerAdmin( 'files_encryption', 'settings');
OCP\App::registerPersonal( 'files_encryption', 'settings-personal' );

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
<description>Server side encryption of files. DEPRECATED. This app is no longer supported and will be replaced with an improved version in ownCloud 5. Only enable this features if you want to read old encrypted data. Warning: You will lose your data if you enable this App and forget your password. Encryption is not yet compatible with LDAP.</description>
<description>Server side encryption of files. Warning: You will lose your data if you enable this App and forget your password. Encryption is not yet compatible with LDAP.</description>
<author>Robin Appelman</author>
<author>Sam Tuke</author>

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
* ownCloud
* @author Sam Tuke
* @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
namespace OCA\Encryption;
* Class for hook specific logic
class Hooks {
# TODO: use passphrase for encrypting private key that is separate to the login password
* @brief Startup encryption backend upon user login
* @note This method should never be called for users using client side encryption
public static function login( $params ) {
// if ( Crypt::mode( $params['uid'] ) == 'server' ) {
# TODO: use lots of dependency injection here
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
$util = new Util( $view, $params['uid'] );
if ( ! $util->ready() ) {
\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'User account "' . $params['uid'] . '" is not ready for encryption; configuration started' , \OC_Log::DEBUG );
return $util->setupServerSide( $params['password'] );
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
$encryptedKey = Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $view, $params['uid'] );
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
# TODO: dont manually encrypt the private keyfile - use the config options of openssl_pkey_export instead for better mobile compatibility
$privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, $params['password'] );
$session = new Session();
$session->setPrivateKey( $privateKey, $params['uid'] );
$view1 = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $params['uid'] );
// Set legacy encryption key if it exists, to support
// depreciated encryption system
if (
$view1->file_exists( 'encryption.key' )
&& $legacyKey = $view1->file_get_contents( 'encryption.key' )
) {
$_SESSION['legacyenckey'] = Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $legacyKey, $params['password'] );
// }
return true;
* @brief Change a user's encryption passphrase
* @param array $params keys: uid, password
public static function setPassphrase( $params ) {
// Only attempt to change passphrase if server-side encryption
// is in use (client-side encryption does not have access to
// the necessary keys)
if ( Crypt::mode() == 'server' ) {
// Get existing decrypted private key
$privateKey = $_SESSION['privateKey'];
// Encrypt private key with new user pwd as passphrase
$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $privateKey, $params['password'] );
// Save private key
Keymanager::setPrivateKey( $encryptedPrivateKey );
# NOTE: Session does not need to be updated as the
# private key has not changed, only the passphrase
# used to decrypt it has changed
* @brief update the encryption key of the file uploaded by the client
public static function updateKeyfile( $params ) {
if ( Crypt::mode() == 'client' ) {
if ( isset( $params['properties']['key'] ) ) {
Keymanager::setFileKey( $params['path'], $params['properties']['key'] );
} else {
'Encryption library', "Client side encryption is enabled but the client doesn't provide a encryption key for the file!"
, \OC_Log::ERROR
error_log( "Client side encryption is enabled but the client doesn't provide an encryption key for the file!" );

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012, Bjoern Schiessle <>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
var prevmode = document.getElementById('prev_encryption_mode').value
var client=$('input[value="client"]:checked').val()
if (client) {
$.post(OC.filePath('files_encryption', 'ajax', 'mode.php'), { mode: 'client' });
if (prevmode == 'server') {'encryption', 'Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion.'), t('encryption', 'switched to client side encryption'));
} else if (server) {
if (prevmode == 'client') {
OC.dialogs.form([{text:'Login password', name:'newpasswd', type:'password'},{text:'Encryption password used on the client', name:'oldpasswd', type:'password'}],t('encryption', 'Change encryption password to login password'), function(data) {
$.post(OC.filePath('files_encryption', 'ajax', 'mode.php'), { mode: 'server', newpasswd: data[0].value, oldpasswd: data[1].value }, function(result) {
if (result.status != 'success') {
document.getElementById(prevmode+'_encryption').checked = true;
OC.dialogs.alert(t('encryption', 'Please check your passwords and try again.'), t('encryption', 'Could not change your file encryption password to your login password'))
} else {
console.log("alles super");
}, true);
} else {
$.post(OC.filePath('files_encryption', 'ajax', 'mode.php'), { mode: 'server' });
} else {
$.post(OC.filePath('files_encryption', 'ajax', 'mode.php'), { mode: 'none' });

@ -11,14 +11,36 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
function blackListChange(){
var blackList=$('#encryption_blacklist').val().join(',');
var checked=$('#enable_encryption').is(':checked');
//TODO: Handle switch between client and server side encryption
var client=$('input[value="client"]:checked').val()
if (client) {
disable = true;
} else if (server) {
disable = true;
} else if (user) {
disable = true;
} else {
if (disable) {
document.getElementById('server_encryption').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('client_encryption').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('user_encryption').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('none_encryption').disabled = true;

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "التشفير",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "استبعد أنواع الملفات التالية من التشفير",
"None" => "لا شيء",
"Enable Encryption" => "تفعيل التشفير"
"None" => "لا شيء"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Криптиране",
"Enable Encryption" => "Включване на криптирането",
"None" => "Няма",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Изключване на следните файлови типове от криптирането"
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Изключване на следните файлови типове от криптирането",
"None" => "Няма"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "সয়ন",
"Enable Encryption" => "সয়ন সকিয় কর",
"None" => "কনটিই নয়",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "সয়ন থিত ধরণসমহ বদ দও"
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "সয়ন থিত ধরণসমহ বদ দও",
"None" => "কনটিই নয়"

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion." => "Connecteu-vos al client ownCloud i canvieu la contrasenya d'encriptació per completar la conversió.",
"switched to client side encryption" => "s'ha commutat a l'encriptació per part del client",
"Change encryption password to login password" => "Canvia la contrasenya d'encriptació per la d'accés",
"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Comproveu les contrasenyes i proveu-ho de nou.",
"Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "No s'ha pogut canviar la contrasenya d'encriptació de fitxers per la d'accés",
"Choose encryption mode:" => "Escolliu el mode d'encriptació:",
"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Encriptació per part del client (més segura però fa impossible l'accés a les dades des de la interfície web)",
"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Encriptació per part del servidor (permet accedir als fitxers des de la interfície web i des del client d'escriptori)",
"None (no encryption at all)" => "Cap (sense encriptació)",
"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Important: quan seleccioneu un mode d'encriptació no hi ha manera de canviar-lo de nou",
"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Específic per usuari (permet que l'usuari ho decideixi)",
"Encryption" => "Encriptatge",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Exclou els tipus de fitxers següents de l'encriptatge",
"None" => "Cap",
"Enable Encryption" => "Activa l'encriptatge"
"None" => "Cap"

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion." => "Prosím přejděte na svého klienta ownCloud a nastavte šifrovací heslo pro dokončení konverze.",
"switched to client side encryption" => "přepnuto na šifrování na straně klienta",
"Change encryption password to login password" => "Změnit šifrovací heslo na přihlašovací",
"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Zkontrolujte, prosím, své heslo a zkuste to znovu.",
"Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nelze změnit šifrovací heslo na přihlašovací.",
"Choose encryption mode:" => "Vyberte režim šifrování:",
"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Šifrování na straně klienta (nejbezpečnější ale neumožňuje vám přistupovat k souborům z webového rozhraní)",
"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Šifrování na straně serveru (umožňuje vám přistupovat k souborům pomocí webového rozhraní i aplikací)",
"None (no encryption at all)" => "Žádný (vůbec žádné šifrování)",
"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Důležité: jak si jednou vyberete režim šifrování nelze jej opětovně změnit",
"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Definován uživatelem (umožní uživateli si vybrat)",
"Encryption" => "Šifrování",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Při šifrování vynechat následující typy souborů",
"None" => "Žádné",
"Enable Encryption" => "Povolit šifrování"
"None" => "Žádné"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ekskluder følgende filtyper fra kryptering",
"None" => "Ingen",
"Enable Encryption" => "Aktivér kryptering"
"None" => "Ingen"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen von der Verschlüsselung ausnehmen",
"None" => "Keine",
"Enable Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung aktivieren"
"None" => "Keine"

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Choose encryption mode:" => "Wählen Sie die Verschlüsselungsart:",
"None (no encryption at all)" => "Keine (ohne Verschlüsselung)",
"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Benutzerspezifisch (der Benutzer kann entscheiden)",
"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen von der Verschlüsselung ausnehmen",
"None" => "Keine",
"Enable Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung aktivieren"
"None" => "Keine"

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Change encryption password to login password" => "Αλλαγή συνθηματικού κρυπτογράφησης στο συνθηματικό εισόδου ",
"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το συνθηματικό σας και προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Αδυναμία αλλαγής συνθηματικού κρυπτογράφησης αρχείων στο συνθηματικό εισόδου σας",
"Choose encryption mode:" => "Επιλογή κατάστασης κρυπτογράφησης:",
"Encryption" => "Κρυπτογράφηση",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Εξαίρεση των παρακάτω τύπων αρχείων από την κρυπτογράφηση",
"None" => "Καμία",
"Enable Encryption" => "Ενεργοποίηση Κρυπτογράφησης"
"None" => "Καμία"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Ĉifrado",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Malinkluzivigi la jenajn dosiertipojn el ĉifrado",
"None" => "Nenio",
"Enable Encryption" => "Kapabligi ĉifradon"
"None" => "Nenio"

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"switched to client side encryption" => "Cambiar a encriptación en lado cliente",
"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Por favor revise su contraseña e intentelo de nuevo.",
"Choose encryption mode:" => "Elegir el modo de encriptado:",
"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Excluir del cifrado los siguientes tipos de archivo",
"None" => "Ninguno",
"Enable Encryption" => "Habilitar cifrado"
"None" => "Ninguno"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Encriptación",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Exceptuar de la encriptación los siguientes tipos de archivo",
"None" => "Ninguno",
"Enable Encryption" => "Habilitar encriptación"
"None" => "Ninguno"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Krüpteerimine",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Järgnevaid failitüüpe ära krüpteeri",
"None" => "Pole",
"Enable Encryption" => "Luba krüpteerimine"
"None" => "Pole"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Enkriptazioa",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ez enkriptatu hurrengo fitxategi motak",
"None" => "Bat ere ez",
"Enable Encryption" => "Gaitu enkriptazioa"
"None" => "Bat ere ez"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "رمزگذاری",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "نادیده گرفتن فایل های زیر برای رمز گذاری",
"None" => "هیچکدام",
"Enable Encryption" => "فعال کردن رمزگذاری"
"None" => "هیچکدام"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Salaus",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Jätä seuraavat tiedostotyypit salaamatta",
"None" => "Ei mitään",
"Enable Encryption" => "Käytä salausta"
"None" => "Ei mitään"

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion." => "Veuillez vous connecter depuis votre client de synchronisation ownCloud et changer votre mot de passe de chiffrement pour finaliser la conversion.",
"switched to client side encryption" => "Mode de chiffrement changé en chiffrement côté client",
"Change encryption password to login password" => "Convertir le mot de passe de chiffrement en mot de passe de connexion",
"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Veuillez vérifier vos mots de passe et réessayer.",
"Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Impossible de convertir votre mot de passe de chiffrement en mot de passe de connexion",
"Choose encryption mode:" => "Choix du type de chiffrement :",
"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Chiffrement côté client (plus sécurisé, mais ne permet pas l'accès à vos données depuis l'interface web)",
"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Chiffrement côté serveur (vous permet d'accéder à vos fichiers depuis l'interface web et depuis le client de synchronisation)",
"None (no encryption at all)" => "Aucun (pas de chiffrement)",
"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Important : Une fois le mode de chiffrement choisi, il est impossible de revenir en arrière",
"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Propre à l'utilisateur (laisse le choix à l'utilisateur)",
"Encryption" => "Chiffrement",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ne pas chiffrer les fichiers dont les types sont les suivants",
"None" => "Aucun",
"Enable Encryption" => "Activer le chiffrement"
"None" => "Aucun"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Excluír os seguintes tipos de ficheiro do cifrado",
"None" => "Nada",
"Enable Encryption" => "Activar o cifrado"
"None" => "Nada"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "הצפנה",
"Enable Encryption" => "הפעל הצפנה",
"None" => "כלום",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "הוצא את סוגי הקבצים הבאים מהצפנה"
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "הוצא את סוגי הקבצים הבאים מהצפנה",
"None" => "כלום"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "Titkosítás",
"Enable Encryption" => "A titkosítás engedélyezése",
"None" => "Egyik sem",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "A következő fájltípusok kizárása a titkosításból"
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "A következő fájltípusok kizárása a titkosításból",
"None" => "Egyik sem"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
