@ -6,31 +6,38 @@ |
* See the COPYING-README file. |
*/ |
\OC_Util::checkLoggedIn(); |
error_log("get preview!"); |
if(!\OC_App::isEnabled('files_versions')){ |
exit; |
} |
$file = array_key_exists('file', $_GET) ? (string) urldecode($_GET['file']) : ''; |
$user = array_key_exists('user', $_GET) ? $_GET['user'] : ''; |
$maxX = array_key_exists('x', $_GET) ? (int) $_GET['x'] : 44; |
$maxY = array_key_exists('y', $_GET) ? (int) $_GET['y'] : 44; |
$version = array_key_exists('version', $_GET) ? $_GET['version'] : ''; |
$scalingUp = array_key_exists('scalingup', $_GET) ? (bool) $_GET['scalingup'] : true; |
if($user === '') { |
\OC_Response::setStatus(400); //400 Bad Request |
\OC_Log::write('versions-preview', 'No user parameter was passed', \OC_Log::DEBUG); |
exit; |
} |
if($file === '' && $version === '') { |
\OC_Response::setStatus(400); //400 Bad Request |
\OC_Log::write('core-preview', 'No file parameter was passed', \OC_Log::DEBUG); |
\OC_Log::write('versions-preview', 'No file parameter was passed', \OC_Log::DEBUG); |
exit; |
} |
if($maxX === 0 || $maxY === 0) { |
\OC_Response::setStatus(400); //400 Bad Request |
\OC_Log::write('core-preview', 'x and/or y set to 0', \OC_Log::DEBUG); |
\OC_Log::write('versions-preview', 'x and/or y set to 0', \OC_Log::DEBUG); |
exit; |
} |
try{ |
$preview = new \OC\Preview(\OC_User::getUser(), 'files_versions'); |
$preview = new \OC\Preview($user, 'files_versions'); |
$preview->setFile($file.'.v'.$version); |
$preview->setMaxX($maxX); |
$preview->setMaxY($maxY); |