LDAP: check for existing username from other backends when creating one for an LDAP user or group. Led also to some code cleanup. Fixes oc-1551 in master.
//a new user/group! Then let's try to add it. We're shooting into the blue with the user/group name, assuming that in most cases there will not be a conflict. Otherwise an error will occur and we will continue with our second shot.
//doh! There is a conflict. We need to distinguish between users/groups. Adding indexes is an idea, but not much of a help for the user. The DN is ugly, but for now the only reasonable way. But we transform it to a readable format and remove the first part to only give the path where this object is located.
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No or empty name for '.$ldapObject['dn'].', skipping.', \OCP\Util::INFO);
//a new group! Then let's try to add it. We're shooting into the blue with the group name, assuming that in most cases there will not be a conflict. But first make sure, that the display name contains only allowed characters.
//doh! There is a conflict. We need to distinguish between groups. Adding indexes is an idea, but not much of a help for the user. The DN is ugly, but for now the only reasonable way. But we transform it to a readable format and remove the first part to only give the path where this entry is located.