prepare server for move of property name "lastmodified" to "getlastmodified" according to RFC4918.

Depreciated const can be removed after sync client update and release
Björn Schießle 13 years ago
parent 0192d920f0
commit 50d7cfbbe7
  1. 10

@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
abstract class OC_Connector_Sabre_Node implements Sabre_DAV_INode, Sabre_DAV_IProperties {
const GETETAG_PROPERTYNAME = '{DAV:}getetag';
const LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME = '{DAV:}lastmodified';
const LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME_DEPRECIATED = '{DAV:}lastmodified'; // FIXME: keept for the transition period, can be removed for OC 4.5.1 if the sync client update too
const GETLASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME = '{DAV:}getlastmodified';
* The path to the current node
@ -150,8 +151,9 @@ abstract class OC_Connector_Sabre_Node implements Sabre_DAV_INode, Sabre_DAV_IPr
$query->execute( array( OC_User::getUser(), $this->path, $propertyName ));
else {
if( strcmp( $propertyName, self::LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME) === 0) {
else { //FIXME: first part of if statement can be removed together with the LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME_DEPRECIATED const for oc4.5.1 if the sync client was updated too
if( strcmp( $propertyName, self::LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME_DEPRECIATED) === 0 ||
strcmp( $propertyName, self::GETLASTMODIFIED_PROPERTYNAME) === 0 ) {
} else {
if(!array_key_exists( $propertyName, $existing )) {
