@ -178,6 +178,23 @@ if (!$_['internetconnectionworking']) { |
<label for="backgroundjobs_cron">Cron</label><br/> |
<em><?php p($l->t("Use systems cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes.")); ?></em>
</p> |
<?php if ($_['cron_log']): ?> |
<p> |
<?php if ($_['lastcron'] !== false): |
$human_time = date('Y-m-d H:i', $_['lastcron']) . " UTC"; |
if (time() - $_['lastcron'] <= 3600): ?> |
<span class="cronstatus success"></span> |
<?php p($l->t("Last cron was executed at %s.", array($human_time))); |
else: ?> |
<span class="cronstatus error"></span> |
<?php p($l->t("Last cron was executed at %s. This is more than an hour ago, something seems wrong.", array($human_time))); |
endif; |
else: ?> |
<span class="cronstatus error"></span> |
<?php p($l->t("Cron was not executed yet!")); |
endif; ?> |
</p> |
<?php endif; ?> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset class="personalblock" id="shareAPI"> |