LDAP: move Configuration out of Connection into class of its own. The new wizard requires it.

Arthur Schiwon 12 years ago
parent 02f292d0fd
commit 652caa1c88
  1. 2
  2. 352
  3. 598
  4. 3

@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ class Access extends LDAPUtility {
private function combineFilter($filters, $operator) {
$combinedFilter = '('.$operator;
foreach($filters as $filter) {
if($filter[0] !== '(') {
if(!empty($filter) && $filter[0] !== '(') {
$filter = '('.$filter.')';

@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
* ownCloud – LDAP Connection
* @author Arthur Schiwon
* @copyright 2012, 2013 Arthur Schiwon blizzz@owncloud.com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace OCA\user_ldap\lib;
class Configuration {
protected $configPrefix = null;
protected $configRead = false;
protected $config = array(
'ldapHost' => null,
'ldapPort' => null,
'ldapBackupHost' => null,
'ldapBackupPort' => null,
'ldapBase' => null,
'ldapBaseUsers' => null,
'ldapBaseGroups' => null,
'ldapAgentName' => null,
'ldapAgentPassword' => null,
'ldapTLS' => null,
'ldapNoCase' => null,
'turnOffCertCheck' => null,
'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => null,
'ldapUserDisplayName' => null,
'ldapUserFilter' => null,
'ldapGroupFilter' => null,
'ldapGroupDisplayName' => null,
'ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr' => null,
'ldapLoginFilter' => null,
'ldapQuotaAttribute' => null,
'ldapQuotaDefault' => null,
'ldapEmailAttribute' => null,
'ldapCacheTTL' => null,
'ldapUuidAttribute' => 'auto',
'ldapOverrideUuidAttribute' => null,
'ldapOverrideMainServer' => false,
'ldapConfigurationActive' => false,
'ldapAttributesForUserSearch' => null,
'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch' => null,
'homeFolderNamingRule' => null,
'hasPagedResultSupport' => false,
'ldapExpertUsernameAttr' => null,
'ldapExpertUUIDAttr' => null,
public function __construct($configPrefix, $autoread = true) {
$this->configPrefix = $configPrefix;
if($autoread) {
public function __get($name) {
if(isset($this->config[$name])) {
return $this->config[$name];
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->setConfiguration(array($name => $value));
public function getConfiguration() {
return $this->config;
* @brief set LDAP configuration with values delivered by an array, not read
* from configuration. It does not save the configuration! To do so, you
* must call saveConfiguration afterwards.
* @param $config array that holds the config parameters in an associated
* array
* @param &$applied optional; array where the set fields will be given to
* @return null
public function setConfiguration($config, &$applied = null) {
if(!is_array($config)) {
return false;
$cta = $this->getConfigTranslationArray();
foreach($config as $inputkey => $val) {
if(strpos($inputkey, '_') !== false && isset($cta[$inputkey])) {
$key = $cta[$inputkey];
} elseif(isset($this->config[$inputkey])) {
$key = $inputkey;
} else {
$setMethod = 'setValue';
switch($key) {
case 'homeFolderNamingRule':
if(!empty($val) && strpos($val, 'attr:') === false) {
$val = 'attr:'.$val;
case 'ldapBase':
case 'ldapBaseUsers':
case 'ldapBaseGroups':
case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch':
case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch':
$setMethod = 'setMultiLine';
$this->$setMethod($key, $val);
if(is_array($applied)) {
$applied[] = $inputkey;
public function readConfiguration() {
if(!$this->configRead && !is_null($this->configPrefix)) {
$cta = array_flip($this->getConfigTranslationArray());
foreach($this->config as $key => $val) {
// if($this->configPrefix == 's04') var_dump($key);
if(!isset($cta[$key])) {
//some are determined
$dbkey = $cta[$key];
// if($this->configPrefix == 's04') var_dump($dbkey);
switch($key) {
case 'ldapBase':
case 'ldapBaseUsers':
case 'ldapBaseGroups':
case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch':
case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch':
$readMethod = 'getMultiLine';
case 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules':
$readMethod = 'getSystemValue';
$dbkey = $key;
case 'ldapAgentPassword':
$readMethod = 'getPwd';
case 'ldapUserDisplayName':
case 'ldapGroupDisplayName':
$readMethod = 'getLcValue';
$readMethod = 'getValue';
// if($this->configPrefix == 's04') var_dump($readMethod);
$this->config[$key] = $this->$readMethod($dbkey);
$this->configRead = true;
if($this->configPrefix == 's03') {
// var_dump($this->config);
// die;
* @brief saves the current Configuration in the database
public function saveConfiguration() {
$cta = array_flip($this->getConfigTranslationArray());
foreach($this->config as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'ldapAgentPassword':
$value = base64_encode($value);
case 'ldapBase':
case 'ldapBaseUsers':
case 'ldapBaseGroups':
case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch':
case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch':
if(is_array($value)) {
$value = implode("\n", $value);
//following options are not stored but detected, skip them
case 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules':
case 'ldapOverrideUuidAttribute':
case 'hasPagedResultSupport':
continue 2;
if(is_null($value)) {
$value = '';
$this->saveValue($cta[$key], $value);
protected function getMultiLine($varname) {
$value = $this->getValue($varname);
if(empty($value)) {
$value = '';
} else {
$value = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $value);
return $value;
protected function setMultiLine($varname, $value) {
if(empty($value)) {
$value = '';
} else {
$value = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $value);
$this->setValue($varname, $value);
protected function getPwd($varname) {
return base64_decode($this->getValue($varname));
protected function getLcValue($varname) {
return mb_strtolower($this->getValue($varname), 'UTF-8');
protected function getSystemValue($varname) {
//FIXME: if another system value is added, softcode the default value
return \OCP\Config::getSystemValue($varname, false);
protected function getValue($varname) {
static $defaults;
if(is_null($defaults)) {
$defaults = $this->getDefaults();
// if($this->configPrefix == 's04') var_dump($this->configPrefix.$varname);
// if(0 == $this->configKeyToDBKey($varname)) {
// var_dump($varname);
// print("<pre>");
// debug_print_backtrace(); die;
// }
return \OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_ldap',
protected function setValue($varname, $value) {
$this->config[$varname] = $value;
protected function saveValue($varname, $value) {
return \OCP\Config::setAppValue('user_ldap',
* @returns an associative array with the default values. Keys are correspond
* to config-value entries in the database table
public function getDefaults() {
return array(
'ldap_host' => '',
'ldap_port' => '389',
'ldap_backup_host' => '',
'ldap_backup_port' => '',
'ldap_override_main_server' => '',
'ldap_dn' => '',
'ldap_agent_password' => '',
'ldap_base' => '',
'ldap_base_users' => '',
'ldap_base_groups' => '',
'ldap_userlist_filter' => 'objectClass=person',
'ldap_login_filter' => 'uid=%uid',
'ldap_group_filter' => 'objectClass=posixGroup',
'ldap_display_name' => 'cn',
'ldap_group_display_name' => 'cn',
'ldap_tls' => 1,
'ldap_nocase' => 0,
'ldap_quota_def' => '',
'ldap_quota_attr' => '',
'ldap_email_attr' => '',
'ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute' => 'uniqueMember',
'ldap_cache_ttl' => 600,
'ldap_uuid_attribute' => 'auto',
'ldap_override_uuid_attribute' => 0,
'home_folder_naming_rule' => '',
'ldap_turn_off_cert_check' => 0,
'ldap_configuration_active' => 1,
'ldap_attributes_for_user_search' => '',
'ldap_attributes_for_group_search' => '',
'ldap_expert_username_attr' => '',
'ldap_expert_uuid_attr' => '',
* @return returns an array that maps internal variable names to database fields
public function getConfigTranslationArray() {
//TODO: merge them into one representation
static $array = array(
'ldap_host' => 'ldapHost',
'ldap_port' => 'ldapPort',
'ldap_backup_host' => 'ldapBackupHost',
'ldap_backup_port' => 'ldapBackupPort',
'ldap_override_main_server' => 'ldapOverrideMainServer',
'ldap_dn' => 'ldapAgentName',
'ldap_agent_password' => 'ldapAgentPassword',
'ldap_base' => 'ldapBase',
'ldap_base_users' => 'ldapBaseUsers',
'ldap_base_groups' => 'ldapBaseGroups',
'ldap_userlist_filter' => 'ldapUserFilter',
'ldap_login_filter' => 'ldapLoginFilter',
'ldap_group_filter' => 'ldapGroupFilter',
'ldap_display_name' => 'ldapUserDisplayName',
'ldap_group_display_name' => 'ldapGroupDisplayName',
'ldap_tls' => 'ldapTLS',
'ldap_nocase' => 'ldapNoCase',
'ldap_quota_def' => 'ldapQuotaDefault',
'ldap_quota_attr' => 'ldapQuotaAttribute',
'ldap_email_attr' => 'ldapEmailAttribute',
'ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute' => 'ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr',
'ldap_cache_ttl' => 'ldapCacheTTL',
'home_folder_naming_rule' => 'homeFolderNamingRule',
'ldap_turn_off_cert_check' => 'turnOffCertCheck',
'ldap_configuration_active' => 'ldapConfigurationActive',
'ldap_attributes_for_user_search' => 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch',
'ldap_attributes_for_group_search' => 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch',
'ldap_expert_username_attr' => 'ldapExpertUsernameAttr',
'ldap_expert_uuid_attr' => 'ldapExpertUUIDAttr',
return $array;

@ -31,48 +31,15 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
//whether connection should be kept on __destruct
private $dontDestruct = false;
private $hasPagedResultSupport = true;
//cache handler
protected $cache;
protected $config = array(
'ldapHost' => null,
'ldapPort' => null,
'ldapBackupHost' => null,
'ldapBackupPort' => null,
'ldapBase' => null,
'ldapBaseUsers' => null,
'ldapBaseGroups' => null,
'ldapAgentName' => null,
'ldapAgentPassword' => null,
'ldapTLS' => null,
'ldapNoCase' => null,
'turnOffCertCheck' => null,
'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => null,
'ldapUserDisplayName' => null,
'ldapUserFilter' => null,
'ldapGroupFilter' => null,
'ldapGroupDisplayName' => null,
'ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr' => null,
'ldapLoginFilter' => null,
'ldapQuotaAttribute' => null,
'ldapQuotaDefault' => null,
'ldapEmailAttribute' => null,
'ldapCacheTTL' => null,
'ldapUuidUserAttribute' => 'auto',
//settings handler
protected $configuration;
'ldapUuidGroupAttribute' => 'auto',
'ldapOverrideUuidAttribute' => null,
'ldapOverrideMainServer' => false,
'ldapConfigurationActive' => false,
'ldapAttributesForUserSearch' => null,
'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch' => null,
'homeFolderNamingRule' => null,
'hasPagedResultSupport' => false,
'ldapExpertUsernameAttr' => null,
'ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr' => null,
'ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr' => null,
* @brief Constructor
@ -83,13 +50,14 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
$this->configPrefix = $configPrefix;
$this->configID = $configID;
$this->configuration = new Configuration($configPrefix);
$memcache = new \OC\Memcache\Factory();
if($memcache->isAvailable()) {
$this->cache = $memcache->create();
} else {
$this->cache = \OC_Cache::getGlobalCache();
$this->config['hasPagedResultSupport'] =
$this->hasPagedResultSupport =
@ -114,23 +82,21 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
if(isset($this->config[$name])) {
return $this->config[$name];
if($name === 'hasPagedResultSupport') {
return $this->hasPagedResultSupport;
return $this->configuration->$name;
public function __set($name, $value) {
$changed = false;
//only few options are writable
if($name === 'ldapUuidUserAttribute' || $name === 'ldapUuidGroupAttribute') {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Set config '.$name.' to '.$value, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
$this->config[$name] = $value;
$before = $this->configuration->$name;
$this->configuration->$name = $value;
$after = $this->configuration->$name;
if($before !== $after) {
if(!empty($this->configID)) {
\OCP\Config::setAppValue($this->configID, $this->configPrefix.$name, $value);
$changed = true;
if($changed) {
@ -174,7 +140,7 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
if(!$this->configured) {
if(!$this->config['ldapCacheTTL']) {
if(!$this->configuration->ldapCacheTTL) {
return null;
if(!$this->isCached($key)) {
@ -190,7 +156,7 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
if(!$this->configured) {
if(!$this->config['ldapCacheTTL']) {
if(!$this->configuration->ldapCacheTTL) {
return false;
$key = $this->getCacheKey($key);
@ -201,110 +167,30 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
if(!$this->configured) {
|| !$this->config['ldapConfigurationActive']) {
|| !$this->configuration->ldapConfigurationActive) {
return null;
$key = $this->getCacheKey($key);
$value = base64_encode(serialize($value));
$this->cache->set($key, $value, $this->config['ldapCacheTTL']);
$this->cache->set($key, $value, $this->configuration->ldapCacheTTL);
public function clearCache() {
private function getValue($varname) {
static $defaults;
if(is_null($defaults)) {
$defaults = $this->getDefaults();
return \OCP\Config::getAppValue($this->configID,
private function setValue($varname, $value) {
* Special handling for reading Base Configuration
* @param $base the internal name of the config key
* @param $value the value stored for the base
private function readBase($base, $value) {
if(empty($value)) {
$value = '';
} else {
$value = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $value);
$this->config[$base] = $value;
* Caches the general LDAP configuration.
* @brief Caches the general LDAP configuration.
* @param $force optional. true, if the re-read should be forced. defaults
* to false.
* @return null
private function readConfiguration($force = false) {
if((!$this->configured || $force) && !is_null($this->configID)) {
$v = 'getValue';
$this->config['ldapHost'] = $this->$v('ldap_host');
$this->config['ldapBackupHost'] = $this->$v('ldap_backup_host');
$this->config['ldapPort'] = $this->$v('ldap_port');
$this->config['ldapBackupPort'] = $this->$v('ldap_backup_port');
= $this->$v('ldap_override_main_server');
$this->config['ldapAgentName'] = $this->$v('ldap_dn');
= base64_decode($this->$v('ldap_agent_password'));
$this->readBase('ldapBase', $this->$v('ldap_base'));
$this->readBase('ldapBaseUsers', $this->$v('ldap_base_users'));
$this->readBase('ldapBaseGroups', $this->$v('ldap_base_groups'));
$this->config['ldapTLS'] = $this->$v('ldap_tls');
$this->config['ldapNoCase'] = $this->$v('ldap_nocase');
= $this->$v('ldap_turn_off_cert_check');
= mb_strtolower($this->$v('ldap_display_name'), 'UTF-8');
= $this->$v('ldap_userlist_filter');
$this->config['ldapGroupFilter'] = $this->$v('ldap_group_filter');
$this->config['ldapLoginFilter'] = $this->$v('ldap_login_filter');
= mb_strtolower($this->$v('ldap_group_display_name'), 'UTF-8');
= $this->$v('ldap_quota_attr');
= $this->$v('ldap_quota_def');
= $this->$v('ldap_email_attr');
= $this->$v('ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute');
= \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('ldapIgnoreNamingRules', false);
$this->config['ldapCacheTTL'] = $this->$v('ldap_cache_ttl');
= $this->$v('ldap_uuid_user_attribute');
= $this->$v('ldap_uuid_group_attribute');
= $this->$v('ldap_override_uuid_attribute');
= $this->$v('home_folder_naming_rule');
= $this->$v('ldap_configuration_active');
= preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $this->$v('ldap_attributes_for_user_search'));
= preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $this->$v('ldap_attributes_for_group_search'));
= $this->$v('ldap_expert_username_attr');
= $this->$v('ldap_expert_uuid_user_attr');
= $this->$v('ldap_expert_uuid_group_attr');
@ -313,124 +199,32 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
* @return returns an array that maps internal variable names to database fields
private function getConfigTranslationArray() {
static $array = array(
'ldap_override_main_server' => 'ldapOverrideMainServer',
'home_folder_naming_rule' => 'homeFolderNamingRule',
'ldap_turn_off_cert_check' => 'turnOffCertCheck',
'ldap_configuration_active' => 'ldapConfigurationActive',
'ldap_attributes_for_user_search' => 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch',
'ldap_attributes_for_group_search' => 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch',
'ldap_expert_username_attr' => 'ldapExpertUsernameAttr',
'ldap_expert_uuid_user_attr' => 'ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr',
'ldap_expert_uuid_group_attr' => 'ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr',
return $array;
* @brief set LDAP configuration with values delivered by an array, not read from configuration
* @param $config array that holds the config parameters in an associated array
* @param &$setParameters optional; array where the set fields will be given to
* @return true if config validates, false otherwise. Check with $setParameters for detailed success on single parameters
public function setConfiguration($config, &$setParameters = null) {
if(!is_array($config)) {
return false;
if(is_null($setParameters)) {
$setParameters = array();
$params = $this->getConfigTranslationArray();
foreach($config as $parameter => $value) {
if(($parameter === 'homeFolderNamingRule'
|| (isset($params[$parameter])
&& $params[$parameter] === 'homeFolderNamingRule'))
&& !empty($value)) {
$value = 'attr:'.$value;
} else if (strpos($parameter, 'ldapBase') !== false
|| (isset($params[$parameter])
&& strpos($params[$parameter], 'ldapBase') !== false)) {
$this->readBase($params[$parameter], $value);
if(is_array($setParameters)) {
$setParameters[] = $parameter;
if(isset($this->config[$parameter])) {
$this->config[$parameter] = $value;
if(is_array($setParameters)) {
$setParameters[] = $parameter;
} else if(isset($params[$parameter])) {
$this->config[$params[$parameter]] = $value;
if(is_array($setParameters)) {
$setParameters[] = $params[$parameter];
$this->configuration->setConfiguration($config, $setParameters);
if(count($setParameters) > 0) {
$this->configured = $this->validateConfiguration();
$this->configured = $this->validateConfiguration();
return $this->configured;
* @brief saves the current Configuration in the database
* @brief saves the current Configuration in the database and empties the
* cache
* @return null
public function saveConfiguration() {
$trans = array_flip($this->getConfigTranslationArray());
foreach($this->config as $key => $value) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'LDAP: storing key '.$key.
' value '.print_r($value, true), \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
switch ($key) {
case 'ldapAgentPassword':
$value = base64_encode($value);
case 'ldapBase':
case 'ldapBaseUsers':
case 'ldapBaseGroups':
case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch':
case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch':
if(is_array($value)) {
$value = implode("\n", $value);
case 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules':
case 'ldapOverrideUuidAttribute':
case 'ldapUuidUserAttribute':
case 'ldapUuidGroupAttribute':
case 'hasPagedResultSupport':
continue 2;
if(is_null($value)) {
$value = '';
$this->setValue($trans[$key], $value);
@ -440,191 +234,205 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
public function getConfiguration() {
$trans = $this->getConfigTranslationArray();
$config = array();
foreach($trans as $dbKey => $classKey) {
if($classKey === 'homeFolderNamingRule') {
if(strpos($this->config[$classKey], 'attr:') === 0) {
$config[$dbKey] = substr($this->config[$classKey], 5);
} else {
$config[$dbKey] = '';
} else if((strpos($classKey, 'ldapBase') !== false
|| strpos($classKey, 'ldapAttributes') !== false)
&& is_array($this->config[$classKey])) {
$config[$dbKey] = implode("\n", $this->config[$classKey]);
$config = $this->configuration->getConfiguration();
$cta = $this->configuration->getConfigTranslationArray();
$result = array();
foreach($cta as $dbkey => $configkey) {
switch($configkey) {
case 'homeFolderNamingRule':
if(strpos($config[$configkey], 'attr:') === 0) {
$result[$dbkey] = substr($config[$configkey], 5);
} else {
$result[$dbkey] = '';
case 'ldapBase':
case 'ldapBaseUsers':
case 'ldapBaseGroups':
case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch':
case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch':
if(is_array($config[$configkey])) {
$result[$dbkey] = implode("\n", $config[$configkey]);
} //else follows default
$result[$dbkey] = $config[$configkey];
$config[$dbKey] = $this->config[$classKey];
return $config;
return $result;
* @brief Validates the user specified configuration
* @returns true if configuration seems OK, false otherwise
private function validateConfiguration() {
// first step: "soft" checks: settings that are not really
// necessary, but advisable. If left empty, give an info message
if(empty($this->config['ldapBaseUsers'])) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Base tree for Users is empty, using Base DN', \OCP\Util::INFO);
$this->config['ldapBaseUsers'] = $this->config['ldapBase'];
if(empty($this->config['ldapBaseGroups'])) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Base tree for Groups is empty, using Base DN', \OCP\Util::INFO);
$this->config['ldapBaseGroups'] = $this->config['ldapBase'];
//TODO remove if not necessary
// public function getDefaults() {
// return $this->configuration->getDefaults();
// }
private function doSoftValidation() {
//if User or Group Base are not set, take over Base DN setting
foreach(array('ldapBaseUsers', 'ldapBaseGroups') as $keyBase) {
$val = $this->configuration->$keyBase;
if(empty($val)) {
$obj = strpos('Users', $keyBase) !== false ? 'Users' : 'Groups';
'Base tree for '.$obj.
' is empty, using Base DN',
$this->configuration->$keyBase = $this->configuration->ldapBase;
if(empty($this->config['ldapGroupFilter']) && empty($this->config['ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr'])) {
$groupFilter = $this->configuration->ldapGroupFilter;
if(empty($groupFilter)) {
'No group filter is specified, LDAP group feature will not be used.',
$uuidAttributes = array(
'auto', 'entryuuid', 'nsuniqueid', 'objectguid', 'guid');
$uuidSettings = array(
'ldapUuidUserAttribute' => 'ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr',
'ldapUuidGroupAttribute' => 'ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr');
$cta = array_flip($this->getConfigTranslationArray());
foreach($uuidSettings as $defaultKey => $overrideKey) {
if( !in_array($this->config[$defaultKey], $uuidAttributes)
&& is_null($this->config[$overrideKey])
&& !is_null($this->configID)) {
'No group filter is specified, LDAP group '.
'feature will not be used.',
$uuidOverride = $this->configuration->ldapExpertUUIDAttr;
if(!empty($uuidOverride)) {
$this->configuration->ldapUuidAttribute = $uuidOverride;
} else {
$uuidAttributes = array('auto', 'entryuuid', 'nsuniqueid',
'objectguid', 'guid');
&& (!is_null($this->configID))) {
$this->configuration->ldapUuidAttribute = 'auto';
'Illegal value for'.$defaultKey.', reset to autodetect.',
'Illegal value for the UUID Attribute, '.
'reset to autodetect.',
if(empty($this->config['ldapBackupPort'])) {
//force default
$this->config['ldapBackupPort'] = $this->config['ldapPort'];
$backupPort = $this->configuration->ldapBackupPort;
if(empty($backupPort)) {
$this->configuration->backupPort = $this->configuration->ldapPort;
foreach(array('ldapAttributesForUserSearch', 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch') as $key) {
&& count($this->config[$key]) === 1
&& empty($this->config[$key][0])) {
$this->config[$key] = array();
//make sure empty search attributes are saved as simple, empty array
$sakeys = array('ldapAttributesForUserSearch',
foreach($sakeys as $key) {
$val = $this->configuration->$key;
if(is_array($val) && count($val) === 1 && empty($val[0])) {
$this->configuration->$key = array();
if((strpos($this->config['ldapHost'], 'ldaps') === 0)
&& $this->config['ldapTLS']) {
$this->config['ldapTLS'] = false;
if((stripos($this->configuration->ldapHost, 'ldaps://') === 0)
&& $this->configuration->ldapTLS) {
$this->configuration->ldapTLS = false;
'LDAPS (already using secure connection) and TLS do not work together. Switched off TLS.',
'LDAPS (already using secure connection) and '.
'TLS do not work together. Switched off TLS.',
//second step: critical checks. If left empty or filled wrong, set as unconfigured and give a warning.
private function doCriticalValidation() {
$configurationOK = true;
if(empty($this->config['ldapHost'])) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No LDAP host given, won`t connect.', \OCP\Util::WARN);
$configurationOK = false;
if(empty($this->config['ldapPort'])) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No LDAP Port given, won`t connect.', \OCP\Util::WARN);
$configurationOK = false;
if((empty($this->config['ldapAgentName']) && !empty($this->config['ldapAgentPassword']))
|| (!empty($this->config['ldapAgentName']) && empty($this->config['ldapAgentPassword']))) {
'Either no password given for the user agent or a password is given, but no LDAP agent; won`t connect.',
$configurationOK = false;
//TODO: check if ldapAgentName is in DN form
&& (empty($this->config['ldapBaseUsers'])
&& empty($this->config['ldapBaseGroups']))) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No Base DN given, won`t connect.', \OCP\Util::WARN);
$configurationOK = false;
$errorStr = 'Configuration Error (prefix '.
strval($this->configPrefix).'): ';
//options that shall not be empty
$options = array('ldapHost', 'ldapPort', 'ldapUserDisplayName',
'ldapGroupDisplayName', 'ldapLoginFilter');
foreach($options as $key) {
$val = $this->configuration->$key;
if(empty($val)) {
switch($key) {
case 'ldapHost':
$subj = 'LDAP Host';
case 'ldapPort':
$subj = 'LDAP Port';
case 'ldapUserDisplayName':
$subj = 'LDAP User Display Name';
case 'ldapGroupDisplayName':
$subj = 'LDAP Group Display Name';
case 'ldapLoginFilter':
$subj = 'LDAP Login Filter';
$subj = $key;
$configurationOK = false;
$errorStr.'No '.$subj.' given!',
if(empty($this->config['ldapUserDisplayName'])) {
$agent = $this->configuration->ldapAgentName;
$pwd = $this->configuration->ldapAgentPassword;
if((empty($agent) && !empty($pwd)) || (!empty($agent) && empty($pwd))) {
'No user display name attribute specified, won`t connect.',
$errorStr.'either no password is given for the'.
'user agent or a password is given, but not an'.
'LDAP agent.',
$configurationOK = false;
if(empty($this->config['ldapGroupDisplayName'])) {
$base = $this->configuration->ldapBase;
$baseUsers = $this->configuration->ldapBaseUsers;
$baseGroups = $this->configuration->ldapBaseGroups;
if(empty($base) && empty($baseUsers) && empty($baseGroups)) {
'No group display name attribute specified, won`t connect.',
$errorStr.'Not a single Base DN given.',
$configurationOK = false;
if(empty($this->config['ldapLoginFilter'])) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'No login filter specified, won`t connect.', \OCP\Util::WARN);
$configurationOK = false;
if(mb_strpos($this->config['ldapLoginFilter'], '%uid', 0, 'UTF-8') === false) {
if(mb_strpos($this->configuration->ldapLoginFilter, '%uid', 0, 'UTF-8')
=== false) {
'Login filter does not contain %uid place holder, won`t connect.',
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Login filter was ' . $this->config['ldapLoginFilter'], \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
$errorStr.'login filter does not contain %uid '.
'place holder.',
$configurationOK = false;
if(!empty($this->config['ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr'])) {
$this->config['ldapUuidUserAttribute'] = $this->config['ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr'];
if(!empty($this->config['ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr'])) {
$this->config['ldapUuidGroupAttribute'] = $this->config['ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr'];
return $configurationOK;
* @returns an associative array with the default values. Keys are correspond
* to config-value entries in the database table
* @brief Validates the user specified configuration
* @returns true if configuration seems OK, false otherwise
static public function getDefaults() {
return array(
'ldap_host' => '',
'ldap_port' => '389',
'ldap_backup_host' => '',
'ldap_backup_port' => '',
'ldap_override_main_server' => '',
'ldap_dn' => '',
'ldap_agent_password' => '',
'ldap_base' => '',
'ldap_base_users' => '',
'ldap_base_groups' => '',
'ldap_userlist_filter' => 'objectClass=person',
'ldap_login_filter' => 'uid=%uid',
'ldap_group_filter' => 'objectClass=posixGroup',
'ldap_display_name' => 'cn',
'ldap_group_display_name' => 'cn',
'ldap_tls' => 1,
'ldap_nocase' => 0,
'ldap_quota_def' => '',
'ldap_quota_attr' => '',
'ldap_email_attr' => '',
'ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute' => 'uniqueMember',
'ldap_cache_ttl' => 600,
'ldap_uuid_user_attribute' => 'auto',
private function validateConfiguration() {
// first step: "soft" checks: settings that are not really
// necessary, but advisable. If left empty, give an info message
//second step: critical checks. If left empty or filled wrong, set as
//unconfigured and give a warning.
return $this->doCriticalValidation();
'ldap_uuid_group_attribute' => 'auto',
'ldap_override_uuid_attribute' => 0,
'home_folder_naming_rule' => '',
'ldap_turn_off_cert_check' => 0,
'ldap_configuration_active' => 1,
'ldap_attributes_for_user_search' => '',
'ldap_attributes_for_group_search' => '',
'ldap_expert_username_attr' => '',
'ldap_expert_uuid_user_attr' => '',
'ldap_expert_uuid_group_attr' => '',
* Connects and Binds to LDAP
private function establishConnection() {
if(!$this->config['ldapConfigurationActive']) {
if(!$this->configuration->ldapConfigurationActive) {
return null;
static $phpLDAPinstalled = true;
@ -632,29 +440,36 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
return false;
if(!$this->configured) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Configuration is invalid, cannot connect', \OCP\Util::WARN);
'Configuration is invalid, cannot connect',
return false;
if(!$this->ldapConnectionRes) {
if(!$this->ldap->areLDAPFunctionsAvailable()) {
$phpLDAPinstalled = false;
'function ldap_connect is not available. Make sure that the PHP ldap module is installed.',
'function ldap_connect is not available. Make '.
'sure that the PHP ldap module is installed.',
return false;
if($this->config['turnOffCertCheck']) {
if($this->configuration->turnOffCertCheck) {
if(putenv('LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never')) {
'Turned off SSL certificate validation successfully.',
} else {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Could not turn off SSL certificate validation.', \OCP\Util::WARN);
'Could not turn off SSL certificate validation.',
if(!$this->config['ldapOverrideMainServer'] && !$this->getFromCache('overrideMainServer')) {
$this->doConnect($this->config['ldapHost'], $this->config['ldapPort']);
&& !$this->getFromCache('overrideMainServer')) {
$bindStatus = $this->bind();
$error = $this->ldap->isResource($this->ldapConnectionRes) ?
$this->ldap->errno($this->ldapConnectionRes) : -1;
@ -665,9 +480,10 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
//if LDAP server is not reachable, try the Backup (Replica!) Server
if((!$bindStatus && ($error !== 0))
|| $this->config['ldapOverrideMainServer']
|| $this->configuration->ldapOverrideMainServer
|| $this->getFromCache('overrideMainServer')) {
$this->doConnect($this->config['ldapBackupHost'], $this->config['ldapBackupPort']);
$bindStatus = $this->bind();
if(!$bindStatus && $error === -1) {
//when bind to backup server succeeded and failed to main server,
@ -690,7 +506,7 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
$this->ldapConnectionRes = $this->ldap->connect($host, $port);
if($this->ldap->setOption($this->ldapConnectionRes, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) {
if($this->ldap->setOption($this->ldapConnectionRes, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0)) {
if($this->config['ldapTLS']) {
if($this->configuration->ldapTLS) {
@ -702,7 +518,7 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
public function bind() {
static $getConnectionResourceAttempt = false;
if(!$this->config['ldapConfigurationActive']) {
if(!$this->configuration->ldapConfigurationActive) {
return false;
if($getConnectionResourceAttempt) {
@ -716,8 +532,8 @@ class Connection extends LDAPUtility {
return false;
$ldapLogin = @$this->ldap->bind($cr,
if(!$ldapLogin) {
'Bind failed: ' . $this->ldap->errno($cr) . ': ' . $this->ldap->error($cr),

@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ $tmpl->assign('serverConfigurationPrefixes', $prefixes);
$tmpl->assign('serverConfigurationHosts', $hosts);
// assign default values
$defaults = \OCA\user_ldap\lib\Connection::getDefaults();
$config = new \OCA\user_ldap\lib\Configuration('', false);
$defaults = $config->getDefaults();
foreach($defaults as $key => $default) {
$tmpl->assign($key.'_default', $default);
